Intruder - Ryguytheguy

Howdy, and welcome to the Community Map Showcase! I'm Ryguytheguy. If Intruder news is what you crave, I'm the guy for you. Today we will be looking at maps made by the community! With over 100 maps to choose from, it can be hard to choose what maps fit in your custom lobby. Here are a few maps that show off some serious skill from the creators.

New Maps to Check Out

With the White Box Mapping competition's end date being extended we can expect a few more maps in the near future, but for now let's look at some of the maps we already have.

  • Factory - Cyex (antshin)
    While some maps have countless rooms, Factory has a large main room with miscellaneous objects and machines cluttering it up. Use the unique level geometry and high vantage points to make sure no Intruder gets by unnoticed!

  • Manifold - MadmanEpic
    In the map Manifold you have to navigate through the maze-like structure in order to extract the package. With laser alarms blocking your path you have to be sneaky or bold to successfully steal the briefcase.

    Watch out, you never know who's lurking in the shadows!

  • Snow Complex - Tsawodi
    Even though complex is just a fancy name for a building, this building really is complex! Only in spectator view can you truly grasp the complexity of this map. With many vents, glass walls, cubicles, and catwalks, Guards have to be on their A-Game if they think they can stop a sneaky Intruder from sneaking by.

    Intruders beware, the complexity of the map makes it easy to sneak, but it also means Guards can be anywhere. Watch those walkways and check those cubicles!

  • Ocean Facility - Polybius
    If you don't want Intruders to steal your secrets, what better place to go than the middle of the ocean! This map has many ledges and windows so Intruders can sneak around without being seen by the many cameras on the map.

    Not a fan of having your photo taken? No worries, just disable the cameras by interacting with the use key!

  • zeroside - Polybius & lightslayer5
    A large map with a high altitude zip-line means Intruders have to watch their energy as they head into the main building. With large areas and long sight-lines communication is key in guaranteeing victory.

    Check out the custom outfits specifically made for this map!

Maps With Unique Features

While some of these maps may not be new, they push the boundaries on what can be created in the IntruderMM. While these maps aren't always the best for competitive play, they are definitely a lot of fun!

  • ohnoscoobs - madmanepic
    Reminiscent of the classic Scooby-Doo hallway chase, this map recreates the Freleng door gag in Intruder! You can see through the doorways and follow your target through an endless loop of doors or switch up your route and quickly collide with your target.

  • glassdeathmatch - viotech3
    A fun party game where shooting your enemies is useless. Instead, shoot out the floor from beneath them and watch them tumble to their death.

  • Longsniperduel - madmanepic
    Snipers only, 500 meter shots, wind, and ziplines. Try and take out the enemy team before they take out yours! If someone is hiding, sneak over on a zipline and take them out up close and personal. Don't get shot on your way over or it's instant death!

  • wiretap - actionman
    Guards can run but they can't hide... wait, on this maps Guards can hide but they can't run if they don't want to be exposed to the Intruder's state-of-the-art motion tracker! All motion is tracked so grenades or glass breaking can give away your position or distract the Intruders as you sneak to the next room.

  • shotgunmadness - viotech3
    This map showcases the newest weapon in Intruder, the beanbag shotgun! Knock enemies over to send them sliding off the map, or dunk on them by shooting the glass floors and dropping them into the pit of death.

  • metro- Cyex (antshin)
    Intruders start with the package in this close quarters map that takes place on a moving train during a snowy night. Protect the package carriers as they make their way to the other end of the train. Be careful on the edges though, if a package drops off it cannot be recovered.

Hopefully you have some fun playing these maps and create your own in the future! Hop in the Discord server to chat with some of these talented mapmakers and check out the #mapmaker channel to learn more about creating custom community maps for Intruder. Unfortunately, with all the amazing maps made by the community I am sure to have left some out. If there are any maps that you guys love to play please post them in the comments. Feel free to plug your own map in there too, the more the merrier! We should be more frequent in posting updates, announcements, and community showcases soon, but in the meantime Guards keep guarding and Intruders keep intruding!

See you soon! >:D

Intruder - Rob Storm

Hey all and welcome to Intruder version 1225! Patch notes are abridged this update as the bulk of the work was completely in the New Additions category.

That said, with version 1225 we bring you the completely new and redone main menu:




The new menu has some immersive sound effects and a new music track built in to really let you feel like you're planning your next spy mission. You can preview the music track here:

The new options menu has also be put into the in-game UI. We are still working on the new HUD for in-game, so there will be a strange sense of 3 different styles in the in-game UI for the time being. But the new HUD is one of the next things on our list. And luckily we have more of it to preview here today!

HUD Updates

Here are some screenshots of latest and greatest in the progress of the new HUD:

The new HUD will also come with a much awaited update to the Inventory system and the ability to drop items.

New Website

We're working diligently on creating the new version of the website which will allow us a lot of new features both in-game and out. Having player stats and ranks in-game has been a longtime goal of ours and the new website is necessary for that. Unfortunately some of the issues getting these systems up and running have been crazy complex, but we are making steady progress.

What would you want to see with player stats and player progression in Intruder? Let us know in comments below.

Map Maker

The white box mapping competition has been extended to allow for some mappers to polish their maps some more, but we thought it was a good idea to show off some their progress here. Here are works by mappers Tsawodi, MadmanEpic, Cyex, and Polybius:

Snow Complex - Tsawodi

Factory - Cyex

Manifold - MadmanEpic

Snow Complex - Tsawodi

Ocean Facility - Polybius

Workshop Support

We're also pleased to announce that we've gotten quite far with Steam Workshop support for Intruder and Intruder Map Maker! This is another great thing to check off our roadmap list so we will update you on that soon. If you are an Intruder Map Maker, you will need to re-upload your maps once this is released.

If you are interested in trying the beta versions of this, make sure to join the Discord #mapmaker channel:

Social Media Managers

We are still on the lookout for people who are great at writing articles (like this one) or who can edit videos like those on our YouTube channel:

If you or anyone you know think you are capable, please hit us up on the Discord with some examples of your work and we'd love to have you on.

As usual we'll always being hanging out on the community Discord at

Until next time agents, watch out for Bloon...
Intruder - Rob Storm

Hello all agents, Intruder version 1212 is out now! It features some quality of life upgrades, a little bit of lore, and some significant changes to the Cliffside level design. We'll also go over some of what we've been working on behind the scenes for future updates at the bottom of the article.

Oh and we've also added Russian and South American servers for you all in those regions looking for some better ping.

The full change log is below:

New Additions
  • Russian and South American region servers!
  • Cliffside level design changes
  • Added multiple new vent sections to allow more sneaking possibilities for Intruders

  • Ledge moved back so it's not visible from balcony
  • Some chairs removed from guard spawn
  • Slip zone added to cheeky window at guard spawn
  • New Security Camera models on Riverside and Mountainside

  • New boat model for Riverside Escape point
  • Added MapModeSettings to IntruderMM which allows you to set default round length for custom maps
  • New loading screen features a map of the island!
  • Will highlight the geographical locations of the maps you are headed to

  • Added keybinding for all weapons/inventory slots so you can assign them to whatever keys you like
  • Added keybinding for hand signals

  • Attempt to fix crazy Cliffside bug where you would have weird UI on screen and be able to walk through the desert like Laurence of Arabia or something

UI and HUD update progress
Alright so we know that the HUD and UI in Intruder right now looks a bit dated so we decided to consult a UI graphic designer to spiff things up a little. This is just a preview and not in-game yet, but here's a quick look for you guys. Let us know what you think and we'll be working on getting it in ASAP!

We've also been working on getting the new version of the website running as well as the White Box Mapping Contest. Oh and a bot has been added to the Discord channel that allows you to start Pick-Up Games (PUGs) and will even track your wins and losses in your competitive matches. This is all too much to write in one post so we will try to get you another update post on all that good stuff soon!

As usual we'll always being hanging out on the community Discord at

Until next time agents, over and out.
Intruder - Rob Storm

Hello agents and welcome to update version 1192!

We received a lot of feedback stating people wanted some more hardcore server settings to make competitive play more viable. Our first step along that way is introducing limited spectating mode in this update. This server room option will only allow you to spectate your own teammates once you've died to deter ghosting and other such nonsense.

The full change log is below:

New Additions

  • Limited spectator mode for more hardcore gameplay and ghosting deterrent!
  • Limits spectating to only your teammates and turns off player cards
  • This will be turned on by default in all SeriousPlay rooms
  • To use it in your own rooms just check the "Limit Spectating" box when creating a room

  • Server room filters!
  • Filter rooms by name, mode, map, empty, full, locked, etc.
  • Filter by name, mode, or map just needs to contain the input. So filtering by "side" for instance would give you all rooms playing Riverside, Cliffside, Mountainside, because those map names contain "side".

  • Votekick changed to need more than half the room to vote to kick a person
  • Optimized some network traffic code
  • Can no longer hear full volume voices when joining a room and before picking a team
  • Added timer to Riverside B1 Raid rooms

  • Fixed Riverside B1 raid rooms not loading B1 raid mode correctly when joining
  • Fixed issue where Guards would have 6+ CS grenades on certain maps
  • Fixed faulty server room filtering for Japan rooms
  • Attempted fix for incorrect reflective damage message
  • Multiple small bug fixes and optimizations

White Box Mapping Contest

Starting now and ending May 1st is the White Box Mapping Contest!

The goal of this mapping contest is to have map makers focus on gameplay and map design over graphics, materials, etc. In the official maps, the design process involved fast prototypes, playtested until the gameplay felt just right before any graphical additions. The original versions of our beloved Riverside consisted of only Unity cubes in fact. Buildings in Intruder are designed to be realistic and functional, while also good for the guarding and infiltration gameplay. We want mappers to go through this same process. To accomplish this we've established the following rules:

  • 80m x 80m x 20m size limit for the playable area
  • Focus on the gameplay over the graphics and details
  • For main building geometry, you can only use 2 materials we provide: grey for floors and white for walls/ceiling
  • Props may have textures, bushes and trees should be textured for visual concealment
  • Avoid using Unity terrain if possible (lumpy terrain will probably be disqualified)
  • Ensure optimization and bake most lighting, marks will be off for poor performance
  • Map submissions end May 1st

Maps will be judged on the following:

  • Obeys the rules and fits in the size limit
  • Promotes Intruder-y plan and pick your infiltration route gameplay (Not too open and not too linear)
  • Buildings have realistic, functional layouts, but does not hamper gameplay
  • Performance
  • Map maker playtests and gives progress pics of their map design
  • It's fun!

We will have a Developer's pick winner as well as a Player's Choice winner.

Again, for more information and how to start mapping, join the Discord ( and respond to this post:

Anyway, hope these updates are welcome additions. Let us know what you want to see in the next one!

p.s. we might be looking for video editors if that's your thing.
Intruder - Rob Storm

Hello agents and welcome to our first patch/update: Build 1169! And you can play it now!

Before we get down to the specifics, we want to say thank you to everyone and that the launch has been amazing! We even managed to get to the Steam front page as a best seller, so thank you all!

With that we got a lot of immediate feedback. There were definitely a lot options and settings customizations that people wanted so we made sure to get those in with this first patch. This includes gameplay settings like hold to lean or hold to aim-down-sights instead of toggle only, various graphics settings, and mic boosting. You also have volume sliders for every player in-game as well. Check them out in "New Additions."

At the end of this article we will also write a preview for the roadmap and what's to come for the game. Steam launch was a big milestone for us but it's really only the beginning.

New Additions
  • Binoculars will now send photos and sender name to teammates even if they don't have binoculars. Great for silent communication and info sharing.

  • Unified server list now has an "All" region which shows all rooms on all regions at once
  • Microphone volume boosting added to options menu
  • Volume sliders added to each player, so you can turn them down if their mic is too loud
  • Mouse inverted toggle added to options menu
  • Toggle VSync option added to options menu
  • Frame rate limit slider added to options menu (only works when VSync is off)
  • New "Gameplay" section added to options menu
  • Toggle or hold Lean options added
  • Toggle or hold Aim-down-sights options added

  • Shotgun pickup now says "You found a non-lethal Shotgun"
  • Vote kick cool down changed to 5 minutes
  • Tool tips updated to reflect current settings for ADS
  • Tutorial updated to suggest default ADS controls
  • Put message on Superboss logo page that Intruder is a work in progress
  • Reflective damage for all kinds of attacks (including headshot) turned down to 10 instead of taking the full damage of the attack
  • Official rooms will be set to have All-round Reflective damage on so new players will experience fewer TKs
  • Energy recovery speed at < 15 sped up a little bit
  • Sweet new main menu background

Map Maker
  • Shotgun pickups and shotgun ammo pickups added to Map Maker
  • Shotgun added to EquipmentManager

  • Riverside Server Room plaque visible again
  • Removed ping limit kicking in offline mode (Tutorial/Map Maker testing)
  • You will auto un-lean when respawning
  • Stuck vote kick menu if person leaves fixed
  • Fix for empty spaces in Team menu and player info panels with wrong info
  • Simplified and reworked team switching code should eliminate some other problems
  • Fixed early round TKs not registering in rooms without reflective damage on
  • Fixed poor deforming remote charges when they touch window frames

Also, we have begun separating out rooms into more types such as Serious Play - Microphone Required, Casual, and Beginners rooms. Please adhere to the rules of the rooms or feel free to make your own. Remember that rooms you create are hosted on our dedicated servers, so there is no difference in speed to official rooms.

The roadmap is something a lot of people have been asking for. This is just a small preview of things we will be doing and some things we want to do. We will have a separate post as well going into more detail about the Roadmap and the future of the game.

Coming Soon
  • A new version of the website with much improved and detailed player profiles, roadmap, and other cool features:

  • Quality of life improvements and more user settings
  • Better server/room filtering
  • Various graphical improvements and cleanups of official maps (including Oceanside)
  • More map maker tools for your custom maps
  • Options to limit spectating to just teammates for competitive matches

Bigger Stuff
  • Move Map Maker over to Steam Workshop
  • Redone HUD and Menus
  • Redone Inventory System
  • Physics enhanced animation system
  • New Map: Codename Facility
  • New Map: Codename City Skyscrapers
  • More weapons and gadgets (some map/mission specific)
  • More mission types/game modes

Even bigger
  • AI/bots
  • Dedicated servers that can be run by players as well (Current rooms are hosted on our dedicated severs)
  • More player and weapon customization
  • Stats and progression system hooked up in-game and website
  • Clan and competitive game support
  • Fleshed out lore and maps of the island Intruder takes place on

This is just a preview of what's to come, but expect a larger Roadmap post detailing some of these out and showing examples of what we have on them already.

Please drop by the Discord any time at to hang out with Devs and the community. New clans and competitive matches are starting to form there as well (more on that later).

Again, thank you all so much for the support and we hope you are enjoying Intruder.
Intruder - (Dominic Tarason)

Intruder has entered early access on Steam. This is a surreal sentence to write, given that RPS first covered the asymmetrical team shooter back in March 2012. Similar to the classic Splinter Cell multiplayer mode, one team are sneaky infiltrators with a variety of gadgets but limited firepower, while the other team are heavily armed and armoured guards. Superboss Games have been testing the game with a drip-feed of invited players for years now, and it’s well fleshed out already. They’ve finally flung open the floodgates today – check out the Steam launch trailer below.


Feb 28, 2019
Intruder - Rob Storm

Hello agents and welcome to our first announcement!

Since releasing on Steam we've been able to make a number of updates in only a couple weeks. We thought we'd detail out all of those releases here so you can get a chance to see what is new in the Steam version and what updates we've made already.

Build 1108

New Additions
  • Intruder is now on Steam
  • Shotgun - Fires powerful beanbag rounds
  • Mountainside Night time version
  • Remote Charges have fancy priming sound and detonation lights
  • New explosion effects
  • New sleek material for SMG and Pistol
  • New lock picking graphics
  • New keypad unlock graphics
  • Mountainside now has a weapons case
  • Computer hack terminals received graphical overhaul.
  • Pistol now has red optic sights
  • Lighting and post effects overhaul for Cliffside & Mountainside
  • New graphics for helipad, helicopter, and antenna on Mountainside
  • More pictures on Cliffside
  • Player Info panels added to player names in team panel
  • Various functions added in Info Pane
  • Friend tab enables you to invite your steam friends to the game
  • Round timers (optional)
  • /rtimer admin command to set round timer by seconds (60 - 1200, 0 to turn off)
  • many new admin commands
  • Commands for resetting glass, decals, camera speed, etc. for filming scenes
  • Third person mirror camera now has cute visible camera to other players
  • Fancy new radio glow when transmitting
  • New mortar graphics
  • New mirror camera image effects to make more spy-like
  • Spectators can be viewed from Team menu
  • Spectator smooth camera redone
  • Spectator follow camera made better and won't put you "under water" anymore
  • Remote charges must land on surface for a period of time before they are ready to detonate
  • SMG base damage changed from 25 to 20
  • Pistol sway turned down a bit
  • Laser Sensors laser effectiveness made more consistent and will react to any movement
  • Force multiplier differences per bullet on advanced materials or rigidbodies
  • TK ban now has menu timer
  • Neat zipline material
  • Smoke Grenades made less crazy and smoke should collide with wall better
  • Fade off time for CS gas made faster and more consistent
  • Fewer smoke and CS grenades in inventory by default
  • Riverside river actually curves now
  • Ragdoll thumping sounds turned down a bit
  • Tighter offline mode for Map Maker testing
  • Disabled auto talk
  • Red dot pickups made easier to see in the dark
  • Mountainside Stage Left zipline made easier to hit so you don't fall to your death quite as much you clumsy dude
  • Default keybinds changed: Sprint - shift, Crouch - control, Prone - added secondary as z
  • Tons of other small changes based on moving to Steam
  • Optimized radio voice chat and should fix any issues with radio transmissions cutting off too early
  • Red dot crosshair follows leaning correctly
  • General HUD color finally reset to correct saturation
  • Fixed hands not landing after smashing glass
  • Players teleporting instantly across map when touching certain colliders fixed
  • Disabled weird first person shadows visible elsewhere
  • Should have fixed mega hyper sky ragdolls that blot out the sun from time to time
  • Multiple spawning issue fixes
  • Fixed issue where creating room sometime doesn't work and leaves you stuck in menu
  • Multi-push-spam fixed
  • Riverside hill wall made a steep slope
  • Tons of other small bug fixes and changes

Build 1113

  • HUD re-enable set back to 'Q + P', can also be re-enabled by opening the menu, and by typing in the chat box
  • Removed loading buttons from start news page
  • Added build/version numbers to start news page
  • Some player upvoting optimization
  • Fixed Remote Charges pickup graphic not disappearing after picking it up
  • Fix attempt for keypad sensitivity boost bug
  • Doors should lock on the first round

Build 1127

New Additions
  • Completely new Tutorial level added! Will walk you through much of the basics and some advanced features
  • Energy amount will turn red when you are below 30
  • Tutorial buttons added to main menu
  • Changed changelog button to wiki changelog
  • Changed forum button to Steam forums
  • Changed "ROOMS" to "PLAY" at top
  • A few bugs

Build 1137

New Additions
  • Highlighting the pin you are on while lock picking is back
  • Official maps will be highlighted in the map list
  • Can drag red dot onto SMG to equip
  • Messages when you save new shortcuts for items
  • Put in a warning if you try to "drop stuff" from your inventory
  • Keypad code on the tutorial changed to something...
  • More images in the tutorial for help
  • Tutorial updated to show difference between guards and intruders
  • Turned down the amount of time the pick up messages appear on screen to 2 seconds instead of 4
  • Attempt to fix server joining map switching issues (please work well for the love of)
  • Fixed keypad codes on custom maps not being random
  • Fix for take admin command in info panel not working
  • Fix for disappearing banana or other item bug on pick up

Build 1142

New Additions
  • High ping players with terrible connections can be auto kicked (adjustable)
  • Sweet new main menu background
  • Fixes to recoil and camera sway

Wooo that's a lot of stuff. We're going to keep making updates through the release so please let us know what you encounter or what is unclear to you.

As usual we'll always be hanging out in our Discord as well at

See you all in game and happy 'truding!

- Superboss Games