Hero Siege - Vodkakiller

I just wanted to drop the information that we do have a patch notes sheet for Season 2 that you can check at any time: Season 2 Live Patch notes

This consists of stuff that has already been done for Season 2 and we will be adding stuff to this list as we go.

Feel free to comment suggestions if you have any, we will read them with thought.

Here are the patch notes so far:

Endgame Content

Chaos Tower
- Chaos Tower is now back in its old form of facing King Rakhul after clearing 10 floors. Loot can be claimed or left unclaimed for a bigger future reward!

Satanic Zones
- Satanic Zones now gain a set of random buffs and debuffs every time it changes.
- Buffs range from increased loot amount, increased heroic/angelic rates to increased damage, increased attack or cast speed etc.
- Debuffs range from decreased life, decreased resistance to darkness and decreased light radius etc.
- Satanic Zones now also show in the map screen visually.
- Increased Satanic Zone Enemy pack sizes by 2
- Satanic Zones are now always zone level 250

Endgame Crafting
- You can now craft God Empowered Emblems to roll a random Augment on your weapon.
- These augments are pooled per weapon type (melee, ranged, spell), proc effects when attacking/casting/striking (13 different skills for each weapon type).
- These augments can be leveled up to level 5 by crafting Devil Empowered Emblem.

Quest Lines
- Added brand new questlines for both Nightmare and Hell with rewards that help you on your journey!
- Quest rewards range from A-S tier satanics to Mid and even high tier runes.
- Soulforged Ring is back with Örre's questline which consists of grinding and a bunch of daily quests.

Skill Specialization
- At level 100 you can choose one of your skills to be empowered. This can be changed by resetting your skills.


- Added Temple Trapdoor dungeon + challenge with Golden Key back into the game.
- Increased Dungeon Enemy pack sizes by 1

Challenge Dungeons
- Challenge Dungeon chests now drop 3x boss kill with 1400% mf instead of 1x with 800% mf
- Challenge Dungeon chests now always drop a relic


- Red Bear now has 85% damage reduction but can be damaged by the player. The enemies deal true damage to the boss when killed.
- Wormholes now scale harder and are locked to a higher base zone level


New Items
- Added Blood of Spartan [Satanic Potion]
- Added Bottle of Radogate [Satanic Potion]
- Added Bottle of Sake [Satanic Potion]
- Added Caffeinated Coffee Container [Satanic Potion]
- Added Elixir of Death [Satanic Potion]
- Added Elixir of Unworldly Cognition [Satanic Potion]
- Added Empty Bottle of Vodka [Satanic Potion]
- Added Ghostly Potion [Satanic Potion]
- Added Gold Inlaid Mysterious Potion [Heroic Potion]
- Added Maggot Eye Elixir [Satanic Potion]
- Added Power of Void [Satanic Potion]
- Added Praetorian Blood [Satanic Potion]
- Added Prismatic Potion [Satanic Potion]
- Added Protein Shake [Satanic Potion]
- Added Radbull [Satanic Potion]
- Added Sung Lee's Flask of Carnage [Heroic Potion]
- Added Surströmming [Satanic Potion]
- Added Witches Potion [Satanic Potion]
- Added Wizard Potion [Satanic Potion]
- Added Arcane Pumpkin [Angelic Charm]
- Added Rotten Pumpkin [Angelic Charm]
- Added Crematorium's Pledge [SS Runeword Shield]
- Added Bubonic Plague's Pledge [SS Runeword Shield]
- Added Torstein's Anvil [Heroic Charm 1x1] (Call torstein, craft cube and prospectron)
- Added Satanic Dice [Heroic Material]
- Added St. Amitiel's Truth [Angelic Bow]
- Added Pagan God's Blasphemy [Heroic Cane]
- Added Brimskull Trident [Heroic Spear]
- Added Sähköpuimuri [Heroic 1 Hand Hammer]
- Added Nirvana Runeword [Helmet Sur/Sur/Drax]
- Added Legionnaire Runeword [Helmet Xo/Qi/Gul]
- Added Arch Angel's Phase Blade [Heroic Sword]
- Added Harlequinn’s Veil [Heroic Helmet]
- Added Gem King's Cleaver [Heroic Two Handed Axe]

Technical Changes
- Quest items are now vacuumed so you only need to pick 1 and it will pick all the others around it automatically.
- Hovered items on ground now show name tooltips
- Item drops in chat now display [Softcore] or [Hardcore] before the name

Common Items
- Common weapons are now either caster or attacker and can roll a wider variety of stats theme related stats like attack damage %, magic skill damage %, cooldown reduction etc.
- Common Helmets can now roll up to +6 to singular skills chosen for a random classes skill pool.
- Common weapons can now roll attack/strike/cast proc modifiers

- Revisited Set items and corrected / re-worked the stats, also reworked some of the sets completely.
- Increased Satanic, Heroic and Angelic item merchant sell value
- Buffed most set weapons into S tier
- Added additive skill damage stat to items
- Added flat spell vamp and mana vamp stat to items
- Added socket rolls to satanics accross the board (not all but many)
- Gems now give 8, 24, 48, 128, 256, 512 additive damage AND additive spell damage
- Proc effects from items now scale with your synergies if you have base skill points in it.
- Two Handed Swords, Axes, Maces and Chainsaws have AOE attack by default (can hit multiple targets)
- Lowered Extra Gold from monsters stat accross the board, also slightly lowered gold drops accross the board.
- Lowered Magic Find stat gain accross the board.
- Relics can now be leveled up to level 10 and the relic skills now also benefit from +all skills
- Buffed all crafted Jewels / Gems
- Runes can now be prospected into 1 of the lower rune

- Enigma: Increased Teleport range from 320px to 480px. Removed Magic Find & added Vitality per level.
- Uabel's Wand: Re-worked from B tier to SS tier and changed all stats
- Sight of Gods: Added Teleport and changed arcane skill damage to magic skill damage
- The Oculus: Slight nerfs to the item and added a wider range for the stat rolls.
- ST. Rexis Sundering Axe: Faultline now scales off of physical damage (45% + (5% per skill level))

Drop Rates / Prices
- Hell sub difficulties now slightly increase drop chances from boss kills
- Increased rate of gem drops + now sub difficulties can drop perfect gems (increasing with level of sub difficulty)
- Traveling merchant prices lowered by 33%
- Black Market prices lowered by 33%


- Treasure Gobler and Fallen Angel affixes now increase experience gained for killing them
- Colossal Chests now have 500% mf instead of 200 and a slightly increased drop multiplier for unique loot drop chances
- Buffed Abomination Life.
- Immune enemies from commander affix now have 75% damage reduction instead

Crafting / Professions

- Added Enchanted Sigil material as a gold sink to be used with some high tier crafting recipes
- Mining levels up for as many points as ores are dropped.

QOL / Balance

- You can no longer cast on other side of hard walls (excluding water and void)
- Crushing Blow now breaks enemy armor by 10% stacking up to 5 times increasing physical damage taken by enemies.
- Attack Damage % is now calculated after weapon damage + enhanced damage and no longer acts as "enhanced damage".
- Buffed all base cast speed by equivalent of 30% FCR
- Act Bosses buffed accross the board
- Arch Demons Plateau is now zone level 250
- Increased faster cast rate cap from 400 to 500
- Lowered jump landing recovery time by 20%

- You can now attack with the inventory open
- Market gold selling gold cap removed
- Improved Act 2 winter cliff/icecliff assets visually to stand out more.
- Added 2 columns of space into the inventory, so +12 slots per tab
- Socketables such as runes are now also stackable
- Default market sell limit raised to 15
- Most spells/ranged skills now have free movement with lowered movement speed
- Multi-item trading is now possible, both players have a grid they can fill for a trade.
- Mercenary is now also shown in the minimap
- Experience text now shows x / x (x%)
- Companion now prioritizes keys over gold
- Arcana enemy effect graphics made brighter and changed the depth of the effect to stand out more
- Improved Blink/Teleport skill mechanics (more accurate now)
- Some materials and collectibles etc now have heroic or satanic name color depending on rarity
- You can now freely jump towards walls and objects without getting slowed.
- Zone entrances, Dungeons and Waypoints will now reveal them selves in the map when you are close enough.
- You can now scale Enemies/Player, Objects (shrines, portals, dungeons etc) and Loot in the minimap 1-2x
- Quickmap now has darkened background
- Gold cap set to 999 Million
- Crafting Materials now stackable up to 999
- Improved all projectile collision checking so if you hit corners of walls and obstacles it wont destroy it self
- Slightly increased base movement speed
- Game now shows clearly if you have unspent attribute or skill points
- Movement system improvement, if out of mana and trying to cast but wont cast it will stop your character.
- Player Cabin now has training dummies, mailbox and waypoint
- UI Polish accross the board


- Fixed Drop Locations for weapons in journal
- Fixed Rolling a runeword on an item no longer re-rolls the base stats in the item
- Fixed code execution order in loading stats, passive skills from items work properly now
- Fixed shrine enemy spawns causing enemies to be stuck
- Fixed zone entrances sometimes being inside walls
- Fixed all quest items that didnt sync properly when going to town and coming back
- Fixed Taunt not working at all
- Fixed Abandoned Mine entrance with mouse click
- Fixed Base item stats dissapearing if rolling sockets on it in the crafting cube
- Fixed a bug in base physical damage and physical "spells" causing damage return from affix enemies to be high


- Increased Defensive Shout duration scaling from 10s per level to 20s
- Increased Battle Orders duration scaling from 10s per level to 20s

- Increased Fire Enchant duration scaling from 3s per level to 10s
- Increased Fire Enchant damage scaling from 2.5 per level to 3.5
- Increased Fire Shield duration scaling from 3s per level to 10s

- Nerfed Treasure Hunter from 10% per level to 5% per level

- Eye of Ra now applies attack damage on the effect

- Added augment for chainsaw massacre (increases size & damage and reduces loss of control)

- Increased Meat Shield duration scaling from 10s per level to 20s

- Nerfed Envenom AOE by 25%
- Increased the speed of Storm Dash

Demon Slayer
- Soul Leech base damage buffed from 2.5 to 3.5

- Reduced size scaling of heavy ball by 75%

- Re-worked Call for War. Now charges Sand Guardians into the casted spot and passively increases the dash distance of the guardians
- Re-worked Link of Sand. Now creates a Sand Guardian when used.
Hero Siege - Vodkakiller

After intensive experimentation and player feedback we decided to make some changes that most players can perhaps appreciate!

I also want to personally apologize my childish behavior during the beta period, It was not the right way to respond no matter how infuriating the argument was. I should've listened and taken more time to process the feedback that was given. I feel like the 100 hour work weeks and immense stress clouded my judgement completely. For all of this I apologize and try my best to do better.

Now lets continue to the sweet stuff!

Stop Casting Partially Removed

We decided that removing stop cast from the majority of damaging ranged attack skills as well as spell casts is the way to go. Here is a short video of how it plays in game:

Socketable items Stacking

Also due to a lot of player demand as well as market functionality we decided to let Runes/Gems/Jewels, all "Socketable" items stack so players can free more inventory and stash space for other items and sell stacks of these in the market.

Satanic Zone Buff

We have been thinking about the Satanic Zone system and what to add in order to make them valuable and give something that a player would leave what they are currently doing to hop in.

So Satanic Zones now give 3 random buffs to the player as well as 2 random debuffs.

Example of Buffs:
- Loot amount increased by 600%
- Angelic drop chance increased by 50%
- Heroic drop chance increased by 50%
- Skill Damage increased by 40%
- Cast Rate increased by 50%
- Attack Speed increased by 50%
- Movement Speed increased by 50%
- Lots more....

Example of Debuffs:
- Decreased Light Radius
- Darkness, pitch black enjoyment
- Reduced All Resistances
- Reduced Life
- Reduced Mana
- Increased Damage Taken
- Lots more...

Satanic Zones are now also shown in the map:

Nightmare and Hell quest lines

In order to make leveling much more enjoyable we decided to add some bigger quests in Nightmare and Hell difficulties which reward the player with valuable stuff such as Satanic items and Mid tier runes, and even a few high runes for the Hell Quests. This should give the player more to do while going through the acts and help with gearing up as well as leveling up faster.

Örre quest line and Soulforged Ring is back!

The grind fest quest line from Örre is now back and completely re-worked. It consists of a bunch of daily quests and grinding. Look for the Mysterious key when killing bosses in hell ;)

This is all for now, we will continue working on the game to make it better and better as time goes on! Please feel free to join our Discord if you wish to give feedback or discuss or ask questions. We developers are there for you! :)

Hero Siege Discord

- Love, PAS ːstickmansteveː
Hero Siege - Vodkakiller
The older Hero Siege version (Season 18) is in a beta branch which can be accessed:

Library > Hero Siege > Properties > Betas > Choose HS1 from the dropdown

The game is only playable in Local as for now.

- Love, PAS ːshlamː
Nov 10, 2023
Hero Siege - Vodkakiller
Greetings Heroes!

We have been working hard on the Season 2 patch for the past month in order to make the game more engaging, fun and rewarding!

After going over community suggestions and having tons of good discussions with our active players as well as playing the game a lot our selves we have a pretty good understanding what the problems are and what should be improved!

Lets start from Quality of Life improvements

We are bringing improvements to movement and combat mechanics to be more accurate, easier to use and less clunky.

Player base movement speed is increased for a better early game experience!

You can now jump towards objects with full speed instead of being slowed down when jumping a short distance. We also fixed the maps that have water and chasms on the map border which can now be jumped through to reach the other side. Teleport/Blink skills now also have better collision checking which makes it much smoother to teleport around.

We improved projectile hit checking so that when shooting through corners the projectiles wont destroy into them any more.

Base cast rate on all skills has been increased by 25% in order to make early game more enjoyable.

Exploration was a big frustration for the players so we decided to add a system that reveals zone exits, dungeon entrances and way point on the map when you are roughly 2 screens away from them. This improvement made game play feel much better!

Looting Quest items now vacuums all nearby quest items so you dont need to constantly click to pick them all up!

Loot and Market filters will be improved for better filtering.

Lets go into the content!

The Chaos Tower will be making a comeback in Season 2. Chaos Tower will work like it worked before, but all the floors are random generated!

Satanic Potions: the potions from HS1 are making a comeback in Season 2 and since we now have the potion belt, you will be able to use 4 satanic potions instead of only 1. These potions work just like before, giving buffs and having a cooldown. We did increase the effect duration on all of them and made sure that the potions are fun and powerful!

New Items: We are adding a bunch of new Satanic, Heroic and Angelic items as well as new runewords which have new gimmicks!

Due to player demand we re-introduced the Satanic dice which can be used to re-roll any items stats with the chance to brick the item.

Temple Trapdoor dungeon added back into the game.


We revisited all set items and tweaked the stats to make the individual items more powerful and useful. Especially the Set Weapons now have damage that is in par with end game items. Many satanics, heroics and angelics have also gotten some buffs in order to make them useful. More satanics can now also roll sockets into them.

Gem drop rates as well as the Stats the gems give have been buffed, Gems now also give additive spell damage which is a new stat we are introducing and can be found in common caster weapons.

Common Item affixes now roll more reasonable stats and spell weapons can now only roll stats that are beneficial for casters and vice versa.

We tweaked extra gold and magic find stats in order to fight gold inflation and mf stacking builds being superior to non mf builds.

Wormholes will be scaling harder so the climb wouldnt be a tedious chore.

Sub Difficulties now also increase drop chances from Bosses.

Attack Damage % stat is now calculated after all the other modifiers thus its a lot more powerful now.

We will be working on class balance with the help of community suggestions and excess testing and data gathered during the first season. Our aim is to make every class be viable, engaging and fun to play!

Season 2 is scheduled to come out on the 12th of January 2024

The information in this post is what we have done so far, there is a lot more to come!

Thank you for reading!

- with love, Panic Art Studios
Nov 9, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
6.0.17 Patch Notes

- Fixed a critical error in Trading and Mailing UI when splitting stacks and putting them to the trade slot.
- Fixed Mining Node double input.
- Increased Gamepad Cursor max length from 300px to 340px - this should now be more inline with Mouse + KB.
- Improved Jumping logic with Gamepad - This should also now be more inline with Mouse + KB
- Fixed Enigma and other teleport effects being significantly shorter on Gamepad vs. KB+Mouse
- Fixed an Issue with Angelic Realm chests, where if you closed the UI pressing "ESC" instead of the "X" you would not be prompted with a warning.
Nov 3, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
Patch Notes
- Fixed Infinite Loading screen when disconnecting during loading screen
- Fixed Mac Inventory modifier key from Control to Alt (option Key on Mac)
- Fixed Odyssey leaderboard issues
- Fixed movement inputs on player when "Split Stack" UI is open.
Oct 31, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
Patch Notes

- Fixed Mystery hats not working.
- Fixed items disappearing on Odyssey Stash.
- Fixed infinite loading screens on room change.
- 21:9 Resolution got couple UI fixes.
- Personal Stash Tab now doesn't get broken items, they stay where they should.

Oct 31, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
We are starting a community contest event today!

The event is:
Ahto Run

Rules are simple:
Die to Gurag as fast as possible!

To Participate and for more information about the ongoing contest hop on to our Official Discord here!

Navigate to #contest-rules for specific info, and how to entry!

Oct 25, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
- Halloween Event is now live! A satanic a day keeps the doctor away, or so they say =)
- Added Gore back to the game, organic enemies now spill blood when killed
- Added Underground Garden dungeon back into the game
- Added Burstshot enemy affix, ranged enemies shoot 3 projectiles and melee enemies perform 3 attacks fast
- Added Colossus enemy affix, tanky enemies with a 50% thorns vs physical (damage is calculated from raw weapon damage)
- Added Commander enemy affix, Commander's minions are immune when near, once the commander dies the minions become vulnerable

- Added enemy density to sheeponia
- Buffed Enemy density and zone level (150 > 350) in Ruby Gardens
- Unstable Rifts now provide 150% extra mf per kill + hell rift MS increased from 15% to 50%
- Buffed Chaos Shrine spawn rate by 5% and top reward chances by 8%
- Removed life replenish from wormhole bosses
- Every 1000 skillpoints in mining now adds +1 to maximum possible oredrops (7 at 5000) for every node you mine
- Removed a few enemy packs from Distorted Horizons floors 1 and 2 but buffed floor 3.
- Buffed enemy density in underwhelming dungeons
- Changed Dark Oath strike proc in Unholy God's Flail into an aura
- Changed a few jewelcrafting recipes to use Storm Opal
- Modified Enraged enemy affix, now enrages at 50% life gaining more life replenish and attack speed
- Buffed Hypothermia (Heroic Item) base damage, added Enhanced Damage, increased Additive Cold Damage min/max, increased Cold Skills min/max, added Cast on hit chance for level 60-80 torrent

Qol tweaks
- Augments are now shown in journal
- Market open now focuses on text field be default so you can start typing without clicking it
- Key Dungeon zone text is now red instead of purple
- Satanic Zone dungeons now also have purple text indicating its also satanic
- Mobile version now shows satanic zones properly
- Added proper Russian translation by our community member Madjasti
- Quest objects no longer spawn once the quest is completed
- Increased Angelic Key sound range to same as satanics
- SS tier satanics now also show in chat
- When you get a buff from any source (item proc etc) it no longer overwrites the value of the buff unless the new value is stronger than the old one, but it refreshes the duration.
- Removed hovering indicator from empty socket slots since its misleading
- You can now jump down from cliffs but not up

- Fixed Shadow Realm portal bug
- Fixed Demonform missing textures if used on another class from loaded dice etc
- Fixed Chaos and Reaper shrines enemy rarities (no more trash mobs)
- Fix to loot not drawing on the map
- Fixed muspelheim rock hitboxes
- Fixed Guild Perks not saving
- Fixed Season Rewards not working correctly
- Fixed a multiplayer bug with shrines
- Fixed guns not shooting over water etc
- Fixed Stacked Pain mercenary skill tooltip saying slow when its stun
- Fixed Loading Issues in Act 8-1 and 8-2
- Fixed a bug with force move or using the movement skill in LMB would lock into enemies
- Fixed a bug with Block Rating calculation giving too much block
- Fixed Town entrance and exit names drawing in wrong spot

- Truck bullets go through walls now

- Added effect indicator for Whirlwind

- Fixed Lightning Break on Lightning Fury (also halved the scaling as its already strong)
- Fixed Fist of Heavens augment size scaling
- Fixed Hammers destroying them selves if spawned inside a wall

- Tornado augment now releases small piercing twisters dealing a portion of the tornado's damage

Plague Doctor
- Added Toxic Flask augment for Plague Doctor
- Miasma now gains additive damage from the initial attack aswell

Shield Lancer
- Buffed Spiked Shields base damage, synergy and armor scaling.

- Fixed Gunner Drone not benefitting from master mechanic damage
- Fixed a Bug with Turret Mastery and turret attack frequency

- Fixed Damned Legion Augment not increasing shockwave size

- Fixed Blood Surge augment second cast not proccing blood tendrils
Oct 17, 2023
Hero Siege - kaljaeläin
6.0.10 Patch Notes

- Fix Guild Exp / Level not displayed in chat lobby
- Fixed new inventory tabs not working in all inventory ui's
- Fixed some offsets in presets
- Added an option to enable/disable combat text compression
- Tuned down linear blur in tracks (moving background in 6-4)
- Added new assets to 7-3 and 6-4
- Fixed the moon visuals on Exo's Skin

Mid-Season 1 Balance Patch

- Adjusted Leech effectiveness on hell from 25% to 50% and on Nightmare from 60% to 75%
- Mercenaries gain more vitality, attack rating and armor per level now
- Mercenaries now gain 15 life from vitality instead of 12.5
- Boss Shrines can now spawn either 8 fallen angel champions that can drop angelic keys, or 8 special Ancients that have increased MF
- Chaos Shrines champion and ancient packs are the same as Boss Shrine but 12 enemies instead of 8. - Chaos Shrines can now also drop S tier items. Rune drop now drops 3 runes which can go up to Vex.
- Added Arrow Turret augment for Marksman
- Mercenaries are now immune to traps
- Increased Gold Pickup range
- Buffed Uber boss Life and damage(slightly)
- Polished Uber Reaper's lantern spawnpoint (half way between boss and player) + reduced lantern HP to 7.5% from 10% due to buffed values
- Fixed Dot damage showing when "Show Damage" is off
- Fixed an issue with inventory tab while in stash
- Fixed St. Neri's throwing distance
- Fixed Jötunn Warchief skinn skill effects
- Fixed a few broken quest objects

- Fixed Defensive shout not refreshing
- Buffed Demolishing Winds damage scaling from 2% to 3%

- Blazing Trail now gives the player Phasing + Buffed burning damage scaling from 2.5% to 3.75%
- Max Hydras buffed from 10 to 15
- Buffed Hydra base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Inferno Slash base damage and synergy scaling + burning damage scaling
- Buffed Searing Chains base damage and synergy scaling + target bounces increased from 8 to 10
- Buffed Fire Ball synergy scaling + the explosion size now scales with points in the skill (5% per level)
- Buffed Scorching Aura base damage, intelligence and synergy scaling + Now burns the enemies for 27.5% + 2.5% per level
- Buffed Fire Nova base damage and synergy scaling + Buffed burning from 2.5% to 4.25% per level
- Buffed Comet base damage and synergy scaling + Buffed cast range from 240px to 360px & Added - - Fire Break (1.5% per level)
- Buffed Armageddon explosion size by 25% + Added 27% + (3% per level) burning
- Buffed Hydra Augment meteors speed by 20%
- Buffed Comet Augment damage scale from 8% to 12%
- Phoenix Flight now phases through enemies if blazing trail is applied

- Vault damage type changed to physical based on attack damage and cast type changed to attack speed
- Vault now also targets enemies from a longer range and a bit more frequently
- Lowered Multishot projectiles per level + massive increase on the damage scaling
- Buffed Homing Rockets now scale +1 projectile per 6 levels in the skill
- Buffed Agility by reducing cooldown to 5 seconds and changed cast rate to attack speed
- Removed Arrow Rain cooldown but changed attack speed to cast rate
- Arrow Rampage now goes over walls
- Buffed Arrow Turret base damage
- Buffed Cannon Turret base damage
- Buffed Landmine base damage
- Buffed Rocket Turret synergy scaling

- Buckshot can now shotgun, but the damage is reduced. Also Buffed AR scaling. (Augment now adds 1 extra projectile per 3 points)
- Buffed Explosive Barrel base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Cannonball now releases 6 shrapnels when exploding dealing its damage.
- Buffed Explosive Bullet AR scaling for better boss hitrate
- Torrent now activates additional times in the casted spot (1 activation per 5 skill points)
- Buffed Freezing Chainshot base damage scaling
- You can now cast 10 parrots but the duration is fixed to 6 seconds.
- Buffed Anchor lifetime by 1 second + Anchor now lands on your cursors position when casted (or to the length of your gamepad cursor)
- Buffed Land Ahoy base damage and synergy scaling + increased cast range from 240px to 360px
- Increased Anchor Augment initial anchors travel distance by 40%

- Fixed stun bug in Cloud of Sand + increased its traveling speed by 50%
- Buffed Sand Tremors base AOE size, Increased AR scaling, Increased damage and synergy scaling and - increased Augment AOE scaling from 5% to 10% per point + lowered mana cost
- Increased Duration of Sand Gush tornados by 1 second.
- Osasis Aura now increases party movement speed by 1% per point
- Sand Vortex cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Buffed Flying Scimitar base damage and synergy scaling.
- Buffed Chainslice base damage and synergy scaling.
- Buffed Rupture base damage and synergy scaling + AR scaling
- Buffed Phantom Blade base damage, synergy and augment damage scaling (nerfed the augment attack speed to make it work)

- Buffed Oil Spill cooldown from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Spontaneous Combustion now leaves enemies burning.
- Pickup Raid now longer destroys into walls
- Chainsaw Massacre no longer looses complete control and has increased max speed
- Buffed Tree Trunk Triumph base damage and synergy + augment scaling
- Tirefire augment scale now scales the flames and the oil too

- Buffed Poison Breath base damage and poisoned scaling (2.5% > 3%)
- Buffed Bone Spear base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Corpse Explosion base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Cursed ground poison break scaling from 1% to 2% + reduced cooldown to 5 seconds.
- Buffed Poison Nova poisoned damage scaling from 2.5% to 4%
- Buffed Vengeful Spirit synergy scaling + Life scaling. You can now summon 2 vengefuls
- Recall summons cooldown reduced to 6 seconds

- Massively Buffed Quickslash base damage, synergy damage and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Explosive Kunai base damage, synergy damage and intelligence scaling as well as Augment damage scaling
- Blade Barrier duration now increases by 0.25 seconds per point.
- Buffed Exploding Bolas base damage, synergy damage and intelligence scaling.
- Reduced Shadowstep cooldown to 1 second + buffed base damage slightly
- Reduced Empires Slash cooldown from 2 seconds to 1 second.

- Lightning Fury bounces increased from 8 to 14 (Augment damage increased from 8% per level to 18% per level)
- Lightning Fury now breaks lightning resistances 1% per level
- Lightning Fury Augment no longer replaces the regular one but is added as an addition to it
- Fixed Lightning Fury augment hitbox for skins
- Thunder Shield now decreases both Magic and Physical damage taken
- Buffed Holy Bolt base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Fist of Heavens now scales off of Holy Bolts as in creating holy bolts, points put increases the holy bolt damage and amount of holy bolts
- Fist of Heavens Augment damage is Holy Bolt damage multiplied by fist of heavens damage multiplied by the amount of projectiles as a ground aoe when landing thus a nuclear bomb
- Fist of Heavens cast range increased from 240px to 320px
Buffed Holy Hammer duration, Speed and synergy scaling + Augment damage scaling

- Buffed Thunder Fury base damage, AR and synergy scaling + fixed hitboxes on the bolts
- Thunder Godesses Chosen now also increases flat AR
- Buffed Rebound AR scaling

Demon Slayer
- Buffed Shredder Trap base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Demon's Calling base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Slice of Shadows damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Demon Form duration from 8 seconds to 10 seconds and reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 18 seconds.

- Buffed Impale base damage and synergy scaling, Impale now causes Bleed
- Buffed Bonestorm base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Ossification defense from 2% to 2.5% per level, also now increased MS for 1% per point after killing an enemy
- Buffed Cartilage Build Up base damage and intelligence scaling
- Spinal Tap now deals increased damage to bleeding targets
- Mana Shield bug fixed where with 0 mana you would not take damage, also change phys reduction to magic reduction
- Buffed Blood Surge base damage scaling
- Blood Demons now summons 3 demons instead of 1

- Buffed Nature's Prophet from 2% to 3%
- Buffed Twisters base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Rock Fragments base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Earth Bind base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Meteor Storm base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Tornado base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Fissures base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Earth Totem base damage and synergy scaling
- You can now summon 4 wolves and 6 with augment
- Buffed Storm Totem base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Scent of the Wolf damage scaling from 5% to 7%
- Buffed Fire Totem Synergy scaling and Burning from 2.5 to 3%
- Buffed Chaos Totem base damage and synergy scaling

White Mage
- Increased Digest Souls duration from 5 seconds to 6 seconds
- Soul Spurn now triggers benediction
- Restless Souls base projectile amount is now 5
- Buffed Satans Mark AOE, base damage and synergy scaling + fixed mark not refreshing when re-casted + changed martyr synergy to restless souls
- Buffed Black Mass base damage and synergy scaling slightly + reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 16 seconds.
- Buffed Chain of Holy Light base damage and synergy scaling + increased bounces from 8 to 11
- Increased Benediction aoe by 35%
- Increased Healing Zone aoe by 44%
- Buffed Shadow Bolt base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Malediction now spawns 3 crows

- Buffed Force Overwhelming Duration to 10 seconds and reduced cooldown to 14 seconds.
- Buffed Bouncing Grenade base damage and synergy scaling + fixed augment bug
- Buffed Big Bo-oM base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Crazy Grapple base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Unstable Bomb base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Flail Mastery scaling from 1% to 1.5% per point (all attributes)
- Buffed Bombardment synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Retiarius Net base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling (Also fixed augment)

Plague Doctor
- Buffed Surgical Bloodletting base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Increased Miasma traveling speed
- Buffed Malpractice poison damage from 3.5% to 5%
- Defunct Surgeon now gives AR and cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds from 25 seconds
- Buffed Toxic Flask base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Exploding Mice now deals a % of the rats damage + increased AOE
- Buffed Jar of Leeches base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Randy the Rancid Rat base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling + increased plague damage scaling from 5% to 6%
- Buffed Plague of Rats base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling

Shield Lancer
- Crushing Lance now uses Attack Speed rather than cast rate
- Lance Throw now pierces enemies
- Massive Buff to Shield Slam damage and AR scaling (acts as a single target damage source vs bosses etc)
- Buffed Taunt duration scaling
- Buffed Damage Reflect from 2% to 4% per point
- Buffed Spiked Shields base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Counter base damage and synergy scaling
- Reduced Last Stand cooldown to 15 seconds.

- Buffed Age Proliferation base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling
- Buffed Gravitational Slam base damage, synergy and intelligence scaling + removed cooldown
- Temporal Heroes cooldown reduced to 25 seconds

- Orb of Frost now goes through walls but doesnt create icicles while on top of a wall
- Buffed Portal of Ice base damage and synergy scaling
- Glacial Tremors now activate at 4 attacks instead of 6
- Lowered Embodiment of Aurgelmir cooldown from 45 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Buffed Icicles base damage and synergy scaling

- Buffed Scorching Whip base damage and synergy scaling
- Solar Flare base projectiles changed from 1 to 3
- Solar Dash now has phasing and goes through enemies
- Buffed Solar Form pulse base damage and synergy scaling + increased buff from 3% to 5%
- Astreroid cast range increased from 240px to 320px
- Buffed Lunar Orbit base damage and synergy scaling
- Buffed Blood Moon cold damage from 2.5% to 3% and bleeding from 3% to 4% + also decreased cooldown to 10 seconds
- Reduced Black Hole cooldown to 7 seconds and buffed intelligence scaling + cast range from 240px to 320px

Item Restoration tickets are now open, and users are able to apply for a restoration for the next 14 days (Untill 31st Oct.)
We can not guarantee a full restoration but we will review every case and try our best to bring your lost items back. Please note that we are only able to restore items that disappeared after the Patch 6.0.3!
