Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! This patch took some time because we also started the integration of the gamepad (and it's not easy, and it will still take some time) and we are also working on a new class that will arrive soon with another patch!

Changelog 0.13.5 Adds - A complete game tutorial with videos (F1), totally customisable/moddable - New chicken feeder with possibility to use soulgems inside - Hapiness, food and energy bar added to tamed chickens/cows - NPC's stations interface has been completely redone Changes - Improved performances of the windows build by 60% (moved from 32 bits to 64 bits) - Smith: chances to get a Red item increased from 0.38% to 1.57% - Sacrifice souls are visible if the player don't have any buff/debuff icon - Dead chickens/cows associated to a feeder will not be lost Fix: - NPC pathfinding - NPC are not sync on multiplayer - Smith: rarity factor increased from 1.5 to 1.9 - Guns and scepters are invisible - Chicken and cow are associated to mangers multiple times - Belts don't update correctly the cogs connections - Runes malus is not visible on armors - Some UI crashes - Refactor of entities game code to remove some random crashes Notes: - In multiplayer, the tutorial will automatically close if you take damages - The windows version is now in 64bits and is compiled with the Cygwin toolchain (required for the theora dependancies) - 32 bits builds will not be included until the final release of the game - Added a global game event manager, used atm only to unlock tutorial entries - Many parts of the engine have been refactored to cleanup/fix bugs/add new features

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! Another new class, The breaker! (Iron armor)

1 - Eviction "Project enemies and the Spike Ball straight ahead, but contact damage is capped at 50%"

2 - Spike Ball "Spawn a spike ball that you can project on monsters to inflict damages. It's level is equal to 35% of Max HP."

3 - Hammer Throw "Throw an iron hammer that comes back like a boomerang. It's level is equal to 25% of Max HP."

And here the skills linked to the hammer itself !

Changelog Adds: - New weapon type: the hammer (blunt damages), with 3 upgradable skills: - Hit Down - Project Up - Spin - Entities projected by the hammer will inflict contact damage to monsters. - New class (iron) with 4 skills: - Hammer Throw - Spike Ball - Projection Buff - Eviction - 8 tiers of craftable hammers from wood to gold - new command for building mode: /tooltip item_index It exports an image of the specified item's tooltip Internal: - Refactoring of the rendering engine to lighten the game code - Added a wiki generator to create wiki pages automatically for monsters, crafts... - Added unit tests for inventory and item classes Notes: - The hammer can project monsters with a normal blow, depending on the weapon's tier. - When jumping, the normal hit can project the falling monsters and they will inflict damage when they come in contact with other monsters. It is possible to control the direction of this projection using the movement keys. - Contact damages are proportional to the Max HP stat of the projected monster

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Jan 17, 2022
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Sorry for the lack of content but it was important to fix a lot of bugs first but cheer up! You will have a little surprise in the next patch!

- Sword element skills added description
- Added mana regen on many food
- Snow repty reworked loot tables
- Snow slime reworked loot tables

- Necklace attributes disappear after using a rarity reroll currency
- Currencies: rerolling 'Void' effect freeze the game
- Keybinding key order of movement keys
- Electric boomerang: unable to ascend
- Electric boomerang: one effect is 'Void' instead of 'Chance to electrify'
- Monk (rapier) getup animation bug (sprite -1 not found)

Multiplayer Fix
- Pickaxe bug in multiplayer
- Players don't absorb HP/SP/MP orbs
- Soul magnet skill is never disabled when used
- Fast run gfx never end for other players when the skill is used once
- Soul harvester and soul crystallizer are not sync when you place an item inside
- Soul crystallizer craft is not sync
- Soul dispensers are not sync
- Clients can lose souls in soul thiefs and detectors
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! Another new class, the weapon master! (Copper armor) A class whose skills will allow you to use several weapons without having to change them manually (bow, boomerang, sword...) and which will allow you to throw knives at high speed! (the power of the weapons and their type as the range of knives will increase according to the level of your class)

2 - Throwing knives

Changelog Adds: - New class: The weapon master (copper) with 4 skills - Ability to use a bow even if you don't have the object or arrows - Same for boomerang - Throwing knife (Deals 2x more damage if the target is not on the ground) - Project Up Bow, boomerang and throwing knife scales with the armor set level. Changes: - game engine support backwall 'ores'

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! Another new class, the defender! (bronze armor) A class with great survivability that will make you an invincible wall!

1 - Boar's blessing "Grants life bonus and life regeneration"

2 - Boar's Impact "Dash and project monsters"

3 - Defender's Burst "Each hit you take or inflict charges the gauge which will define the power and the radius of the blow. DMG dealt by this skill is increased by 3% of Max HP."

4 - Absolute Barrier "Grants an invincibility shield for 2 sec. The shield breaks on hit."

Changelog Adds: - New class: Defender (bronze armor), with 4 new skills: - Boar's Impact - Absolute Barrier - Defender's Burst - Boar's Blessing - More graphics options for lighting / shadows Changes: - OpenGL version displayed on the titlescreen - glsl_120 or glsl_140 shaders are automatically selected depending on OpenGL version - You can force glsl version 120 in config.ini with 'force_glsl120=true' in graphics - Added an option to change the target type of a monster in config files Fix: - Some blocks are transparent to directional lights - The crystal don't regen your life if a wisp is near - Grenades velocity problem in multiplayer

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! A new utility class, the miner! (tin armor), Directional lights helmet, glowing sticks, sonar, explosive & throwing pickaxe skills! The patch took a little time because the light engine had to be partially redone to optimize the directional light level resources & Oni had to redesign the particle engine in anticipation of future needs for new bosses and functions.

Changelog Adds: - New class: the miner (tin armor), with 4 skills and a mining speed bonus: - sonar - Glowing sticks - Pickaxe throwing - explosive pickaxe - Upgrades of the lighting engine - directional lights - a light pass to amplify the lights on precise areas (can be disabled in config.ini) - A directional light is associated to the miner helmet (works also on the vanilla slot) - Particles: hot reload is now supported for configuration files (F11) Changes: - Killing enemies provide exp to armor pieces - Water is more transparent Engine: - Internal rework of the lighting engine. Shadows use half vram. - Better control on the shadow buffer, with possibility to create lights of specific shapes. - Rework of the particle engine: - optimized particles creation from O(n) to O(1) - ability to create "parent" particles in moddable files so we can use the same shape for different particles without duplicate texture. - new particle emitters options in config files - Complete refactoring of old hardcoded particles, now using config files

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! The patch took some time because, aside a lot of fixes and new little content like the armors leveling, it was necessary to add all the code necessary for the elaboration of the classes in general (the way skills are managed, displayed etc...) in short, the new classes will be much faster to create now!

Our first class! The Abyssal hunter! (4 unique skills!) it's a mid-end game armor you can have by killing a boss that former players already know (new bosses are planned ofc, a lot).

Changelog Adds: - The first class, Abyssal hunter! (Know as Dark armor before). Skills : Abyssal Mark/Arrow/Mine/Veil - Abyssal hunter full set bonus: extra jump, convert some hp to mp - Directional dash : horizontal, vertical, diagonal (a dash that will be executed in the same angle from where the mouse cursor is positioned will be added later.) - Armors leveling - Full armor set gives now unique skills, magnet (attract souls and drops) and fast run - Mana gauge - Mana gems, mana dust, mana potions - New potions: stamina bonus - HP/MP/SP orbs - Agriculture upgrade: use the spade on dirt to improve the soil - Agriculture upgrade: use wood fences to increase plant growth rate Changes: - New hotbar with two skills slots assigned to Q/E keys - New directional dash, requires only one key + direction, ability to do diagonal/vertical dash - Spells, scepters and invocations uses mana instead of stamina - Ability to disable any skill in the skill menu with right click - Dark armor gives mana instead of stamina - Killing enemies drops hp/sp/mp orbs - Reworked food craft ingredients order (by rank) - Added missing food ingredients as dimensional breach drops - Added rarity information on food - Craft result count is reset to 1 when selecting another recipe - Recycling is disabled if there are not enough items to generate at least one currency - Monsters effects are now configurable in moddable files - Fireballs and other effects disabled on all wisps/chickens - Reduced putrid altar craft to 1 zombie mask - Changed values of LifeBonus, low level effect are more effective - Chinese translation updated, thanks to Dynes - Japanese translation updated, thanks to お~るげーむず(仮)Alis Fix: - Items tooltips can exceed the screen vertically - Recycler can recycle non weapon/equipable items like decorations - Fixed recycler item filtering - weapons with no rune slot get 1 slot after reloading the game - Helmets don't have any rune slot - Rain don't affect plant growth rate (it should double the speed) - Craft: ingredients are not highlited one by one if you can't craft the final item - Craft: red stars are not displayed on food - Fixed locked bow animation (unable to use secondary item) - Slowing effects on monsters (like frozen) don't work - Translations: font generation for the titlescreen is semi-broken - Some skills previews don't do a full combo, sword don't inflict base damages - Copper sword from the tutorial don't inflict damages

That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! Little patch, images will be more evocative than words :

Before :

Now :

And this new IU is valid for all items, from simple eggs to runes! We have done our best to condense the maximum amount of information into a minimum amount of space with a clear and readable visual approach and we hope it will suit you!

Also, it's not yet added in the game but Oni finished the code to create the future dynamic progress tree which will allow you to have a better visibility of your progress in the game!

You can have more information about the technical part here :

We also work on classes. By this we mean that a combination of armor and potentially special weapons will allow you to obtain unique abilities that will allow you to become an archer, a mage, a priest, a berserker etc... In the long run, we want to give players the possibility to better specialize in order to allow them to play the gameplay that suits them and form complementary groups in multiplayer. We will soon begin the integration of new content, new events, new bosses, new armors, new weapons, new abilities!

Thank you for your support and have a nice week!

Aug 1, 2021
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Since the last patch we updated twice the game to fixes the following bugs , take note that the second patch was released minutes ago. Sorry about that and have a good sunday!

Fix: - boomerangs can't get exp from kills - crafted weapons experience is not set to the associated level - phenix sword level up - swords damages translations problem - skin Centauri95 cause crash - some equipment effects are not displayed on tooltips - crafted helmets slots are random between 0 and 1 - japanese/chinese/korean cause crash - elemental damages cause crash on tooltips (boomerangs crash on chests) - some boomerangs tooltips cause crash Adds: - added levels/exp informations on the leveling ui Changes: - updated file structure of helmets config files
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! The new update introduces weapon leveling (for swords, bommerangs and bows).
Like pets, your swords can gain exp by killing monsters, but also receive exp through upgrade crystals.
Ascension allows you to unlock up to 7 tiers of levels for your weapons (1-10, 10-20, etc..), but requires materials found on bosses, and souls.
With this new system, all weapons, even low tier ones, can be usefull at the end of the game.
Now many weapon have also a main stat, which scale with the level.

New update also introduce the first boss, present near the surface in caves, stats increase of pets, and few new boomerangs.
One of them is hidden on the surface near the spawn, another can be crafted from wisp dust and allows you to see through blocks!

Check the videos below!

Changelog: Adds: - New boss (low tier boss, requires a new world) - Each sword, boomerang, bow can be leveled up, like monster (max level is 70) - Swords have a main stat or enchant that scale (not always) with the level - Each equipment part have an invisible special level which determines the tables (WIP, not all items have different tables) used to generate stats/enchants (only 3 different tables per item accessibles atm) - Many new items enchants (but they are not all used yet) - Modding: added modifiers tables entries - Possibility to set the minimap on fullscreen (press the 'M' key again) - Stats of the player are displayed if the mouse is over the character preview (equipment menu) - New boomerangs - Many new bindings for the lua api (spell system, particle emitters, bullets helpers, etc...) - Monster atlas can be cached, and indexed colors can be applied automatically (see example: Zombie) Changes: - Crafted swords/boomerangs/bows are assigned a level depending on the tier of the item (ex: golden sword will be lv35) - Added runes slots to boomerangs and bows - Base crit rate is now 5% (it was 1%) - Base crit damage is now 50% (it was 0%) - CriticalDamageBonus lv7 is now 100% crit dmg (it was 225%) - CriticalBonus lv7 is now 25% (it was 22.5%) - CriticalDamageBonus lv1 is now 25% (it was 15%) - CriticalBonus lv1 is now 7% (it was 3.5%) - Added critical as rare random substat to rings/gems/necklaces - Quest rewards are added directly to the inventory if you click on them - Soul harvester are always highlighted if any crystal is placed to avoid stroboscopic effects Changes to all pets: - added 30% physical resistance - added 25HP bonus - pets now have natural regen (2HP / sec) Fix: - Random crash caused by light emitters - If you click on the Soul Gem quest reward, it will be thrown in the air - Skeleton palette problem - Critical don't work with boomerangs and bows

Level 1-10

Upgrade weapon superior grade Part 1

Upgrade weapon superior grade Part 2

The New boomerangs!

Do not forget to join our discord!

Thank you and have a nice week!