7 Wonders II - GamerByDay
We have updated the Steam build of 7 Wonders 2 to V.1.0.30.

This allows compatibility with Windows 8, as well as a few bug fixes. We apologize for any saved games that are lost, but feel the update is necessary to keep the game on Steam.

Happy Gaming!
7 Wonders II - GamerByDay
We have updated the Steam build of 7 Wonders 2 to V.1.0.30.

This allows compatibility with Windows 8, as well as a few bug fixes. We apologize for any saved games that are lost, but feel the update is necessary to keep the game on Steam.

Happy Gaming!
Mar 10, 2014
Midnight Mysteries - GamerByDay
We have updated the Steam build of Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy to V.1.0.5!

This allows compatibility with Windows 8, as well as a few bug fixes.
Mar 10, 2014
Midnight Mysteries - GamerByDay
We have updated the Steam build of Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy to V.1.0.5!

This allows compatibility with Windows 8, as well as a few bug fixes.