Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

it has been a while but the new patch is now available! Steam will automatically download and install this patch for the English and German version. This patch needs to be translated for other localizations of the game (currently Simplified Chinese, Italian and Russian) and it will be available as soon as the responsible translation teams finished their work.

Be careful, the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community members gavrant, dailyplanet, BreezeRU and Ixion XVII for their contributions to this patch.

Since a bunch of you asked for it, here it is: The SureAI merch shop.
If you want, you can also donate directly on our website.
Donations help us to cover basic expenses such as server costs. Donations are NOT mandatory.

Regardless, thank you for your ongoing support!

Main Quest
  • "The First Steps" (MQ03):
    • Fixed a bug that caused Constantine not to be present during the scene with the young mage.
  • "Taming the Waves" (MQ04):
    • Lishari now is a proper teammate (showing stat bars) in the short part where she fights with the player in Old Rashêngrad.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part II" (MQ05):
    • Calia, Dunwar and Jorek now are proper teammates during the travel to the ritual place.
    • It is no longer possible to meditate or cast the Spectral Chest spells in the jail.
  • "The Word of the Dead" (MQ07a):
    • Fixed an issue that Tealor's Necklace wasn't a quest item.
  • "Deus Ex Machina" (MQ07b):
    • Fixed that the scene between two bandits inside Old Dothûlgrad was not interrupted by combat.
    • Fixed Calia remaining a player's teammate after the quest.
  • " - " (MQ07bAftermath):
    • Fixed the quest spamming the script log with errors after its end.
  • "Interlude" (MQ08Prologue):
    • Fixed the scene in the Emporium getting stuck, requiring the player to go away, then come back for Tealor to continue talking.
    • Furthermore the same scene received general polishing.
  • "Into the Deep" (MQ09a):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
  • "The Lion's Den" (MQ09):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
    • Fixed Jespar not going anywhere when splitting up on the Halfmoon Island.
  • "Interlude" (MQ10a):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part IV" (MQ10b):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
  • "Angel" (MQ11a):
    • Multiple scenes and dialogues received general polishing.
    • The dead servants are now immune to the Revive spells and Reanimate staffs. They are also immune to the talent Devour Soul until they are automatically resurrected during the quest. The servants can now be looted after being killed.
  • "All the Dead Souls" (MQ11b):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
    • Jespar will now stay in the cave after the quest ended until the next quest he's participating in.
  • "A Song in the Silence" (MQ11c):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing, including the part where the player enters Silvergrove and plays the "Shoot the sphere" mini-game.
    • The weather after the end of the quest covers about three quarters of the valley including interiors of buildings, and lasts until the player hands over the Black Stone to Lexil.
  • "Black Light, Part I" (MQ12a):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
    • Fixed the long pause Lexil makes after putting the third Black Stone into the Beacon and before the next quest starts.
  • "Black Light, Part II" (MQ12b):
    • The first scene in the suntemple was polished.
    • Fixed time running at different speeds during the quest depending on the time of day when you start the quest.
    • Fixed an issue causing Tealor not leaving the door in the gate house properly.
    • Fixed a potential a cause for crashes when entering the Noble's Quarter after the siege.
  • "Forgotten Homeland, Part I" (MQ13a):
    • Fixed objectives when neither Calia nor Jespar were romanced.
    • Fixed that steam wasn't emitting from Gertrude properly.
  • "Forgotten Homeland, Part II" (MQ13b):
    • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to go back to Gertrude and talk with the other companion about things that they wouldn't know about until later.
  • "Fleshless" (MQ17):
    • Fixed a bug that the dialogue could get stuck when talking with the machine.

Character Quests
  • "Two Souls, Part V" (CQC05) & "Every Day Like the Last" (CQJ05):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player to be invisible after participating in one of the romance scenes.
    • General polishing of dialogues, scenes and quest objecives.

Side Quests
  • "A Touching Effigy" (NQ17):
    • Fixed a bug that caused rewards not being given to the player properly.
  • "Like Newly Born" (NQ22):
    • The quest received general polish and quest markers where added.
  • "Retribution" (NQ34):
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the player to kill the wildmage before Calia spoke about the note and the dead keepers.
    • Also fixed that the dead keepers lying in front of the cave for the whole game.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • Fixed an issue that caused Esme not to enter Old Ishmartep properly.
  • "Dreams of the Dead" (FS_NQ03):
    • Multiple scenes received general polishing.
    • Fixed the player being able to pick up some loot during the "dream" part.
  • "Blood in the Sand" (FS_NQ06):
    • Fixed quest objectives and the respective quest markers of two hints in the house.
    • Fixed dialogues of the watch dogs.
  • "Cuthbert's Legacy" (FS_NQ07):
    • Fixed that Aurora could get stuck after giving her the potion while she was smoking a pipe.

Faction Quests
  • "The Long Way to the Top" (NQ_G_02):
    • Fixed a bug that Menhir wouldn't be present caused by the changes in the last patch.
    • Also Menhir rewards the player only once after helping him.
  • "The Last Stone" (NQ_G_06):
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Messenger not to spawn properly when the player wasn't in the Ark or Sun Temple.

  • "Qalian's Last Smile" (FS_NQR02):
    • Added difficulty rating to the quest objectives.
  • "In Our Shadows" (FS_NQR03):
    • Added difficulty rating to the quest objectives.
    • Fixed two occasions where the mistrust towards the Rhalâta was lowered instead of raised.
  • "Old Wounds" (FS_NQR04):
    • Added difficulty rating to the quest objectives.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Added difficulty rating to the quest objectives.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Tharaêl to say two contrary voice lines right after each other.
    • The player can only talk with Tharaêl about the cleansing when the player actually knows about it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Brother Sorrow to stand idle in the temple after re-loading / re-entering the temple after the quest.

Environment Scenes
  • " - " (FS_EnvironmentScene03):
    • Fixed an issue that both NPCs did not give EXP.
    • Fixed an issue that caused both NPCs to attack each other.
  • " - " (BanditDialogue):
    • Fixed that the scene in the Glimmerdust Cave did not stop if the bandits enter combat.
    • Fixed that the scene between the farmers and Nehrimese soldiers at the Farmers Coast did not stop if the soldiers are attacked by the player. The scene will not start if the soldiers are attacked before that. Also, general polishing of the scene and what the characters do after it.

  • Increased the autosave amount from 3 to 5.
  • Added a loadscreen hint that points out that you should create normal saves from time to time.
  • Fixed the bug that caused controllers or gamepads did not work on entering the "world in between" the first time.
  • The torch blueprint can now be added to the Blueprint Collection.
  • Reworked the systems controlling the weather in the Sun temple after the quest "The Lion's Den" and in Ark after the quest "Black Light, Part II". The weather transitions are now more subtle. No more occasional leaking of their overcast weathers to other regions.
  • Fixed the player getting two or more ice claws from picking up one by clicking fast enough.
  • Fixed message spam of "Requires key!" when doors were hit by random spells (other than the Ondusi's Key scrolls) or weapons.
  • Cleaned up lots of unnecessary edits and broken code.

Perks and Talents
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player not to explode the Starling Spider.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ghostwalk not using its correct values, neither for the distance, the crit chance nor the duration of the invisibility cloak.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the effects of the first level of the perk "Ointment lore" not to apply when the second level was learned by the player. Also removed redundant description.
  • Fixed the bug that caused set bonuses not be re-applied to the player after transformed back from wolf into a human form.
  • Added an indicator message that shows the player when the Net of Souls talent level is too low to catch the soul.
  • Fixed multiple display issues of the Dark Keeper Affinity in the UI.
  • The perk Fury Driven now properly kicks in during combat while having a two-handed melee weapon equipped.
  • Fixed the issue that the Electrocution perk was given to every NPC and not only the player.

Scrolls and Spells
  • Fixed that the Sun Temple teleport roll was usable before the player is allowed to enter the Sun Temple.
  • Added stat bars to summoned creatures.
  • Fixed the bug that the player was not awarded EXP when the target dies because of a Counter spell.
  • The damage based on the player's current health will be updated instantly, as soon as the player equips a Chaosnova spell. The adjusted damages won't leak to another save if you load it without restarting the game.
  • Fixed the bug that caused the caster not to be awarded extra damage to the target for "hidden attacks", as the description of the spell Dreameater promises.
  • Fixed a bug with Death Breath and Deathstorm spells that drained health randomly when two or more characters (player or NPC) were casting any of those spells at the same time.
  • Lightning Rune spells no longer explode as soon as they are placed.
  • Fixed that the Thunderclap spell absorbed mana twice on hitting its targets.
  • The "Current loading capacity" report of Spectral Chest spells will now appear as a notification in the top-left corner of the screeen instead of an "OK" message box. Also, the reported weights will be more precise.
  • Second Breath spells will only heal NPCs who are non-hostile to the player. The Arcane fever no longer rises if these spells hit hostiles or NPCs immune to them, like elementals, mechanical starling creatures and undead.
  • Fixed that many magic users weren't able to cast the spells assigned to them, including some quest characters, named enemies or bosses. Expect to see more NPCs summoning creatures, casting wards, etc.
  • Fixed that most of the fire spells did not cause powder barrels to explode on hit.

Models, textures and animations
  • Fixed the mesh of the Fists of the North to not be transparent around the wrists.
  • Kilra's Redemption is now displayed properly when equipped in the right hand.
  • Boots of Concealment have now the proper model.
  • Assassin Shoes of Deviousness no longer cut off a part of the leg.
  • Fixed a black triangle on the vatyr model.
  • Probably fixed the swimming animation of the wolf mount.
  • Fixed missing texture of the Dark Keeper Affinity in the active magic effect menu.
  • Fixed the player getting bright blue eyes sometimes when fighting Lost Ones. As a bonus, when a Lost One dies, their eyes will go off now.
  • Fixed the player becoming transparent-ish sometimes when encountering soil elementals.
  • Fixed all armors that could be equipped by the player, but were not visible if worn by certain player races or mannequins.
  • Mannequins in player's houses now will equip jewelry and backpacks and the items will be shown on them.
  • Fixed that the Shadowsong staff was invisible in the hands of the boss that carries it.

  • Partially fixed the tendency of Darkhand enemy bosses and Ancestral Spirits to get stuck in combat doing nothing, mostly in melee.
  • Fixed and fine tuned enemy AI, including some boss fights, for exmaple against Princess Aïsolôn or Yogosh.
  • Fixed daily routines of several Ark dwellers, ranging from main characters, for example Calia, to visitors of the Malphas temple in the Barracks Quarter.
  • Fixed the merchant Alethor not selling what he's supposed to be. Also he will ride his donkey more often now.
  • Fixed an issue that the apparition of Zar'Ah sometimes wouldn't unequip her items properly or that the player couldn't remove the items properly. The fix only applies for saves in which the player hasn't summoned the apparition yet.
  • Fixed the greeting of Torius Flameling.

  • Fixed several enemies not giving EXP on death.
  • Two of the shares no longer respawn.
  • The Bone Bow now can be dismantled into the myrad bone.
  • Blood Needle dagger now gives the proper enchantment to the player on disenchanting - "Damage Stamina" instead of "Psychosis".
  • Vagabond's Saddle can no longer be enchanted.
  • The helmet Dal'Marak's Retribution no longer can be disenchanted to get its "Fortify Handicraft" enchantment.
  • The helmet Shadow of the Wandering Mage is no longer misclassified as light armor which affected some armor perks.
  • Fixed a handful of other, less important misclassified armors and clothes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Silver Steel Bow and the Bow of the Mesmer to be loud, making enemies react to them before they were even hit by an arrow.
  • The dragon won't respawn after its death anymore.
  • Fixed that Shadowsong staff and Staff of the Sick Soul only did one tenth of the damage from their description.
  • The talisman of the Forgotten Vagrant soul can be crafted with a self made Iron Dagger.
  • Lowered the amount of enemy encounters in Fortress Rockwatch.
  • Fixed several instances of loot respawning more frequently and in greater numbers than intended.
  • Yogosh no longer triggers her own traps in the chamber anymore.

  • Fixed a bunch of navmesh in multiple worldspaces and interiors including: Castle Dal'Galar, Duneville, Duneville's Crypt, Halfmoon Isle, House of the Apothekarii in the Undercity, Northwind Mine, Old Hatolis, Old Shadow Steel Mine, Silvergrove, Suntemple, Thalgard.
  • Improved collision in the exterior courtyard of Castle Golden Ford.
  • Improved performance in Fortress Rockwatch, House of the Apothekarii in the Undercity, Grave Caves, Old Ishmartep, Old Rail Station, Old Yogosh.
  • Fixed a lot of small bugs with regions, including climate, ambient music, "current region" displayed in the names of game saves.
  • Fixed various minor flaws like leaks, z-fighting, bleeds etc. across all of Enderal.

  • Fixed a bug that caused all music to disappear when interacting with the Koppophon. To restore the music simply interact with the Koppophon again after loading the save.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

the new patch is now available! Steam will automatically download and install this patch for the English and German version. This patch needs to be translated for other localizations of the game (currently Simplified Chinese, Italian and Russian) and it will be available as soon as the responsible translation teams finished their work.

Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community members gavrant and overdev for their contributions to this patch.

Also, check out the latest episode of the "Dreams of the Dying" audiobook - Yuva! https://youtu.be/vVtdoca7SVg

Subscribe to the novel newsletter or support it on Patreon.

  • "The Void" (MQ02):
    • Fixed a glitch of the player character when drinking wine with Jespar in the Drunken Bee Inn while sitting.
  • "The First Steps" (MQ03):
    • Fixed an issue causing the guard in front of the Sun Temple to be missing when the player committed a crime beforehand.
    • Random arcanists should no longer interrupt the scenes in Constantine's rooms during the quest.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part II" (MQ05):
    • Improved headtracking during the ritual scene.
    • Improved the enemy encounters with the "Suppressors".
    • Fixed Aixon interrupting a certain dialogue.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Aixon skipping dialogue lines when being "one-shot" by the player.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part III" (MQ06):
    • NPCs in the Curarium should now always take all their positions out of sight.
    • The fade-to-blacks are now smoother without mix-ups and tearing.
    • The player now can't force Jespar to speak his generic dialogue.
    • Refined headtracking during the consecration scene. Calia and the player also got better fitting idle animation assigned during the scene.
  • "The Word of the Dead" (MQ07a):
    • Partially fixed the weather during the Pyrean Dream.
    • Fixed the player not knocking on the door.
    • Potentially fixed an issue causing the player to be stuck on their way to the living room.
    • Reduced the volume of the "player's voice".
    • Fixed Zura not speaking her lines properly.
    • Fixed and streamlined the interactions with the hut's door.
    • Reduced the objective update spam during the fight scene.
    • Fixed the player not being able to lie in the bed on teleporting back to the Aged Man manor after the battle.
    • Fixed headtracking and AI packages, smoothed fade-to-blacks, better voice ranges, removed unnecessary NPCs.
  • "-" (MQ07bAftermath):
    • Lishari now leaves Old Dothûlgrad earlier and is no longer stuck there.
  • "The Lion's Den" (MQ09):
    • The player is no longer stuck on a black screen while taking to the High Ones as a werewolf.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part IV" (MQ10b):
    • Fixed a bug causing not all dialogue options to be displayed properly.
  • "Angel" (MQ11a):
    • Fixed an issue causing the scene with Dal'Galar and Maya on the dinner table to trigger too early.
    • Fixed a small but constant performance issue that occurred when starting the quest.
  • "Black Light, Part I" (MQ12a):
    • Fixed an issue causing the player being able to talk to Lexil about inserting the stones while Lexil is on his way to already insert the other stones.
  • "Black Light, Part II" (MQ12b):
    • Fixed an issue which caused that certain NPCs weren't targetable after the siege.
  • "The Shards of Order, Part II" (MQ16):
    • Fixed the audio output codec of on of Yuslan's dialogue lines.

  • "-" (CaliaDialogue):
    • Fixed a small but constant performance issue.
  • "Two Souls, Part II" (CQC02):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the conversation with Calia to halt, when the player tried to interact with her.
  • "The Biggest Egg Hunt Ever" (NQ01):
    • Fixed an issue that caused Kurmai not having a dialogue option.
  • "A Touching Effigy" (NQ17):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player to lock themselves out of dialogue with Rys.
  • "Apotheosis, Part II" (NQ26):
    • Fixed a trigger being missable when approaching the Mechanist's lift.
    • Improved the first encounter with Pahtira when riding down the lift.
    • Fixed the red protective barrier not being displayed under certain circumstances.
    • Fixed the "turn" animations on activating the four valves.
    • Fixed the core not being displayed properly.
    • Fixed Yerai not going into cover when the final fight starts.
    • Smoothed fade-to-blacks.
  • "Old Yogosh" (NQ30):
    • Fixed the issue that the player never needed to insert the valve into the mechanism to progress.
    • Fixed the objectives.
  • "Retribution" (NQ34):
    • Fixed an issue causing the quest to not be displayed properly in the journal.
    • The quest now properly fails when the player progresses with the main quest at hand.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Calia only to respond with "Anything" when the player tried to interact with her if the quest never was completed.
  • "A Drop in the Ocean" (FS_NQ01):
    • Fixed an issue causing Yuslan to be stuck within the Dust Pit.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • The bandits in Duneville no longer attack each other.
  • "Dreams of the Dead" (FS_NQ03):
    • Fixed an objective.
  • "The Long Way to the Top" (NQ_G_02):
    • Fixed a bug that caused Menhir not to talk to the player if they were too far away from each other.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Menhir to wiggle around constantly and not responding on two occasions.
  • "Trails in the Sand" (NQ_G_05):
    • Fixed an issue causing the objectives to be stuck when the player acquires multiple ingredients at once.
  • "Scorpion and Lion" (NQ_G_07):
    • Fixed an issue with the protector not being present when bringing the letter to Maél.
    • Fixed one objective that wasn't displayed properly.
    • Added a new objective that advices the player to read the letter after taking it from the bag.
    • Fixed an issue causing the quest not to progress properly when the player entered the sewer "too fast".
    • Fixed an issue causing the player to deal no damage with staffs against the protective shields.
    • Also fixed the behaviour of Devra and Alyx during the fight, it should now be more clear when the player is able to attack and the visual effects should not impair the view anymore.
    • Probably fixed an issue that caused corpses not to be cleaned up at the end of the quest. Only applies for saves before the scene in the theater.
  • "Blood and Dust" (FS_NQR01):
    • Fixed an issue causing Tharaêl and Rasha to be unresponsive after the first arena fight.
    • Fixed a constant performance issue occuring after finishing the fifth fight in the arena.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed a bug causing the scene with the dead elk being stuck when elk isn't there for some reason.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the scene between Brother Hatred and Tharaêl to be stuck when the encounter with the greater perversion has gone wrong.
    • Fixed a bug causing a voice line of the Father not to be audible.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the two clones to spawn even after the fight with the Father ended.
    • The music should no longer "randomly" disappear in the Frostcliff mountains after the Rhalâta quest line ended.

  • Potentially fixed an issue that decreased performance over time when using the Devour Soul talent with the Dark Keeper affinity.
  • Fixed a bug that occured when the player was a half-aeterna and certain NPCs would stop talking mid dialogue.
  • Fixed a sound bug of the "Shadowtongue Oil" talent and improved its code.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a cooldown reset for the "Starling spider" talent when successfully used. Removed redundant code and fixed various other script errors regarding the clean up of the leftovers of the starling spider after the explosion.
  • Fixed a wrong display of the spell level in the menu and the mana cost reduction calculation of the spell "Spell ward".
  • Fixed the issue causing the player not being able to enchant anything with the "Fortify Lockpicking" enchantment.
  • Fixed an issue that caused perversions to explode forever and not give EXP.
  • Fixed an issue causing the spectral chest not showing its correct weight.
  • Fixed an issue causing memory points being used when learning a talent from a talent book despite the talent already being known to the player.
  • Fixed four rhetoric options throughout the game not showing up properly.
  • Fixed a message not showing up on game start when not all files are loaded properly.
  • The blueprint collection can now be obtained again if dropped from the inventory. Improved the inventory filter by replacing the formlist with one keyword. Fixed an effect being displayed when the book was used.
  • Potentially fixed the issue that the Alchemy and Magic shop in the Sun Temple being locked.
  • Fitzai should now always sell his proper wares.
  • Halda now buys and sells the Oder's arcanist and novice robes and hoods.
  • Larenya now actually sells some wares.
  • Flawless Amethyst is now sellable at the correct merchants, it is now displayed as gem instead of clutter.
  • Fixed AI of a couple guards, nobles, beggars, apothecarii in the undercity, the travellers at the northwind storage.
  • Fixed a bunch of small bugs within the Poem-reading scenes of Prince Mith in the Noble’s quarter. Furthermore, he no longer recites the same poem twice in a row. Fixed an issue of Prince Mith using the bed that the player can purchase at the Far Leoran Inn.
  • Reverted changes to troll combat behaviour. They now roar, flail, etc. again but less often than before.
  • Improved more enemy encounters across the game.
  • Arcanist Hood is now displayed on mannequins.
  • Fixed multiple meshes and textures.
  • Removed unused stuff.

  • Fixed multiple issues with the boss encounter in Ad'Balor. Slightly increased the stats of the boss to match them with the stats of other encounters in the same dungeon.

  • Improved performance in the Old Man's Manor, the Chronicum, the Fat Leoran, the Golden Sickle Guildhouse, Gabor Gaboff's warehouse, in the Library, the Apothekarii house in the Undercity, in Old Ishmartep, in Fortress Rockwatch, in Dal'Mercer's Estate, from Fortress Goldenforst down to the southern tip of the Goldenforst, in the Dark Valley (around the Myrad Tower and abandoned village), around the Northcliff Hold and in the Suntemple.
  • Fixed various floats, leaks as well as navmesh. Fixed positioning of various furniture.

  • Fixed a bunch of typos and grammar errors.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

the new patch is now available! Steam will automatically download and install this patch for the English and German version. This patch needs to be translated for other localizations of the game (currently Simplified Chinese, Italian and Russian) and it will be available as soon as the responsible translation teams finished their work.

Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community member gavrant for a bunch of important fixes in this patch.

  • Build in an additional check that prevents players from starting the game without all necessary files. If an error message is displayed, we highly recommend heading to our forums for further support.

  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part I" (MQ05Prologue):
    • Fixed two potential issues that could cause the quest not to start.
    • Furthermore the player should now be able to talk to Constantine and Tealor if there were issues with the previous quest.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part II" (MQ05):
    • Fixed a freeze (unresponsive white screen) related to the amount of coins removed from the inventory.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part III" (MQ06):
    • Fixed an issue that caused a greyscreen to persist and only sound being played when the player woke up in the Curarium.
  • "The Word of the Dead" (MQ07a):
    • Fixed an issue that caused the scene in the cellar of the Chronicum to be started over and over again even after the quest finished.
  • "Black Light, Part II" (MQ12b):
    • Fixed two infiltrators not attacking on the player in the guard house and optimized general enemy encounters in here.
    • Fixed stuck subtitles and a head tracking issue.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Natara not to be present upon entering the sun temple again.
  • "Fleshless" (MQ17):
    • The respective quest achievement should be triggered under every circumstance now.

  • "An Extraordinary Adventure" (NQ16):
    • Fixed an issue which caused the Objective not to update when the player character was female.
  • "Myths and Legends" (NQ29):
    • Fixed an issue causing the Ash Widow not to appear sometimes.
    • Furthermore the weather won't be stuck when the fight ends and also the initial trigger for the weather change was optimized.
    • Optimized the overall encounter of the Ash Widow. Fixed the issue that the claw respawned in the Museum after it was picked up once.
  • "Wanted in Ark!" (NQ_Bounty02):
    • Fixed an issue causing the bounty achievement to show up too early.
  • "A Drop in the Ocean" (FS_NQ01):
    • Locked a door and prevented the player from teleporting in a particular situation.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • Esme wears pants in her summer outfit.
    • Fixed a couple of issues that caused Esme to randomly halt on various occasions during the travel to Castle Bleakstar.
  • "Dreams of the Dead" (FS_NQ03):
    • Adjusted journal entries.
  • "Errand Boy" (NQ_G_03):
    • Fixed an issue that potentially decreased the performance after the fight at the caravan.
    • Reverted some changes that were made in the last patch and optimized the encounter with bandits nearby the caravan.
    • Furthermore fixed the AI behaviour and head tracking in both encounters, before and after the fight at the caravan.
  • "Scorpion and Lion" (NQ_G_07):
    • Fixed an issue causing multiple scenes not playing properly due to Leora Eren being stuck in another scene in the sun temple. To be precise: The encounter in the Crypts and the Barracks Quarter, the encounter in the Theater and the encounter between Maél and Leora should now all work.
  • "Blood and Dust" (FS_NQR01):
    • Fixed Rasha giving pennies to the player after the last fight despite stating otherwise.
    • Rasha also no longer repeats the post battle dialogue after the last fight.
  • "Old Wounds" (FS_NQR04):
    • Placed a bow and arrows near one of the buttons.
    • Fixed an issue that caused confusion on why the companion quest with Tharaêl fails immediately after it got started under certain circumstances.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed and optimized the ambush encounters in the temple.
    • Fixed behaviour of enemies.
    • Fixed the issue that the group of Sister Addiction still stayed in the camp instead of entering the temple.
    • Fixed various effects being played on invisible NPCs.
    • Fixed the head tracking during a lot of dialogue.
  • "Two Sailors" (EnvironmentScene03):
    • Fixed minor issues with the encounter of the two sailors.
  • "Conversation between two Rhalâim" (FS_EnvironmentScene04):
    • Fixed Rhalâim's behaviour when waiting for the player to arrive.

  • Fixed an issue that caused kill cams to not be disabled by the launcher setting. Improved conditions on kill cams in general.
  • The bonus damage of the spell "Dreameater" now takes the magic resist into account as intended.
  • Enemies who are killed by the spell "Dreameater", Bleeding damage of axes or traps now reward the player properly with the respective experience points.
  • Fixed an issue causing placeable mannequins to vanish when reloading the game or leaving the player homes. Mannequins that already disappeared will reappear next to the player upon entering the houses.
  • Fixed an issue where exploding perversions wouldn't leave loot behind.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player and their mount to fly uncontrollable through the game world when saving and loading while on the back of a mount.
  • Fixed a few meshes and textures.
  • Optimized greetings of a few merchants in Ark to make it feel more natural. Furthermore adjusted AI packages of certain merchants to better react on the player behaviour.
  • Fixed magic barriers.
  • The player now learns all four alchemy effects of Glimmercapdust by reading the book "Glimmercapdust - Use and Dangers".
  • Fixed Lishari's behaviour in the inn "Fat Leoran" outside of quests. Fixed Prince Mith's and Vera Ironford's behaviour.
  • Fixed an issue that caused scenes which play at random when the player passes by to get stuck forever. Also made these scenes less repetitive due to improved conditions and larger time intervals between them.
  • Removed unused stuff.

  • Torius now also sells heal potions for diseases.
  • Fixed inventory of the merchant Ora Stonehand, she is now allowed to sell and buy soul gems.
  • Butcher's cleavers can now be sold.
  • Fixed a bunch of enemies and their loot in the Orphanage in the Undercity.
  • Optimized enemy encounters throughout the world, this includes better aggro ranges, ambushes in dungeons, proper AI packages and much more.

  • Improved performance in the Sun temple, Drunken Bee, Throatstone Manufactory, Frostcliff Tavern and in the Goldenforst.
  • Fixed a bunch of leaks and floats across Enderal.
  • Added multiple windows on the Farmers Coast which do not glow during daytime.

  • Fixed a bunch of typos and grammar errors.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

Enderal is now available in Russian!
Many thanks go to everyone in the Russian community who translated the DLC, as well as to all those who translated the original game.

If you intend to switch to the Russian localization, right click on Enderal in your Steam library, choose "properties" and go to the language tab.
Enderal requires you to own either Skyrim Classic or Skyrim Legendary Edition in your Steam library. They don't need to be installed. Skyrim Special Edition is not supported. Furthermore we do not recommend using additional mods with Enderal.

To report translation bugs in the Russian version, we recommend registering for free on the Bethplanet forums and posting them over there.

Other localizations that are actively being worked on are: Ukrainian, Spanish, French, Korean, Japanese and Polish.

If you want to help translating Enderal into your own language or help the existing translation teams, get in touch with us on our Discord server.

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - sutcavonadabinggalirot
Chapter Three of the audiobook is now available on YouTube! Check it out! As always, huge thanks to Ben Britton: Voice Actor, the voice of Jespar!

The full playlist

Also, the Russian version of Enderal will be available very soon!

Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

the new patch is now available! Steam will automatically download and install this patch for the English and German version. This patch needs to be translated for other localizations of the game (currently Simplified Chinese and Italian) and it will be available as soon as the responsible translation teams finished their work.

Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community member gavrant for a bunch of important fixes in this patch.

  • "The Void" (MQ02):
    • Fixed an issue causing Jespar to "randomly" halt sometimes while traveling to Ark.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part I" (MQ05Prologue):
    • Fixed a bug that caused Tealor to be unresponsive in the Emporium.
  • "Interlude" (MQ08Prologue):
    • Improvements on the fixes from the last patch.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part IV" (MQ10b):
    • Improvements on the fixes from the last patch.
  • "Black Light, Part II" (MQ12b):
    • Fixed an issue with the Doors being open from the Noble's quarter to the Marketplace during the first conversation allowing the player to wander off.

  • "The Sole Place" (NQ11):
    • General improvements to AI behaviour during and after the quest.
  • "Feud Between Brothers" (NQ14):
    • General improvements to AI behaviour during and after the quest.
  • "The Voice from the Water" (NQ15):
    • Fixed an issue causing Meldor not being at the beach during the end of the quest when the player continued the main quest after finding the book on the isle.
  • "Myths and Legends" (NQ29):
    • Fixed an objective display issue if you killed the creatures before reading about them.
  • "A Drop in the Ocean" (FS_NQ01):
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Dreamflower not to spawn if the player stored the recipe in the secure chest, blueprint collection or the spectral chest.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • Esme will now change her outfits appropriate to the quest locations.
  • "Errand Boy" (NQ_G_03):
    • Hopefully fixed a bug that caused the Golden Sickle Trading House to be locked.
  • "Blood and Dust" (FS_NQR01):
    • Arena is now less exploitable and more streamlined.
    • Fixed a bug causing the crowd to be wounded or even to be killed during the fights in the arena.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed an issue causing Tharaêl not giving the player keys to his chest.

  • Fixed vendor inventory of the Shrouded mage in the Undercity.
  • Zorkban's merchant inventory respawns now properly.
  • Fixed the Set bonus II of the Scarlet Night Set.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the player to equip multiple amulets simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue which caused not being able to give pennies to certain waifs.
  • Fixed an issue that canceled stances when the player had the Arcane fever debuff.
  • Fixed an issue that the apparition stays a werewolf when dying affected by "Joined Souls".
  • Fixed an issue when the armor calculation for the werewolf was erroneous when transforming in combat.
  • Fixed naming and effect of the enchantment on "Defense Robe".
  • Fixed the lighting system of certain lanterns around Enderal.
  • Fixed ownership on various items.
  • Fixed inventories of several types of NPCs - frost elementals, trolls, pigs.
  • Fixed respawn flags on a few triggers.
  • Fixed effect of roasted pork meat.
  • Fixed several textures and meshes.
  • Fixed behaviour of the guards patrolling in the Bank in Ark and fixed the schedule of the banker.
  • Fixed various occasions where the perk "Mental Expert" did not reduce the increase of arcane fever properly.
  • The Abnormality is now easier summonable in tight spaces.
  • Fixed "Ondusis' Key" scrolls. Locks should now unlock properly when hit with the spell.
  • Fixed sawmill.
  • Fixed a bunch of minor AI behaviour and furniture bugs in the Red Ox Inn.
  • The bound dagger is now actually a dagger.
  • Fixed a corpse which was running around.
  • Fixed unmineable quicksilver ore vein in the heartlands.
  • Removed a bunch of unused stuff.

  • Reduced area of effect of the spell "Purge" from 250 to 150.
  • Heavily reduced damage on the spell "Psionic Push", also reduced mana cost slightly.
  • Smiths now sell woodcutter's axes.
  • Reduced torch duration from 900 seconds to default 240 seconds.
  • Tweaked aggression settings on a few bandits and undead enemies.

  • Fixed two music tracks which never played due to their conditions.
  • Removed breathing sounds from tamed Myrads as the sound could have gotten stuck during the Myrad flight scenes.
  • Removed superfluous unsheathe sounds from bound weapons.

  • Fixed a bunch of typos and grammar errors.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

Enderal is now available in Italian!
Many thanks go to the community members alfx, yan dhoorgan, chantalion, MOB2, puxxup and ag1963 for translating!

If you intend to switch to the Italian localization, right click on Enderal in your Steam library, choose "properties" and go to the language tab.
Enderal requires you to own either Skyrim Classic or Skyrim Legendary Edition in your Steam library. They don't need to be installed. Skyrim Special Edition is not supported. Furthermore we do not recommend using additional mods with Enderal.

To report translation bugs in the Italian version, we recommend registering for free on the RPG Italia forums and posting them in this discussion.

Other localizations that are actively being worked on are: Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French, Korean, Japanese and Polish. Recently interest in translating was also raised by the Czech and Turkish communities.

If you want to help translating Enderal into your own language or help the existing translation teams, get in touch with us on our Discord server.

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

the new patch is out since yesterday! Sorry, these patch notes come somewhat late but that was inevitable.

Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community member gavrant for a bunch of important fixes in this patch.

  • "Interlude" (MQ08Prologue):
    • Fixed an issue with Jorek Bartar not being around in the Emporium.
    • Furthermore fixed an issue causing the meeting not to play properly.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part IV" (MQ10b):
    • Fixed an issue causing problems with the conversation in the Emporium.
  • "Fleshless" (MQ17):
    • Fixed an issue causing enemies to explode forever.

  • "Every Day Like the Last, Part I" (CQJ01):
    • Adjusted a trigger that could potentially be missed.
  • "Every Day Like the Last, Part II" (CQJ02):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the messenger boy not to spawn at all.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • The passenger list is now a quest item on pick up.
  • "Dreams of the Dead" (FS_NQ03):
    • Optimized a quest marker in the second vision.
  • "Cuthbert's Legacy" (FS_NQ07):
    • The player can not use the chair too early in the ritual anymore.
    • Two lost ones will no longer interrupt the boss fight.
    • The giant lost one can't be killed by magic or arrows before the bossfight starts.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed a bug that caused recurring yellow flashes on the screen.

  • Fixed renaming of potions and ingredients.
  • Fixed a bunch of textures.
  • Fixed functionality of the weapon "Winter's Edge" and "Sword of the Mesmer".
  • Fixed multiple issues with the brawl system, e.g. spectators following the player around etc.
  • Fixed issues with the treasure mounds.
  • Fixed a few wrong voicetypes.
  • Removed unused dialogue.

  • Reduced size of the summonable abomination.
  • Slightly buffed "Winter's Edge".
  • Increased duration of "Accelerate".
  • Fixed respawing of multiple items.
  • Fixed enchantments on multiple weapons, so that they work like it was intended.
  • Adjusted the relationships between different enemy "factions" to be more "realistic". In specific: Vastly different enemy factions no longer support each other in combat against the player or the player's allies reducing the likeliness of the player being swarmed by enemies.
  • Adjusted a few tempering recipes to better match their respective gear.
  • Adjusted keywords on multiple items.

  • Fixed navmesh on multiple occasions.
  • Fixed portals in Old Garagatha.

  • Fixed lots of typos and descriptions.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - stuemper
Walk blessed,

Enderal is now available in Simplified Chinese!
Huge thanks go to Community member "Proter" for translating!

If you intend to switch to the Simplified Chinese localization, right click on Enderal in your Steam library, choose "properties" and go to the language tab.

Other localizations that are actively being worked on are: Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean and Polish. Recently interest in translating was also raised by the Czech and Turkish communities.

If you want to help translating Enderal into your own language or help the existing translation teams, get in touch with us on our Discord server.

Have fun playing!
Enderal: Forgotten Stories - sutcavonadabinggalirot
Big news! The prologue of "Dreams of the Dying", the Enderal novel, is now available on YouTube as an audiobook- narrated by none other than Ben Britton: Voice Actor, the English voice of Jespar! Give it a listen!


The audiobook will be made available on Audible once completed.

Huge thanks to Ben, to Marvin Kopp - Composer for the music, and to the talented Johanna Krünes for designing and layouting the cover!

If you’d like to support the novel project, check out my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/niseam) or simply spread the word. Thanks for all your

amazing support so far! :)