Two years ago, some french dudes started a small video game project that was supposed to be a very simple shoot’em up, no original gameplay, no risks taken. Time passed and the small simple game became a much more original one, discovered its identity and developed its game system way beyond what it was supposed to be. Two years later, Pawarumi is now ready to unravel its story.

Starting today you can discover what is the narrative behind the universe of the game. Who is Axo? Who are you fighting against? Why are you fighting? The story answers a lot of these questions while leaving you other ones to find on your own.

Shoot’em up are clearly not a genre suited for narration. But we tried to develop something that is interesting and not overwhelming, for those of you that are here just for the explosions and scoring! :)

And I’m taking the time once again to thank Alexandre Chaudret, who made those awesome illustrations which allowed us to tell you the story of Pawarumi.

But it’s not the only thing we’ve been working on those past weeks. We improved a lot of things in the game thanks to your feedbacks, from user interface to Chukaru’s design, level balancing and final touches on animations. We hope that you will appreciate all of these. We honestly think that they are pushing Pawarumi out of the beta state nicely. That means that the next update will be for the final release! In a couple of weeks, January the 30th!

Patch Notes
  • Story cutscenes!
  • Improved in-game text dialog (top-left corner instead of bottom, longer, prettier)
  • Ship design upgrade
  • Easier to read Super level UI
  • Jaguar Missiles Lock now more visible
  • Condor enemies are now more bluish and less whitish
  • Updated Game Over animation
  • Added titles of every level when they start
  • Added ability to set opacity for the trinity interface
  • Improved enemy introduction animations in various levels
  • Fixed current weapon being stopped if trying to use the super attack without enough Energy
  • Fixed enemies firing while in cutscenes
  • Level: Alaska
    • Improved bulwark animations
    • Thicker lines on boss to help read coloring
  • Level: Industrial Complex
    • Explosion of boss parts in the background now easier to see
    • Improved boss explosion
    • Improved lava colors
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Improved design of boss' cups
  • Level: Ocean Dune
    • Added some enemies from city entrance up to pyramid introduction for better pacing
    • Reworked pyramid enemies to ensure that the same score can be reached with every possible combination of enemies coming out of it
    • Added conditional enemies on pyramid for better pacing
    • Improved environment lighting
    • Fixed trees popping out in the background while fighting mid boss
    • Fixed some enemies passing through each other
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Updated design of Blast enemies
    • Swarm shoots more in hard mode
    • 3 big lasers now also shoot bullets in hard mode
    • Added bullet cancel after 3 big lasers
    • New explosion animation for final boss
    • Improved cage explosion animation
    • Improved boss animations
    • Fixed game sometimes moving on without killing all 3 big lasers
    • Fixed camera sometimes passing through enemies in the cutscene before the labyrinth
    • Fixed spaceships highlights being too bright
    • Fixed debris of first laser sometimes going through player's ship

Two years ago, some french dudes started a small video game project that was supposed to be a very simple shoot’em up, no original gameplay, no risks taken. Time passed and the small simple game became a much more original one, discovered its identity and developed its game system way beyond what it was supposed to be. Two years later, Pawarumi is now ready to unravel its story.

Starting today you can discover what is the narrative behind the universe of the game. Who is Axo? Who are you fighting against? Why are you fighting? The story answers a lot of these questions while leaving you other ones to find on your own.

Shoot’em up are clearly not a genre suited for narration. But we tried to develop something that is interesting and not overwhelming, for those of you that are here just for the explosions and scoring! :)

And I’m taking the time once again to thank Alexandre Chaudret, who made those awesome illustrations which allowed us to tell you the story of Pawarumi.

But it’s not the only thing we’ve been working on those past weeks. We improved a lot of things in the game thanks to your feedbacks, from user interface to Chukaru’s design, level balancing and final touches on animations. We hope that you will appreciate all of these. We honestly think that they are pushing Pawarumi out of the beta state nicely. That means that the next update will be for the final release! In a couple of weeks, January the 30th!

Patch Notes
  • Story cutscenes!
  • Improved in-game text dialog (top-left corner instead of bottom, longer, prettier)
  • Ship design upgrade
  • Easier to read Super level UI
  • Jaguar Missiles Lock now more visible
  • Condor enemies are now more bluish and less whitish
  • Updated Game Over animation
  • Added titles of every level when they start
  • Added ability to set opacity for the trinity interface
  • Improved enemy introduction animations in various levels
  • Fixed current weapon being stopped if trying to use the super attack without enough Energy
  • Fixed enemies firing while in cutscenes
  • Level: Alaska
    • Improved bulwark animations
    • Thicker lines on boss to help read coloring
  • Level: Industrial Complex
    • Explosion of boss parts in the background now easier to see
    • Improved boss explosion
    • Improved lava colors
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Improved design of boss' cups
  • Level: Ocean Dune
    • Added some enemies from city entrance up to pyramid introduction for better pacing
    • Reworked pyramid enemies to ensure that the same score can be reached with every possible combination of enemies coming out of it
    • Added conditional enemies on pyramid for better pacing
    • Improved environment lighting
    • Fixed trees popping out in the background while fighting mid boss
    • Fixed some enemies passing through each other
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Updated design of Blast enemies
    • Swarm shoots more in hard mode
    • 3 big lasers now also shoot bullets in hard mode
    • Added bullet cancel after 3 big lasers
    • New explosion animation for final boss
    • Improved cage explosion animation
    • Improved boss animations
    • Fixed game sometimes moving on without killing all 3 big lasers
    • Fixed camera sometimes passing through enemies in the cutscene before the labyrinth
    • Fixed spaceships highlights being too bright
    • Fixed debris of first laser sometimes going through player's ship

Pawarumi is now available on a new platform, MacOS! Because we think everyone deserves to play no matter their operating system! But that's not all, we have also tweaked many parts of the game!

Patch Notes
  • Added MacOS support
  • Super attack shots now slowdown on hit to do more damage on thin enemies
  • New super level meter (still work in progress, tell us what you think of it!)
  • Rumble controller on player death
  • End level animation
  • Level: Ocean Dune
    • Reworked the pyramid introduction cutscene
    • Improved explosion of boss
    • Limited Jaguar doom spheres spawned by first part of the boss
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Raised difficulty of enemies in mine area
    • CPU optimisation to swarm area
    • Fixed audio of mines (less annoying!)
    • Improved rendering quality
  • Level: Industrial Complex
    • Raised difficulty in hard mode
    • Bigger explosions of boss parts being built
    • Arms building boss parts now progressively explode
    • Fixed lightmaps
    • Improved rendering quality
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Added big debris to explosions
    • Pillars don't spawn rings forever anymore
    • Boss flies away after generating 8 debris shields
    • Improved boss animations
    • First laser and boss: improved design of shields triggered by super attack in hard mode
    • Fixed boss getting stuck in last fight if player used its super attack
  • Fixed menu flickering on Linux when playing in non-16/9 resolutions
  • Fixed rare camera glitch on level loading
  • Minor bugfixes and tweaks

Pawarumi is now available on a new platform, MacOS! Because we think everyone deserves to play no matter their operating system! But that's not all, we have also tweaked many parts of the game!

Patch Notes
  • Added MacOS support
  • Super attack shots now slowdown on hit to do more damage on thin enemies
  • New super level meter (still work in progress, tell us what you think of it!)
  • Rumble controller on player death
  • End level animation
  • Level: Ocean Dune
    • Reworked the pyramid introduction cutscene
    • Improved explosion of boss
    • Limited Jaguar doom spheres spawned by first part of the boss
  • Level: Xibalba
    • Raised difficulty of enemies in mine area
    • CPU optimisation to swarm area
    • Fixed audio of mines (less annoying!)
    • Improved rendering quality
  • Level: Industrial Complex
    • Raised difficulty in hard mode
    • Bigger explosions of boss parts being built
    • Arms building boss parts now progressively explode
    • Fixed lightmaps
    • Improved rendering quality
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Added big debris to explosions
    • Pillars don't spawn rings forever anymore
    • Boss flies away after generating 8 debris shields
    • Improved boss animations
    • First laser and boss: improved design of shields triggered by super attack in hard mode
    • Fixed boss getting stuck in last fight if player used its super attack
  • Fixed menu flickering on Linux when playing in non-16/9 resolutions
  • Fixed rare camera glitch on level loading
  • Minor bugfixes and tweaks

Even if we do extensive testing on every of our releases, nobody is perfect! Quickly after the release of the last update, 2 players noticed a bug we thought was important enough to be quickly addressed.

We also took the opportunity to add a few tweaks suggested by a friend of ours that hadn't had the chance to make the cut last time :)

Patch Notes
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Lowered life from the blast launchers at the beginning
    • Fixed 3 pillars being sometimes skipped and preventing the player from being able to move in the labyrinth
    • Simplified the color-change AI of the pillars and prevented the player from being able to keep them at only one color
    • Made enemies coming after each pillar destruction come faster
    • Made the first part of the labyrinth slightly easier in normal mode

Even if we do extensive testing on every of our releases, nobody is perfect! Quickly after the release of the last update, 2 players noticed a bug we thought was important enough to be quickly addressed.

We also took the opportunity to add a few tweaks suggested by a friend of ours that hadn't had the chance to make the cut last time :)

Patch Notes
  • Level: Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
    • Lowered life from the blast launchers at the beginning
    • Fixed 3 pillars being sometimes skipped and preventing the player from being able to move in the labyrinth
    • Simplified the color-change AI of the pillars and prevented the player from being able to keep them at only one color
    • Made enemies coming after each pillar destruction come faster
    • Made the first part of the labyrinth slightly easier in normal mode

You've been training a little more than a month on the first four levels of Pawarumi... Are you ready now to play the last level? It's finally here!

Every level in Pawarumi as his original elements that twist the genre in several ways. But this last level twists Pawarumi itself! The way we use the camera and the game mechanics is totally original and quite different from the rest of the game. The reason why we chose to do so will totally make sense in an upcoming update where we’ll finally reveal the story.

This last level has proven to be tougher to create than we first thought it would be. This is mainly because it ended up being a lot more fun and original than what we had planned at first!

This is the first release of this level and we are already planning updates to it to make it even better. Tell us everything you liked and didn't like about it so we can add to the task list and make the level even more awesome! To do so, you can participate to our Steam Forums or join our Discord or simply shoot us a friendly e-mail!

Please share and retweet the news! Make those leaderboards explode!

Good luck and have fun!

Patch Notes
  • The last level of Pawarumi, Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
  • Legibility of the Xibalba level has been improved
  • Distortion FX on explosions has been fixed and now works properly at any resolution
  • Player's Condor Laser is now a little bit darker for improved legibility of bullets
  • Fixed enemies not being hit just before the Dune Ocean Mid Boss
  • Various minor fixes and tweaks

You've been training a little more than a month on the first four levels of Pawarumi... Are you ready now to play the last level? It's finally here!

Every level in Pawarumi as his original elements that twist the genre in several ways. But this last level twists Pawarumi itself! The way we use the camera and the game mechanics is totally original and quite different from the rest of the game. The reason why we chose to do so will totally make sense in an upcoming update where we’ll finally reveal the story.

This last level has proven to be tougher to create than we first thought it would be. This is mainly because it ended up being a lot more fun and original than what we had planned at first!

This is the first release of this level and we are already planning updates to it to make it even better. Tell us everything you liked and didn't like about it so we can add to the task list and make the level even more awesome! To do so, you can participate to our Steam Forums or join our Discord or simply shoot us a friendly e-mail!

Please share and retweet the news! Make those leaderboards explode!

Good luck and have fun!

Patch Notes
  • The last level of Pawarumi, Sector K-7Z4-C0A7L
  • Legibility of the Xibalba level has been improved
  • Distortion FX on explosions has been fixed and now works properly at any resolution
  • Player's Condor Laser is now a little bit darker for improved legibility of bullets
  • Fixed enemies not being hit just before the Dune Ocean Mid Boss
  • Various minor fixes and tweaks

Hey everyone!

Linux Gamers, we promised, we delivered!
From the beginning of the development of Pawarumi, releasing the game for Linux was on the schedule. Even with its growing community of players, Linux gamers are still often forgotten by the game industry. This is something we couldn’t let happen as we have Linux users in the team at Manufacture 43!

That’s not all folks
Being in early access mean that we listen to your feedback… In fact, saying that we read them will be more accurate. Whether it’s on the Steam forums, our Discord server or other dedicated forums we thank you for all your valuable feedbacks. They help us make the game better for everyone. Among the things we tweaked, bullet visibility was improved, better sound feedbacks have been added to support the game mechanics and user experience overall has been tweaked to be more satisfying.

Coming up next!
Soonish, the last level of the game will finally be available to the world. This last level has proven to be tougher to create than we first taught it would be. This is mainly because it ended up being a lot more fun and original than what we had planned at first! We are hard at work on it and we promise it will be a true last level, worthy of your training on the first four!

Patch Notes
  • Linux support
  • Xibalba level, Hard mode: Nerfed swarm
  • Xibalba level, Boss: faster cup movement
  • Leaderboard: Added last level played
  • Audio: Alert when a level of super is charged
  • Audio: Alert when life is low
  • Audio: Various improvements, most notably 3D positioning
  • Visuals: Better bullet and enemy legibility
  • Visuals: added ability to reduce texture resolution for improved performance on low-end systems
  • Tutorial: Added difficulty selection before diving into arcade mode
  • Training Mode: Added ability to immediately restart level after dying
  • Training Mode: Fixed restart from pause
  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Reduced disk space usage to 50%
  • Various rendering optimizations
  • Various minor bugfixes

Hey everyone!

Linux Gamers, we promised, we delivered!
From the beginning of the development of Pawarumi, releasing the game for Linux was on the schedule. Even with its growing community of players, Linux gamers are still often forgotten by the game industry. This is something we couldn’t let happen as we have Linux users in the team at Manufacture 43!

That’s not all folks
Being in early access mean that we listen to your feedback… In fact, saying that we read them will be more accurate. Whether it’s on the Steam forums, our Discord server or other dedicated forums we thank you for all your valuable feedbacks. They help us make the game better for everyone. Among the things we tweaked, bullet visibility was improved, better sound feedbacks have been added to support the game mechanics and user experience overall has been tweaked to be more satisfying.

Coming up next!
Soonish, the last level of the game will finally be available to the world. This last level has proven to be tougher to create than we first taught it would be. This is mainly because it ended up being a lot more fun and original than what we had planned at first! We are hard at work on it and we promise it will be a true last level, worthy of your training on the first four!

Patch Notes
  • Linux support
  • Xibalba level, Hard mode: Nerfed swarm
  • Xibalba level, Boss: faster cup movement
  • Leaderboard: Added last level played
  • Audio: Alert when a level of super is charged
  • Audio: Alert when life is low
  • Audio: Various improvements, most notably 3D positioning
  • Visuals: Better bullet and enemy legibility
  • Visuals: added ability to reduce texture resolution for improved performance on low-end systems
  • Tutorial: Added difficulty selection before diving into arcade mode
  • Training Mode: Added ability to immediately restart level after dying
  • Training Mode: Fixed restart from pause
  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Reduced disk space usage to 50%
  • Various rendering optimizations
  • Various minor bugfixes