May 16, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

We’ll keep this short and sweet today. The team is working feverishly on the next patch, which will roll out another sizeable round of bug fixes. The patch notes this time around will definitely reflect the massive amount of effort being poured into fixing issues in the game and getting it solidified. We aim to clean out the current bug list or come as close to it as humanly possible. We’ve been able to nail down some pretty long-standing issues, which is pure win for us and the community. The less issues the better!

We’re also working on some fun things for the community, which we can’t wait to announce! First and foremost we will be rolling out a new way to get to know you guys better: Community Game Night. Starting next week, Friday afternoons will feature a chance to come hang out and do some gaming with the Handyman staff. The devs will be there as they’re able, as well as our internal testers and our hardworking community team. You may even get a chance to smack us around a bit! We’ll be taking community votes for what games will be chosen, and it’ll be different from week to week. We’ll be looking for games that are free to play or inexpensive to provide the chance to hang out and meet as many of you as we can.

Additionally, our IRC Q&A sessions will be making a comeback in the near future. We value the chances to spend time in a live chat environment, answering questions, and taking feedback in a more direct way. We’ll be announcing a schedule for those soon!

Plans are in the works for our summer event, as well as numerous other upcoming happenings, so be sure to keep an eye out for those announcements!
May 16, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

We’ll keep this short and sweet today. The team is working feverishly on the next patch, which will roll out another sizeable round of bug fixes. The patch notes this time around will definitely reflect the massive amount of effort being poured into fixing issues in the game and getting it solidified. We aim to clean out the current bug list or come as close to it as humanly possible. We’ve been able to nail down some pretty long-standing issues, which is pure win for us and the community. The less issues the better!

We’re also working on some fun things for the community, which we can’t wait to announce! First and foremost we will be rolling out a new way to get to know you guys better: Community Game Night. Starting next week, Friday afternoons will feature a chance to come hang out and do some gaming with the Handyman staff. The devs will be there as they’re able, as well as our internal testers and our hardworking community team. You may even get a chance to smack us around a bit! We’ll be taking community votes for what games will be chosen, and it’ll be different from week to week. We’ll be looking for games that are free to play or inexpensive to provide the chance to hang out and meet as many of you as we can.

Additionally, our IRC Q&A sessions will be making a comeback in the near future. We value the chances to spend time in a live chat environment, answering questions, and taking feedback in a more direct way. We’ll be announcing a schedule for those soon!

Plans are in the works for our summer event, as well as numerous other upcoming happenings, so be sure to keep an eye out for those announcements!
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey everyone! We are back in action, and here are the latest round of fixes. This should stabilize PIOS quite a bit more! From here on out, you’ll see multiple bug fix and stabilization patches as we ramp up our efforts and get back into the swing of things.

-Added powered doors and hatches schematics to Delta Station & tutorial skip
-Added beam turret placeable
-Updated Fabricator to now properly close UI when player exits
-Fixed issues with memory gate not retaining last state
-(Temporary) Added arrow indicator for location of players in the same world
-Added arrow indicator for location of Master CryoPod
-Fixed multiple issues that were causing chunks not to load on mp servers
-Fixed issues with the pressure sensor acting as a generator
-Fixed multiple issues with PIOS system causing connections to be lost
-Fixed Beam Turret sound issues
-Laser Pick sparks added
-Updated particle system
-Fixed a threading issue that could cause the game to crash
-Fixed an issue with creature spawning
-A lot of under the hood changes to how the build is created to increase the speed of development
-Command Control Centers (crafted) now correctly show 3 CPU units instead of 2
-Known Issue: Effect Icons Un-Textured - Caused by Pipeline Changes
-Known Issue: Temporary PIOS connection loss
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey everyone! We are back in action, and here are the latest round of fixes. This should stabilize PIOS quite a bit more! From here on out, you’ll see multiple bug fix and stabilization patches as we ramp up our efforts and get back into the swing of things.

-Added powered doors and hatches schematics to Delta Station & tutorial skip
-Added beam turret placeable
-Updated Fabricator to now properly close UI when player exits
-Fixed issues with memory gate not retaining last state
-(Temporary) Added arrow indicator for location of players in the same world
-Added arrow indicator for location of Master CryoPod
-Fixed multiple issues that were causing chunks not to load on mp servers
-Fixed issues with the pressure sensor acting as a generator
-Fixed multiple issues with PIOS system causing connections to be lost
-Fixed Beam Turret sound issues
-Laser Pick sparks added
-Updated particle system
-Fixed a threading issue that could cause the game to crash
-Fixed an issue with creature spawning
-A lot of under the hood changes to how the build is created to increase the speed of development
-Command Control Centers (crafted) now correctly show 3 CPU units instead of 2
-Known Issue: Effect Icons Un-Textured - Caused by Pipeline Changes
-Known Issue: Temporary PIOS connection loss
May 2, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Things are busy as ever for the team, still pounding away on internal streamlining. Paul fell victim to a horrible case of PAX plague that cost us a week of development time, but we’re getting back on top of things and working on the next patch. Yes, the timer for the next patch is coming back! This one will be focused around bug fixes, and solidifying the game’s core. We want to get the game further stabilized and feeling good before the content starts coming in again.

To help with the merciless squashing of bugs, Handyman has grown by 1 again, bringing on our new internal QA tester, Ryan Dyer. He has already outdone himself, scouring the help desk tickets, and solving them one after another. With his help, all that remains is implementing fixes, which makes things many times easier on Jake and Paul. We’re very blessed to have found such a talented person to join the team!

In addition to the bug fix patch, the wheels have been turning and we’ve been brainstorming and fleshing out a brand new research system. While we won’t spoil too much yet, we think it will bring more depth to progression, and make advancing in the game feel more constant. We’re definitely up for hearing community feedback on what you guys want to see for that. Speaking of bringing more life to the game, we’re also working on some new creatures to throw at our intrepid explorers. These are just some of the new brain-children created from our two artists:

I’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone that dropped by the forums for our Spring Celebration! It’s always fun to see the work that goes into planning the community events pay off, and to have another excuse to toss around those free games. I’ll be diving right into planning the Summer Event - a CM’s work is never done! Definitely looking forward to coming up with some new surprises to throw at you all. If that isn’t enough,we have a fun announcement coming up not too far down the road, so keep an eye on the community for that! Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next time for ArkCo News!
May 2, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Things are busy as ever for the team, still pounding away on internal streamlining. Paul fell victim to a horrible case of PAX plague that cost us a week of development time, but we’re getting back on top of things and working on the next patch. Yes, the timer for the next patch is coming back! This one will be focused around bug fixes, and solidifying the game’s core. We want to get the game further stabilized and feeling good before the content starts coming in again.

To help with the merciless squashing of bugs, Handyman has grown by 1 again, bringing on our new internal QA tester, Ryan Dyer. He has already outdone himself, scouring the help desk tickets, and solving them one after another. With his help, all that remains is implementing fixes, which makes things many times easier on Jake and Paul. We’re very blessed to have found such a talented person to join the team!

In addition to the bug fix patch, the wheels have been turning and we’ve been brainstorming and fleshing out a brand new research system. While we won’t spoil too much yet, we think it will bring more depth to progression, and make advancing in the game feel more constant. We’re definitely up for hearing community feedback on what you guys want to see for that. Speaking of bringing more life to the game, we’re also working on some new creatures to throw at our intrepid explorers. These are just some of the new brain-children created from our two artists:

I’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone that dropped by the forums for our Spring Celebration! It’s always fun to see the work that goes into planning the community events pay off, and to have another excuse to toss around those free games. I’ll be diving right into planning the Summer Event - a CM’s work is never done! Definitely looking forward to coming up with some new surprises to throw at you all. If that isn’t enough,we have a fun announcement coming up not too far down the road, so keep an eye on the community for that! Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next time for ArkCo News!
Apr 21, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

So much to talk about this time, so let’s dive right in. First things first, we want to say a big thanks to everyone that came out and saw us at PAX! Overall we felt it was an even better experience than last year, and we saw old and new faces alike. It was especially awesome to see some of our friends in the media come back a second time, and everyone definitely noticed how much work has gone into the game since they last saw it. We had a great time meeting everyone, and getting to see fans experience the game face to face. Like last year, we took away a ton of new information, knowledge, and friends, and we’re going to be diving in and putting all that to work. It was great to get some great accolades as well, including MMORPG’s award for best indie RPG at PAX East 2014!

Now that we’re back, we’ll be getting back into the swing of things, and doing some internal cleaning up - sorta like a Spring cleaning! The more we solidify the development pipelines, the easier it makes things going forward. Once the internal work is done, we’ll be picking up where we left off and starting the countdown timer back up for the next patch. We know everyone is anxious for more new content in game, but we want to be sure that it’s as efficiently done as possible.

Speaking of Spring, our Spring Celebration event is now underway in the community, so we hope to see everyone having fun with that, and taking advantage of the chance to win some free games! We’ve got an awesome spring themed wallpaper, and several contests going on. To get in on the fun, hop over to our event forum here:

We will also be making an appearance on streamer Legendary Neurotoxin’s Procedural Powerhouses show on Saturday, April 26th, so if you’re free, we hope to see everyone there! Jake will be joining Reese for an interview and some fun with the game. The show kicks off at 1PM PST, and you can find the channel here:

Things are gonna be crazy here at Handyman over the next few weeks, but we’re excited to get back to work and make the game even better. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next time for ArkCo News!
Apr 21, 2014
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

So much to talk about this time, so let’s dive right in. First things first, we want to say a big thanks to everyone that came out and saw us at PAX! Overall we felt it was an even better experience than last year, and we saw old and new faces alike. It was especially awesome to see some of our friends in the media come back a second time, and everyone definitely noticed how much work has gone into the game since they last saw it. We had a great time meeting everyone, and getting to see fans experience the game face to face. Like last year, we took away a ton of new information, knowledge, and friends, and we’re going to be diving in and putting all that to work. It was great to get some great accolades as well, including MMORPG’s award for best indie RPG at PAX East 2014!

Now that we’re back, we’ll be getting back into the swing of things, and doing some internal cleaning up - sorta like a Spring cleaning! The more we solidify the development pipelines, the easier it makes things going forward. Once the internal work is done, we’ll be picking up where we left off and starting the countdown timer back up for the next patch. We know everyone is anxious for more new content in game, but we want to be sure that it’s as efficiently done as possible.

Speaking of Spring, our Spring Celebration event is now underway in the community, so we hope to see everyone having fun with that, and taking advantage of the chance to win some free games! We’ve got an awesome spring themed wallpaper, and several contests going on. To get in on the fun, hop over to our event forum here:

We will also be making an appearance on streamer Legendary Neurotoxin’s Procedural Powerhouses show on Saturday, April 26th, so if you’re free, we hope to see everyone there! Jake will be joining Reese for an interview and some fun with the game. The show kicks off at 1PM PST, and you can find the channel here:

Things are gonna be crazy here at Handyman over the next few weeks, but we’re excited to get back to work and make the game even better. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next time for ArkCo News!
Edge of Space - LordShaggy
Hey everyone! We’ve had to change gears a bit from our original plans with this patch. PIOS is a very extensive system, and due to complexity involved with the system, we have decided to hold back Terraforming so that PIOS can be the primary focus. For that, we need the community’s help to find all the bugs and get them fixed. We will be putting in the core of the PIOS system, along with a number of components for it at drastically reduced material cost, so that people can really go crazy with it and push the system to its limits. This will require a wipe in the future, for which we apologize, but it makes extensive changes to the game’s code. While we know that everyone is anxious to tackle terraforming as well, we hope that you guys will bear with the delay and help us pound on the power grid. Here are notes for this patch:

- Implemented gate placeables and schematics
- Implemented energy scanner/heat map system
- Implemented generator placeable and schematics
- Added schematics for track lights
- Added power relays
- Updated tutorial skip schematic grants to include PIOS schematics
- Updated creating a character to include giving all current PIOS system schematics
- Fixed issue with random avatar button not working
- Fixed issue with customization that was causing the game to get into a bad state (Issues with menus not opening, lighting, etc)
- Reduced quality canister cost from 2 metal to 1
- Jellies now absorb 50% of knockback, instead of none
- Added 3 new male and female heads, 3 new male and female hairs, and 7 new accessories to character customizations
- Added letter boxes and pressure plates
- Expanded chest is now 6 slots instead of 4, at a slightly higher material cost to craft
Edge of Space - LordShaggy
Hey everyone! We’ve had to change gears a bit from our original plans with this patch. PIOS is a very extensive system, and due to complexity involved with the system, we have decided to hold back Terraforming so that PIOS can be the primary focus. For that, we need the community’s help to find all the bugs and get them fixed. We will be putting in the core of the PIOS system, along with a number of components for it at drastically reduced material cost, so that people can really go crazy with it and push the system to its limits. This will require a wipe in the future, for which we apologize, but it makes extensive changes to the game’s code. While we know that everyone is anxious to tackle terraforming as well, we hope that you guys will bear with the delay and help us pound on the power grid. Here are notes for this patch:

- Implemented gate placeables and schematics
- Implemented energy scanner/heat map system
- Implemented generator placeable and schematics
- Added schematics for track lights
- Added power relays
- Updated tutorial skip schematic grants to include PIOS schematics
- Updated creating a character to include giving all current PIOS system schematics
- Fixed issue with random avatar button not working
- Fixed issue with customization that was causing the game to get into a bad state (Issues with menus not opening, lighting, etc)
- Reduced quality canister cost from 2 metal to 1
- Jellies now absorb 50% of knockback, instead of none
- Added 3 new male and female heads, 3 new male and female hairs, and 7 new accessories to character customizations
- Added letter boxes and pressure plates
- Expanded chest is now 6 slots instead of 4, at a slightly higher material cost to craft