Oct 16, 2020
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava

Hattoween Items

In October almost 200 new items were released in the form of hats, helmets, headgear, and more each day!

The event is now over, and all the items are available under [Library > Hattoween 2]! Enjoy!

More items will follow at the end of the year. Stay tuned.


Hattoween 2.0 is also a fashion show!
Each day, two contestants will do their very best to showcase the new items.

The winner of the contest gets to be mutilated! Guess what the loser of the contest gets? Also mutilated. It's almost like this is just a ruse to showcase the items in an interesting way.

Day 1 - October 16th

Day 2

To get the items, visit the Discussions thread for this post (see below.)

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Jun 28, 2020
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
Maker Update OUT NOW!

New Items

A huge batch of simple items to help customize your dolls and levels has been added.
They also work great with Stamping, another feature being added in this update (see below!)

  • 100+ Maker Shapes
    A large set of simple shapes that can be used to decorate and customize whatever you're making.

    • Their hitboxes are generally as simple as possible for performance: a lot of the visual holes aren't physical holes
  • Maker Effects
    A selection of wounds, stains, and scars, that can be used to decorate and customize whatever bloody mess you're making.
    + A set of glows to make your creations look extra shiny!

  • Maker Gadgets
    An arsenal of gadgets that do things that are hopefully useful, such as moving items or changing the behaviour of Drones.

    • See functionality tooltips to see what each item does.
    • Some of them are variants of existing items that do slightly diffent, but useful, things compared to the base item.


A long-planned feature, [Detail Tool > Stamp] has been added, allowing stamping any item's graphics onto the selected item(s) by dragging and dropping items from the Spawn menu.

  • Skin, scale, rotate, or flip the item before stamping to change how it'll appear on the item (using Spawn menu's settings, or: (Shift+)[up/down arrows], (Shift+)[left/right arrows], and [Tab] while dragging a stamp out of the Spawn menu)


  • Stamps are drawn on the visual effects raster canvas, where wounds and other effects also appear, so they will be overwritten by other gameplay effects, and can also be entirely cleaned off by various means such as soap
  • Saving the effects layer significantly increases the size and load time of saves since each precious pixel is meticulously saved. Very large items will take approximately forever to load with stamps.
  • Moving or removing a stamp is not possible after it has been drawn, so remember to save often if you're making something fancy
  • Scaling stamped items does scale the visual effects layer, but the quality will be lower than scaling first and then stamping

  • If your ragdoll is entirely covered in armour or miscellaneous stuff, and the visual effects on the doll itself don't matter, making the doll stainless will slightly optimize the save size, load time, and performance
Incremental Loading

All items in saves and custom items are now incrementally loaded to spread out the loading workload. This means that the game will spawn new items from the save each frame instead of attempting to bruteforce through all of them at once and causing the game to freeze.

  • Loading speed can be changed in [Content Menu > Load Content > Load Speed]

  • To stop loading the content midway through, Reset ([Esc] by default) while it's doing its thing.

  • Joints are created in a single step after all items have been spawned, which will still be noticeably laggy in more complex saves

  • There will be issues because it's such a fundamental change. The save format has not changed, only the method of loading them, so any saves that fail to incrementally load will be fixed as the underlying issues are fixed after I receive proper bug reports. Please report any issues in Bug Reports.

Maker Environments

Thanks to Incremental Loading, a set of saves originally shared as User Content by talented players¤ have been added into the game as Maker Environments to showcase them and inspire more creators to create more creations.

  • The Maker Environments largely function identically to saves with the exception that reseting will load the save instead of clearing everything.

  • None of the environment content is locked, so you can modify them after loading if you so wish.

  • More will be added later. If you know of a great save that would be a good fit as an Environment (unique, performant, and overall awesome), please let me know.

¤ I usually credit all player creations that are added in-game, but unfortunately sourcing the original creator of many of the environments was not possible due to there often being multiple versions by multiple people in the data set that I browsed through. So I've gone ahead and blanket-credited "talented players". I'm sure you know who you are.

One-Way Links

Links are now only created from the trigger item to the target item, as opposed to both of them linking to each other and causing issues.
I.E. Linking from a Button to a Lightbulb will light it up when the button is pressed. Linking the other way around will do nothing because Lightbulb doesn't have a functionality that uses Links.

  • Links now indicate their starting item with a circle at the beginning of the link.

  • Linking from an item to an already-linked item will now remove that specific link.

  • Item scaling now retains links properly.


  • This will probably mess up some things that expect items to be linked to each other. Please report any issues in Bug Reports.
Joint Improvements

A new Detail tool tab, [Detail Tool > Joints] has been added.

  • The list contains joint types and targets, as well as their settings when hovered.

  • The tab allows removing all joints on the selected item, or hiding all joints if you forgot to set them invisible while building

  • Remove individual joints by clicking them on the list.

Piston joints have been reworked
The way the joint is created has been redone, so it doesn't do entirely weird stuff all the time, might actually be usable, and might even make some sense.

  • This is likely to mess up existing saves with piston joints. Sorry.

  • Add motor toggle in joint menu

  • Fix Piston joints being created offset from body center, causing bad behaviour

  • Modify body-body limit indicator to appear on both bodies while creating the joint

  • Remove Break force from the joint menu since the joint can't be broken in the first place

Saving Improvements

Visual effects for items are now saved¤, including stamps, any blood, and item effects such as worm holes

Bleeding wounds on ragdolls are now saved (heal or cauterize them before saving if you don't want to save them)

Buffdoll is now saveable¤¤


  • Content load paste field now accepts valid save strings even if they don't start with "MAD"

  • Fixed joint saving failing if there are any unsaveable joints in the level

¤ Dolls will always save their effects layer (unless they've been set Stainless via Properties), but any other items will only save their visual effects if they've been stamped first to avoid bloating the save size

¤ If you wish not to save a very dirty, dirty, doll, simply clean it before saving (there's a power for that, Soap, or the Detail Tool)

¤¤ To be able to achieve full doll functionality and still be saveable, buffdoll bodyparts are pretending they're actually the bodyparts of a normal doll, so respawning or inspecting them will result in normal doll parts instead


(In addition to the above major features.)


Increase various value caps:

- Spawn settings- Health and Max Health- Trigger Force and Range- Linear and Angular Damping

Modify default doll healths to make them slightly less immediately squishy:

1800 -> 3000 Head 1200 -> 2000 Torso 600 -> 1500 Legs 600 -> 1250 Arms 600 -> 1000 Hands 600 -> 1000 Feet

Add [Shift+Camera Move] hotkey to move currently selected items by one pixel in that direction

Add [Pause Settings > Layers] toggles to temporarily toggle layer visibility while making things

Modify Select tool to select all jointed items when double clicking on a body
Modify Detail tool and Select tool to be able to area select static items while paused
Modify Delete tool hotkey quick deletion not to delete static bodies in play mode
Modify Delete tool area selection to not delete static bodies (use select tool to select, and click to delete all)

Modify blunt impact threshold (they now require a bit more force and velocity to deal damage)
Modify velocity's effect on blunt damage by a lot (blunt hits are now more consistently dependant on mass, with velocity being a small bonus top)

Modify effects layer mask to be slightly larger so it covers items properly

Modify minimum spawn scale to be 1% (from 5%)
Modify saving to also save 0 force and duration (radius has to be 1 minimum because math, and Detail Tool won't allow further modifying items with 0 force/duration.)

Add [Performance > Max Collisions] setting
Modify collisions for Max Collisions to not count static-dynamic collisions (e.g. dolls standing)

Add None particle for removing existing particles via Detail tool

Add console command "disablepause 0/1" to entirely disable toggling pause if you're building weird complex stuff and never want to unpause

Fix some culling issues when deleting items
Fix minimum or maximum-sized items not skinning properly
Fix items not being able to disable their own collision events (if there are issues with items not doing their collision things, please report them in Bug Reports)
Fix Camera In/Out hotkeys not breaking free from zoom snapping
Fix Vanilla property not cloning properly
Fix various bullets causing spawn scale issues
Fix giblets not respecting blood colour
Fix all levels loading as contracts after loading a contract


Replace various models with better optimized versions made in the latest version of MaD Lab with fancy new technology:
Hedge Trimmer, Void Scythe, Stockless Assault, Anti-Air Laser, Makeshift Axe, Mongolian Helmet, Scrap Axe, Arc Storm, Auto Ripper, Desert Eagle, Marksman Rifle, Bane, Glory, Bass Cannon, Blast Pistol, Timekeeper, Soulstorm Bow, Jetpack, Acid Claw, Bandit's Blade, King Drone, Arctic Wolf, Magnum, Chaos, Tyrfing

Modify icicles not to supernaturally freeze things on collision
Modify Projectile Replacer to have a quite harmless default projectile so it won't cause issues if attached before shooting.
Modify Projectile Replacer tooltip to make it more helpful
Modify Sword Breaker not to break blunt swords
Modify Poison Injector to only make bullets poisonous (previously it also made the gun poisonous)
Modify Light Saber blade to work with zoom, and spawn particles
Modify AP Rocket not to explode if contact is set to 0
Modify Earthsplitter camera shake duration to be shorter
Modify Oil Barrel model to make it spawn more centered (doesn't affect items in existing saves)
Modify Cloner (and variants) to not clone ignored items
Modify Black Hole to accept negative Trigger Force values, pushing items away instead of sucking them in
Modify Ammo Belt and Drum Mag to accept negative Trigger Force values, slowing down fire rate instead
Modify Sprites not to despawn
Modify Basket to spawn on layer 2 by default so things can be put in it more comfortably
Modify Health Stimulant to go up to 99999 max health
Modify Toaster, Deepfryer, and Woodchipper to be triggered on spawn
Modify Deepfryer to hiss when frying
Modify Observer Visor to not display ignored items' names
Modify Magnet model to have a drag layer in the middle
Modify Sinister Software to allow drones to target other drones when attached, and to automatically weld to any drones it touches (Speaker Drone functionality is still the same)
Modify Morbow not to target or damage linked items
Modify Repercutio's forcefield not to affect linked items

Fix Munitions Crate layering issue (slightly affects hitbox and existing items)
Fix Blood Bag healing while empty
Fix Breach Shotgun projectiles passing through Crumblers (projectiles stored into Projectile Replacer in existing saves are not affected)
Fix Sanitizer Bottle projectiles becoming gasoline when Projectile Replacered
Fix IV Bag collider being visible
Fix Surgical Helmet errant collider
Fix Hazard Helmet errant layer
Fix Bionic chip reanimation not applying properly on load
Fix Boxing Glove launching sideways
Fix Propulsor not waking up when triggered
Fix magnets not waking up when they attract things
Fix Magic Nail upgrades colliding with the doll that equips them, and add the armour it spawns into the Library as "Upgrade Set"
Fix Door-o-Matic-linked items not clearing their collision contacts after toggling the items off
Remove duplicate Skate from Library
Remove duplicate Work Table from Library
Move Sinister and Paranoid Software next to Speaker Drone in the Library

Switch the naming scheme around for triggers and their "Stop" variants, e.g.:
"Trigger" is now "Trigger Loop" (continously does something)
"Trigger Stop" is now "Trigger" (does something once)


Modify Environment menu UI to reduce the amount of boring text buttons:
environment changing, wall toggles, and skinning have been changed into more compact icons

Modify environment filler to be stainless
Modify environment filler height (2000->1000)
Modify Auto-Wind to respect Wind slider
Modify Auto-Wind to randomly change wind direction
Remove wall buttons from various environments where they don't make sense
Optimize Cave environment colouring slightly

Detail Tool:
Add [Functionality > Trigger/Untrigger]
Move [Remove Joints] from Functionality to the Joints tab

Modify Detail Tool not to be pick hidden items while focused on something else
Modify Detail tool to automatically update the UI when more items are added to the selection
Modify Detail tool and Select tool to be able to area select static items while paused
Modify Detail tool skinning to redraw visual effects (they may be wildly offset or weird, skinning before stamping is much recommended)

Fix detail skinning not respecting items' flip state
Fix [Detail Tool > Skin] menu being extra long when minimized+maximized
Fix Detail Tool clicks passing through the minimize button of menus
Fix Detail tool skinning failing to generate a replacement graphic for some items
Fix Blood colour not appearing in Detail tool skinning

Modify the game to replace any non-existing item with a placeholder so as not to mess up any joint/link loading or body ordering
Add tooltip when attempting to spawn an item that doesn't exist (please report in Bug Reports if you see any such issues that aren't caused by your own local models)
Fix Drain power not respecting blood colour of dolls
Refactor various bullets from contact listener to their own triggers
Optimize max particle burst
Respect XML
Remove Resist Drain as unused (it literally did nothing)
Fix window position saving causing the game to crash on launch when the monitor is removed from the computer entirely


Fix Spawn menu item drop detection using incorrect width (causing items not to spawn slightly rightwards of the menu)
Add tooltips to various buttons
Remove colour highlight from Attracting Bow in Library
Modify Mjölnir to be searchable as Mjolnir
Fix importing local models breaking local model management UI list
Modify [Spawn > Skin > Reset] to also reset Blood colour
Modify some console commands to close the console to indicate that things happened
Add tooltip when settings are saved
Fix favouriting via hotkey while dragging causing the item to drop back into the Spawn menu
Modify custom item spawn image to not scale with camera
Modify Library to be wider to better accommodate longer names

Known issues:

Flipping can result in the stamp being drawn upside down.
Skinning via Detail tool after stamping will likely mess up the effects layer.
Multi-selecting items will be weird when it comes to items with multiple incoming and outgoing links. Not all of them are visible. Single-item selections should work fine though.

Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
Incremental loading test is now live on the Experimental branch.
It's very much a work in progress, and full release will be later on, once the feature has been tested a bit more because there are so many things that will probably break.

What is incremental loading?
The game will spawn items across multiple frames to lessen the loading performance load. Joints and links will be loaded in a single frame afterwards.

More complex levels will noticeably chug, or even freeze the game, while attempting to bruteforce everything in a single frame traditionally. Plus it looks really cool while it loads.

How can I test?
0) Opt-in via `[Steam Library > Right Click MaD2 > Properties > Betas tab > Experimental]` and verify your files.

1) Load all the things: Old saves, new saves, custom items, slightly moist saves, etc.

2) Report any issues, and make sure you include the save string (paste to e.g. https://pastie.io/)


- Reseting while loading will stop loading and reset.

- Hotkeys are disabled while loading because there's a lot of ways to accidentally mess it up.

- Unpausing while loading is currently possible, and custom items won't automatically pause before loading. Loading while simulating will very likely mess everything up.

- Level pictured is "Traditional Japanese House" by iFancyMan
Apr 1, 2020
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
Care Package Update Out Now!

No surprise this April Fools, just much-needed supplies.

30+ medical items added under [Library > Care Package].

Dec 21, 2019
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava

Feeling cold? Grab a set of armour and keep yourself warm.

The Winter Warmer update adds 100-or-so brand new armour pieces, and converts 100 old items into equippable armours.



Add 100ish Winter Warmer armour items

Convert existing armour pieces into armour using the autoequip system:
- Update various unsymmetrical item models to make them work better when converted into armour
- Duplicate all item models that were converted into armour from the Library (so old saves won't affected.)
- Deprecate old armour item models from the Library, only armours will spawn from now on
- Legacy models can still be spawned via Console (e.g. *hazmathelmet* vs *hazmathelmet2*)

Add Bucket under [Library > Household] (in addition to Bucket Helmet that is now armour)
Add Fish Bowl under [Library > Household] (in addition to Bowl Helmet that is now armour)
Add Traffic Cone under [Library > Urban] (in addition to Cone Helmet that is now armour)

Add armour icon in Spawn menu that indicates an item will automatically equip

Modify Armour system to be separate from triggers (allows for much more flexible armour design, but will likely cause some issues initially, please report them via Bug Reports)
Modify Armour to be re-equippable better when flipped or joint cut
Modify Armour boots not to collide with static items when equipped (to allow better standing)
Modify armour to resist concussions
Modify armour that allows overlaps to also be able to attach after another armour piece

Fix Armour Bars setting not working


Add Health and Max Health sliders under [Spawn > Settings] when Alive property is enabled (doesn't affect dolls since they're spawned in a special way, use Detail Tool)
Add new category **[Library > Technology > Traps]** and fill it with various items
Fix Spawn menu minimizing and maximising not maximising it enough
Fix Spawn menu prev/next buttons not respecting flip toggle
Fix Static property not clearing when using Unselect All


Modify Animated items to be able to stand even if dead
Modify Animate status not to heal to full

Modify Island UI not to display environment options that don't work properly

Fix delayed spawn not taking rotation into account properly
Fix reset while spawning not reseting spawn scale
Fix weld joints attaching to background when trying to reattach overlapping items
Fix Saber Drone skinning not colouring the blade correctly
Fix Gem Sceptre invisible layer not being invisible enough
Fix Crayon description being unacceptable
Fix snowman projectiles not being allowed to spawn inside items

Modify Blight damage to be more consistent (random180+20 -> random100+random100+50)
Modify Blighted items to spill blight randomly
Modify Blight projectiles to ignore each other


Modify item loading to respect concave decorative layers
Modify local model loading to use graphics centroid instead of physics centroid (hopefully helping with imported item flipping)
Oct 29, 2019
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
Focused on addressing the long list of suggestions, tackling bug reports, and polishing things that weren't quite as shiny as they could've been, the QoL update will hopefully make your MaD life just a tiny bit easier.

  • Individual blood colour for dolls via [Spawn > Settings].
  • Various new builder-focused features and improvements.
  • Detail Tool has been given multiple new features, a makeover, and a lot of polish.
  • Pause Settings have been added to the toolbox for quick access.
  • Press [Enter] to quickspawn items.
  • Tons of fixes, polish, and tweaks.

Q: I found a bug!!!!!!!!!?
A: Report it following the Bug Reports thread with exact steps to reproduce.

Q: My items are deleting, what's up?
A: Ctrl+F "freeze"

Q: Triggering/Detail isn't working any more?
A: Default buttons have been rebind. RMB is bound to Detail Tool by default while paused, and MMB to camera. Rebind in [Settings > Keymap > Mouse].


Add multi-spawning on [Right Click] while an item is being spawned

Add quickspawning on [Enter] (opens a simplified spawn menu, focuses the search field, and spawns the item when [Enter] is pressed again, for very fast item spawning.)

Add "Right Mouse (Pause)" under [Settings > Keymapping] (allows mapping separate keys to RMB for Play and Pause modes. Default is Trigger while playing, and Detail tool while paused. May require reseting your keymap.)

Add Fast Motion (opposite of Slow Motion) to modifier hotkey [Shift+[SlowMotion]], default [Shift+G] (its speed depends on the Slow Motion % setting.)

Add Muted property (forces items to generate no sound effects. Global sounds such as collisions will still apply.)

Add Static property in the Spawn menu (does exactly the same thing as setting %weight to 0)

Add Spreading property under Triggers (variant of Transferring that also transfers itself)

Increase maximum velocity setting on the physics engine's end (please report if this causes any issues on fast-moving items)

Modify saving precision to be better (previously integer precision, now two decimals. Affects item position and angle.)

Add "integerScaling [0/1]" console command to toggle integer scaling for the session while paused (allows you to use the previous integer precision if you don't like decimals)

Modify Reset to automatically select Drag tool

Modify joint widths while zoomed in (thinner for general visibility)

Modify pause blueprint to use selection hull instead of glow for legibility


Add Sentry Turret (a turret variant in collaboration with People Playground) under [Library > Technology]

Add Alpha-o-Matic under [Library > Technology] (Door-o-Matic variant that only affects graphic, not collisions)

Add Timer Untrigger under [Library > Triggers]

Add Cord Untrigger under [Library > Triggers]

Add Timer Order Trigger and Timer Order Untrigger under [Library > Triggers] (a variant of Timer that periodically un/triggers linked items one by one in linking order)

Modify Door-o-Matic to use trigger force for linked item transparency % (previously static 20%)

Modify Cord Plug to also trigger other linked Cord Plugs (causing a feedback loop)

Modify Cord Plug to use trigger force to set target cord's trigger duration

Modify Turret's scanning beam to be skinnable and affected by trigger force

Modify Smoke Grenade to spawn more persistent smoke particles

Modify Phone to trigger linked items

Modify various container items to spawn on layer 2 by default

Modify Weld Joints to rejoint on respawn (May cause joint instability especially when cutting complex custom items. If you're having issues, see if tweaking Physics Settings helps.)

Modify item maximum scale (900% -> 1000%)

Modify item minimum scale (10% -> 5%)

Fix fog particles not being marked unsaveable

Fix Timer Switch not using its own coloured model

Fix links+ignores reseting on respawn

Tag Vault Gate as "door" so it's easier to find via search

Rename various items for consistency, clarity, and search optimization


Add blood colour spawn setting for dolls and items with the Alive property, and modify various features to respect blood colour better

Add Armour Healthbars toggle under [Settings > Dolls]

Modify dragging attached Armour pieces to drag the bodypart instead for joint stability

Modify bodypart healthbars to be thicker (1px -> 2px)

Modify total healthbar not to drop to zero when the doll's head is dead (because it was mostly confusing)

Modify dolls to unequip things on concuss

Modify dolls to unequip things on death (this is only checked on-damage instead of constantly for performance, so not all things cause unequip)

(Settings/properties for the above might be added later.)

Modify status icons for legibility

Modify pause velocity to display on doll heads

Modify Death (power and some items) to deal full damage instead of setting health to zero (allows various on-damage things to trigger)


Modify Detail Tool to be bound to [Right Click] while paused by default.

Modify Camera Tool to be bound to [Middle Click] by default.

(You can bind them under [Settings > Keymapping > Mouse] if you prefer something else.)

Add [Del] as static quickdelete hotkey (may require reseting your keymap to get it)

Add quickdelete to Delete Tool by pressing hotkey twice while hovering an item (and if on top of a selected item, delete all selected items)

Modify maximum zoom (500% -> 1000%)

Modify camera to snap to 100% zoom more reliably

Modify camera to work better when bound to mouse

Modify various tool graphics to work better when zoomed

Modify all selection tools to toggle selection when area selecting instead of clearing it every time (allowing modifying original selection more comfortably than clicking one by one)

Fix area selection tools beginning selection when dragging sliders
Detail Tool:

Add Sounds tab (allows overriding the sound effect and volume of sounds directly generated by the item. Doesn't affect global sounds, or sounds of items spawned by the item.)

Add Selection tab (lists all selected items whenever more than one selected, allowing picking one of them, to help with picking overlapping items)

Add Focus button under [Selection] (hides and locks all unselected items)

Add Back to Selection (after picking a single item from a list, returning to previous selection)

Improve skinning workflow significantly

Modify skinning not to require respawning the item

Add Clone under [Skin] (focuses all items with the same name, allowing clicking them to apply the current item's skin)

Promote Custom Item button from under Functionality to the main view of the Detail Tool

Add Stop Following button under Functionality when following an item with the camera

Add unsaveable Locked property (makes it so the item can't be targeted, except by Detail Tool.)

Add various new icons to Detail Tool

Uncenter texts for legibility when combined with new icons

Modify Clone to work similarly for single items as it does for multiple items (meaning joints and settings will also be cloned properly. Previously only properties were cloned.)

Modify Detail Tool to be able to select two overlapping items when clicking multiple times

Modify various Detail tool functionalities to work when multiple items are selected

Modify title to display amount of items selected instead of "Multiple Items"

Modify [Move to Bottom] to be able to move already-moved items for further reordering

Fix X & Y position not updating periodically like other dynamic settings

Fix unticking Debug for multiple items not removing textfields properly

Fix Detail Menu not opening after Effect menu was opened

Rename "Respawn" as "Move to Top" (it still reapplies spawn settings just like before)

Rename "Mark as Behind" as "Move to Bottom"


Add pause settings in the toolbox for quick access (only visible while paused)

Add Window Scale under [Settings > Menus] (directly scales menus, open positioning and tooltips may be offset)

Modify Spawn Menu prev/next buttons to display the items in question instead of boring arrows

Modify Spawn Menu item preview to use vectors instead of a bitmap (better quality when scaled)

Modify Spawn Menu icons, and their placements

Modify Spawn Menu icons to be buttons

Modify Power Menu icons to be buttons

Remove redundant Power Menu prev/next buttons

Modify Custom Item loading popup+tooltips for clarity

Modify Custom Item icon to open Manage menu instead of Remove

Modify quicksaving to say "Saved." to communicate that it did in fact do something

Modify various tooltips

Modify colour spectrum to be a square for more colours (previously 16:9ish)

Fix spectrum rendering leaving gaps when scaling stage

Modify Effect menu to display current item name in its title

Rename "Vert. PingPong" as "PingPong Vert." (same for horizontal)

Modify grid to draw faster (horizontal and vertical at the same time)

Fix grid being clickable, eating inputs

Fix grid not obeying zoom accurately enough

Add Grid Size (in pixels) to pause settings

Add search to power menu (so you don't have to go back to the list to search every time)

Add Anti Freeze FPS under [Settings > Performance] (whenever 20-sample average fps falls below the threshold, the game will automatically pause.)

Modify environment bodies to not be visible in Blueprint mode while paused for performance

Modify wall graphics to be cached as bitmap since they're static

Modify Physics Blood to spawn 50% of the particles as physics and rest as particles for performance (it's still unrecommended to be used overall)

Optimize canvas drawing slightly

Rename "Action" to "Trigger Tool" in keymap

Fix tools doing their thing when closing a menu or sliding sliders (caused click passthrough previously, potentially deleting items etc)

Fix various decomposed parts being saveable (e.g. health vial)

Refactor sound playing

Refactor item spawning

Refactor UI management

Refactor particles

Refactor bullets

Pumpkin Defence

In a huge double-whammy, the Quality of Life Update also landed on Halloween, so it's accompanied by a small alien-shooting minigame narrated by the beloved, if a bit excited, Speaker Drone.

1) Shoot aliens.
2) Don't let them steal your pumpkins.
Easy. Or is it?

Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
A 16:9 aspect ratio version of the game is now available on the Experimental branch.

Opt-in via [Steam Library > MaD2 > Properties > Betas > Experimental].

Since the game was built from the ground up in 800x600 (4:3), and then updated for years after that in the same resolution and aspect ratio, various features were built specifically for that resolution.

Bad practice, for sure, but those features have now been tweaked to work better in a more traditional 16:9 aspect ratio.

What's still not quite traditional is the base resolution, which currently stands at 1066x600 (16:9), so as not to affect the vertical resolution which would cause further issues (that I'll be looking into next.)

Note that all content created in the game is saved in absolute coordinates, so if you create content in 16:9, and load it in 4:3 it will spawn off-screen.

Other than that, the horizontal resolution bump shouldn't affect most things by far, but please report any issues you may encounter following the instructions in the Bug Reports thread.

TL;DR: The game is now wider.
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava

Summer Update Out Now!

The update adds 140 new summer-themed items!

...Such as Beach Slippers, Conch, Summer Hat, Armour-Piercing Rocket Launcher, and more!

Also included is the Steam Workshop (Beta) release onto the public branch, as well as various miscellaneous fixes to various miscellaneous things.

Detailed Patchnotes can be found on the forums.

Apr 28, 2019
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava
Very rudimentary Workshop support is now in very experimental beta stage.

1) Install the latest version of game.

2) Paperwork
You must agree to the Workshop User Agreement before sharing will work

3) Open Workshop
- Browser: https://steamcommunity.com/app/665370/workshop/
- Steam: steam://url/SteamWorkshopPage/665370
- In-game: [Content Menu -> Load Content -> Steam Workshop] (which just opens the Steam link.)

4) Subscribe to Content

Press the green [+] button on thumbnails, or the [Subscribe] button after clicking on an item.

Note that managing subscriptions, voting, and analytics will be done entirely on the Workshop, and won't be added in-game so there's no need to reinvent the wheel and all.

5) Download Content In MaD2
Press [Library -> Workshop -> Download Subscribed]

The game will then query all your subscribed content via the SDK, and hopefully download it all.

Note that your content is not cached locally, so this has to be done every time you run the game, but luckily the content is just text at the end of the day so it should be kilobytes in size.

6) Play
For Levels, simply click to load them.
For Custom Items, drag them out of the Library, or click and spawn them via the Spawn menu.

7) Submit Your MaD2 Content
Custom Items
Create a Custom Item via the Detail Tool (See Tutorial if you don't know how.)
Submit it via [Library -> Custom Items -> Manage -> Share]

Save at any time via [Content Menu -> Save] (or press [C] to quicksave]
Share it via [Content Menu -> Current Save -> Share on Workshop]

Sharing requires previewing to ensure you're not sharing broken stuff.

Note that there has to be at least three unique items in a save for it to be valid for sharing.

As mentioned, this is rudimentary at best. It should work, as demonstrated by the few example items already available in the workshop, but beautiful it is not.

I'm using a years old AIR extension which in turn uses deprecated Steamworks SDK functions. Not the best solution, but miraculously it does work, as long as Valve doesn't decide to entirely remove the deprecated stuff.

* Applying tags don't seem work with the deprecated SDK, so content titles are used to categorize things instead. Please don't remove or replace the tags manually to avoid weird things happening.

* Updating submitted content is not possible yet, but might be, eventually.

* There's barely any useful feedback on your actions in-game currently, it either works or doesn't. Restarting the game should something fail is probably a good bet.

* Sharing and loading content obviously requires connectivity. The game will throw a (harmless) error if you try to do things in Offline mode.

Post any feedback you may have, and accompanying error logs here please:

Mar 31, 2019
Mutilate-a-Doll 2 - rava

Edit: This was, of course, April fools. The items and fixes included in the update are here to stay, but open world has been buried.

Based on repeated player suggestions of the game feeling directionless and lacking any kind of progression, I've created a fully open world experience with lots of new stuff:


Over 200 unique lines of dialogue will be delivered by the Speaker Drone as you do things in the open world!


Ragdolls have been implanted with magnets to make movement not only possible, but probable!

Use [WASD] or [Arrow Keys] to move and overcome obstacles in the open world!

Progression System

Each obstacle you overcome will naturally lead you to a brand new, more difficult, obstacle. As well as leveling up your skills ever so slightly!


For the completionists, you can now collect achievements as you achieve things in the open world!



Open World
- Add Ragdoll movement on WASD+Arrows
- Add various activities and obstacles in the open world
- Add progression system
- Add 200+ unique Open World narrator lines to Speaker Drone
- Add background music
- Modify [Esc] to give up (and make you live with your failure)
- Disable sandbox menus to avoid abuse

- Add 100+ Open World items under [Library > Open World].
- Add City Environment
- Add City Night Environment

- Merge Winter Items into existing Library categories
- Modify Cloud to be slightly transparent
- Modify Paint Roller to ignore Easel collision instead of Chalkboard
- Modify Coffin collider to avoid collision issues
- Modify Grenade ticking sound volume
- Fix Dinner Plate being sticky
- Fix Rusty Bucket being sticky

- Modify camera follow not to be as jumpy
- Modify Tutorial not to contain web instructions

Post-update patchnotes

- Bury Open World
- Add Sand Pile under Open World items
- Fix Multi-Purpose ATM spawning untriggerable items