PGA TOUR 2K23 - crystal.2K
Super Laura Up - Acidente
The game launch was a success! Despite being a small developer, it was great to see friends playing and even receiving reviews from people on the other side of the world saying they want to punch me!

But yeah there are somethings that needed to be fixed such as camera issues.

To some people this was the hardest jump just because of the camera.

Can you see where you should go? Me neither!

This update is changing the control panels to better teach the game buttons. There was a hidden mechanic that let you change your camera direction to where you're looking. by pressing V or "R1" or "RB" you could change your camera. But for some reason it didn't pass in my head that I needed to teach players of this. So yeah.... Now there is a panel that teaches everything at the same time. It's not beautiful but it's something needed and I could only do this way for now.

So now you should be able to see this withouth doing some clunky movement.

At some time in the future I'll probably revisit this panel, because they are really ugly looking.

I'll be working into updating and releasing some new features. I won't promise anything right now, but I'm excited to update this game! But before doing new stuff, there are things that need fixing such as:

Highscore not showing for some players (they seem to be working only after finishing the game which isn't intended)
Highscore text doesn't contain characters for korean, russian, japanese and chinese language (I wasn't expecting for people to finish this game so quickly around the world! So thank you so much if you're reading this! And sorry if your name isn't being displayed in the game highscore)
Jan 12
After the Collapse - Anarkis Gaming
Hey there!

I hope you all had a good holiday season. Let's hope this year will be better than the last.

Here's a small patch for 1.2 focusing on recent player feedback. It's fixing a few bugs and balancing issues. It's nothing major. Unless some major crash or bug pops up, this will likely one of the last "hotfix" for the Rebirth update, next patches will add proper content (on top of the usual fixes and tweaks).

Expect a full devlog in a few days.

1.2.3 Changelog
  • Balance: During the Main Story, "experienced" trait progression is reset in between acts, so new players don't get overwhelmed by 30+ settlers crying about the lack of a proper bedroom
  • Balance: Reduced the ratio of pandemonium infected recruits (15%->10% in Rare, 30%->20% in Common, 95%->90% in Everyone difficulty settings)
  • Balance: Enforced limits to the amount of boss level hordes being active on the map at the same time (only one of each kind, max), also made them to spawn later
  • Balance: The Swarm faction event can no longer spawn super close to the player base (also slightly reduced the amount of creatures inside on spawn)
  • Balance: Hordes won't spawn too close to the player base (unless it's intended)
  • Balance: 3rd degree burns, if left untreated for 4 to 5 days, will heal on their own but leave permanent scars decreasing morale and some stats
  • UI: In "Misc Orders", added two buttons to 'turn off' and 'turn on' all the selected production buildings
  • UI: When an expedition gets killed, a new, prettier, info panel is shown, displaying the reason why it happened + a log of last messages
  • UI: When someone turns hostile due to mental breakdown, auto pause/center camera (if set in settings), there's also an alert sound, and the message is written in red
  • UI: When someone under mental breakdown starts a fire, there's a new alert sound, and the message is written in red
  • Fixed: It was technically possible to spawn in a 1x1 island in some specific scenarios (including Act1) preventing you from being able to play the game properly
  • Fixed: Impossible to attack walls/windows/clutter when defending a map location
  • Fixed: A crash with travel events, more specifically, the zombie horde travel event had a 33% chance to cause a crash when the player fails the event
  • Fixed: One of the "animal food" recipes was missing in the electric kitchen
  • Fixed: Pandemonium infection wouldn't spread through brawls as the standard fist/punch attack wasn't properly replaced by the infected variant
  • Fixed: Multiple minor issues with world map spawners (bandit hideout for instance) when they are conquered by a horde
Dissent on Mars - michael
Having an income lets people buy products, but which principles should determine how we receive income? In Dissent on Mars, your answer to this question changes the rules of the game.

Let’s dive into these concepts so you can see how they work in-game!

For Need
If citizens receive income for need, income could be provided to cover everyone’s need for food, hygiene, and more. Once your colony is built, you can set the exact amount at a government building.

For Ownership
If citizens receive income for ownership, they’ll receive income based on the productive property they own. For example, if someone owns a factory, the owner will receive income based on what the factory sells.

This principle is dependent on how productive property is owned. For example, this can’t work if productive property is owned by the state, or if it’s shared by everyone in society.

For Power
If citizens receive income for power, they’ll receive income based on the amount of bargaining power they have to negotiate prices.

To enable this principle, your society will need to use a market for resource allocation.

If you’re unsure what I mean by “bargaining power”, imagine there’s a producer that has a monopoly on food. Since there’s no competition, they could gouge their prices to the sky, therefore receiving more income. If there was more competition, this would be harder to pull off since the competitors could keep their prices low, potentially taking business away from the price gouger.

For Work
If citizens receive income for work, they’ll receive income based on the amount of work they put in towards an economic activity.

This principle is pretty self-explanatory, and I imagine most people reading this are already familiar with how it works!

Hopefully, this gives you an idea of the different ways people can receive income! In short, citizens can receive income for need, ownership, power, or work.

Now, here’s the real question: how will citizens receive income in your society?

Wishlist and Follow Dissent on Mars
Don’t forget to wishlist and follow the game so you can see our future posts! It would be great if you could tell your friends about it too.

Thanks for reading,

MUZY - Galactic Crows
We're excited to bring you the latest update for MUZY Demo, packed with improvements to make your demo experience even more engaging and enjoyable. Our team has been hard at work refining levels, addressing bugs, and enhancing gameplay. Here's a glimpse of the key changes in this update:

Patch Highlights:

Maze Marvels:
Updated Level with Maze: Get ready for a new challenge! We've introduced a maze to one of the levels, adding an exciting twist to your demo experience. Navigate through the maze and conquer this thrilling addition.

Player-Friendly Adjustments:
Easier Maze: We've heard your feedback! The maze has been adjusted to provide a more user-friendly experience, ensuring a balance between challenge and enjoyment.
Better Hints: Enjoy improved hints throughout the game, providing clearer guidance to enhance your understanding of the challenges you face.

Bug Squashing:
Fixed Rare Snake Level Freeze: Bid farewell to a rare bug! We've addressed an issue where the snake level could freeze, ensuring a smoother and uninterrupted gaming experience.

Entrance Enhancements:
Improved Targets at Game Area Entrance: Your journey begins with precision! Targets at the entrance to the game area have been enhanced, accompanied by helpful hints to assist you in hitting the mark.

Visual Improvements:
Improved Camera Interpolation: Notice the difference! The game now boasts improved camera interpolation, providing a smoother and more visually appealing experience.

Snake Game Refinement:
Shorter and Clearer Snake Game: Dive into an improved snake game! We've shortened the gameplay, especially on easy mode, making it more accessible and clear for players of all skill levels.

We value your feedback! Join the MUZY Demo community discussions to share your thoughts, strategies, and experiences with fellow players.
Thank you for being a part of the MUZY Demo experience. We hope you enjoy the enhanced maze, improved gameplay, and bug fixes in this update. Have a fantastic time exploring the updated demo!
Jan 12
Portal: Revolution - Stefan H.
- Mitigated bugged green paint splatter overlay
- Various stability fixes

- Updated sp_a2_tbeam_flings to prevent the chamber from breaking when the paint detectors don't work
- Various fixes in sp_a1_bts_wind
Wild Life - ๖ۣۜPower๖ۣۜpuncher
2023 was quite the eventful year, with lots of challenges and setbacks but also considerable progress. Today we want to share a little recap of last year, as well as an overview of the general state of development for Wild Life.

Last year started very tough, with the update to UE5 and all the issues that came with it, such as the missing fur, the changed physics system and the unexpectedly low performance, we knew it wouldn't be an easy year. While our coders were mainly busy with managing the engine version update, our designers were working hard on implementing the quests for the main story. But not only that, they also made significant progress in designing, writing and implementing many of the side quests.

On the art side, things moved at a very satisfactory pace. We completed the entire design for our faction and NPC outfits and our freelance artists turned many of these beautiful outfits and characters into reality.

The world map has been iterated in accordance with the main story, and most of the important locations needed for the plot have already been established in blockout. We also worked on designs for the plants and trees in the world and developed the pipelines to populate it with the models.

Most of the sex minigames needed for our main- and side quests are already animated and will be gradually integrated into the story mode. Our talented animators also worked on the NPC routine animations, creating some by hand and polishing mocap data for others.

Performance is always a very prominent aspect of development and we have been working hard to improve it, but of course there is still a lot to do. A few months ago, we took the opportunity to analyze the project for its performance potential with the help of a professional team of game performance analysts. The result is a promising list of areas where we can make improvements. Unfortunately, some optimization work can only be carried out at a later date, so we humbly ask for your patience. Nevertheless, our goal will always be to reach the best possible performance for the game.

The sandbox got some very impressive additions last year and we are quite proud of its current state. Of course this is a very important game mode of Wild Life and we will continue to work on it based on your input.

The darkest chapter of 2023 is without a doubt the discord hack which we experienced in May. This event has deeply affected and shaken us, as we had invested a lot of time and effort into the old server. Losing it from one day to the next was extremely stressful and caused us a lot of anxiety. However, thanks to the support of our community, we were able to set up a new Discord server within 24 hours and are very happy to see it's better than ever. We have since made many changes to how we handle security to prevent such a thing from happening again. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support, especially in that trying period.

Looking forward to 2024 fills us with a positive energy and motivation. Next week we will share an outlook into what we have planned this year in all departments.

Once again we want to thank all of you for the invaluable support you have given.

-Wild Life Team


The following pages are a full game dev status report for all the different areas of Wild Life development and their overall progression.

Game Design & Code

Game Systems:
The most important systems at a glance which are necessary for the game.

50% of all systems required by the game are already designed and integrated.


Main Quest:
Design and implementation of the main quest is 90% complete. The implementation is technical. Includes logic and dialog of the main story. Gameplay elements such as combat have not yet been implemented.

Side Quests & Dialogue:
Overview of the development status of the Side Quests & Dialog. Listed by locations where the quests take place.

In total, about 35% - 40% of all side quests are designed and implemented. Includes logic and dialog of the side story. Gameplay elements such as combat have not yet been implemented.

Asset Creation:
  • Created all planned routine destinations and according data setup
  • Created all NPC and monster spawners and according data setup

Design of the complete item list, including recipes, weapons, collectibles, upgrade and crafting materials, etc. Currently in the 1st draft. The estimated total workload is 70% complete.


Game relevant areas:
areas that have special requirements due to gameplay, main quest or side quests.

State B: defines the type, number, size, rough style and placement of buildings. Furthermore, walkways are adjusted and tested. Elements important for the game design and the story are placed. Important points such as the size of doors and windows are defined here. All elements are blockout

State A: defines the type, number, size, rough style and placement of furniture and other elements in the areas. The buildings are given more detail. All elements are blockout, but are located on the final position.

Final elaboration: The buildings, furniture and other items that are still blocked will be completed and replaced with final assets.

Designs such as blockouts are 20% finished



NPC routines:
70% of NPC routine animations have been processed and polished yet. Ongoing task of transferring them to other characters and assigning them to the routine points defined by Game Design as needed.

65% of the basic set of movement and combat animations from Creatures are ready.

80% of minigames needed for story mode are now finished in the first iteration.

Animation Cutscenes Main Quest:
40% of all animations for the main quest cutscenes have been completed.

2269 sandbox sex loops are ready.


New Character:
85% of all the character models we need for the game are finished.

80% of the required creatures and monsters are ready.

New Outfits:
65% of the outfits we need for the main story have been finished.
Among other things, special sandbox outfits were also worked on. This serves to respond to special requests from the community and to test new freelance artists.


Cutscenes Main Quest:

Cutscenes Side Quests:

Other departments

The Anacrusis - notthatwillsmith
Happy New Year! This update adds backend support required for the impending Epic Store version of the game and gameplay fixes for Episodes 3, 4, and 5. Once The Anacrusis is live on the Epic Store, anyone will be able to download the mod tools for free.
  • Fixed multiple areas where players or aliens could get stuck in the Ep5 stadium event
  • Fixing collision on a handful of doors in Ep4 and 5
  • Reduced the chance that common will get stuck on the first Ep5 door event, reducing the intensity of the event
  • Extended length of Ep3 Apartment and Medbay events to make them more impactful
  • Did backend work required to make the mod tools available publicly (coming soon)
Halo Infinite - chclarke
New year, new Forge maps!

Welcome back to Forge Features, where we highlight a selection of the latest and greatest community-made maps and experiences that you can download and play in Halo Infinite.

Let’s take a look at what you’ve been cooking...


Credits: RedNomster
Bookmark: MAP | MODE

Red Nomster has made a turn-based tabletop game using Halo Infinite’s Forge... yes, you read that right.

Through the mark system and approximately 1400 scripting nodes, up to 8 players (4v4 max, 2v2 recommended, 1v1 if you want to settle things in a gentlemanly fashion) can experience Halo Infinite as they never have before.

Check out RedNomster's video on the making of this experience, and don't forget to learn the four very straightforward rules of how to play:


Credits: Nikos4476, xXBarthXx, HMkiller05
Bookmark: PART 1 | PART 2
Mode: Easy | Normal | Heroic | Legendary

We knew that Halo Infinite’s Forge would be able to create some truly jaw-dropping stuff, and that the ambitions of community cartographers would push the boundaries of what even we believed possible... and here’s another such example, as the entire Halo: CE mission Assault on the Control Room has been remade.

Split into two parts, this is the mission just as you remember it—eerie, repeating Forerunner corridors, bridges over vast mountainous walls, vast snowy landscapes, Scorpion tank carnage... it’s all been recreated down to the smallest detail in enemy encounters.


Credits: Sams S033
Bookmark: MAP
Mode: Use with Firefight: King of the Hill

At the start of Halo Infinite's campaign, the UNSC Infinity is ambushed by the Banished at Zeta Halo. Take the fight to the hangar bay and capture the hills in order to reclaim humanity's flagship from the alien invaders.

(Of course, we all know how successfully that goes!)


Credits: IcyAsh3956
Bookmark: MAP | MODE

I must admit that my jaw dropped as I explored this map. It just kept going... and going... and then there was another level above, and then that kept on going...

With battlecruisers hanging in the skies overhead, Banished forces dropping into the caverns below to guard a sunlit Forerunner beam tower, and multiple flags to capture, this is the perfect staging ground for some PvPvE CTF action.


Credits: SPiriTBomb808
Bookmark: MAP

The orbital tether is something of an iconic element of the Halo universe, though all of their most memorable moments are when they collapse—seeing it fall in Halo 3: ODST, its structural skeleton scattered over the African plains as you head to Voi in Halo 3, and who could forget that harrowing sequence at the turning point of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn.

This tether, though, remains intact. In this sprawling complex built around the space elevator, you can unleash some BTB chaos with your friends.


That'll wrap us up for this issue—the first of many more to come over the course of this year.

The boundless creativity of the Forge community thrills, energizes, and quite frankly terrifies us as we bear witness to the imaginative ways this tool can be used to create new and entirely unexpected experiences in Halo.

Keep on keepin' on!
Programming Without Coding Technology 2.0 - PWCT Software

In this little update we added Ring Notepad to the Tools menu in PWCT2 environemnt.

Since PWCT2 comes with the Ring programming language version 1.19, We can use Ring directly through PWCT2 distribution.

Ring is a free open-source project (MIT License) and PWCT2 is a project developed using Ring.

Ring Notepad is the standard code editor for the Ring language.

Also, we added the ring/documents/build/html files so we can browse Ring documentation using the web browser that comes with Ring Notepad.
