Left 4 Dead

L4D is on the Mac and more, check out our Halloween page for all the info.
Oct 22, 2010
Left 4 Dead

Lone Gunman, Did you Win, Do you rock?

Lone Gunman
You and your Magnum against the deadly horde and Boomers.
So you have your Magnum pistol and… well you do have your Magnum pistol. You better be counting bullets because four swipes by a common and you are dead. Getting boomed? Forget about it.

Oct 14, 2010
Left 4 Dead

Hunting Party, Comics Going Mobile, Did you Win?

Oct 6, 2010
Left 4 Dead

The Sacrifice DLC for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 is now available on the Xbox 360!
Oct 5, 2010
Left 4 Dead
We have released the Sacrifice for Left 4 Dead on the PC, for Left 4 Dead 2 on the PC and Mac. It will be released later this evening on the Xbox 360.

We have also released the final issue of the comic for you to read while downloading the DLC.

On Steam Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 have had their prices slashed so low, we needed to ask our favorite Georgia gun store owner to explain the pricing to you. Click here to read his explanation of the current sale prices.

Left 4 Dead

The big surprise today is… there is no surprise and no that isn’t one of Gabe’s three surprises. We have moved today’s surprise to Wednesday. We moved the announcement of the Midnight Rider’s contest winner to today. For tomorrow, we have enlisted an old friend to help with that announcement.

With that cleared up, here are the winners of the Midnight Rider’s Video contest. Thanks to everyone who entered, viewed and voted. When we originally designed this contest, we expected maybe a handful of clear winners. Instead we had over 80 videos that made it into the final round of voting.
Left 4 Dead

Today we make it official, Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 on the Mac. Check out the update page for full details.

Once “The Sacrifice” is released this Tuesday, the Left 4 Dead team will celebrate by playing Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 all day. If you want to join us in a game, on the XBOX 360 look for L4D2 DEV 1, L4D2 DEV 2, L4D2 DEV 3, L4D2 DEV 4, or L4D2 DEV 5. On the PC L4D2_DEV_1, L4D2_DEV_2, L4D2_DEV_3, L4D2_DEV_4, or L4D2_DEV_5. Our friends lists are full but you can look for us playing “The Sacrifice”.

Left 4 Dead

Today’s update covers Mutations.

While we are busy watching videos from the Midnight Rider’s Contest today, we are also assembling all our release notes. Besides the content update we have several updates for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 on all platforms.

Left 4 Dead

Today’s update covers achievements. We have the same achievements for Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2. Should be interesting, which game can get a higher percentage of completed achievements? And exploding barrels?

Don’t forget the cutoff for the Midnight Rider’s Video contest is Midnight tonight PST (Friday Oct 1st). With 160 videos submitted, so many of them amazing, judging this is going to be tough. Thanks to everyone who created a video.

You can use this link to check them out. Vote thumbs up on the ones you like, it helps us see what the community is thinking.

Left 4 Dead

The final chapter of the Comic is coming!

“The Sacrifice” campaign for Left 4 Dead 1 is coming!

“The Sacrifice” and “No Mercy” campaigns for Left 4 Dead 2 are coming!

And? And? And? We set up a page here that we will be updating all weekend on what’s coming, including some surprises! Today’s update is the trailer and some awesome screenshots.