Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Hi everyone, we plan to shut down server at 10/28 3AM EST (7AM UTC) for release 1.3.3 upgrade. Server should be up in 2-3 hours.
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Hi everyone, we plan to shut down server at 10/28 3AM EST (7AM UTC) for release 1.3.3 upgrade. Server should be up in 2-3 hours.
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Keyvias
For the next 48 hours Guns of Icarus Online is $3.74 a copy or $7.49 for 4 copies of the game!

Bring in your friends, lead an armada against your foes, and take the world as your own.

We have plenty of nice players happy to teach you the game and plenty of new players to learn with.
Now's the time to join us in the skies!
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
For the next 48 hours Guns of Icarus Online is $3.74 a copy or $7.49 for 4 copies of the game!

Bring in your friends, lead an armada against your foes, and take the world as your own.

We have plenty of nice players happy to teach you the game and plenty of new players to learn with.
Now's the time to join us in the skies!
Sep 19, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Keyvias
- Added a new gun, the armor-melting Hades Light Cannon, that deals fire and piercing damage.
- 3 new omni-class costumes

- Added the ability to dye costumes. Each costume can take up to two dye colors (primary and secondary) that affect different areas. Dyes can be purchased through the store or unlocked with levels.
- The store now has a shopping cart. Now you can check out many items at once in one Steam transaction.
- Added UI “tutorial” tooltips for first-time users (can be disabled in Options)
- Added the ability to store up to three pre-made loadouts for each class or ship
- Beginner-only matches allow only limited ships and loadouts that are known to work and be beginner-friendly. Low-level players are still able to play normal, unrestricted matches as well.
- Changed hit indicators: size now indicates only “weak” or “strong” hits, determined by damage multipliers vs the kind of part hit. A red color indicates hits to the unarmored hull.
- All hat or goggle items are unisex and can be worn by each gender
- You can view others’ current skill loadout in match lobby.
- You can view anyone’s public information, as well as their costumes in each class, from the player popup.
- Added a “Leave Count” for each user, incremented when that user leaves a match before it finishes (and does not reconnect). Leave count is displayed on your public profile.
- New animated gun reticles.
- Added first person equipment switching animation.
- Added edge of map effects.
- Added various Unlockable Achievement Chalenges: guns & ship stats, map lore, and more to come in the future. Check them out in the Books section (underneath the Progress button)
- Bounty Hunting added. Sign up in-game to be hunted by the Guns of Icarus community and earn a special badge for being the most dangerous bounty or top bounty hunter.

- Carronade: Spread 5 degrees (from 8), Range 400m (from 350m), 144 Shatter for AoE (from 128)
- Heavy Carronade: Spread 4 degrees (from 6), Reload speed 5.5s (from 4s), Range 500m (from 450m), 360 Shatter AoE (from 220)
- Heavy Flak: Max range 1440m (from 1000m), 150 Explosive Direct / 180 Explosive AoE (from 147/158)
- Gatling Gun: 5 Bullets/s (from 6.25/s)
- Flamethrower: 23.9% chance to apply 1 Fire Change on Direct Hit (from 20%)
- Artemis: Muzzle Speed 700m/s (from 675m/s), Range 1330m (from 1215m), Zoom Power 2.5 (from 2), 70 Explosive Direct (from 60)
- Mortar: Spread 1.5 degrees (from 0), Range 550m (from 1875m), Pitch and Yaw speed 65 degree/s (from 60 and 50 degree/s, respectively), 35 Explosive Direct / 60 Explosive AoE (from 20/60)
- Light Flak: Spread 1 degree (from 4), Arming Time 0.85s (from 0, arming range 300m), Range 1000m (from 790m), Scope Power 2x (from 1.5), 6 Ammo Clip Size (from 4), 2 Bullets/s (from 2.32 b/s), 45 Explosive Direct / 30 Explosive AoE (from 96/30)
- Rocket Carousel: 30 Explosive AoE (from 20), 26.4% change to apply 2 Fire Charges on AoE hit (from 22.5%)
- NEW!! Hades Light Cannon: Mid to long-range armor melting weapon with arcing shots. 0.75s arming time (150m arming range), 8 Bullet Clip, 1.25 Bullets/s, 5.5s Reload, 1400m Range, 30 Fire Direct, 40 Piercing AoE, 45% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on Direct and 35% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on AoE

- Pyramidion: Mass 200t (from 260t), Hull Health 700 (from 800)
- Spire: Hull Health 750 (from 650)

- Lesmok: +70% Projectile Speed (from +80%), -30% Rotation Speed (from -20%)
- Drogue Chute: Effects will now last 2s after skill is deactivated (skill is also deactivated when you leave the helm while using an item)
- Chute Vent: 65 dmg/s to Balloon (from 50)

- Level related progression tracks rescaled to slightly lower requirements and fixed ones that were impossible. This will not reset or delete any statistics or achievements you are working on.
Sep 19, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
- Added a new gun, the armor-melting Hades Light Cannon, that deals fire and piercing damage.
- 3 new omni-class costumes

- Added the ability to dye costumes. Each costume can take up to two dye colors (primary and secondary) that affect different areas. Dyes can be purchased through the store or unlocked with levels.
- The store now has a shopping cart. Now you can check out many items at once in one Steam transaction.
- Added UI “tutorial” tooltips for first-time users (can be disabled in Options)
- Added the ability to store up to three pre-made loadouts for each class or ship
- Beginner-only matches allow only limited ships and loadouts that are known to work and be beginner-friendly. Low-level players are still able to play normal, unrestricted matches as well.
- Changed hit indicators: size now indicates only “weak” or “strong” hits, determined by damage multipliers vs the kind of part hit. A red color indicates hits to the unarmored hull.
- All hat or goggle items are unisex and can be worn by each gender
- You can view others’ current skill loadout in match lobby.
- You can view anyone’s public information, as well as their costumes in each class, from the player popup.
- Added a “Leave Count” for each user, incremented when that user leaves a match before it finishes (and does not reconnect). Leave count is displayed on your public profile.
- New animated gun reticles.
- Added first person equipment switching animation.
- Added edge of map effects.
- Added various Unlockable Achievement Chalenges: guns & ship stats, map lore, and more to come in the future. Check them out in the Books section (underneath the Progress button)
- Bounty Hunting added. Sign up in-game to be hunted by the Guns of Icarus community and earn a special badge for being the most dangerous bounty or top bounty hunter.

- Carronade: Spread 5 degrees (from 8), Range 400m (from 350m), 144 Shatter for AoE (from 128)
- Heavy Carronade: Spread 4 degrees (from 6), Reload speed 5.5s (from 4s), Range 500m (from 450m), 360 Shatter AoE (from 220)
- Heavy Flak: Max range 1440m (from 1000m), 150 Explosive Direct / 180 Explosive AoE (from 147/158)
- Gatling Gun: 5 Bullets/s (from 6.25/s)
- Flamethrower: 23.9% chance to apply 1 Fire Change on Direct Hit (from 20%)
- Artemis: Muzzle Speed 700m/s (from 675m/s), Range 1330m (from 1215m), Zoom Power 2.5 (from 2), 70 Explosive Direct (from 60)
- Mortar: Spread 1.5 degrees (from 0), Range 550m (from 1875m), Pitch and Yaw speed 65 degree/s (from 60 and 50 degree/s, respectively), 35 Explosive Direct / 60 Explosive AoE (from 20/60)
- Light Flak: Spread 1 degree (from 4), Arming Time 0.85s (from 0, arming range 300m), Range 1000m (from 790m), Scope Power 2x (from 1.5), 6 Ammo Clip Size (from 4), 2 Bullets/s (from 2.32 b/s), 45 Explosive Direct / 30 Explosive AoE (from 96/30)
- Rocket Carousel: 30 Explosive AoE (from 20), 26.4% change to apply 2 Fire Charges on AoE hit (from 22.5%)
- NEW!! Hades Light Cannon: Mid to long-range armor melting weapon with arcing shots. 0.75s arming time (150m arming range), 8 Bullet Clip, 1.25 Bullets/s, 5.5s Reload, 1400m Range, 30 Fire Direct, 40 Piercing AoE, 45% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on Direct and 35% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on AoE

- Pyramidion: Mass 200t (from 260t), Hull Health 700 (from 800)
- Spire: Hull Health 750 (from 650)

- Lesmok: +70% Projectile Speed (from +80%), -30% Rotation Speed (from -20%)
- Drogue Chute: Effects will now last 2s after skill is deactivated (skill is also deactivated when you leave the helm while using an item)
- Chute Vent: 65 dmg/s to Balloon (from 50)

- Level related progression tracks rescaled to slightly lower requirements and fixed ones that were impossible. This will not reset or delete any statistics or achievements you are working on.
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Keyvias
Die deutschsprachige GoIO Community organisiert diesen Sonntag um 17 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit ein gemeinsames Luftschiffeversenken! Deutschsprachige Spieler, sind dazu eingeladen im Spiel um 17 Uhr nach der Matchlobby mit dem Namen "Schiffeversenken" Ausschau zu halten! Das Spiel wird passwortgeschützt sein und das Passwort wird rechtzeitig vorher in der deutschsprachigen Steam Community (Link = bekannt gegeben! Bei Fragen zum Ablauf oder der deutschsprachigen GoIO-Community stehen euch die CAs RainerZuFall und Mark Abrams im Spiel zur Verfügung, auf Steam könnt ihr auch "Hialgu" aka Kyren kontaktieren!
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
Die deutschsprachige GoIO Community organisiert diesen Sonntag um 17 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit ein gemeinsames Luftschiffeversenken! Deutschsprachige Spieler, sind dazu eingeladen im Spiel um 17 Uhr nach der Matchlobby mit dem Namen "Schiffeversenken" Ausschau zu halten! Das Spiel wird passwortgeschützt sein und das Passwort wird rechtzeitig vorher in der deutschsprachigen Steam Community (Link = bekannt gegeben! Bei Fragen zum Ablauf oder der deutschsprachigen GoIO-Community stehen euch die CAs RainerZuFall und Mark Abrams im Spiel zur Verfügung, auf Steam könnt ihr auch "Hialgu" aka Kyren kontaktieren!
Aug 21, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
In game at 7 PM CET or 1 PM US Eastern. Look for great veteran players Kyren, Ataris, Wazulu, Skrimskraw, Matilald, and others to help you learn the nuances of the game so you can conquer the skies!

Aug 21, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
In game at 7 PM CET or 1 PM US Eastern. Look for great veteran players Kyren, Ataris, Wazulu, Skrimskraw, Matilald, and others to help you learn the nuances of the game so you can conquer the skies!
