Feb 10, 2024
Synthwave Glider Playtest - jbryant
Bug Fixes
Feb 10, 2024
Check and Slash - Bruno Gouvea
Hello everyone!

I just released a new update for the demo.

Main changes:
  • White Pawn boss difficulty balancing (Health and speed decreased)
  • White Knight boss difficulty balancing (Health slightly decreased)
  • Now, when you die, you only lose 50% of the damage bonus
  • Now the UI is working for 1024x768 (4:3) resoluton
Anarchy Arcade - SM Sith Lord

Object Grab / Inspect
Pick things up & hold them very close to your face. Rotate & move them w/ mouse or joysticks. This is what the new Object Grab command in the Tab Menu > Commands tab lets you do.

They go back to where they were when you let go of them. Here's the details on how to control things you grab.

  • Left Analog = Move X/Y
  • Right Analog = Rotate
  • LT/RT = Move Up/Down
  • Start = Exit Inspect Mode
  • Hold LB = Carry Mode
Keyboard & Mouse
  • Left Mouse = Rotate
  • Right Mouse = Move X/Y
  • Middle Mouse = Move X/Z
  • CTRL + Right or Middle Mouse = Move Rotation Origin
  • CTRL + any 2 mouse buttons at the same time = Reset Rotation Origin
  • Hold SHIFT = Carry Mode
The default rotation origin is the center point of the model. Sometimes models have weird center points (like if they have invisible bones.) So that's when you'll want to use the Move & Reset Rotation Origin stuff.

When you're in Carry Mode you can walk around while holding the object. Its rotation might get weird while you're walking around, but when you go back to Inspect Mode it should be smooth again.

Note that rotation behaves differently after you've walked around. This will be improved in the future.

Custom Cabients Tab
Custom cabinets now have their own category on the Build Menu. Hold down the Virtual Mouse Input button (right mouse) while placing an item to access it.

Any cabinet that doesn't already exist in one of the other categories will show up here. They'll just have the default auto-generated thumbnail (if you have model thumbnails enabled.)

You can also hide cabinets from the menu. (See Settings > UI tab > Manage Hidden Entries to un-hide stuff, if needed.)

Custom cabinets are created by compiling Source engine props that reference special material names to indicate the screen & marquee surfaces. Technical info on how to create custom cabinets is at: https://trello.com/c/F3KfrfEu/1887-advanced-cabinet-guide

Radial Menu Command
You can already access your library through the regular Library Browser by middle-clicking on an empty spot. Or you could already use the F6 button to access the Tab Menu > Library tab view of your library.

Now there is also the Radial Menu - which you can bind in the Commands Tab. Here's the deal with the radial menu...

It is all about the objects that are IN your current arcade - and quick access to your favorites lists to spawn new things.

It shows you nearby objects on pages. (Or you can use View Full Object List if you wanted to search through ALL objects in your arcade.)

You can click on an object in the menu to spawn another clone of it - or you can display a favorites list & spawn stuff from it instead.

Objects that already exist in your current arcade are highlighted. This makes it easier to avoid spawning the same thing twice. (This improvement also applies to the F6 Library tab.)

The Radial Menu also lets you update a model's thumbnail. Long-click with left-mouse on a model to regenerate its thumbnail.

Studio Cameras Hotkeys
If you ever wanted to switch between specific camera views like some kind of virtual talk show camera operator - now you can.

Numpad 0-9 can now be used as camera hotkeys. CTRL + NUMPAD# to set your current position as a camera. Then just NUMPAD# to cut to that camera. ESC to exit. (You must be in 1st person mode.)

Camera positions will save automatically as convars (as long as AArcade doesn't crash-close.) They don't save per-map though.

Custom Particle Systems in Multiplayer
Today's update improves AArcade's ability to sync custom map assets to include Source engine particle systems.

When you create custom maps through AArcade's Level Editor menu and then host your map in an online server, the custom assets (models, textures, etc.) you use can be synced by AArcade without you having to go through the technical steps that are normally required. (ie. PakRat not required.) And now the assets related to custom particle systems will also sync.

Lots of stuff from games like TF2. Rain drops, puddles, fire, magic dragons - anything you can get into Hammer.

Hammer Trigger Volume Enhancement
Useful for parenting prop_shortcut's to moving entities during runtime - today's update includes the ability for trigger volume entities to filter entities by origin rather than BBOX. This allows for easier rigging of TV's that slide out of the floor or other interactive uses.

(Technically, you set the Disallow Bots flag to indicate to AArcade that you want to filter w/ origin.)

We have an example VMF that can be shared in our Discord if you are a Hammer user and wish to see how to use it.

Updated TheMovieDb.org Wizard
Wizards are scripts that help you look up info about media on database sites - so that you don't have to manually fill out all the details about mainstream games & movies that you spawn.

There are only 2 wizards that are maintained in working condition: the Steam Store for games, and TheMovieDb for movies. (The rest are outdated & will be hidden/removed soon.)

Today's update has a fix to AArcade's TheMovieDb wizard so that it can properly retrieve poster & wallpaper images again.

Note that as an alternative to wizards you could use drag & drop. You could drag & drop images directly from your desktop or standalone web browser into a specific image channel of an item in AArcade if you hover over the object & choose a channel before you drop it in.

In-progress for next time
There are some features in-the-works that I couldn't get polished enough for this update, so they'll likely be in the next one.

Those include: VR support, simple pets that follow you around, item spawn randomization, item re-roll, Libretro next/previous buttons, export to Hammer, Source vehicle menu. Stay tuned for future update news - or drop into the Discord if you'd like to follow dev more closely or interact w/ the community. (There's a link on the bottom of AnarchyArcade.com )

I hope you enjoy the inspect mode as much as I do, and find the Radial Menu useful! I'll be in the Discord as usual in case anything comes up. Have fun! ːilyː ːspg2anarchyː

If you're wondering why my screenshots look so good, it's ReShade! If you need help setting up ReShade, feel free to ask or check out this help doc: https://hackmd.io/@smsithlord/H1fdj8T-9#How-to-manually-update-ReShade

Change Log
  • Added Object Grab to the Commands tab. It lets you pick up & inspect objects. Gamepad: Left analog = move X/Y, right analog = rotate, LT/RT = move up/down, start = exit, hold LB = carry mode. Keyboard & mouse: Left mouse = rotate, right mouse = move X/Y, middle mouse = move X/Z, CTRL + right/middle mouse = move rotation origin, CTRL + 2 mouse buttons at same time = reset rotation origin, hold SHIFT = carry mode.
  • Added a Custom tab to the cabinet selection on the Build Menu. Any cabinets that aren’t already in other categories will appear in this tab. Can also hide cabinets from the menu. (See Settings > UI tab > Manage Hidden Entries to un-hide stuff, if needed.)
  • Added Radial Menu to the Commands tab. It is an alternative way to see nearby objects, spawn things from favorites lists, see a full list of all objects in the world, or regenerate model thumbnails. (Long-click w/ left-mouse on a model thumbnail to regenerate.)
  • Added support for hotkey controlled studio-style cameras. CTRL + NUMPAD# to set your current position as a camera. Then NUMPAD# to cut to that camera. ESC to exit. Must be in 1st person mode.
  • Added support for syncing Source engine particle system assets in multiplayer. (If you use custom particle systems in your custom multiplayer map, you’ll have to re-host for changes to take effect.)
  • Hammer: Added support for trigger volumes to filter objects based on ORIGIN point instead of BBOX. (Set the “Disallow Bots” flag to indicate to AArcade that you want to filter w/ origin.)
  • Updated the TheMovieDb’s wizard to properly retrieve poster & wallpaper images again. (Note that only the Steam Store and The Movie DB wizards are expected to be in working order.)
  • Improved “[driveletter]:/Windows” folder blacklisting to allow for things like “[driveletter]:/Windows Stuff”.
  • Improved stability of joining multiplayer servers a little bit. (Erroneous double slashes in internal asset names no longer cause 0 byte MDLs.)
Feb 10, 2024
Fire of Life: New Day - danacraig78
Day 2 “Prepare” progress.

While it is still in progress, there are a few things I have done and things I am planning to do. Ultimately, Preparing is a transition between Day 2 to Night 2, and a good part of it occurs at the Darling Moonshine. 😉 One thing I am trying to avoid is “Oh, they are just there”.

The ButterFly Mini-Game

This one took me a little bit of time to figure out how I wanted to present it and get over how much it hurts to do it 😊. A long long time ago, I was on the High School Swim Team. Not very good, but enough to realize how difficult each stroke is to perform. The reason why Coach gives Eric X number of Butterfly laps (if you trigger that) is because of how difficult it is. At the same time, did not want to make it too difficult to distract from the story.

Fae Appearances

So far, we have seen Amy mostly appear like a normal person. At the Darling Moonshine, she is under no such obligation, so I used some of the options (and clothing styles) to fit her well. And, she gets even bossier. 😉

Fun with steam

There is a section for Bria here, and this one I had to specially craft to make a point about how hot she is. Daz Studio had updated over the years with physical steam (vs. planes with transparencies) and decided to have fun with that.

Consolidating some choices into new dictionaries
This does not directly affect previous chapters as I leave those in to avoid breaking anything with saves. In Preparing, the first thing it will do is put those values into unique dictionaries (i.e ericroberts, briaconnell, etc). The biggest reason is to make it easier to transfer it to a multipersistent. TLDR: Multi-persistent can exist between Two or More Renpy VNs. So when I am done with New Day (still got Night 2, Day 3 and Night 3 to do), I can start work on the next VN that continues this. Going for an interactive Graphic Novel.

Rather than:
$mp.something = HUNTING DOWN THE dictionary for it!

It is:
$mp.briaconnell = briaconnell
$bria.connell = mp.briaconnell

A nice clean way to transfer. 😊
Feb 10, 2024
Indemon Tales - Grünes Wassereis
- Added a fourth talent point tab for specialized skills
- Heavy attacks now mini-stun enemies (longer for heavy weapons & critical strike artifact)
- Grey, indestructible stones have new graphics to make them look more different to breakable ones
- New music track for Vault of the Exiled (credit to JoshuqTheHusk & Vbuh)
- Minor balancing changes & bugfixes
my fluffy life - ഒ
A.V.A Global - jeehyojun
Lunar New Year Coupon 3:

[Coupon Open Schedule]
Time(UTC): 2024. 02. 11, 00:00 am ~ 2024. 02. 12, 00:00 am

Thank you!
Felvidek - Thunderfart

I cannot express how grateful I am that so many people took interest in Felvidek.

My inbox is overflowing with messages of support, as well as lot of great extensive feedback! It fills me with determination. I already started implementing a lot of improvements you have suggested.

I cannot wait to show you the next iteration of the demo.

Have a blessed day,

Jozef Pavelka

Follow me on social media for more info on the game!
Twitter: @brozef_
Instagram (CZ/SK): https://www.instagram.com/brozef/
Feb 10, 2024
Mouse Curser - capsulecollapse
Particles on title screen are now prewarmed
Elite room dialog is displayed for a longer period of time
Haunting now centers the firing point of equipment on its target
Added gibs for all non boss units
Feb 10, 2024
Creator's Asteroid - Apkinesis
Newly Added Maker Tiles:
Player Upgrades:
  • Hyperfocus - Charges energy to use other abilities and to reduce damage taken.
  • Super Shot - Shoot piercing shots with increased damage when Hyperfocused.
  • Super-Dash Boots - Break through certain blocks when Dashing at high speeds.
  • Attack Gray - Allows attacks to break Gray Blocks without clearing out enemies first.
  • Air-Jump Boot Bundles (2) - Air-Jump upgrades in bundles of 2 and 4.
  • Dash Boot Bundles (2) - Dash upgrades in bundles of 2 and 4.
  • Honeycomb Health Bundles (2) - Health upgrades in bundles of 2 and 4.
  • Lockpick Bundles (2) - Lockpick upgrades in bundles of 5 and 10.
Additional Tiles:
  • Lizard (16) - Enemies that run around spitting up Pillbug bombs.
  • Dash Blocks (9) - Blocks that can only be broken by a Super Dash.
  • Gel Block - Bouncy block that can be pierced by Super Shots, and grants extra jumping distance.
  • Super Spike - Stronger spike that deals extra damage when touched.
  • Fatal Spike - Powerful spike that causes an instant KO when touched.
  • Breakable Grapple Boxes (2) - Grapple Box variations that can be destroyed by attacks.
  • Grapple Box Dispensers (2) - Dispenses breakable Grapple Boxes.
Fixes and Improvements:
New Features:
  • Added a Maker Mode interface that displays all Tile Variations of the selected Tile.
  • Hovering over the map grid in Maker Mode shows a preview image of each Room.
  • Added a Loadout page on the Play pause menu that shows all collected upgrades and their info.
  • All collected upgrades' help-text on the Play HUD include any missing upgrade prerequisites.
  • Maximum available Health Points appear on the Play HUD beneath the current HP.
  • Save notifications appear when gameplay progress, Maker Rooms, or control settings are saved.
New Animations:
  • Player animations for fast Dash speeds, high jumps, and long falls.
  • Player animations for aiming up and aiming down while holding Focus.
  • Honey-Hive Player animations for flinching, aiming up, aiming down, and fast Dash speeds.
  • Turning animations for all Bosses and Enemies.
  • Turning animations for projectiles that can change direction (Fishbones, Wasps, Fireballs).
  • Minor flapping animations for winged projectiles (Bees, Flies, and Wasps).
  • Flashing animations for Pillbugs and Honey Bombs.
  • Movement animations for the Plesio boss's Fishbones.
Text Changes:
  • Renamed "Shot Upgrades" to "Attack Colors".
  • Renamed "Basic Jump" to "Jumping Boots".
  • Renamed "Basic Shot" to "Beehive Shot".
  • Clarified descriptions for color-based blocks and upgrades.
  • Clarified descriptions for Basic Upgrades (Jumping Boots, Beehive Shot, and Hyperfocus).
  • Updated Swimsuit and Attack Color upgrade descriptions to reflect them being passive upgrades.
  • Tweaked the text of other assorted Tile descriptions for better clarity.
Ability Adjustments:
  • Super Jump now needs the user to activate Hyperfocus before it can be used.
  • Proximity Warp is now activated when quickly tapping up/down, and not by holding up/down.
  • Dash speed now is tapered when running into an obstacle (rather than preserved).
  • Updated collisions between objects spawned from Dispensers and their Dispensers.
  • Added unique sound effect for Super Jump.
General Adjustments:
  • Reduced player character skipping while dashing across multiple flat tiles.
  • Deleting a Bubble in Maker Mode now only deletes its contained Upgrade if the button is held.
  • Rearranged some of the Maker Mode GUI buttons to make room for the Tile Variation GUI.
  • Updated Play HUD icon for Health Points to better match the Health Upgrade sprite.
  • Updated Play HUD icons for Basic Shot, Night Glasses, and Sun Glasses to match upgrade sprites.
  • Updated Play HUD icons for Lockpicks and Lock Key to occupy the same space.
  • Added Display Settings option to disable showing Save notifications.
  • Added "Focus" controls to the Pause screen's Controls menu (uses same input as Dash).
  • Player character now faces the opposite direction by default after performing a wall jump.
  • Updated sprite for the Floating Grapple Box.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to respawn at the wrong checkpoint in Maker Playtest.
  • Fixed paper and outline effects not displaying properly on the player character during KO.
  • Fixed the Cave Pickaxe and Free Warp upgrade controls not displaying properly when collected.
  • Fixed Tile Selections in Maker Mode not lining up properly when using a controller input.
  • Fixed the Floating Grapple Box description's missing text in Maker Mode.
