Jun 5, 2013
Gunpoint - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Gunpoint is an action-puzzle game about speed-hacking electrical systems and leaping over (or through) tall buildings in a single bound. This high-tech detective saga-ette comes primarily from Tom Francis, best known for his long stint on cheery RPS tribute magazine PC Gamer, and it’s his first game. Has he successfully crossed the Rubicon? Let’s find out.> (more…)

Jun 5, 2013
Gunpoint - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Gunpoint is an action-puzzle game about speed-hacking electrical systems and leaping over (or through) tall buildings in a single bound. This high-tech detective saga-ette comes primarily from Tom Francis, best known for his long stint on cheery RPS tribute magazine PC Gamer, and it’s his first game. Has he successfully crossed the Rubicon? Let’s find out.> (more…)
