- Workshop addons can be downloaded when joining a server - Added resource.AddWorkshop( workshopid ) - Fixed fonts being invisible on resolution change - Fixed crash when starting map - Fixed sound.PlayURL not always calling the callback properly - Banned 1,500 cheaters
If you have been banned for cheating and are sure you didn't cheat - then please email me at garry@garrysmod.com with your 64bit SteamID and I will look into it for you.
- Workshop addons can be downloaded when joining a server - Added resource.AddWorkshop( workshopid ) - Fixed fonts being invisible on resolution change - Fixed crash when starting map - Fixed sound.PlayURL not always calling the callback properly - Banned 1,500 cheaters
If you have been banned for cheating and are sure you didn't cheat - then please email me at garry@garrysmod.com with your 64bit SteamID and I will look into it for you.