Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Screenshot from GTA Online's Diamond Casino missions.

Rockstar have opened up a little about future plans for GTA Online, saying that later this year they will launch its “biggest ever update” including “our latest take on Heists in an entirely new location.” That’s mega-vague but potentially quite exciting. You could read a lot into that, dreaming that they’ll be adding Liberty City. Or you could guess it’ll be, like, adding a new bank to Los Santos. I’ll wait before getting too excited but I am glad to hear Rockstar have big plans ahead.


Rocket League® - (Brendan Caldwell)

From an early age, humans know that if they want to be taken seriously, they must learn how to deliver a convincing car noise. Vrrrrummm, they might say. Or perhaps: brrrrrr-bp-brrr. These are the nascent efforts of the budding speed freak, and they must be respected. But once again the realm of videogames encroaches upon the germinal life of the human with pitiless velocity. Car games put a stop to make-believe noise, and introduce fully realised cars on a screen, ready for the racing, shiny bonnets and vrrrrummm noises included. Thus, the imagination dies, and these, the 10 best cars in PC games, are born. Beep beep.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Sony opening their big E3 pressblast last night with the news that Grand Theft Auto V is coming to PlayStation 5 was perhaps a damp squib for them but good news for us on PC. With the game now confirmed for next-gen consoles, Rockstar have committed to continuing content updates for them – and PC. They’re also making a standalone version of GTA Online, though it’s not yet confirmed for PC. As for the new crimes we might get up to in future updates, ah, Rockstar aren’t saying yet.


HITMAN™ - (Brendan Caldwell)

Wow. Look at that summer sun slapping the face of the planet, like a big 12-hour camera flash. So hot, so clear-skied. A blessed day of walks in the park, trips to the beach, picnics by the litter bins. What a glorious day for wasps it is out there. Let’s all go to the…

Oh right. Forget I said anything. Go back inside, lock the doors, and consider some of these perfect virtual holiday destinations. Please, trust us with your fake vacation. After all, what is a games journalist but a sort of really dodgy travel agent?


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Oh sure you’ve played Dark Souls with your Donkey Konga bongos and Untitled Goose Game with a goose costume, but this new weird controller mod could give you a serious workout. Someone has modded Grand Theft Auto V so you can ride its bicycles by pedalling your actual real bicycle, using one of those smart bike trainer kits with sensors. It’s a bit like virtual races in Zwift except you’ll race round fake Los Angeles instead of generic Yorkshire, plus you might get hit by a car.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Rockstar have finally managed to get GTA Online back up, after a weekend where the game was basically unplayable due to overwhelming numbers of new players. The Epic Games Store is giving GTA V away free at the moment, see. So many people came to claim it that Epic’s own servers collapsed during at the start the giveaway, so I guess it’s only fair that Epic players crash Rockstar’s servers in return. Having spent some time sat staring at error messages hitting retry myself, I admire the ingenuity of the person who built a wee robot to keep hitting the spacebar for them.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Keep your eye on the Epic Games Store today: the next free game they’re giving away is almost certainly Grand Theft Auto V. That’s a real solid get for free. Epic have been playing it coy, teasing a mystery game instead of announcing the next one as they usually do, then they seemingly blew the surprise by tweeting the announcement early. Welp. The freebie should be with us in only a few hours.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Dave Irwin)

The aftermath of punching a car with explosive fists.

Did you get Grand Theft Auto 5 for free on the Epic Game Store? If you’re just looking to mess around in the world of Los Santos, there are plenty of cheats that can be used in the singleplayer part of the game. You can do a whole host of different things, such as spawning cars from the ether, to enabling “super jump” to leap over buildings.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Inviting chaos into GTA Online, Rockstar today started giving away free green and purple alien bodysuits. Over the past few weeks, Los Santos has been invaded by violent aliens. First, gangs of players dressed as green aliens were jumping unsuspecting people with baseball bats and pool cues. Then, gangs of purple aliens started fighting the green aliens in sprawling street brawls. But the invasion was somewhat contained because suits are not cheap. Now anyone can be an alien at no cost – and pool cues are free too. Watch your back.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Play GTA Online any time during May and Rockstar will wang you $500,000 of in-game cash within a few days. While that’s not a huge amount of money on the scale of things, but it’s a decent chunk for doing nothing. It won’t buy you a new business or a top-end car but could help you save up. Or… you could use that free cash to buy an expensive alien bodysuit and join the delightfully daft alien beatdown gangs and green alien vs. purple alien wars that are raging across Los Santos this week.

