PlanetSide 2 - (Craig Pearson)

Nice helmet. 2013 was the beginning of the end for PlanetSide 2. Before then, it was everything we’d dreamed of: a constant, continual laser meatgrind. It never ended, and we never wanted it to. You ever found a purpose in life? Ours was to spot and kill anyone not in purple. It was glorious. War squared. Then the Player Studio opened up, enabling the players to redesign game elements and sell them in the store. It was the helmets that became our undoing. Ever tried to shoot a man in the face when he’s wearing a grey helmet with a love heart on it? It changes you, man. We laid down arms. We’d all take long walks together. Vanu, NC, even those grumpy Terrans, gathering and watching the sun dip over the edge of Auraxis. That was the end of war. (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

Planetside 2 has three giant battle-continents so far: vanilla continent, frosted-icing continent, and biscuit continent. Soon, though, they’re going to change things up a bit for some jungle/swamp continent. That one’s called Hossin, and SOE have been teasing its flooded, leafy wonders for some time now. It looks like this might play a little differently to the standard flavours, as you can see in a video below. (What’s with the crazy laser canopies?)

Will it have snakes? Apparently not. That seems like a shame. Everyone likes snakes. (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

And we want everyone to be there. Planetside 2 is free, so there’s no excuse. The honour of our internet is at stake: we will be taking on the PC Gamer outfit in a battle to the warpgate. Forum details over here. We need as many folks online as possible. You will need Mumble installed and set up to get in on the action.

PlanetSide 2 - (Craig Pearson)

The only buffs I want to see are helmet polishersThe news that Planetside 2 was about to introduce Implants slid past me, like a stealthy and handsome Vanu sniper. The time-limited buffs would have slipped into a new loadout slot, enabling non-class based powers for a brief time. They could be bought with both Station Cash and certs, which is where the problem lies. Lets take a look at one of the powers that SOE had planned to implement, that anyone could buy: “Enhanced Targeting – Enables an enhanced targeting HUD that displays the health of any spotted enemy that you target; it also increases the range of the IFF system from 8 meters to 25 meters”. Other buffs included auto-spotting enemies that damage you, and being hidden from enemy sensors. WHAT? People can buy that? Luckily, that was the same reaction that a lot of the community had, and Sony heard their outcries. The Implants have been yoinked from the next update. (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

The evil empire has risen once again, and must be crushed under the magnificence of our all-encompassing purpleness! Yes, Chris from PC Gamer threw down the gauntlet and told me to “bring it on” and “put my Station cash where my air-filter DLC is”. Something like that, anyway. The point is: you are all contractually obligated to appear in Planetside 2 on the 21st of July. Since it’s free to play, you have no excuse. No, not even that.

Same drill as usual: it’ll be from 7pm UK on Miller. To the forums!

PlanetSide 2 - (Craig Pearson)


Auraxis has fallen into night. We are Vanu (All hail Vanu), a small group of us are purplishly sneaking through the bracken. The New Conglomerate base is quiet, with all the meatbags snoring arrogantly, believing in their dominance. Never believe the map! Us Vanu, handsomest and best of all the races and cloaked in the night’s purple hue, approach. The quiet is deafening, the darkness near complete. Only the glow of war on the horizon flickers. We freeze: I spy a lone guard patrolling on the edge of the Amp station. The fools! I can destroy their defenses with a well-placed bullet. I steady my aim and fire.


And that’s why I shouldn’t be allowed to buy Planetside 2‘s firework gun. (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Craig Pearson)

I'd have called it 'Nap Island' and covered it in beds.Like Snake Island, Pulsing Wart Peninsula, and Angry Infected Monkey Lake, I can’t help but feel that PlanetSide 2′s upcoming Battle Islands have had their fate decided for them. You know what you’re getting into when you visit Snake Island, and the same goes for the newest chunks of Auraxis. The Battle Islands have twin purposes: giving the game smaller maps that are separated from the larger continents for e-sports purposes, for events and the like, but for the live game they’ll also act as mid-point maps that link the continents together. The name that’s been given to this first lovely, foresty chunk of land: Nexus. Want to see it in action? (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Craig Pearson)

The mission: come get somePlanetside 2′s missions are pretty general. They’re mostly focused around the push and pull of attack and defense at specific spots on the map. That’s fine for just getting teams to fight each other, but it doesn’t take advantage of Auraxis. All those valleys and mountains, all the connecting roads, all that space can feel unused. While there’s probably an argument to be made for letting the game generate smaller missions for people to take part in away from the larger territory control meta-game, SOE are doing it differently: soon they’ll allowing players to request support via player-generated missions, mini-alerts that will create hotspots on the map for players to drop into. (more…)

PlanetSide 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

So it turns out a big bunch of the RPS Giraffe-based Planetside 2 outfit are here at Rezzed, and tomorrow they’re all going to be playing the game from the show from 1pm. We need you to come and fight with an against them, as onlookers gawp at their plasma-toting prowess. Jump in tomorrow afternoon and give them hell/heals.


PlanetSide 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

A last-minute addition to the Rezzed 2013 line-up will be my current favourite game, Planetside 2! I’m sure there will be plenty of our determined PS2 players there, and if you haven’t tried it yet, you’ll be able to sit down and have a go. We also have word that the developer sessions, which include things such as Chris Avellone mud-wrestling with Ragnar Tornquist (I can dream), will be streamed online via the Eurogamer YouTube channel. So even if you can’t make it, you can feel like you are (in some weird, solitary way) part of the party.

Speaking of parties – Rezzed attendees please note Saturday night drinks. See you there.
