The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

Tell my wife... 'hello'I know the setting of Skyrim is a broken world, tearing itself in apart in a civil war while giant death beasts roam the sky, but I’m waiting for a romantic comedy machinima set in Whiterun. There’s so much ‘war this and death that’ that it could use a little levity. The Siege Of Markarth is well made death this and war that, to be fair. 8 minutes of killing, but it also tells a story – I was captivated, as the assassin… hmmm, nope. You’ll have to watch to find out. I’m not going to be that guy and ruin it for you. (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

Soon all this will be modded. Okay, that’s a little bit dramatic, but “making cities a bit more accessible to thieves” is missing the flair that the Dovakhiin deserves, and while I won’t be moving mountains in this second Skyrim mod round-up, I will be shifting cities about a bit. This second shout of mods isn’t really about fixing things or adding to the world: it’s about building on what’s there, making the world nicer. I wouldn’t suggest you use all the mods listed here at the same time, as there’s bound to be come major incompatibilities when you start shifting major urban areas around, but it’s a useful, catch-all guide to bettering the existing game. If the grass isn’t greener on the other side, it soon will be.> (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

This,, but in slow motionnnnnnBrave beta-neers of Skyrim, wanderers on the frontier of electronic code, a reward awaits those Dovahkiin’s willing to take a journey to the newly laid lands that the god Bethesda has minted in the dark, hidden lands of “Steam > Settings > Beta Participation > Skyrim Beta”. There awaits violence of a most brutal sort, and leering eyes on the Grim Reaper’s work. Dare ye stare into the Youtube oracle to glimpse the horror? > (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Alec Meer)

Coming soon, the Terraria devs announce their new game 'Falldagger'

Initially reports suggested the turf war between Minecraft-makers the Mojangs and Skyrim-makers the Bethesdas over the former’s forthcoming online card game Scrolls had been settled broadly reasonably. However, Bethesda’s own statement on the matter yesterday revealed that it isn’t as simple as Mojang getting to make Scrolls unhindered and Bethesda ending up with the trademark for a common English word>.

Here’s a new kicker: “The terms of the settlement bar Mojang from using the Scrolls mark for any sequel to the current card game, or any other video game.” (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

DERRRRP!Skyrim might not be broken, but it is a bit cracked. There’s never been an open-world that didn’t crumble at the edges of a simulation, and Bethesda’s Nord land is detailed with a fine filigree through its stony butt. Patches will help, and Bethesda have done a lot of good work to keep the game ticking along, but with all those dragons stomping around, sometimes backwards, the mud has been loosened. Thanks to Steam Workshop, the act of modding Skyrim is phenomenally easy: all you need to do is select a mod in the system’s list and it’ll be integrated into the game. There’s also a few from the venerable Skyrim Nexus as well. While we wait for both Bethesda or these guys to pack the mud back in place, there are a few tweaks you can make to the base game, gleaned from the Workshop’s finest fiddlers. They won’t be as fancy as adding monocles and top hats to mudcrabs – I’ll be getting to those in a later article – but they will strengthen Skyrim’s core and fix a few glaring errors and inconsistencies. (more…)

Half-Life - (Jim Rossignol)

Dead!Over Christmas I drew up a list of little things about games that have always intrigued, interested, or appealed to me. I’ve been adding to it over the past couple of weeks, and I’ll be writing about these little nuances of gaming in the coming months. These are just idle musings, but I hope you’ll find them to be food for thought. Today’s is about the odd joy in seeing AI entities getting into a fight.> (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

This is Jango. He's my kitty. I keep meaning to write about how remarkable the Skyrim Steam Workshop is, but it seems everyone knows: since the launch last week, the workshop has served over two million mods to Steam users. To put that in perspective, that’s a gigaquad of proto-Peggles. I’m still going to write nice things about how you can basically build your own game with it, but only after I’m done watching Bethesda’s multi-part tutorial on how to use their Skyrim Creation Kit to make and bundle mods for the Workshop. (more…)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Craig Pearson)

John said  he couldn't look at the giant crab, so I'm putting it right on the front page of his site. Tee-hee. Fus Ro My! This is the second Skyrim video of the day that’s had me all wibbly. Bethesda‘s Todd Howard was on stage at the Dice Summit yesterday, and talked about an internal, company-wide gamejam Bethesda held: the Skyrim team took a week off from carving out individual fork tines and working out the perfect cloud wisp equation to make whatever they wanted for Skyrim. There’s no guarantee we’ll get to play with the results, but the buildable houses with skeletal butlers, Thief-style water arrows, combination spells, mahoosive Mudcrabs, and much more all look amazing. I’m considering starting a Kickstarter that’ll fund my trip to sit outside Bethesda for a month holding a sign that just reads: “Do It!”. Video is, you know, down there.


Portal 2 - (Craig Pearson)

Be very afraid, Space Core.Alongside the Skyrim Creation Kit and the HD Texture Pack that was officially released last night, Valve added their own little addition to Skyrim: Fall of The Space Corp, Vol. 1 adds Portal 2′s jittery little Space Core to the Nord world, voiced by the man that holds the patent on all gaming voiceovers, Nolan North. It’s both proof that clicking things in Skyrim’s Steam Workshop works just like they said it would, and that Valve’s punmasters are missed a trick by not calling him Nolan Nord. When you add the mod to the game, you need to find him. Here’s a video I made that shows you how. (more…)

Steam Community Items - (John Walker)

Modding is SEXY stuff.

The long-awaited Skyrim Creation Kit is out, and it’s come with the rumoured High-Resolution Texture Pack all the kids wanted! The game’s also 33% off on Steam in the US and UK at the moment, if this is what you were waiting for.

Get modding!
