Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
The Elite Dangerous Halloween Sale is now on! 

To celebrate Halloween in 3305, not only will some of your spooky seasonal favourites be available, but we’re also knocking 25% off the ARX price of all Cockpit Customisation items. The Elite Dangerous Halloween Sale will be running from the 28 October until the 4 November.

But that’s not all! It’s now once again possible for commanders to browse and purchase cosmetic items without strapping themselves into the cockpit. We know many of you like to take a look at what’s available at your leisure, while away from the game, at work, or haulin’ to Hutton.

Well, the Elite Dangerous Gamestore is here for you! 

Players on any platform (yes, those on console too) are be able to log in and view their ARX balance, as well as spend their ARX on whatever cosmetic options take their fancy. These purchases will then be waiting for you when you next log in (it’ll even work if you’re in-game already!).

Happy Halloween, commanders!
Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
Greetings Commanders,

Following the launch of the September Update last month, we’d like to provide you all with an update on our plans for Elite Dangerous.

Firstly, thank you for all of your feedback on the September Update, which you've shared with us on the forums, across social media, on livestreams and through the Issue Tracker. There is no doubt that, in addition to the new features, the September Update introduced a number of issues and bugs which caused a lot of frustration. We are really sorry for these issues. We realise that some of the issues had an impact on your ability to enjoy Elite Dangerous. The team have been working hard to address the most critical issues and have already released a series of patches and updates to bring those fixes in as quickly as possible.

However, we know there's more to be done. You've asked for more focus on existing bug/fixes and issues, and for the community to be better integrated into the development process and testing for these upcoming updates.

In order to improve your overall experience, we have decided to refocus our efforts on addressing key issues and bugs. Since the launch of the September Update, we've been taking a deeper look at our internal development roadmap, the way in which we utilise public betas, and the content of our next updates.

Here is a summary of our plans:
  • From now and into next year (2020), the updates will focus almost exclusively on addressing recent and longstanding issues, including those reported in the Issue Tracker, ultimately making the game better.
  • We are expecting to have a series of these updates, which will be rolled out (approximately) every three to four months.
  • Each update will also include a public beta that will run prior to the update's release, with a dedicated time to address major issues that appear.
  • The first of these updates will have its public beta in December, with an expectation that the launch will be early in 2020.
As a result of our updated plans, we have made the difficult decision to defer the release of Fleet Carriers. We are now planning for Fleet Carriers to be released in an update in the second quarter of 2020, rather than in December 2019 as previously stated. This will grant us additional time to refine the feature as well as focusing time on addressing existing reported issues. It will also ensure the state of the game is in a better position to introduce Fleet Carriers, that will provide Commanders even more opportunities to interact with the Milky Way. We understand that this delay will be disappointing for some players, but do know that this decision is one that we do not take lightly, and is made with the best interests of the community and game at heart.

Ultimately, we are confident that this will improve the Elite Dangerous experience for all our players.

The team have been hard at work on the next major milestone, which you may remember we mentioned back in March as our next major paid addition to the game. They’re making fantastic progress and on schedule for release by the end of next year. We are very excited to show you what we’ve been working on. However, we can only announce the content when it’s at the right stage of development, we estimate this will be ready to talk about at some time in summer 2020, after the Fleet Carriers update. We appreciate there is a bit of a wait, but we want to make sure it is ready to be shown before making our full official announcement to the world.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing and continued support and for helping give us the feedback, steer and insight to make decisions that will benefit the entire community and for your continued passion and dedication.

Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan

Greetings Commanders,

The Interstellar Association for Agriculture has declared a state of emergency following severe crop failures across multiple worlds. To prevent food shortages and economic strife for billions of civilians, independent pilots are being asked to bring grain, pesticides and synthetic reagents to two key locations.

This marks the beginning of our third Interstellar Initiative: The Scourge.

Throughout the course of the event, we'll be periodically updating this thread with details and updates as they develop.

PHASE 1 (10 October)

Two coordinated trade initiatives have been launched, spearheading efforts to mitigate the impact of low crop yields in key systems.

The initiatives have been organised by Crimson State Limited in the Diso system and Orerve Universal Limited in the Orerve system. The significant loss of crops in these agricultural centres is a primary cause for the low availability of staple foodstuffs.

The initiatives received praise from Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture:

“This campaign is a step in the right direction, and with the help of the galactic community should stop the situation from becoming a full-scale crisis.”

“The IAA is currently investigating the reasons for such poor harvests, and it seems that a new form of blight may be responsible for the rapid degeneration of crops. Scientific teams are analysing samples of diseased tissue, and we expect to know more soon.”

Traders are asked to deliver pesticides, synthetic reagents and grain to Shifnalport in the Diso system and Watson Station in the Orerve system.

The initiative is scheduled to run from the 10th to the 16th of October 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

As detailed above, independent commanders will be required to bring grain, pesticides and synthetic reagents to a region of space on the bring of economic strife, This will come in the form of a trading Community Goal.

Community Goal Details:
  • Start Date - 10 October @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date -16 October @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • Pesticides, synthetic reagents and grain to be delivered to Watson Station in the Orerve system, and Shifnalport in the Diso system.

PHASE 2 (16 October)
Initiative to Eradicate Rockforth Fertiliser

The Rockforth Corporation’s EX7 fertiliser has been linked to the blight affecting crops in a number of systems, prompting an initiative to remove the product from the market.

Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture delivered an urgent message:

“Comparative analysis has confirmed that the blight is caused by the EX7 fertiliser. The original poor harvests have been attributed to natural factors, and it is now thought that the situation could have been contained had the fertiliser not exacerbated the problem.”

“Initial food shortages were offset by a recent trade appeal in the Diso and Orerve systems, but the blight’s symptoms have since been reported in hundreds of systems. While we investigate the reasons for this rapid spread, preventing further fertiliser distribution is vital.”

Rockforth fertiliser can now be collected at negligible cost from the following markets:

  • Sharon Lee Free Market, Orrere
  • Lave Station, Lave
  • Warinus, Lave
  • Shifnalport, Diso
  • Davies High, Reorte
  • Watson Station, Orerve
  • Roentgen Hub, LFT 37
  • Macedo Station, Lei Zi
  • Phillips Gateway, Ensoreus
  • Baird Gateway, Arque
  • La Soeur du Dan Ham, Riedquat

    The Teveri Progressive Party has arranged for the safe disposal of the fertiliser and has offered to compensate pilots for their efforts. The fertiliser should be delivered to Wiley Port in the Teveri system.

    To expedite this initiative, Lakon Spaceways has agreed to lower the cost of the Type-6 Transporter, Type-7 Transporter and Type-9 Heavy. Cargo rack prices have also been reduced in all starports.

    The initiative is scheduled to run from the 16th to the 22nd of October 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Independent commanders will be required to bring Rockforth Fertiliser to Wiley Port in the Teveri system.
  • Start Date - 16 October @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 22 October @ 15:00 (UTC)
Rockforth Fertiliser is now available to collect from markets at negligible cost from the stations listed below:
  • Sharon Lee Free Market, Orrere
  • Lave Station, Lave
  • Warinus, Lave
  • Shifnalport, Diso
  • Davies High, Reorte
  • Watson Station, Orerve
  • Roentgen Hub, LFT 37
  • Macedo Station, Lei Zi
  • Phillips Gateway, Ensoreus
  • Baird Gateway, Arque
  • La Soeur du Dan Ham, Riedquat
For the duration of the Community Goal, Lakon Spaceways has agreed to lower the cost of the following ships:[/i]
  • Type-6 Transporter
  • Type-7 Transporter
  • Type-9 Heavy
Cargo Rack prices have also been reduced in all starports.

PHASE 3 (22 October)
Militant Group Responsible for Blight

An extremist group from the Kappa Fornacis system is responsible for the contaminated fertiliser that has caused widespread crop failures.

Gino Borstein made this statement on behalf of the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the blight’s origin:

“Our investigation has confirmed that an activist group known as Scythe of Panem managed to infiltrate Rockforth Corporation manufacturing plants in the Riedquat system. Members of the group contaminated the EX7 fertiliser with a synthetic agent designed to putrefy plant matter.”
Recent efforts by the galactic community have almost eradicated the EX7 fertiliser. But Borstein warned that the activists have turned hostile upon discovery.

“The group’s manifesto discusses revenge for the Federation’s 3301 campaign to wipe out the recreational drug known as Onion Head. This involved an orbital bombardment of Onion Head crops on Panem using biocides with a similar genomic structure to the blight. It’s likely that the activists used these biocides as the foundation of their synthetic agent.”

“Shortly after we located Scythe of Panem cells in the Quator system, their more militant members responded with unprovoked violence. Local citizens are now at risk of being caught in the crossfire.”

An effort to neutralise the activists is being led by the Bruthanvan Co faction, which has requested tactical support from the galactic community.

Independent pilots who destroy Scythe of Panem ships in the Quator system will be generously rewarded by Bruthanvan Co. This campaign will run from the 22nd to the 28th of October 3305.

Those behind the contamination of the Rockforth Fertiliser have been discovered! A faction, Bruthanvan Co, have requested tactical support in destroying the group responsible for this treachery, the Scythe of Panem. Destroying Scythe of Panem ships and handing in the Combat Bonds at the Quator Station in the Quator system can help the faction achieve this.
  • Start Date - 22 October @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 28 October @ 15:00 (UTC)

*NEW DEVELOPMENT* (22 October)
Anti-Blight Treatment Discovered

The galactic community has been asked to support an initiative that could counteract the blight that is devastating crops in hundreds of systems.

With the blight pathogen present across inhabited space, the Interstellar Association for Agriculture has decided to press ahead with controlled distribution of a promising new agronomic treatment.

The IAA’s Dr Genevieve Kane provided further information:

“Ever since the blight was identified, our scientists have been working alongside Rockforth Corporation research teams to develop an effective counteragent. We appreciate the full cooperation granted by Rockforth Corporation representatives in this endeavour.”
“Following essential contributions by both the Vandermeer Corporation and Neomedical Industries, we have developed an agronomic treatment that should reverse the disease’s effects.”

“The priority is to transport the treatment to the Diso and Orerve systems, which were among the first to be ravaged by the blight. If these primary agricultural centres can be made viable again, we can then proceed to revitalise crop production elsewhere.”

Agronomic treatment can now be collected from the following markets:

Conway City, Ltt 4961
George Lucas, Leesti
Thomson Orbital, Lansbury
Cousin Ring, Tjindjin
Margulis Station, CD-44 10336
Nourse City, Esumindii

Independent traders have been asked to deliver the agronomic treatment to Shifnalport in the Diso system and Watson Station in the Orerve system.

The initiative is scheduled to run from the 24th to the 30th of October 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

A treatement for the Blight has been identified, but independent commanders are now being called upon to help deliver it to key agricultural centres: Shifnalport in the Diso system and Watson Station in the Orerve system.
  • Deliver Agronomic Treatement to either Shifnalport (Diso) or Watson Station (Orerve). This treatment can be collected from:
    • Conway City, Ltt 4961
    • George Lucas, Leesti
    • Thomson Orbital, Lansbury
    • Cousin Ring, Tjindjin
    • Margulis Station, CD-44 10336
    • Nourse City, Esumindii
  • Start Date - 24 October @ 08:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 30 October @ 07:30 (UTC)
  • [/list]
    For the duration of this Community Goal, if you dock at any of the above stations, you'll receive The Scourge decal (below):


    With the end of the most recent Community Goal, this marks the conclusion to The Scourge. First off, we would like to thank all of the dedicated Commanders who took part to combat the rise of the Rockforth pathogen. Although The Scourge is over, it will have everlasting effects on our galaxy.

    Despite the efforts of the galactic community, the blight pathogen (unwittingly distributed by the Rockforth Corporation) proved far too resilient to quarantine and eradicate completely. Food stocks across the galaxy are now at risk of carrying the dormant pathogen, which if introduced to healthy crops or food reserves, has the potential to activate and erupt into Blight.

    Blight is a new Background Simulation state and has a huge economic impact on the faction affected in that star system. It can be counteracted by delivering Agronomic Treatment - produced in High-Tech economies - to affected systems. If left untreated, it can quickly wipe out food reserves and with no further food stocks available, the pathogen dies out and the faction will instead experience a full-blown Famine state.

    We hope that when this happens, you will be prepared to help our galaxy and its people from experiencing such a great devastation...

    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    The Elite Dangerous servers will be offline for all platforms on the 10 October at 07:00 (UTC) to apply the September Update - Patch 3.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Please find the full Patch Notes below:

    Cockpit UI
    • Fixed an issue that caused multiple modules to appear to change priorities instead of just the one that was selected
    • Fixed a small performance stutter when opening the modules tab

    • Fixed a crash that could occur when handing in a mission
    • Fixed the issue causing a softlock at mission boards (and removed the workaround missions)

    • Fixed an issue where the system map was missing Commander names for First Discovered and First Mapped

    • (Xbox One only) Replaced 'Debug Test' text that appeared when giving a ship a name or ID on Xbox One with 'Enter Ship Name/ID'
    • Fixed missing Flak Launcher VFX
    • Fixed an issue that stopped some previously allowed characters from being able to be used in ship IDs

    • Fixed an issue where some types of non-Ethernet connections were rejected
    • Further work has been made towards restoring VPN connections by:
    • (PC only) Adding ability for players to select which network adapter to use in the network options list (VPN connections will appear here)
    • Note if you change the selected Network Adapter here, you will also need to restart the game
    • Stopping the game from terminating if unable to connect to a network. This allows players into the network options screen to check that their VPN connection is selected

    • (Xbox One only) Fixed a screen tearing issue on Xbox One when in 4k Quality mode
    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    The Elite Dangerous servers will be offline for all platforms on the 3 October at 07:00 (UTC) to apply the September Update - Patch 2.

    We are aware that there is an issue where some Commanders, specifically those on console, are experiencing the "Failed to communicate with server. Unable to get an up to date mission list from server" message when trying to access missions at a starport's mission board and passenger lounge. The team are currently investigating measures to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

    The team has investigated the disconnect and mission list communication issue for console players, and we have implemented a change that should reduce the amount of times players encounter this.

    However if you have any further problems, please let us know.

    Thank you for your patience and vigilance as we address these issues.

    Please find the full Patch Notes below:

    • Fixed a softlock that could occur when trading materials at a material trader
    • Fixed a crash that could occur during the new starter experience
    • Fixed softlock that could occur when hiring crew members
    • Fixed a crash that could occur after clearing a save and skipping the new starter experience
    • Fixed a softlock that would occur when attempting to perform a hyperspace jump in an Imperial Clipper that has a Ship Kit applied

    • When buying a new ship, your selected COVAS will automatically be inherited from your previous ship.
    • When purchasing SRVs and fighters, they will inherit the COVAS currently selected for your ship.
    • For new commanders, the applicable localised COVAS will now automatically be selected based on which language is set in the options menu

    Diamondback Explorer
    • Fixed mismatched Paint Jobs for the Diamondback Explorer

    • Fixed a case where PlayStation 4 commanders' First Discoveries were not appearing correctly

    • Fixed an issue where interdiction wouldn't end after the player submitted

    • Fixed an issue that meant the confirmation popup failed to appear after selecting an item the player owns
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the sort feature to not sort correctly
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent the SRV livery options to appear after leaving the Dashboard items category
    • Updated various Bobblehead preview cameras to give a better view of the item
    • Removed the 'preview' option on Engine Colours in livery, as it was not intended
    • Changed message from 'Outfitting Unavailable' to 'Livery Unavailable' when the livery isn't accessible
    • Updated the 'remove item option' message to 'clear the equipped item'
    • Renamed 'Back' to 'Exit'

    • Fixed various translation errors

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the host's ship to disappear when deploying a fighter

    New Starter Experience
    • Fixed an issue that could cause visual issues with the star in Matet when the player arrives in the system
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the weapons to automatically fire after being returned to the training area
    • Removed the ability to damage ship modules as this can lead to the player becoming stuck during the experience
    • Removed the ability for players to view and turn off modules during the experience

    • Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect weapon mounts to be displayed (fixed weapons showing as gimballed, for example)

    Pause Menu
    • Combined 'restart training' and 'exit options' into one confirmation screen. Now, when the player selects to either restart or exit they then choose to either:
    • Restart the checkpoint or the entire Starter Experience/Training
    • Exit to main menu or desktop
    • This new restart/exit option UI is also inline with other areas of the game as well. This update fixes text truncation in other languages and unnecessary duplication of options, without increasing the amount of clicks needed to exit or restart

    • Fixed an issue that caused stars in the night sky to disappear (creating, in some cases, 'hard edges')

    • Updated local news articles for faction summaries, engineer progression and megaship itineraries
    • Fixed many causes of transaction server disconnections (error codes: Scarlet Krait, Magenta Krait, Black Adder, Yellow Adder)

    Ship HUD
    • Corrected the schematic of a targeted starport to match its actual orientation
    • Fixed an issue that made ship modules appear twice in the module tab after swapping to a different ship
    • Fixed the edge case where the ship HUD could be switched off (by the Thargoid shutdown effect) during a jump to Supercruise, causing the HUD to never appear again

    • Changed the Store buttons that appear on Port Services menu and main menu to orange and reordered them:
    • Port Services - Livery > Holo-me > Store
    • Main Menu - Livery > Buy Expansions > Store > Buy ARX
    • Fixed an issue on Xbox One that causes the preview camera to pan without any player input
    • Re-added a missing scroll bar
    • Packs now display how many items are in it


    • Fixed Enforcer Canons being unable to be restocked through synthesis
    Elite Dangerous - PaigeHarvey_FDEV
    Greetings Commanders,

    Over the years, the Elite series of games has grown and evolved, starting all the way from the first Elite (published in 1984) to the Elite Dangerous we have today!

    For the 35th anniversary of Elite 1984 we asked you to share your greatest memories of the Elite series of games, and you really did deliver! Our team had a wonderful time reading through each and every one of your comments, but we had to narrow them down to 35!

    Congratulations to our 35 winners of the Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job, you've all been contacted privately and we hope you enjoy your prize.

    Thank you to everyone who took part and celebrated with us, and be sure to check out the winning memories below:

    Favorite Elite Dangerous memory would be spending almost a month researching HOTAS and looking at tutorials before even starting the game. That first moment where you take off with your sidewinder and come out of the mailslot with the whole galaxy in front of your nervous controls cannot be beat.
    Depressed Angel:
    My favourite memory is when I tried to land on a high G planet, came in hot, crashed my Krait MKII and died. I then re-bought it, tried to prove to my friend that I'm not inept and tried to land again, killing myself once again. I had lost all my money in the first crash due to rebuy and was left with an outstanding loan and a default Sidewinder as my only ship.
    My fondest memory is, when the Thargoids were first introduced and no one knew what to do against the new threat.
    The start of Distant Worlds 2, meeting up with other commanders then the mass jump that crashed the servers. Lots of fun!
    My favorite memory is my first encounter with the Thargoids. I shot them, it did nothing, and I died. But it looked really cool.
    Favorite memory? Leading a friend of mine to Hutton Orbital to let them claim their free ship, then proceed to run off with all the mugs I could carry and try to avoid fire from an angry friend :P
    My favorite moment in Elite has to be the first time I broke an asteroid. Finding one that was sure to be full of Void Opals, and cracking it open has got to be the most rewarding thing I've done in the game so far!
    My favorite memory was taking 3 hours to climb a gigantic mountain in an SRV. And I lived. And I made it back down, alive, thanks to a friend's ship which served as an elevator. Fun times. All in VR too!
    My fondest memory is definitely that first time I jumped into a star system, there's many awe-inspiring moments in this game but nothing compares to that first feeling of the massiveness as the star fills up your screen.
    Finding an abandoned base on a planet way out in the middle of nowhere. The sense of scale is insane. It's this tiny little thing that was so easy to miss, the distances are mind-boggling.
    Commander Agatheis Here! As humble as it was, my best moment was one of the most terrifying manoeuvres I've ever done... Making into a spaceport without autodock.
    {PTV} Tiago
    My favorite Elite Dangerous memory was when I bought my Federal Corvette. A dream came true.
    My favorite memory was hearing Blue Danube while playing Elite for endless hours on my Amstrad CPC. Literally the tune was stuck in my head for months and could even hear it in my dreams when sleeping.
    Coolest memory was fighting pirates and having my screen get cracked and was losing life support. I made it to a station with just seconds to live. I felt like I was actually suffocating. Would almost die again.
    Favorite moment so far would be my final arrival at Beagle Point during the DW2 journey. Was my first time really getting out there in the depths of space.
    Jessie Colt:
    Commander Jessie Colt. My favorite memory? Buying the Vulture and kitting it out. Flying it out of the mail slot that first time was a total rush!
    "Capital class signature detected", And what followed. Definitely the best I've experienced.
    My favourite memory was discovering that you Sagittarius A was in the game and actually going there myself. It was long trip but well worth it. There are many nice nebulae and waypoints with awesome sights on the way here and back. A close second was the first hyperdictions, the general atmosphere of those events were mind-blowing, so much so i flew around the Pleiades so much to go get hyperdicted myself.
    Sweater Yoda:
    Simply put, through playing this game with dear friends, I realized that in exploring the vast expanses out there, the entire time we were really exploring ourselves.
    My favorite memories are with an old friend of mine, Rob. He unfortunately passed away Feb 17th 2019, and forever on will be docked at hausers reach, where we used to bounty hunt in corvettes every night from sundown, to sunrise while talking about life, sharing stories, and just having a generally great time.
    My favorite memory of Elite is from when I bought my first ship. It was a Viper III, and it handled totally differently to a Sidewinder and that had me hooked. Cheers for 35 years, and for 35 more!
    The first time I saw a capital ship warp in I was in awe. That thing sounds MONSTROUS.
    There's a few memories I have. From the launch of Sagittarius Eye to the return of the Thargoids. But I think my favorite is building my own VoiceAttack profile from scratch to help me play the game. I don't really use him anymore, but KAI is definitely responsible for a handful of good gameplay experiences. (Especially once he learned from EDDI.) While I'm at it, a close runner up is running ED in VR for the first time. Glorious doesn't even come close.
    Once, I (Commander ScythianSteppes) destroyed a Thargoid Interceptor in a Sidewinder. Enough is said.
    Docking manually for the first time in the original Elite so many years ago, such a feeling of success :)
    My best memory in Elite Dangerous would have to have been taking note of the crippling loneliness, looking among the stars and the planets, the asteroid belts and the debris fields and granted it was sad at first but then the over whelming erg to find another person and to explore took hold of me and in no time I was jumping from system to system looking for others. it wasn't until I was near death fighting a pirate that a group of other players came in and helped me out and since then we have been the greatest of friends.
    Best moment was in E:D, looking around my Asp Explorer for the first time in VR. Exploring space never felt so real.
    Kyo Arashikage:
    Personally, my favorite memory from this epic and stunning game was when I arrived at Artemis Lodge in Celaeno. Arriving and dropping out in front of the station and looking behind me, it almost looked like the ring of asteroids that were around the planet was circling the home star of the system as well, and it was almost convincing. Not to mention the eerie music added to the moment, making me shiver. I didn't think buying and selling cargo could give one shivers like that, but it did for me in this case.
    I think my favorite memory of Elite is finding one of my friends randomly when farming for guardian parts. He happened to have the same type of anaconda as me and we started talking, we friended each other and started farming together since. We've been hanging out ever since and have done so many of the events together, if we never met I don't think I'd be as into Elite Dangerous as I have been.
    I traveled 10-15 jumps to get to the system, scanned the planet, did a detailed surface scan, and found the site. I was flying in my unarmed Type-6 and I had no idea what to expect. I slowly approached the site and just watched the activities of the little Thargoid rovers for 10-15 minutes. It was late at night and I was terrified to land. I had no idea what they were capable of. I remember hovering there in fascination just looking at everything. I finally found a spot with the barnacles that wasn't too close to the Thargoid rovers and landed. I deployed my SRV and went to two barnacles as fast as I could and got back in my ship. It was such a rush. I took back off and circled the site a few more times, then departed. It was super rewarding when I turned in one of the meta-alloys and unlocked the engineer. I love how Elite Dangerous is a a big sandbox that lets me and other players make their own stories. Looking forward to more adventures. My commander name is Zamzee Owagana (PC).
    Guys, what you do is awesome! I can't remember any game which can give feel of solitude along with picturesque deep space.
    OK, I'll bite (for the cobra mk3 paint job.) I'm an old elite fan. Back in the 80's I remember spending hours watching my older cousin playing the original Elite on his BBC Micro computer. Fast forward to the early 90's and my friends and I would come home from school and play Frontier Elite 2 on an Amiga, sitting on a bench, and pretending we were actually in the ship. I lived and breathed Frontier for years on my own or with friends; but my fondest memory is being passenger or pilot with my mates. As kids back then it was a great game to play with friends round. Now as a 40 something Elite has come a long way and I'm still playing (when the wife lets me!).
    My favourite moment of playing Elite was just finishing up on some bounty hunting when all of a sudden I received a message from friend who was out of fuel transporting high value goods from one place to another. As a helping hand I dropped what I was doing and went to the closest station to gear up for a rescue mission and off I went, after a short trip I refuel repaired and they shared some of their cargo with me to hand in as payment. It was a short moment while playing Elite but it stood out to me as a memorable moment to me.
    I vaguely remember playing Elite II or III, but I don't remember which one it was. From what I remember, I enjoyed it, but Ultimately Privateer took over my time as far as space sims for the day. I loved that feel of freedom that those early space sims had, and Elite Dangerous really brings me back home to that completely open world to explore!
    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    The Elite Dangerous servers will be offline for all platforms today at 13:00 (UTC) for approximately 30 minutes to apply a minor update containing a number of fixes.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Please find the full patch notes below:

    • Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to load the game on PlayStation 4
    • Fixed issue with players not being able to connect through a VPN
    • Fixed soft lock when engineering an item
    • Fixed an Xbox One issue that allowed other users to communicate with a player that they are not friends with, when that player has the 'p=others can communicate with voice, text, or invites' privilege is set to 'Friends'
    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    Over the years, the Elite series of games has grown and evolved, starting all the way from the first Elite (published on this very day in 1984) to the Elite Dangerous we have today!

    For the 35th anniversary of Elite 1984, we want to look back and celebrate each and every Commander who has shared this incredible ride with us.

    Haven't had the chance to earn your wings in the iconic Elite? Claim your free copy on the Frontier Store for PC and Mac here.

    As a gift for every Commander, head over to the in-game store, and you will be able to claim your own Retro Thargoid Bobblehead, available until 27 September (16:00 UTC) for 1 ARX.

    But that's not all! Alongside this octagonal interloper, we've got 35 Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Jobs to give away. To be in with the chance to win one of these Paint Jobs, all you need to do is reply to this thread, telling us about your favourite memory playing one of the Elite games. Don't forget to include your Commander Name to be eligible to win!

    The competition will run from now until 23 September (11:00 UTC) and winners will be contacted by 25 September (11:00 UTC). With the aid of the Elite Dangerous development team, our top 35 favourite comments will be rewarded with the Paint Job.

    You can also get involved over on our Official Forums, Twitter and Facebook! Please find all of the Terms and Conditions below.

    Whether you've only just donned your flight suit, or you've been with us over the last 35 years, thank you for all of your passion and support!

    Fly safe.

    • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform – Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
    • One submission per person (per platform).
    • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
    • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
    • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
    • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be credited directly to the winner's account.
    • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
    • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
    • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
    • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
    • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
    • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
    • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform – Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
    • One submission per person (per platform).
    • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
    • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
    • The winners will be contacted by the Frontier Community Team via Facebook DM, Twitter DM or Forum DM. Please ensure you are following @EliteDangerous on Twitter to allow us to contact you.
    • The winners have 7 days to respond and claim the prize; if no response has been received after 7 days, you forfeit your prize.
    • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
    • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be
    • credited directly to the winner's account.
    • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
    • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
    • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
    • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
    • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
    • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    The September Update is out now! You can read the Patch Notes here.

    In the September Update comes the following:

    New Starter Experience
    We've introduced a new starting experience meaning that it's easier to pick up Elite Dangerous than ever before!

    Under the tutelage of Pilots Federation instructor, Theo Arcosta, new Commanders will be led through a fully-voiced experience before being left to pilot their own starter ship, the Sidewinder! Throughout the experience, Commanders will learn the basics of space flight, scanning and combat as listed below:
    • Basic flight controls and scanning.
    • Supercruise and navigation.
    • A combat exercise around a megaship.
    • Completing one's first Hyperspace jump.
    • Docking at a starport.
    • All of the training will include voiceover across all of our supported languages.
    This new starter experience will also be added to the existing list of training simulations, found on the internal panel of the Commander's cockpit, meaning even the most veteran of pilot can still experience it.

    New Livery System

    • Revamped the livery UI for applying cosmetic items and Game Extras to your ships.
    • Commanders will be able to access their ship livery from the main menu, so even if their ship is not docked at a starport, they will be able to change up the ship's appearance on the fly!
    • The new store will allow for even more detailed previews of available customisation options across all ships, as well as giving Commanders the choice of purchasing individual items, as opposed to being limited to bundles of customisation options.
    • Please note: some Game Extras (on all platforms) and ARX (on PC) may not yet be available for purchase in the Store, affected items will be rolling out in the coming days.

    New Virtual Currency: ARX

    • ARX can be purchased, as well as earned by simply playing the game, to acquire Game Extras such as Paint Jobs, Ship Kits, Bobbleheads and more!
    • Commanders can earn a total of 400 ARX per week, which get added to their account there and then. These can be saved for later or spent right away!
    • You will no longer be able to purchase Game Extras using current payment methods and instead will require ARX, available in a number of packs (listed here.)
    • You can view the ARX FAQ here.

    Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
    Greetings Commanders,

    The Elite Dangerous servers will be offline for all platforms on 18 September at 8:00 AM (UTC) for approximately 9 hours as we apply the September Update. There is a chance that this could run over, so we really appreciate your patience.

    Whilst the servers are down, tune into our launch livestream as we talk about the update and all the latest from the Elite community!

    As always, we'll keep you updated here and on our social media channels.

    Thank you for your patience and we'll see you in the black!

    Please find the Patch Notes below:

    New Features

    New Starter Experience
    • Added a curated experience for new players that will guide them through the basics of ship control, combat, travel and docking
    • The experience has localised voiceover in all supported languages
    • Certain UI elements are highlighted at key points during the flow
    • Players are given a mission once the flow has been completed, that introduces them to the mission board (with voiceover)
    • Added the experience to the 'Training Simulations' list, accessible from the internal cockpit panel
    • Updated the throttle UI to better show the players current direction of travel (the rectangular blocks are now chevrons, and added a subtle pulse animation)
    • Pre-flight checklist is now off by default when starting a new game (it can be turned back on)

    • Added new option to the Flight Assist tab to allow the Supercruise Assist module to control the throttle automatically
    • Supercruise 'Safe to Disengage' message has been updated to include the binding that will disengage Supercruise

    • ARX is the new currency that takes over from Frontier Points and real money transactions across all platforms
    • Players purchase a pack containing a number of ARX that are then used to purchase in-game cosmetic items (Game Extras) for their ship, SRV, fighter or Holo-Me
    • Players can purchase ARX from in-game links that direct either to an external Frontier Store or site
    • Any outstanding Frontier Points will be converted to ARX the first time the player logs into the game after the update

    Rewarding ARX
    • Players can earn ARX through standard gameplay (up to a 400 weekly cap) based on in-game activities within Combat, Trade and Exploration and more!
    • Players are notified of their previous session earnings on the main menu

    Livery Update
    • Refreshed livery layout:
    • > Icons denote the different categories (general, decals, cockpit decorations, etc.)
    • > Updated vessel selection screen
    • > Separate UI for ship name and ID
    • > Preview mode that reduces the amount of on-screen UI, giving a clearer view of the chosen item
    • Players now purchase items, with ARX, directly from livery, without being redirected to an external store
    • Players can now access livery from the main menu

    • Players can now purchase items, with ARX directly from the Holo-Me section, without being redirected to an external store

    New Store
    • Added a new customisation store
    • Players can browse the entire catalog of customisation items for any available ship
    • Preview Mode allows players to see any cosmetic items on a vanilla version of any ship, as well as use camera controls to view it from different angles
    • The store is accessible from either the main menu or major starports in-game
    • Players purchase cosmetic items directly from the store, without being redirected to an external site

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed being unable to scroll through Tourist Beacon text in the archive section if it was longer than one page
    • Fixed an issue where HOTAS users couldn't scroll through the right hand side of the archive section

    • Fixed a crash that could occur when logging into the game
    • Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck on the loading screen, due to being close to an asteroid ring
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when looking at the Powerplay screen during a hyperspace jump

    • Fixed some issues with incorrectly reversed decals

    Diamond Explorer
    • Fixed an issue where the outfitting camera was clipping into the hangar floor

    • Fixed an issue where body data wouldn't show up first time when using the Full Spectrum Scanner (FSS)
    • Fixed an issue where the blue scan visual effect can appear on a nearby planet that you're not trying to scan
    • Fixed an issue where players couldn't scroll through the right-hand side panel when selling Exploration Data
    • Fixed an issue where the word 'next' was partially cut off in the Navigation Tab of the External Panel

    • Added a cooldown when using hotkeys to give fighters orders, and prevented allowing players to repeat an order that has already been given to the fighter (multiple orders were creating network lag, resulting in an exploit during combat)

    • The correct Elite rank will now show when targeting your own ship from your SRV
    • Fixed an issue where a player's ship name/ID plates was being incorrectly censored when on the main menu
    • Fixed a restock issue for vessels when the player has multiple bays fitted

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the AI ship not to appear after they interdicted a player

    Krait Phantom
    • Fixed holes in one of the Ship Kit pieces

    • Fixed missing Cyrillic letters in Squadron Creation and Rank Names
    • Corrected spelling of 'nonhuman' in the Knowledge Base

    • Fixed landing gear still appearing to be deployed even after the player had retracted it

    • Decreased mine rearm time from 5 seconds to 2 seconds. The increase in time was an attempt to fix an issue where long ships were being hit by their own mines. However, the updated arming time was too long, making them ineffective. This new arming time should balance it.

    • Fixed missing 'mission target' tags from certain ships, meaning Massacre and Assassination missions should now have appropriate target ships for the players to attack
    • Fixed missing text in some VIP Passenger missions

    • Corrected the date of Atticus Obellan Duval's ascension to the throne in its Tourist Beacon

    • Correctly display which network adapter is being used by the game in the network options, as well as preferring a wired network connection over a wireless one if both are found
    • Fixed edge cases where players were being placed in the same instance as players they had blocked
    • Added unique error codes to disconnections, for players to use when reporting issues

    Player Journal


    • New SAASignalsFound event with bio/geo signals on planets and hotspots in rings
    • SAAScanComplete: add SystemAddress
    • Scan: add StarSystem name and SystemAddress
    • FSDTarget: add RemainingJumpsInRoute
    • CodexEntry,Touchdown,Liftoff: add NearestDestination
    • StatusFlags: add flags fsdJump, srvHighBeam
    • ShipTargeted: add powerplay info

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed code that strips newlines out of strings
    • Fixed bug that caused blank system names when selling exploration data
    • In the CrimeVictim event, the Offender field should now have added localisation, if relevant
    • Fixed description of FactionEffects in MissionCompleted event

    • Fixed Companion API authentication for players with linked Steam accounts

    • Fixed some level of detail issues with its Ship Kit

    • Fixed an issue where the SRVs weapon were firing slightly offset when used from the driver's seat

    • Fixed an issue with the demand icon overlapping when demand is high
    • Fixed an issue with the displayed price at a Black Market for contraband goods
    • When a player is comparing market to buy/sell at, changes have been made to ensure that a selected marker is included in the "consumed by" list (if applicable), even if another market in the same system offers a better price

    Training Simulations
    • Fixed an issue with the Mining Simulation where players could fire the Mining Laser at nothing and the tutorial would play incorrect voiceover
    • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Combat Training Simulation, where players could cycle fire groups too early in the flow of the simulation

    Unidentified Signal Sources (USS)
    • Increased the spawn rate of High Grade Emissions
    • Increased the spawn rate for Non-Human Signal Sources

    Viper MkIII
    • Fixed some level of detail issues with its Ship Kit