Dishonored - (Craig Pearson)

I hope this isn't a spoiler. Bum. I’ve just realised I’ve not actually finished the previous Dishonored DLC, The Knife of Dunwall. I’m halfway through the second mission. Usually that wouldn’t be a problem, but Arkane took the odd decision to make their DLC episodic, and Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches continues the story they started in the Knife of Dunwall. You are still Daud, fighting for redemption. If anyone else is in my position then it’s best you don’t look below the cut. Spoilers! (more…)

Crusader Kings II - (Craig Pearson)

Mods, sir. We're surrounded. Jim is basically the J. Jonah Jameson of RPS: I was handsomely making sweet news for you guys when he stormed into the forbidden RPS chatroom of mystery, slammed his fists on the desk with the rage that only an editor can muster, and demanded I find some mods. “It’s the weekend!”, he angrily typed. “If you don’t find at least three mods by the end of the day that the readers can play, you can go and beg VG247 forra job.” And then he stormed out, muttering about page impressions, tea, and robots. Luckily I’ve been on a bit of a modding binge of late, so I have a few interesting things for you. Do you have Arma 3 installed? That’s nice. (more…)

Dishonored - (Alec Meer)

They’re clearly lacing the drinking water at Arkane with Creative Itch Juice, as both Dishonored’s co-lead Harvey Smith and one of its writers, Austin Grossman, have put out novels in the last couple of months. Of course, both are esteemed games industry figures from long before that, having worked in the fabled Looking Glass/Ion Storm mines and contributed to some of the most-respected titles in PC gaming history. Unsurprising, then, that they’d have something to say about their experiences. I’m yet to read Smith’s Big Jack Is Dead – that’s next on my list – but I have made my way through YOU, Grossman’s fiction-ode to videogame development and his first novel since the popular supervillain tale Soon I Will Be Invincible.> (more…)

Dishonored - (Nathan Grayson)

Here at RPS, we’re not often in the business of reporting rumors, but this one’s too much of a doozy to leave inside the colossal organic womb ship from which all rumors are born. Prey 2‘s been MIA since time immemorial, with various rumblings of strikes, stall outs, and near-cancellation the only things even vaguely resembling a warm trail for us to follow. Now, however, according to Kotaku and Prey 2 fansite Alien Noire, Dishonored developer Arkane has – allegedly somewhat reluctantly – taken the reigns. THE PLOT THICKENS. Watch it ooze and burble after the break.


Dishonored - (Alec Meer)

The Knife of Dunwall is the second piece of extra content for Arkane’s splendid, if slightly cold, Dishonored, and the first which includes new missions proper. It came out a few days ago, I played it a few hours ago, and then I wrote this.> (more…)

Dishonored - (Adam Smith)

The headline is a lie, as they so often are, because there is actually a whole lot of Daud in Dishonored’s first proper chunk of DLC. Following the trials thing, which I didn’t bother with and have therefore dismissed completely, Knife of Dunwall is just what Dr DLC ordered. The player controls Daud, who will have “a unique arsenal of new weapons and powers that enhance Dishonored’s dynamic combat, mobility and stealth systems”. While Dunwall itself may be Dishonored’s finest achievement, and I look forward to seeing new districts in this DLC, I’m increasingly convinced that the fluidity of motion – whether sliding, climbing or striking – has somewhat spoiled other first-person games for me. Here’s a trailer, whaler.


Dishonored - (Craig Pearson)

That's not a knife! It's a glove! After, ooh, hours of speculation, Bethesda has revealed the details of the next Dishonored expansion pack. The Knife Of Dunwall takes a parallel peek at the Dishonored storyline. And because Alec masked spoilers in the previous post, I’ll do the same. If you have Dishonored on your Steam wishlist, go there right now and stare wistfully. Everyone else, I’ll be over there. *blinks* (more…)

Dishonored - (Alec Meer)

Nice gloves. Bit kinky?

This shouldn’t really get its own post grumble grumble because it’s just a tease grumble grumble, but if I only give it a couple of lines there’s no harm done. Wait, did I just hear the sound of kitten being killed? WHAT HAVE I DONE?

We’ve been waiting forever* for proper Dishonored DLC – story stuff, meaty stuff, not just challenge map stuff. As previously announced this appears to star… oh, spoilers, of a sort, if you continue. You have been warned. (more…)

Dishonored - (RPS)

Just before Christmas, Nathan wrote a piece asking for a conversation about the role gaming violence plays in our lives. And as so many have when discussing the topic, he featured an image from Dishonored at the top – a man getting stabbed through the neck. For Joe Houston, the former Arkane developer who created that stabbing scene, this was the prompt he needed to give his own perspective on the subject. >

Whenever I’m clicking my way through game industry opinion articles, I tend to get hung up on pieces about video game violence. This is mostly because the image plastered across the top of the post is a screen grab from Dishonored. You know, the one where a member of the city watch gets his jugular opened in a first-person blast of arterial spray. But it’s not the shock of that image that stops me. No, I pause because I’m the guy that wrote the code to make the player do that in the first place.


Dishonored - (Paul Walker)

There’s no question that Dishonored’s Heart deserves celebration. Fortunately RPS contributor Paul Walker has done that in fine style, digging in to what makes the object so significant to the game, and speaking to co-creative directors Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio about how it came to exist, and their feelings about its part in the game.>

Dishonored’s Heart is an object which lives up to its name in many ways. It breathes life into the game’s characters, imbues the city of Dunwall with soul, and helps the player to feel the melancholy tone which permeates all facets of its world. Characterised by the intersection of the mystical and the technological, it distills the very essence of the pseudo-Victorian steampunk landscape in which Dishonored’s tale unfolds. It is presented to the player as a navigation tool — a guide to lead players to the occult items littered throughout the fictional city of Dunwall. But, as co-creative directors Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio told me, “It also plays a part related to informing their decisions about when to apply violence or not, making it a really interesting, more subtle part of the power fantasy.” Here we start to get to grips with what it is the makes the Heart so compelling.

