Team Fortress 2
You might have to wait for part 2 to see what this animator's vision on who would win this fight is, but I'm leaning towards the witch. Everyone knows once the witch has you down, there's no getting back up. You can't even fight from under her!
Left 4 Dead

Now You Can Play With Left 4 Dead And Gears of Wars Characters In Minecraft for Xbox

Skin Pack #2 is out for the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft today. It'll run you 160 Microsoft Points and come with the following skins, via Microsoft:

1. Enderman Man – Minecraft
2. Pig Man – Minecraft
3. Sheep Man – Minecraft
4. Naked Sheep Man – Minecraft
5. Spider Man – Minecraft
6. General Akamoto – Skulls of the Shogun
7. Otus – Owlboy
8. Meat Boy – Super Meat Boy
9. Agent Cobalt- Cobalt
10. Zapp – Gamma Bros
11. Buzz – Gamma Bros
12. Glorg – Glorg
13. The Player – Retro City Rampage
14. Spelunky Guy – Spelunky
15. Green Knight – Castle Crashers
16. Orange Knight – Castle Crashers
17. Blue Knight – Castle Crashers
18. Red Knight – Castle Crashers
19. Marcus Fenix – Gears of War 3
20. Skorge – Gears of War
21. Anya Stroud – Gears of War
22. Damon Baird – Gears of War: Judgment
23. Joanna Dark – Perfect Dark
24. Joanna Dark (dress) – Perfect Dark
25. Joanna Dark – Perfect Dark Zero
26. Elvis – Perfect Dark
27. Juno – Jet Force Gemini
28. Vela – Jet Force Gemini
29. Lupus – Jet Force Gemini
30. Horstachio – Viva Piñata
31. Pretztail – Viva Piñata
32. Fizzlybear – Viva Piñata
33. Bill – Left4Dead
34. Louis – Left4Dead
35. Francis – Left4Dead
36. Zoey – Left4Dead
37. Hunter – Left4Dead
38. Boomer – Left4Dead
39. Witch – Left4Dead
40. Agent Level 5 – Crackdown 2
41. Pilot
42. Sailor
43. Pirate
44. Ninja
45. Elf

I like the sound of Meat Boy. And Elf.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Skin Pack 2 Now Available! [PlayXBLA]

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2's New DLC is Only a Year Late The add-on campaign created by the loyal Left 4 Dead community was supposed to launch about a year ago. It's finally hitting Windows and Mac platforms today as a free update. The official site teases that the DLC will land on Xbox Live soon.

Cold Stream [Left 4 Dead 2 official site]

Left 4 Dead
It's not Valve-official by any means, but with the power of button mapping, playing Left 4 Dead is possible on your Vita.

With dual joysticks and motion-sensing accuracy, I'd say playing a few rounds of L4D on Sony's newest handheld device doesn't look too shabby.

Thanks Kenneth!

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2 "Cold Stream" Campaign Coming to 360 in July

After being out for nearly a year on PC as a beta you'd think Xbox 360 gamers would have given up ever seeing a new campaign for L4D2 on their beloved console. But Valve is not one to make people wait any longer than they have to! /s

According to the L4D Blog, come July 24th, 360 gamers will finally get their hands on the "Cold Stream" campaign that has been in beta testing for PC and Mac users since March 2011. The DLC also brings with it updated versions of all the maps from the original Left 4 Dead, just to sweeten the pot.

Valve is also promising some "surprise" updates for all platforms so look forward to that as well. Hell, I might even jump back into L4D on PC if that wasn't the same week Dawnguard was coming out.

So, if you can round up three friends and an Xbox 360, you too can now experience the Left 4 Dead franchise in all it's gory glory.

Left 4 Dead

Generally speaking, people compare games by listing bullet points. Which game has better graphics, which game has better gameplay? Which one has the better story, or better multiplayer?

Little did they know, there is a better way to determine which game is best. Just leave your game cases in a room together and see which one comes out alive.

I have to admit, I have a soft spot for the idea of game cases having their own secret lives. Michael Shanks takes the idea to a whole new level in this video. Ha!

(Thanks, James!)

Left 4 Dead

Despite some vague-ish comments from Valve that this wasn't the case, a video turned up on the Payday: The Heist YouTube channel indicating that Valve is working in some capacity with PayDay developers Overkill on something called No Mercy, which will explore the origins of the zombie virus from Left 4 Dead. The video was quickly pulled from the channel, but was then grabbed by IGN and subsequently posted to youtube by several other users.

Update: Valve's Chet Faliszek has emailed us, saying that the YouTube video isn't a prequel, that it was "just some over-excited marketing guys."

"This is a 100% Overkill made mission for Payday: Heist simply set in no mercy hospital from the Left 4 Dead series. It is not telling the origins of the Infection and is not canon. There is a little cameo from one of the L4D characters (the comic should give you a hint) and a fun little easter egg with a payoff later in Left 4 Dead. Just us having some fun with a studio we are friends with and who have also made a great co-op game."

Before it was pulled, the YouTube description said, "Have you ever wondered how the Left 4 Dead series began? It started with a heist!" The level looks like a heist gone wrong (or at least, gone violent), and before long things have gotten hairy. Left 4 Dead flashlight-shooting ensues, and I gotta say it's weird to see the things at the other end of the flashlight beams shooting back.

Left 4 Dead

Despite some vague-ish comments from Valve that this wasn't the case, a video turned up on the Payday: The Heist YouTube channel indicating that Valve is working in some capacity with PayDay developers Overkill on something called No Mercy, which will explore the origins of the zombie virus from Left 4 Dead. The video was quickly pulled from the channel, but was then grabbed by IGN and subsequently posted to youtube by several other users.

Update: Valve's Chet Faliszek has emailed us, saying that the YouTube video isn't a prequel, that it was "just some over-excited marketing guys."

"This is a 100% Overkill made mission for Payday: Heist simply set in no mercy hospital from the Left 4 Dead series. It is not telling the origins of the Infection and is not canon. There is a little cameo from one of the L4D characters (the comic should give you a hint) and a fun little easter egg with a payoff later in Left 4 Dead. Just us having some fun with a studio we are friends with and who have also made a great co-op game."

Before it was pulled, the YouTube description said, "Have you ever wondered how the Left 4 Dead series began? It started with a heist!" The level looks like a heist gone wrong (or at least, gone violent), and before long things have gotten hairy. Left 4 Dead flashlight-shooting ensues, and I gotta say it's weird to see the things at the other end of the flashlight beams shooting back.

Left 4 Dead

That Left 4 Dead Prequel Rumour Was, Sadly, a BustThat rumour last week that there was a Left 4 Dead prequel in development? Yeah, not true.

"We're trying to be a little coy and a little fun because we want the communities to discover it," Valve' Chet Falisek told PCGamesN, "but those guys are still making Payday: The Heist, we're still making Left 4 Dead."

Specifically, he says the collaboration "is kind of akin to how in TF2 you might see some other games' weapons get translated and put into that game. We're doing something similar to that, but it's a little bit more involved."

Valve dismiss Left 4 Dead sequel or prequel rumours. "Overkill are still making Payday: The Heist." But promise something "cool" [PCGamesN]

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead Prequel in DevelopmentAccording to a report on CVG, Overkill Entertainment - developers of multiplayer shooter Payday: The Heist - are currently working on a new Left 4 Dead title.

While some kind of crossover title was announced between the pair last month, this report is a little more specific, claiming that the new game is a Left 4 Dead prequel that tells the story of how the zombie outbreak came to kill, well, almost everybody.

E3 2012: Rumour: Left 4 Dead prequel coming from Payday dev [CVG]
