Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
Hey all,

Just a bug fix patch: Enemy AI used to move the player hand instead of its own, and that is now fixed.
Big thanks to Red Phantom who found and reported the bug.

Have fun =]
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
A small balance patch.

"Soul" card now "Creates 30 warmth over 15 turns". This should be a definite end of "Altar of Eternal Fire" + "Soul" + "Soul Guardian" combo.

"Darkness and decay" rune now starts with 25 warmth and should now be as hard as it was intended to be.​

Implemented a fix for players who have broken "Darkness and decay" rune before it had an achievement.
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
The content update is here!
  • 11 new and challenging runes.
  • New achievements - each of the challenge runes will award an achievement.
  • Faster "Fast Mode" and ability to toggle it from combat screen: Skip the boring parts of fights.
  • Faster overworld movement speed: Less backtracking.
  • Graphically improved battle background.
  • "Darkness And Decay": Corrected deck and added an achievement for breaking this rune.
  • Runes in the endgame area now break.
  • Enemy AI improved.
  • New turn start action: Move hand. Moves cards in the hand to the deck.
  • Soul now deals 1 damage to the player avatar.
  • Instead of refreshing health, Prototype now gains +1 health every turn.
  • It's now also possible to conjure by pressing space.
  • Pressing ESC now closes UI pages.
Some extra information about the update:

This might be the only content update Magic of Autumn will get. It was never meant to be a large game and I'm running out of design space. To keep things going, I'd need to make new areas and cards - but it's probably better for everyone if I focused on my current major project.
Once it is done, I can think about making a sequel.

But enough about that.

I want to give a warning: Because of the lack of time, I did not test all of the new runes properly - decided to leave that for the players this time. Please report issues and if what - you can use tools to get all achievements. I'm always monitoring the discussions and comments.

I have also made some changes to enemy AI. It's now able to use the new "Move hand" action if it gets stuck.

An even less visible change is how the enemy chooses what cards to play. It used to simply check cards in hand in order and play the card if it's possible. In certain cases that would lead to AI being stuck: E.g.: During the fight against one of the challenge runes, the AI would play Harbinger of Darkness, get it killed, draw it the next turn, and play it again - repeating indefinitely. Making it a very boring fight.

Now AI randomly chooses to read the list of cards from top to bottom, or bottom to top and will no longer get stuck like that.

Finally, this update brings the first nerfs of the game.

Prototype's effect has been changed because it would probably be able to defeat most of the new runes by itself.

The same can probably be said about the Altar of the Eternal Fire > Soul > Soul Guardian combo. This should be harder to pull off now.

That is all for now - thank you for those wonderful reviews =]
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
Hey all,

For a while now I have been working on an update for Magic of Autumn. Just wanted it to have a bit more stuff and use some of the leftover design space =]

This is what it will add:
  • 12 new and challenging runes.
  • New achievements. Each of the new challenge runes will award an achievement.
  • Faster "Fast Mode" and ability to toggle it from combat screen: Skip the boring parts of fights.
  • Faster overworld movement speed: Easier backtracking.
  • Several smaller improvements.
I am planning to release it in... a few days actually - if everything goes as planned.

Until then!

EDIT: My mistake, 11 new runes.
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
UPDATE: Magic of Autumn is now making money for me. Thanks for buying =]

Hey all,

Magic of Autumn is not doing well, I haven't earned $100 yet and because adding the game to Steam costs $100, Magic of Autumn had managed to be a loss of money for me.

That sucks, but the situation may improve if the game gets more reviews.
So, if you happen to own Magic of Autumn and wish to help me, please leave a review.

Just tell me and future buyers what you think, the reviews don't have to be positive or anything =]

That's all for now, until next time.
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
Hey all,

I've made a small update:
  • New rune added to the area that unlocks after breaking "Soul" rune.
  • "Runes broken" leaderboard to give a reason to break all of the runes.
  • Fixed: Poison UI graphical bug.
  • Fixed: "Collector" achievement was not awarded in some situations.

Have fun!
Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
It's finally released!

If you have any questions or have a problem with the game, head to the discussions - I will be active there.

You can also talk with me on my Discord server.
Invite link >>
(The link will expire)

I wish everyone to have fun with my little game!

Magic of Autumn - Zuurix
Hey all!

Magic of Autumn will become available on February 17, 6:00 am PST!

The game will cost $2.99 / £2.09 / €2.39

I began working on Magic of Autumn in 2017, it was a game for a small competition.

After the competition was over, I kept working on the game during free time from other, larger projects.

In 2019, I've decided to finally finish it, and spend a month adding the last required content, polishing, and fixing issues.

I delayed the release a few times and made more improvements based on tester feedback after that month of intense work. That's how the release date ended up pushed to 2020.

Magic of Autumn has become very dear to me despite its low-budget nature and I hope it will be able to make at least a few people happy.

So that's all for now, let's see what happens on the 17th!
