Life is Strange: Before the Storm - (Alice O'Connor)

Teen ’em up prequel Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is a story with an ending we already know but hell, isn’t life? It’s all about the journey, maaan. And the journey continues a little more today with the launch of the series’s second episode (of three). In it, aw heck, you know how it goes: teens hang out, teens get into trouble, and grown-ups just don’t understand. (more…)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm - (Alice O'Connor)

The misadventures of Chloe and Rachel will continue in Life Is Strange: Before The Storm [official site] next week. Publishers Square Enix today announced that episode 2 of the teen ’em up prequel will launch on Thursday, October 19th, and showed a little of what’ll happen. Watch: (more…)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm - (Alice O'Connor)

The video game voice actor strike has been suspended after Screen Actors Guild and American Foundation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) reached a tentative agreement with the companies they were striking against. The strike started in October 2016, seeking better working conditions as well as better pay and more awareness of roles they were accepting. Perhaps the most visible consequence of the strike has been Life Is Strange’s prequel Before The Storm switching voice actor for its protagonist, but the strike has affected eleven companies and many more games. (more…)

Counter-Strike 2 - (John Walker)

Come one, come all, but not all at once or you’ll break our caching, and see the Steam Charts in all their glory! Which game will have reached the coveted #2 position this week?! (more…)

Absolver - (Brendan Caldwell)


Who owns those odd voices? It’s the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show and guess what – we’re all in the same room, with our actual bodies>. Unprecedented. And> there’s a special guest this week too. Chris Bratt of Eurogamer joins us to talk about the alien-murdering of XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. It’s a Brattcast! While Pip has been playing teen angst drama-llama Life Is Strange: Before the Storm and I’m still trying to discover an impossibly powerful attack in Absolver. Come listen.


Life is Strange: Before the Storm - (Philippa Warr)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Life is Strange: Before the Storm [official site] is the episodic narrative adventure Life is Strange prequel which shines a light on grieving rebel Chloe s sudden and intense friendship with school queen bee, Rachel Amber. Rather than this being a Dontnod game the story has been entrusted to third party devs at Deck Nine, although Deck Nine have kept the look and feel of the original episodic teen tale intact, rooting a lot of the action in familiar locations and involving familiar faces. It struggles with characterisation and motivation at times, BUT it also made me laugh out loud and furnished me with an unexpected weepy moment. Here s Wot I Think: (more…)

Life is Strange - Episode 1 - (Adam Smith)

Zack Garriss wants you to feel guilty when bad things happen to good people. The lead writer of Life is Strange prequel Before the Storm is as passionate as any writer I ve ever met on the subject of interactive storytelling and he has some strong opinions about the future of the medium. Guilt and grief might be the main course, but there s a side order of emotional highs and the occasional bout of expletive-laden insult swordfighting, minus the swords.


Life is Strange - Episode 1 - (Philippa Warr)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

As someone who loved Life if Strange and will probably play Life is Strange: Before the Storm [official site] immediately I have been avoiding pretty much all news and spoilers regarding the latter. To the point where I will a) not be watching this 9-minute video at all and b) don’t actually know what the game involves other than being set before the first game.

That puts me in rather a bind when it comes to this being a news story about a 9-minute video for Life is Strange: Before the Storm so here’s the thing: I’m going to embed the video after the jump in case you want to watch it and then just write a load of words I like so that there is #content BUT if Graham asks you could tell him it was a great and relevant news story full of insights and also perhaps that I deserve a payrise? (more…)

Life is Strange - Episode 1 - (Adam Smith)

There’s an obvious metaphor in the subtitle of the Life is Strange [official site] prequel. Before the Storm refers to a meteorological incident in the original game, but this is a coming of age story. Growing up can be as violent, euphoric, frightening and cleansing as a storm.

What I’ve seen of the prequel makes youth seem like the precursor to tragedy. We’re going to play through the origin story of teen rebel Chloe and we’re going to see the buds of a romance that moves through awkwardness to realisation and eventually gets lost in the horrors of a missing person case. In one of the scenes shown to the press at E3, Chloe can choose to describe her relationship with Rachel as a friendship or something more , but however she chooses to see it, and however she can’t help but feel it, we know the end is loss.

… [visit site to read more]

EVERSPACEā„¢ - (Brendan Caldwell)

Oh my lord, somebody needs to defeat this notorious E3 war machine once and for all. The RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, have gathered their forces to take on the monster. We’ll be tackling all the big news: Beyond Good and Evil 2, Wolfenstein 2, Sea of Thieves, Anthem, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm and lots more. We’ve so much news to talk about that we’ve recruited news editor Alice O’Connor to come help us. We’ve also sent Adam behind enemy lines to Los Angeles, but have only been able to recover a handful of his communiques.

This week’s special extra-long episode also features some chat about Alice’s murderous efficiency in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Pip’s floundering in Football Manager 2017 and my doomed piloting in Everspace. We also discuss the origin of the name “E3” and discover a patchwork quilt of possible etymologies. … [visit site to read more]
