Jul 19, 2014
Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail
Hello everyone! We hope you're as excited as we are about our upcoming release!

We wanted to get the game up on Steam today, but, sadly, we have just learned that Steam does not release games on weekends. So although everything's good to go for our launch, we'll have to wait until Monday for our storefront to update. Hang in there for just a bit longer, folks!

What To Expect

The launch version of Freedom Planet will include the content that we had initially planned for the game. You'll be able to play Adventure mode as Lilac and Carol, and Classic mode as Lilac, Carol or Milla (when she is unlocked). There are a multitude of different achievements to collect, as well! Once launch fever settles down, we'll get started on expansion content that includes the remaining two characters, Milla in Adventure mode, and more.

The first couple of weeks after launch, we'll be keeping a sharp eye on our community and dishing out patches to fix whatever issues may crop up. Our testers have been super awesome at helping us, but there are some things that can only be discovered and tweaked if we have thousands of people playing the game at once.

Freedom Planet is our first nosedive into the gaming industry, and rest assured, we're 100% devoted to making sure things go well. We thank you infinitely for your patience with us over the past few years, and we're eager to finally share our game with the world!
Jul 19, 2014
Freedom Planet - Strife
Hello everyone! We hope you're as excited as we are about our upcoming release!

We wanted to get the game up on Steam today, but, sadly, we have just learned that Steam does not release games on weekends. So although everything's good to go for our launch, we'll have to wait until Monday for our storefront to update. Hang in there for just a bit longer, folks!

What To Expect

The launch version of Freedom Planet will include the content that we had initially planned for the game. You'll be able to play Adventure mode as Lilac and Carol, and Classic mode as Lilac, Carol or Milla (when she is unlocked). There are a multitude of different achievements to collect, as well! Once launch fever settles down, we'll get started on expansion content that includes the remaining two characters, Milla in Adventure mode, and more.

The first couple of weeks after launch, we'll be keeping a sharp eye on our community and dishing out patches to fix whatever issues may crop up. Our testers have been super awesome at helping us, but there are some things that can only be discovered and tweaked if we have thousands of people playing the game at once.

Freedom Planet is our first nosedive into the gaming industry, and rest assured, we're 100% devoted to making sure things go well. We thank you infinitely for your patience with us over the past few years, and we're eager to finally share our game with the world!
Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! That being said, we should get right to the point of this announcement.

We have decided to postpone our release by two and a half weeks. Our final release date is Saturday, July 19th. We're quite sorry about this and we understand that not everyone is going to be happy about it, but we think it's for the best considering all of the stuff that's going on in the next few weeks.

Our biggest reason for this delay is, quite simply, Steam summer sales. If we released at the end of this month, not only would Freedom Planet be drowned out by the huge selection of discounted games on Steam, but the huge amount of traffic would make it hard for players to load our storefront. Not only that, but we're sure that many of our outside fans will be emptying their wallets during the sale, so we hope that waiting a little longer will give them a fair chance to save up again. (In case anyone is curious, the retail version of Freedom Planet will be $14.99. We think this price is fair considering the amount of content and soul we've put into it. This and the fact that we skipped over going on sale was done out of respect to our backers who have been so patient with us since the beginning.)

Entire articles have been written about why releasing an indie game in the heat of summer sales is suicidal. We're quite bummed out that we didn't anticipate this, and we're relieved that we caught ourselves before disaster struck. We'll take it as a lesson learned for next time, and we really hope that other indie developers don't make this critical mistake!

Another big reason for this delay is, of course, Florida Supercon. Our trip to Miami is going to give us a valueble chance to see people playing the game in person. For the first time ever, we'll be able to get real-time feedback from a large number of players, and it would be silly of us not to take advantage of it to help make our game as polished as it can be. (On a side note, if we released at the end of June, we'd be flying off to the convention right as the game launched and would be unable to manage any problems that come up until we returned. Whoops!)

Thank you for reading, and we'll keep you informed on our progress. With all the stages complete and the cutscenes coming along smoothly, we'll be pumping out new trailers, screenshots and gameplay footage very soon!
Freedom Planet - Strife
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! That being said, we should get right to the point of this announcement.

We have decided to postpone our release by two and a half weeks. Our final release date is Saturday, July 19th. We're quite sorry about this and we understand that not everyone is going to be happy about it, but we think it's for the best considering all of the stuff that's going on in the next few weeks.

Our biggest reason for this delay is, quite simply, Steam summer sales. If we released at the end of this month, not only would Freedom Planet be drowned out by the huge selection of discounted games on Steam, but the huge amount of traffic would make it hard for players to load our storefront. Not only that, but we're sure that many of our outside fans will be emptying their wallets during the sale, so we hope that waiting a little longer will give them a fair chance to save up again. (In case anyone is curious, the retail version of Freedom Planet will be $14.99. We think this price is fair considering the amount of content and soul we've put into it. This and the fact that we skipped over going on sale was done out of respect to our backers who have been so patient with us since the beginning.)

Entire articles have been written about why releasing an indie game in the heat of summer sales is suicidal. We're quite bummed out that we didn't anticipate this, and we're relieved that we caught ourselves before disaster struck. We'll take it as a lesson learned for next time, and we really hope that other indie developers don't make this critical mistake!

Another big reason for this delay is, of course, Florida Supercon. Our trip to Miami is going to give us a valueble chance to see people playing the game in person. For the first time ever, we'll be able to get real-time feedback from a large number of players, and it would be silly of us not to take advantage of it to help make our game as polished as it can be. (On a side note, if we released at the end of June, we'd be flying off to the convention right as the game launched and would be unable to manage any problems that come up until we returned. Whoops!)

Thank you for reading, and we'll keep you informed on our progress. With all the stages complete and the cutscenes coming along smoothly, we'll be pumping out new trailers, screenshots and gameplay footage very soon!
Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail
Good afternoon! We have something cool we'd like to share with you!

Freedom Planet t-shirts are now available on Teespring for a limited time! Each shirt is adorned with full-color digital prints of the three main heroines as drawn by Kiwiggle. She has graciously allowed us to feature her artwork on the shirts. :)

The way Teespring works is that we have to sell a certain number of shirts in one month. If we meet our target, the shirts get passed out; Otherwise, nothing.

In our case, we'll need to sell 100 shirts by the game's release date on June 30th. Help us out by spreading the word! And of course, if you feel like buying one yourself, that's a big help too. ^_~

>> Click here to check out our Teespring page! <<
Freedom Planet - Strife
Good afternoon! We have something cool we'd like to share with you!

Freedom Planet t-shirts are now available on Teespring for a limited time! Each shirt is adorned with full-color digital prints of the three main heroines as drawn by Kiwiggle. She has graciously allowed us to feature her artwork on the shirts. :)

The way Teespring works is that we have to sell a certain number of shirts in one month. If we meet our target, the shirts get passed out; Otherwise, nothing.

In our case, we'll need to sell 100 shirts by the game's release date on June 30th. Help us out by spreading the word! And of course, if you feel like buying one yourself, that's a big help too. ^_~

>> Click here to check out our Teespring page! <<
May 2, 2014
Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail

We are pleased to announce that Freedom Planet is the cover story of Indie Game Magazine! This month's issue features an interview between the IGM staff and producer Stephen DiDuro, along with a delicious review of the upcoming game. You'll need a subscription to look inside, but trust us, it's worth it!

May 2, 2014
Freedom Planet - Strife

We are pleased to announce that Freedom Planet is the cover story of Indie Game Magazine! This month's issue features an interview between the IGM staff and producer Stephen DiDuro, along with a delicious review of the upcoming game. You'll need a subscription to look inside, but trust us, it's worth it!

Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail

We are pleased to announce that Freedom Planet will be featured as the cover story of Indie Game Mag next month! Look for us in next month's issue as we talk to the IGM staff about the game's progress over the past couple years, as well as a bit more information about our budding team at GalaxyTrail and what possessed us to bring back that '90s style charm. ;)

Aside from the final stage, the game is functionally complete at this point. We'll be working on the following up until release:
  • The final stage.
  • Cutscenes. We've programmed about 15% of the cutscenes so far for Adventure mode, and it's shaping up pretty nicely so far! As more scenes develop, we will be showing off sneak previews to help introduce our fans to the story and cast.
  • Pixel art. Some of them characters still need a fresh coat of paint afterall.
  • Revamping Shang Mu Academy. We want to rework the Academy stage into a gallery where players can play through a variety of special challenges and minigames, including the 18 target stages included in the demo. Our idea is that each of the collectable star cards in the game's stages could unlock a new mini-challenge in the academy, which would include not only target challenges, but robot skirmishes, boss attacks (which would let you practice against certain stage bosses without having to play through the actual stage first), and more!
  • A built-in Achievement system where players gain badges for overcoming specific challenges, such as completing the game with specific characters or defeating bosses with specific finishing moves.
  • One final update to the public demo.
  • Extensive bugfixing once all of the main content is set in stone.
That's all for now. Ten four!
Freedom Planet - Strife

We are pleased to announce that Freedom Planet will be featured as the cover story of Indie Game Mag next month! Look for us in next month's issue as we talk to the IGM staff about the game's progress over the past couple years, as well as a bit more information about our budding team at GalaxyTrail and what possessed us to bring back that '90s style charm. ;)

Aside from the final stage, the game is functionally complete at this point. We'll be working on the following up until release:
  • The final stage.
  • Cutscenes. We've programmed about 15% of the cutscenes so far for Adventure mode, and it's shaping up pretty nicely so far! As more scenes develop, we will be showing off sneak previews to help introduce our fans to the story and cast.
  • Pixel art. Some of them characters still need a fresh coat of paint afterall.
  • Revamping Shang Mu Academy. We want to rework the Academy stage into a gallery where players can play through a variety of special challenges and minigames, including the 18 target stages included in the demo. Our idea is that each of the collectable star cards in the game's stages could unlock a new mini-challenge in the academy, which would include not only target challenges, but robot skirmishes, boss attacks (which would let you practice against certain stage bosses without having to play through the actual stage first), and more!
  • A built-in Achievement system where players gain badges for overcoming specific challenges, such as completing the game with specific characters or defeating bosses with specific finishing moves.
  • One final update to the public demo.
  • Extensive bugfixing once all of the main content is set in stone.
That's all for now. Ten four!