Maia - simon
Maia 0.58 has arrived. This update brings new AI systems, multiple base support, deepened simulation, procedural colonist written music and sci-fi and hundreds upon hundreds of bug fixes. Here's a video of me playing the latest build:


Colonists are now able to use their skill sets and experience to plan tasks and directly consult players on the running of the colony. From complex base management and room planning, to scientific excursions to the surface, torching failing crops and even presenting their mood-reflecting avant-garde electronic music or their desperately clichéd (procedural) science fiction writing. These emergent choices add a little extra challenge, depth and flavour to the game.


Multiple airlocks and even rudimentary multiple bases are now supported, allowing for much more ambitious building projects and paving the way for colonising the game's massive maps. Colonists will now take much greater care to manage their suit usage, planning their journeys around efficiency and safety.

Thinking Machines

Robot batteries now run down and will need to be replenished at a robot recharge station. A robot on low power will become sluggish and throw more fussy tantrums, upsetting the colonists. The IMP AI has had a major rewrite to re-prioritise their efforts around digging and materials collection. Their new detailed mouse over info-tips presenting a clearer picture of their robotic planning process.

Feed the rot. Rot the feed.

Crops are now susceptible to fungal blights, which spread based on temperature and maturity of the plants. These diseases can transfer to nearby hydroponic planters and wipe out plants of the same species. Growing varied crops and carefully considering placement of the growers, lights and heating adds new depth and challenge to food production.

Neighbors (become good friends?)

The creatures in the world will now migrate around the map to expand their territories and seek out new food sources. If the animal's new territory includes your base you will receive a warning email, giving you more time to consider defences.

Precipitation solution

Food and Water systems have been tweaked in many ways to reduce issues around dehydration and starvation. These range from the new condenser unit that can provide an efficient water source in any room, to new colonist crop anticipation priorities, down to small planning tweaks in the storage room reducing the chance of essential items being buried in mineral ore by a careless robot.

Notable changes include:

  • Tutorial start base is warmer and has more atmosphere to take the pressure off new players.
  • Base manifest now lists where colonists are going and more useful information.
  • Added new emergent Colonist Suggestion emails
  • Added Robot recharge station.
  • Robots now move slower if they run low on charge.
  • IMP AI rewritten.
  • IMPs should no longer stand still when given unreachable orders.
  • IMPs should no longer start conversations when carrying things, which lead to bugs.
  • Creatures now migrate around the map based on habitat.
  • Timmy the dog less likely to get stuck in walls. Sorry about that Timmy.
  • Warning emails for creature migration added.
  • Politeness no longer applies to using airlocks.
  • Total rewrite of colonist airlock AI, including support for multiple airlocks.
  • New Condenser object added.
  • Creature Sound Lure added.
  • Crops can now catch blight if in overly warm rooms and not regularly harvested.
  • Colonists with medical skills now wear white shirts.
  • Colonists no longer walk through locked doors
  • Colonist food growth/preparation cycle rewritten to ensure colonists plan to create food, reducing starvation.
  • Colonists can now use the smelter if it is left with minerals. However this risks fire as they are incompetent.
  • Greatly reduced instances of colonists failing to build outside.
  • Adjusted water barrel interaction points, leading to fewer interaction issues.
  • Storage room tweaks to allow for better access and more efficient packing.
  • Fix for rare case where cursor locked up when quitting to main menu.
  • Medical Beds can now catch fire.
  • Standard Beds can now be repaired after catching fire.
  • Glitch effect during solar flares is now more obvious.
  • Mouse over info-tips optimised. No longer update too fast to read.
  • Several info-tips rewritten to be more useful.
  • Some animation length fixes.
  • Colonists will now mention it in emails if they are dehydrated.
  • Utility Robots act on repairs before colonists.
  • Workshop table now sparks when damaged.
  • Reduced tendency for Workshop Table to get damaged.
  • Illnesses now take longer to progress.
  • Chicken AI improved. They should spread out more and show better flocking behaviours.
  • Colonists using the scanner will no longer send multiple diagnosis emails.
  • Tendency for healthy hypochondriac colonists to use the medical scanner reduced.
  • Medical scanner cycling more consistent. Cooldown added.
  • Fix for Bulkhead door disappearing when upgraded through research.
  • Improved graphics for Body Storage Unit.
  • Twilight Zone mission tweaked to account for new food system.
  • Additional starting text added to missions.
  • Repair sound added to make it easier to tell if colonists are fixing something.
  • Room atmosphere simulation optimisations
  • Miscellaneous spelling and grammar fixes.
  • AI for colonists taking ownership of objects rewritten to be more robust. Stops colonists who pop their clogs on the job from never relinquishing control of items.
  • Communications tower build priority changed.
  • Fixed building materials giving three materials for every one picked up.
  • Adjusted interaction points for Storage Room so that building materials could be taken off every wall.
  • Expanded clickable area on multiple objects to make them easier to select.
  • Solar Flares reduced.
  • Storage room objects moved to create more space.
  • Engine rendering optimisations
  • Changes to save system to store more data.(old saves are no longer compatible).
  • Mission hud now correctly resets.
  • New art assets for several models.
  • Fix for rare save-file issue where creatures had burrowed off the map and would cause instability.

I hope you enjoy this update, please let me know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter. You can watch my development on

Maia 0.59 will be out at the start of November, with Maia 0.60, our first Beta build out on December 13.
Maia - simon
Maia 0.58 has arrived. This update brings new AI systems, multiple base support, deepened simulation, procedural colonist written music and sci-fi and hundreds upon hundreds of bug fixes. Here's a video of me playing the latest build:


Colonists are now able to use their skill sets and experience to plan tasks and directly consult players on the running of the colony. From complex base management and room planning, to scientific excursions to the surface, torching failing crops and even presenting their mood-reflecting avant-garde electronic music or their desperately clichéd (procedural) science fiction writing. These emergent choices add a little extra challenge, depth and flavour to the game.


Multiple airlocks and even rudimentary multiple bases are now supported, allowing for much more ambitious building projects and paving the way for colonising the game's massive maps. Colonists will now take much greater care to manage their suit usage, planning their journeys around efficiency and safety.

Thinking Machines

Robot batteries now run down and will need to be replenished at a robot recharge station. A robot on low power will become sluggish and throw more fussy tantrums, upsetting the colonists. The IMP AI has had a major rewrite to re-prioritise their efforts around digging and materials collection. Their new detailed mouse over info-tips presenting a clearer picture of their robotic planning process.

Feed the rot. Rot the feed.

Crops are now susceptible to fungal blights, which spread based on temperature and maturity of the plants. These diseases can transfer to nearby hydroponic planters and wipe out plants of the same species. Growing varied crops and carefully considering placement of the growers, lights and heating adds new depth and challenge to food production.

Neighbors (become good friends?)

The creatures in the world will now migrate around the map to expand their territories and seek out new food sources. If the animal's new territory includes your base you will receive a warning email, giving you more time to consider defences.

Precipitation solution

Food and Water systems have been tweaked in many ways to reduce issues around dehydration and starvation. These range from the new condenser unit that can provide an efficient water source in any room, to new colonist crop anticipation priorities, down to small planning tweaks in the storage room reducing the chance of essential items being buried in mineral ore by a careless robot.

Notable changes include:

  • Tutorial start base is warmer and has more atmosphere to take the pressure off new players.
  • Base manifest now lists where colonists are going and more useful information.
  • Added new emergent Colonist Suggestion emails
  • Added Robot recharge station.
  • Robots now move slower if they run low on charge.
  • IMP AI rewritten.
  • IMPs should no longer stand still when given unreachable orders.
  • IMPs should no longer start conversations when carrying things, which lead to bugs.
  • Creatures now migrate around the map based on habitat.
  • Timmy the dog less likely to get stuck in walls. Sorry about that Timmy.
  • Warning emails for creature migration added.
  • Politeness no longer applies to using airlocks.
  • Total rewrite of colonist airlock AI, including support for multiple airlocks.
  • New Condenser object added.
  • Creature Sound Lure added.
  • Crops can now catch blight if in overly warm rooms and not regularly harvested.
  • Colonists with medical skills now wear white shirts.
  • Colonists no longer walk through locked doors
  • Colonist food growth/preparation cycle rewritten to ensure colonists plan to create food, reducing starvation.
  • Colonists can now use the smelter if it is left with minerals. However this risks fire as they are incompetent.
  • Greatly reduced instances of colonists failing to build outside.
  • Adjusted water barrel interaction points, leading to fewer interaction issues.
  • Storage room tweaks to allow for better access and more efficient packing.
  • Fix for rare case where cursor locked up when quitting to main menu.
  • Medical Beds can now catch fire.
  • Standard Beds can now be repaired after catching fire.
  • Glitch effect during solar flares is now more obvious.
  • Mouse over info-tips optimised. No longer update too fast to read.
  • Several info-tips rewritten to be more useful.
  • Some animation length fixes.
  • Colonists will now mention it in emails if they are dehydrated.
  • Utility Robots act on repairs before colonists.
  • Workshop table now sparks when damaged.
  • Reduced tendency for Workshop Table to get damaged.
  • Illnesses now take longer to progress.
  • Chicken AI improved. They should spread out more and show better flocking behaviours.
  • Colonists using the scanner will no longer send multiple diagnosis emails.
  • Tendency for healthy hypochondriac colonists to use the medical scanner reduced.
  • Medical scanner cycling more consistent. Cooldown added.
  • Fix for Bulkhead door disappearing when upgraded through research.
  • Improved graphics for Body Storage Unit.
  • Twilight Zone mission tweaked to account for new food system.
  • Additional starting text added to missions.
  • Repair sound added to make it easier to tell if colonists are fixing something.
  • Room atmosphere simulation optimisations
  • Miscellaneous spelling and grammar fixes.
  • AI for colonists taking ownership of objects rewritten to be more robust. Stops colonists who pop their clogs on the job from never relinquishing control of items.
  • Communications tower build priority changed.
  • Fixed building materials giving three materials for every one picked up.
  • Adjusted interaction points for Storage Room so that building materials could be taken off every wall.
  • Expanded clickable area on multiple objects to make them easier to select.
  • Solar Flares reduced.
  • Storage room objects moved to create more space.
  • Engine rendering optimisations
  • Changes to save system to store more data.(old saves are no longer compatible).
  • Mission hud now correctly resets.
  • New art assets for several models.
  • Fix for rare save-file issue where creatures had burrowed off the map and would cause instability.

I hope you enjoy this update, please let me know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter. You can watch my development on

Maia 0.59 will be out at the start of November, with Maia 0.60, our first Beta build out on December 13.
Sep 15, 2016
Maia - simon
Simon here! Update 0.58 is on the way soon, but on the way we have been releasing many small fixes to the current 0.57 release. These fixes centre around AI behaviour and there have now been enough of them for them to change the game significantly.

I'll save a full changelog for the next update, but here are some of the key changes to the current game:

  • Colonists are more aware of the importance of different parts of the food production cycle and can balance the competing needs of planting, harvesting and then preparing food. This will make the food preparation stations more effective and allow you to quickly build ration packs too.

  • Condenser units provide a source of drinking water and can be placed in most the rooms. This means that a lot less time will be wasted on regular trips to storage to drink. This coupled with food production fixes means dehydration will be much less of an issue.

  • Utility bots can now act on repairs long before colonists. This means that in larger bases you are not going to have as much time wasted to colonists doing repair work. The sound for repairs has been hooked up now, so if you hear a ratchet tightening you will know that a colonist is repairing something and you should consider building more repair robots.

  • Several parts of the building pipeline have been streamlined or fixed. Most the issues with colonists not building things outside are resolved. The workshop table now shows damage with a particle effect so it better telegraphed as unusable to the player.

  • Illnesses take longer to progress, barring a lot of bad luck, they will become an issue for the later game now.

  • IMP AI improved in several cases. Colonists will also no longer start conversations with robots that are carrying things, which caused stuff to get dropped in weird places and could break the game.

  • Chicken behaviour bugs fixed. This should see less clumping in the livestock containment and also more natural actions around the base.

In testing we've found that this smooths over most of the issues people were having with the game. The upcoming update also has a lot of nice little changes that will add a lot to the experience. We'll see you then.

Remember you can keep up to date with development by visiting and viewing our changes as we make them.
Sep 15, 2016
Maia - simon
Simon here! Update 0.58 is on the way soon, but on the way we have been releasing many small fixes to the current 0.57 release. These fixes centre around AI behaviour and there have now been enough of them for them to change the game significantly.

I'll save a full changelog for the next update, but here are some of the key changes to the current game:

  • Colonists are more aware of the importance of different parts of the food production cycle and can balance the competing needs of planting, harvesting and then preparing food. This will make the food preparation stations more effective and allow you to quickly build ration packs too.

  • Condenser units provide a source of drinking water and can be placed in most the rooms. This means that a lot less time will be wasted on regular trips to storage to drink. This coupled with food production fixes means dehydration will be much less of an issue.

  • Utility bots can now act on repairs long before colonists. This means that in larger bases you are not going to have as much time wasted to colonists doing repair work. The sound for repairs has been hooked up now, so if you hear a ratchet tightening you will know that a colonist is repairing something and you should consider building more repair robots.

  • Several parts of the building pipeline have been streamlined or fixed. Most the issues with colonists not building things outside are resolved. The workshop table now shows damage with a particle effect so it better telegraphed as unusable to the player.

  • Illnesses take longer to progress, barring a lot of bad luck, they will become an issue for the later game now.

  • IMP AI improved in several cases. Colonists will also no longer start conversations with robots that are carrying things, which caused stuff to get dropped in weird places and could break the game.

  • Chicken behaviour bugs fixed. This should see less clumping in the livestock containment and also more natural actions around the base.

In testing we've found that this smooths over most of the issues people were having with the game. The upcoming update also has a lot of nice little changes that will add a lot to the experience. We'll see you then.

Remember you can keep up to date with development by visiting and viewing our changes as we make them.
Maia - Caroline
This large update heightens the detail and complexity of the game's human body simulation with a series of conditions and diseases, which must be diagnosed and treated. It also features a new emergency air system, body storage unit, dozens of fixes and much more...

Here's Simon playing the latest build:
Medical Update
Colonists can now get a exciting variety of diseases, mental illnesses and conditions!

Colonists develop medical issues from hundreds of factors in the simulation. They may show their illness through action or cryptically through an email. In order to properly diagnose them however, a medical scanner or a skilled doctor is required.

Once a colonist is diagnosed they will require treatment. The diagnosed colonist can receive prescribed medicine from the new dispenser unit and rest and recuperate on a 'meat trolley' until fully healed. Researching the local ecology can provide new technologies and medicines to speed up treatments.

Possible Health Issues

Compound Fractures
Colonists caught in earthquakes, cave ins and explosions may develop fractured limbs, which cause them to walk with a limp until cured. This puts a serious crimp on the colony’s interpretative dance sessions.

High amounts of stress and poor social activity can lead to colonists becoming depressed and lacking in energy. Antidepressants and a change in environment can help perk them up.

High Blood Pressure
High stress and frustration can lead to blood pressure issues. This is best treated with ACE inhibitors, soothing lighting and avoiding any discussion of the current political situation.

Vitamin Deficiency
If your colonists diet is not well balanced they can develop fatigue, dizziness and tingling in the hands and feet. Perhaps consider growing something other than just potatoes.

Muscle Fatigue
Although character building, too much hard manual labour can lead to colonists developing muscle fatigue, hampering their ability to help around the base. Building repair robots can help alleviate the strain on these fragile fleshy meatbags.

Gastric Distress
Eating raw food can cause severe gastric distress. This can cause serious fatigue and dehydration issues for your colonists. Watch out for them using the bathroom too much, they probably need treatment. You would too if you ate a whole chicken raw.

Renal Failure
One of two conditions that can potentially outright kill your colonists, Renal Failure is caused by a contaminated water supply or sustained untreated Vitamin Deficiency. None of Maia’s colonists are registered organ donors, so this is best treated early.

The other deadly condition, poor reactor maintenance or getting caught in cosmic rays can prove fatal to colonists. There is no chance of irradiated colonists developing superpowers, please stop trying to make this happen.

Body Storage Unit

Several colonists have complained about having to keep bodybags next to their rations in the storage room. The body storage unit holds onto the corpses a little more hygienically and without harming the sanity of your team.

Colonists Keep Warm
Colonists now gather around objects that produce heat to try and warm themselves up and stave off hypothermia.

Emergency Air System
This new system gradually generates a store of oxygen and nitrogen. In the event of a sudden loss of atmosphere the mixture can be immediately released, providing a short burst of breathable air and offering colonists time for an orderly evacuation or a short retrospective on the life choices that lead them to this moment.

Colonists Emails
Colonists now voice their opinion on your food supplies, with a wide range of emails ranging from “yum, enough for seconds” to “oh god we’re going to die”. Colonists with skills relating to food production can give better estimates.

Change log:
  • Colonists can now get off the bed on the opposite side to how they got on.
  • The colony manifest has been updated to include more information on food and rations.
  • Hydroponic plant growers now give estimates on the amount of food energy in the growing plants, to help players plan their production.
  • Earthquakes can now damage items so much they catch fire.
  • The room menu now uses the new GUI added for object placement in 0.56.
  • Colonists using the toilet is now properly simulated. Previously they used it whenever they didn’t have anything better to do.
  • Several new Infotips added and many spelling mistakes fixed.
  • Colonist water intake rebalanced and better simulated. They will use more water now.
  • Added console commands for causing a solar flare.
  • Object spawning limiters fixed. No more infinite jungles and deadly chicken explosions.
  • Avian feeder action fixed. Previously colonists were running around it in circles.
  • Fix for objects advertising needs with no actions available, wasting colonists' time by tricking them with something that was not really on offer.
  • Colonist inventory size for food is now limited. Pushing them to share what they have taken instead of starving their team to death.
  • Colonists no longer starve to death because they'd rather complain about being too hungry to eat because it was easier to complain and die.
  • Fatigue rebalanced, better linked to colonists activity. Bed usage more consistent.
  • Several interaction points modified on problematic objects.
  • Colonists take much more kJ from ration packs.
  • Ration packs kJ increased.
  • Path finding fixes.
  • Repetitive object usuage fixed. Specifically with ration packs and food stations.
  • Missions rebalanced to reflect new food usage.
  • Deprioritised food production when it’s not needed.
  • Second tier research is now prioritised a little higher.
  • Reduction for bored colonist eating, hunger better simulated.
  • Added the ability for colonists to request several more objects and rooms in their emails.
  • Many new sounds added and some older ones tweaked.

Update 0.58 is fast approaching. For this we’ll be focusing on the campaign and even more bug fixing. To see live development head over to

We hope you enjoy this update, please let us know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter.
Maia - Caroline
This large update heightens the detail and complexity of the game's human body simulation with a series of conditions and diseases, which must be diagnosed and treated. It also features a new emergency air system, body storage unit, dozens of fixes and much more...

Here's Simon playing the latest build:
Medical Update
Colonists can now get a exciting variety of diseases, mental illnesses and conditions!

Colonists develop medical issues from hundreds of factors in the simulation. They may show their illness through action or cryptically through an email. In order to properly diagnose them however, a medical scanner or a skilled doctor is required.

Once a colonist is diagnosed they will require treatment. The diagnosed colonist can receive prescribed medicine from the new dispenser unit and rest and recuperate on a 'meat trolley' until fully healed. Researching the local ecology can provide new technologies and medicines to speed up treatments.

Possible Health Issues

Compound Fractures
Colonists caught in earthquakes, cave ins and explosions may develop fractured limbs, which cause them to walk with a limp until cured. This puts a serious crimp on the colony’s interpretative dance sessions.

High amounts of stress and poor social activity can lead to colonists becoming depressed and lacking in energy. Antidepressants and a change in environment can help perk them up.

High Blood Pressure
High stress and frustration can lead to blood pressure issues. This is best treated with ACE inhibitors, soothing lighting and avoiding any discussion of the current political situation.

Vitamin Deficiency
If your colonists diet is not well balanced they can develop fatigue, dizziness and tingling in the hands and feet. Perhaps consider growing something other than just potatoes.

Muscle Fatigue
Although character building, too much hard manual labour can lead to colonists developing muscle fatigue, hampering their ability to help around the base. Building repair robots can help alleviate the strain on these fragile fleshy meatbags.

Gastric Distress
Eating raw food can cause severe gastric distress. This can cause serious fatigue and dehydration issues for your colonists. Watch out for them using the bathroom too much, they probably need treatment. You would too if you ate a whole chicken raw.

Renal Failure
One of two conditions that can potentially outright kill your colonists, Renal Failure is caused by a contaminated water supply or sustained untreated Vitamin Deficiency. None of Maia’s colonists are registered organ donors, so this is best treated early.

The other deadly condition, poor reactor maintenance or getting caught in cosmic rays can prove fatal to colonists. There is no chance of irradiated colonists developing superpowers, please stop trying to make this happen.

Body Storage Unit

Several colonists have complained about having to keep bodybags next to their rations in the storage room. The body storage unit holds onto the corpses a little more hygienically and without harming the sanity of your team.

Colonists Keep Warm
Colonists now gather around objects that produce heat to try and warm themselves up and stave off hypothermia.

Emergency Air System
This new system gradually generates a store of oxygen and nitrogen. In the event of a sudden loss of atmosphere the mixture can be immediately released, providing a short burst of breathable air and offering colonists time for an orderly evacuation or a short retrospective on the life choices that lead them to this moment.

Colonists Emails
Colonists now voice their opinion on your food supplies, with a wide range of emails ranging from “yum, enough for seconds” to “oh god we’re going to die”. Colonists with skills relating to food production can give better estimates.

Change log:
  • Colonists can now get off the bed on the opposite side to how they got on.
  • The colony manifest has been updated to include more information on food and rations.
  • Hydroponic plant growers now give estimates on the amount of food energy in the growing plants, to help players plan their production.
  • Earthquakes can now damage items so much they catch fire.
  • The room menu now uses the new GUI added for object placement in 0.56.
  • Colonists using the toilet is now properly simulated. Previously they used it whenever they didn’t have anything better to do.
  • Several new Infotips added and many spelling mistakes fixed.
  • Colonist water intake rebalanced and better simulated. They will use more water now.
  • Added console commands for causing a solar flare.
  • Object spawning limiters fixed. No more infinite jungles and deadly chicken explosions.
  • Avian feeder action fixed. Previously colonists were running around it in circles.
  • Fix for objects advertising needs with no actions available, wasting colonists' time by tricking them with something that was not really on offer.
  • Colonist inventory size for food is now limited. Pushing them to share what they have taken instead of starving their team to death.
  • Colonists no longer starve to death because they'd rather complain about being too hungry to eat because it was easier to complain and die.
  • Fatigue rebalanced, better linked to colonists activity. Bed usage more consistent.
  • Several interaction points modified on problematic objects.
  • Colonists take much more kJ from ration packs.
  • Ration packs kJ increased.
  • Path finding fixes.
  • Repetitive object usuage fixed. Specifically with ration packs and food stations.
  • Missions rebalanced to reflect new food usage.
  • Deprioritised food production when it’s not needed.
  • Second tier research is now prioritised a little higher.
  • Reduction for bored colonist eating, hunger better simulated.
  • Added the ability for colonists to request several more objects and rooms in their emails.
  • Many new sounds added and some older ones tweaked.

Update 0.58 is fast approaching. For this we’ll be focusing on the campaign and even more bug fixing. To see live development head over to

We hope you enjoy this update, please let us know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter.
Maia - Caroline
This updates focuses on deepening the gameplay experience with improvements to many core mechanics and user interface. We've worked using your feedback to fix all the small issues and to make the game much more accessible, engaging and fun!
Smart Stockpiling

Colonists can now stockpile building materials on the shelves in the storage room. Allowing you to manually build up reserves for future expansion and also keep your base neat and tidy.

Food Preparation Station

No longer will colonists have to crouch on the storage room floor to consume their necessary nutrients. The preparation station allows hungry colonists to get their meals ready in a better, more sanitary environment. It also allows for fast automated processing and stockpiling of crops and meat, allowing for larger more efficient bases.

UI Changes

A new object cycler has been added to improve the object placement interface. Allowing you to quickly select the items you want to build. Interaction points on nearby items will also fade in and out to better illustrate the most efficient ways to place items in crowded rooms.

Email and notification information has been added as well as several new notification and GUI sounds.
Text will appear at the top of the screen to let you know what type of message is being received.Many new mouse over infotips have been added and several older ones improved for clarity and humour.

Change list:
  • Greater email complexity and feedback from colonists regarding rooms and base equipment.
  • Colonists can no longer gorge themselves repeatedly at the ration packs.
  • Object destruction needs balanced to take into account more than building materials.
  • Fossils are now taken to storage and are now destroyable by colonists.
  • The Spathiphyllum plant can now be found in the game. They have also been balanced for atmosphere generation and aesthetic properties.
  • Landers and Microwave towers can now be removed as intended.
  • Objects have improved visuals when being placed and cycled through.
  • Pausing the game now stops the countdown timer.
  • Megacephalalgia now stay dead.
  • Several IMP pathfinding issues fixed.
  • Interaction points interference detection improved.
  • Many game and UI sounds tweaked and improved.
  • Broccoli deletion crash fix.
  • Several instability issues have been solved.
  • Starting materials fix.
  • Black Screen crash fixed for a few cases.
  • Entity name changes.
  • Spalling and, grammar chunges.
  • Fix for several mouse over issues.
  • Object destruction issues fixed. If an object is destroyed it’s parent object is too.
  • Parent objects now get marked for destruction by their children.
  • Fix for multipart objects not having shadows.
  • Fix for offset in pathfinding room physics mesh intersections, this should fix many bugs including walking through door frames.
  • Fix for "base" being said instead of the correct room in announcements.
  • Fix for inaccuracy in wall readouts in small rooms.
  • Wall heater tweaks, build priority now better linked to the temperature at the position of the heater.
  • Gameworld cleanup improved on loading.
  • Removed redundant shaders and optimised loading
  • Several Memory issues fixed.
  • Memory buffer fixes.
  • Support for variable refresh rates for Gsync and Freesync monitors.
  • Code base modernisation to C++11 and C++14 standards.
We're looking forward to update 0.57 which we're already working on.The update will focus on sicknesses, diagnosis, treatment and first aid. To see live development head over to

We hope you enjoy this update, please let us know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter @Maia.
Maia - Caroline
This updates focuses on deepening the gameplay experience with improvements to many core mechanics and user interface. We've worked using your feedback to fix all the small issues and to make the game much more accessible, engaging and fun!
Smart Stockpiling

Colonists can now stockpile building materials on the shelves in the storage room. Allowing you to manually build up reserves for future expansion and also keep your base neat and tidy.

Food Preparation Station

No longer will colonists have to crouch on the storage room floor to consume their necessary nutrients. The preparation station allows hungry colonists to get their meals ready in a better, more sanitary environment. It also allows for fast automated processing and stockpiling of crops and meat, allowing for larger more efficient bases.

UI Changes

A new object cycler has been added to improve the object placement interface. Allowing you to quickly select the items you want to build. Interaction points on nearby items will also fade in and out to better illustrate the most efficient ways to place items in crowded rooms.

Email and notification information has been added as well as several new notification and GUI sounds.
Text will appear at the top of the screen to let you know what type of message is being received.Many new mouse over infotips have been added and several older ones improved for clarity and humour.

Change list:
  • Greater email complexity and feedback from colonists regarding rooms and base equipment.
  • Colonists can no longer gorge themselves repeatedly at the ration packs.
  • Object destruction needs balanced to take into account more than building materials.
  • Fossils are now taken to storage and are now destroyable by colonists.
  • The Spathiphyllum plant can now be found in the game. They have also been balanced for atmosphere generation and aesthetic properties.
  • Landers and Microwave towers can now be removed as intended.
  • Objects have improved visuals when being placed and cycled through.
  • Pausing the game now stops the countdown timer.
  • Megacephalalgia now stay dead.
  • Several IMP pathfinding issues fixed.
  • Interaction points interference detection improved.
  • Many game and UI sounds tweaked and improved.
  • Broccoli deletion crash fix.
  • Several instability issues have been solved.
  • Starting materials fix.
  • Black Screen crash fixed for a few cases.
  • Entity name changes.
  • Spalling and, grammar chunges.
  • Fix for several mouse over issues.
  • Object destruction issues fixed. If an object is destroyed it’s parent object is too.
  • Parent objects now get marked for destruction by their children.
  • Fix for multipart objects not having shadows.
  • Fix for offset in pathfinding room physics mesh intersections, this should fix many bugs including walking through door frames.
  • Fix for "base" being said instead of the correct room in announcements.
  • Fix for inaccuracy in wall readouts in small rooms.
  • Wall heater tweaks, build priority now better linked to the temperature at the position of the heater.
  • Gameworld cleanup improved on loading.
  • Removed redundant shaders and optimised loading
  • Several Memory issues fixed.
  • Memory buffer fixes.
  • Support for variable refresh rates for Gsync and Freesync monitors.
  • Code base modernisation to C++11 and C++14 standards.
We're looking forward to update 0.57 which we're already working on.The update will focus on sicknesses, diagnosis, treatment and first aid. To see live development head over to

We hope you enjoy this update, please let us know what you think over on the Maia forums or on Twitter @Maia.
Maia - Caroline
This latest update introduces changes to saving, the settings menu, new items, new research perks, vast improvements to the object and room placement system as well as complex creature and ecosystem simulation changes.

Here's Simon's video of the latest build:

New Objects and Equipment
Portable Solar Panels

Quick to build, these additional new solar panels will provide less energy but are more convenient for a starting base. The existing solar arrays now require a full workshop to build and provide a higher output.


Flares will appear in the area a capsule will land. This helps the new colonists navigate their way to Maia and lets the player know that something will happen in that spot soon. Colonists will also be able to place them to distract animals.

New Decorative Items

New aesthetic items have been added. Cypress and Dracaena plants can be placed to make the base feel a lot more like home.

Multiple Save Files and Options

Players can now save their game to several slots along with the existing f5 quicksave. Allowing for you to have multiple bases on the go with zero hassle.

Save and load buttons have also been placed on the pause menu and an option has been added for those wanting to quickly abort their missions and return to the main menu.

By going into the settings, players can create different key bindings which allow players to customise the controls to their liking and also enables people using alternate keyboard layouts, such as AZERTY, to play. The bindings are saved in human readable xml so can be modified by third party programs and shared between machines.

Improvements to Object Placement

When placing a blueprint of an object it may turn amber, to indicate a sub-optimal placement. This might make it more difficult to build or might indicate that the objects function will be impaired.

Colonists are now better at considering whether a complex chain of actions can be fully completed, leading to less time wasted by the colonists on jobs they give up on half way through.

Players are now also able to place priority orders for their colonists. Do this by double clicking a blueprint you have placed. These orders with be prioritised over most tasks, but will upset colonists by going against their own judgement and freewill.

Players may also notice that when placing a room the blueprint appears as a grid, this visual improvement makes it easier to understand how objects are placed.

Creature Updates
There has been various updates to the creatures on Maia including improvements to animation and AI. Also, some creatures are now able to breed.


The Voxnocturnus that travels Maia’s plains at night will now find and create burrows to sleep in during the day.

Proto Birds

The unknown proto birds food sources have changed. This will encourage when to invade bases more and to eat other dead creatures.


Megacephalalgia will now have migration patterns which means new packs will appear on the map. They also have new reactions to each other and idle actions.

Emails and Announcements!

The emails have been updated to relate to colonist skills. Your inhabitants will complain for even more reasons such as lack of robots, need for equipment and give unsolicited feedback on the base you have created.
The emails will have a lot more personality so you can get to know your doomed colonists. In addition to this, the announcer will now alert you on even more issues and events.

Research Changes

Overall the researching in Maia is more balanced, new perks will be unlocked at different times dependent on what kind of research is being collected. Several interesting new research perks have been added to the game that provide the player with more options and choices on how to run their base. Colonists will discover new ways to create stable energy, how to capture animals and treat infections faster. Research advancements in computer technology and social compliance are also possible. The full list of research perks can be found at

Also, probes can be found outside on the planet's surface. These can be selected and used to gain research.
The research perks are also now tiered so players will not be able to unlock certain research perks until they have done the related one before.
Other Changes
  • When walking or running or waiting with no idle animation, colonists turn their heads to look at what is interesting them.
  • Outdoor wind directions on smoke and other effects balanced and corrected.
  • Drift added to many effects such as snow, dust, ash and embers to cause the particles to float about naturally.
  • Bum scooting animations for megacephalalgias are now more satisfying.
  • Better hypothermia emails.
  • Repair bot works faster, smarter.
  • Trees grow in group to create forests.
  • Plants grow more naturally, maxing out at over fifty thousand individual entities.
  • IMP can now destroy plants in first person mode.
  • Less poetry emails.
  • UI sounds added for several interactions.
  • Sound balancing on many items.
  • Necropsy table visibility fixed.
  • Meteorites are now easier to select.
  • Build priorities and needs tweaked.
  • Fix for ambient occlusion pass not being used.
  • Colour bleeding added to the SSAO effect and increased.
  • The Bloom system reduced in scale to save memory.
  • Lights are now individually scaled for different rooms.
  • Internal reflection threshold increased. To give more interesting lens flares.
  • Graphics update and optimisations.
  • SSAO is now working with AA and without it
  • Spinning turret bug fixed
  • Fix for corrupted files.
  • Typos fixed in several descriptions. New descriptions added.
  • Colonist's now think about base design
  • Colonists now think about alarms
  • Keybinding saved to XML
  • More consistent code for warnings and problem status on all sub objects.
  • Tree sample priority has been raised.
  • Workshop table no longer missing on Linux builds.
  • Save file changes
  • Room updating optimised
  • Several loading issues fixed
  • Various code cleanups
  • Particle FX now on less threads, and updated more optimally.
  • Linux graphics fixes for Intel and ATI machines. Game now build against up to date libraries and tested on Ubuntu 16.04
  • Cave-ins will now spawn at the centre of the screen when using debug cavein command.

We're looking forward to update 0.56 which we're already hard at work on. To see live development head over to

Simon has been live streaming development nearly every Friday over on Twitch.

We hope you enjoy Maia’s Update, give us your feedback on the Steam Forum, or by mentioning #MaiaGame on twitter.
Maia - Caroline
This latest update introduces changes to saving, the settings menu, new items, new research perks, vast improvements to the object and room placement system as well as complex creature and ecosystem simulation changes.

Here's Simon's video of the latest build:

New Objects and Equipment
Portable Solar Panels

Quick to build, these additional new solar panels will provide less energy but are more convenient for a starting base. The existing solar arrays now require a full workshop to build and provide a higher output.


Flares will appear in the area a capsule will land. This helps the new colonists navigate their way to Maia and lets the player know that something will happen in that spot soon. Colonists will also be able to place them to distract animals.

New Decorative Items

New aesthetic items have been added. Cypress and Dracaena plants can be placed to make the base feel a lot more like home.

Multiple Save Files and Options

Players can now save their game to several slots along with the existing f5 quicksave. Allowing for you to have multiple bases on the go with zero hassle.

Save and load buttons have also been placed on the pause menu and an option has been added for those wanting to quickly abort their missions and return to the main menu.

By going into the settings, players can create different key bindings which allow players to customise the controls to their liking and also enables people using alternate keyboard layouts, such as AZERTY, to play. The bindings are saved in human readable xml so can be modified by third party programs and shared between machines.

Improvements to Object Placement

When placing a blueprint of an object it may turn amber, to indicate a sub-optimal placement. This might make it more difficult to build or might indicate that the objects function will be impaired.

Colonists are now better at considering whether a complex chain of actions can be fully completed, leading to less time wasted by the colonists on jobs they give up on half way through.

Players are now also able to place priority orders for their colonists. Do this by double clicking a blueprint you have placed. These orders with be prioritised over most tasks, but will upset colonists by going against their own judgement and freewill.

Players may also notice that when placing a room the blueprint appears as a grid, this visual improvement makes it easier to understand how objects are placed.

Creature Updates
There has been various updates to the creatures on Maia including improvements to animation and AI. Also, some creatures are now able to breed.


The Voxnocturnus that travels Maia’s plains at night will now find and create burrows to sleep in during the day.

Proto Birds

The unknown proto birds food sources have changed. This will encourage when to invade bases more and to eat other dead creatures.


Megacephalalgia will now have migration patterns which means new packs will appear on the map. They also have new reactions to each other and idle actions.

Emails and Announcements!

The emails have been updated to relate to colonist skills. Your inhabitants will complain for even more reasons such as lack of robots, need for equipment and give unsolicited feedback on the base you have created.
The emails will have a lot more personality so you can get to know your doomed colonists. In addition to this, the announcer will now alert you on even more issues and events.

Research Changes

Overall the researching in Maia is more balanced, new perks will be unlocked at different times dependent on what kind of research is being collected. Several interesting new research perks have been added to the game that provide the player with more options and choices on how to run their base. Colonists will discover new ways to create stable energy, how to capture animals and treat infections faster. Research advancements in computer technology and social compliance are also possible. The full list of research perks can be found at

Also, probes can be found outside on the planet's surface. These can be selected and used to gain research.
The research perks are also now tiered so players will not be able to unlock certain research perks until they have done the related one before.
Other Changes
  • When walking or running or waiting with no idle animation, colonists turn their heads to look at what is interesting them.
  • Outdoor wind directions on smoke and other effects balanced and corrected.
  • Drift added to many effects such as snow, dust, ash and embers to cause the particles to float about naturally.
  • Bum scooting animations for megacephalalgias are now more satisfying.
  • Better hypothermia emails.
  • Repair bot works faster, smarter.
  • Trees grow in group to create forests.
  • Plants grow more naturally, maxing out at over fifty thousand individual entities.
  • IMP can now destroy plants in first person mode.
  • Less poetry emails.
  • UI sounds added for several interactions.
  • Sound balancing on many items.
  • Necropsy table visibility fixed.
  • Meteorites are now easier to select.
  • Build priorities and needs tweaked.
  • Fix for ambient occlusion pass not being used.
  • Colour bleeding added to the SSAO effect and increased.
  • The Bloom system reduced in scale to save memory.
  • Lights are now individually scaled for different rooms.
  • Internal reflection threshold increased. To give more interesting lens flares.
  • Graphics update and optimisations.
  • SSAO is now working with AA and without it
  • Spinning turret bug fixed
  • Fix for corrupted files.
  • Typos fixed in several descriptions. New descriptions added.
  • Colonist's now think about base design
  • Colonists now think about alarms
  • Keybinding saved to XML
  • More consistent code for warnings and problem status on all sub objects.
  • Tree sample priority has been raised.
  • Workshop table no longer missing on Linux builds.
  • Save file changes
  • Room updating optimised
  • Several loading issues fixed
  • Various code cleanups
  • Particle FX now on less threads, and updated more optimally.
  • Linux graphics fixes for Intel and ATI machines. Game now build against up to date libraries and tested on Ubuntu 16.04
  • Cave-ins will now spawn at the centre of the screen when using debug cavein command.

We're looking forward to update 0.56 which we're already hard at work on. To see live development head over to

Simon has been live streaming development nearly every Friday over on Twitch.

We hope you enjoy Maia’s Update, give us your feedback on the Steam Forum, or by mentioning #MaiaGame on twitter.