PC Gamer
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
It really sucks when vital items drop through a solid table and disappear from reality, which is why the first major patch for Deus Ex: Human Revolution is good news for Adam Jensen. "The TYM medical card should no longer fall through the table if an NPC's body comes into contact with the card," reads an entry in the new patch notes spotted on DSO gaming. The patch will be applied automatically when you restart Steam.

Also, if your Adam Jensen has been jumping around the map like a staccato assassin then you'll be pleased to hear that the new patch that aims to fix the stuttering associated with certain video card shader problems. A windowed mode has been added and "intro logos can now be skipped on all but the first run of the game." Yes! Read the full notes below.


We have addressed various issues that can occur for players that would result in 'stuttering'.

Stutters that are the result of graphics driver shader processing are now removed or significantly reduced.
Stutters that are the result of data streaming have been removed or significantly reduced.
Performance has been improved and made more stable on dual-core systems. This could previously also result in stuttering.

Fixed issue where some players couldn't complete the Motherly Ties side quest.
Fixed an issue where doors in Omega Ranch sometimes wouldn't open.
The TYM medical card should no longer fall through the table if an NPC's body comes into contact with the card. Players already stuck in this area will need to revert to a previous save before the card fell through.
Occasional hangs for some players during video-playback have been fixed.
A crash on startup when running DX11 on a single-core CPU has been fixed.
An issue causing Eyefinity setups to not be correctly detected for some players has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where the HUD would get permanently disabled for some players.
Fixed certain issues that caused the mouse cursor to be able to leave the game-screen on multi-monitor setups.
Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to not be visible in-game when the user has mouse trails enabled in Windows. We still recommend disabling mouse trails for a smoother in-game mouse cursor.
Fixed issue where ammo count for collected guns is incorrect when Adams weapon is augmented.
In DX9 mode:

Fixed error message for some users when trying to use FXAA Medium or FXAA Low anti aliasing modes.
Fixed shadow-mapping 'lines' on some graphics hardware when using anisotropic filtering.

Feature Additions:

The Enter and Numpad-Enter keys can now be bound to game actions in the keyboard control menu.
Intro logos can now be skipped on all but the first run of the game.
Added windowed mode.
Selectable in the menu, and can be toggled between windowed, fullscreen, and fullscreen windowed using ALT-ENTER.
Added an option to change the text language of the game. This setting only changes the text language, the audio is controlled by the language option in Steam.

PC Gamer

A Q&A session on the Eidos Montreal tumblr has turned up a few new details about the upcoming Missing Link DLC for Deus Ex Human Revolution. The new missions will be accessible through a separate shortcut on the main menu, meaning you'll be able to play it whenever you like. You won't have to revisit an earlier save to revisit the point in the story at which the missions take place.

The Missing Link follows Adam's attempt to escape from the Belltower organisation. Kidnapped, augs disabled and shirt stolen, he has to fight his way off the ship he's imprisoned on. The premise is designed to wipe Adam's skill sheet clean, letting players try out the augs they might otherwise avoid.

"The Missing Link is about a fresh start for Adam. New augs, new weapons, new situation as the underdog. Since it is shorter than the main game, THIS is the time to experiment!" writes Eidos Montreal marketing man, David Bedard.

The voices that can be heard in the teaser trailer above also get names. Netanya Keitner and Pieter Burke. They're both Belltower operatives, and most likely Adam's chief captors. Burke is a high ranking member of the organisation, and is described as "one mean son of a bitch."

You won't have to stare at Adam's chest the whole time either. “You do regain your combat garb at some point in the DLC," writes Bedard, "so enjoy those sweet abs while you can!"

The Missing Link will also add "new layers of conspiracy" and feature "sprawling new environments. It's due out before the end of the year. There's no price yet.
PC Gamer
Deus Ex Human Revolution Thumbnail
Square Enix have sent over word that their bank accounts have been suddenly augmented by huge sales of the excellent Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Two million "units" have been shipped worldwide. Thanks to a controversy involving Gamestop and some OnLive vouchers inside those copies, many will have been sent straight back, but for the most part that is a large and impressive number. Are you one of the two million? Will you be picking up the Missing Link DLC? If you had the choice, would you replace your regular arms with bionic ones? Let us know in the comments below.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

We recently posted the video above as part of one of our end of day links posts. We thought it was just a clever parody of the new Deus Ex, complete with comedy wrist-chisel take downs, yellow object outlines and a sly dig at Human Revolution's extensive web of pre-order bonuses. Now we learn from RPS that the video was in fact a trailer for a full Deus Ex mod, which is out now.

The mod gives JC some Adam Jensen style five o'clock shadow and a pair of AR goggles. Activating these casts the world in a black and gold sheen and outlines objects. The mod also adds iron sights to the assault rifle and fit JC with a pair of arm blades. You can download the mod now from ModDB. You'll need to install a custom DirectX 10 or OpenGL renderer first.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

The Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC, the Missing Link, has gotten a trailer and some screenshots. The trailer depicts Adam Jensen getting pretty badly beaten up by his captors, having apparently failed to save some civilians, while the screens include an extreme close up of a mysterious glowing red eye. We'll know more when the DLC arrives in October.

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
'Bad GameStop! Sell my game! Sell my game!'
The first DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution has now been confirmed, and will fill in the gap of Adam Jensen's three days off the grid during Human Revolution. Jensen has reportedly been tortured by Belltower and had his augs de-activated while aboard a cargo ship and must rebuild his skills from scratch and make new allies in order to escape.

Previously we brought you news of a mysterious code, which lead to an image with the caption 'The Missing Link' then some rumours of DLC. On friday Siliconera reported that a Dr Bob of the Eidos forums had spotted details of the DLC in the RSS feed for the Deus Ex website. That page has now gone live, with details of the The Missing Link DLC.

The page also claims the DLC will feature 'sprawling new environments' and 'new layers of conspiracy', it also asks us 'What is The Missing Link'? Suggesting the title is not merely a reference to the lost time in Human Revolution. Could it be hinting at some sort of connection with the original Deus Ex? Tell us what you think in the comments, but please, flag your spoilers, not everyone has finished the game yet.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex aug guide thumb
Usually the modern sequel to a classic PC game ends up simplifying it. Human Revolution, however, doubles the number of different augmentations you could give yourself in Deus Ex.

It also puts more of the burden of choice on you: you can install any augmentations you have the points for, rather than just the ones you’ve found the right canister for.

So until you know how they all work, it’s not easy to plan your character. You earn Praxis points, the level-up currency, quite slowly at first, and there are no refunds for choices you regret. So I’ll talk you through the best augs, what they do, and what kind of playing styles they suit.

Bear in mind that you earn Praxis points for accumulating a lot of experience, and you get more experience for some playstyles than others. Just shooting everyone until they die, for example, is the worst way to go. Yes, you get 10 points for each kill, but that’s in contrast to 100 for every alternate route and secret area you find. When you do take people down, doing it non-lethally and in one hit gets you the most experience. There’s an extra 250 in it for you if you complete your objective without setting off alarms, and a whopping 500 XP for doing your job without being seen at all.

1. Read minds

If you’re interested in the talky side of Deus Ex, get the Social Enhancer aug as early as possible. It’ll analyse a person’s brainwaves to give you a hint about their personality. If you start losing a heated argument, you can release pheromones and exploit your knowledge of their character to smoothtalk your way out of it. Even in normal conversations, you’ll get new dialogue options that lead to information or help it’s impossible to get otherwise.

2. X-ray vision

Whether you’re planning to go stealthy, violent or both, the Smart Vision aug is amazingly useful. It lets you line up a shot on an enemy’s head before he comes round the corner, or hide before he has a chance to spot you. It also highlights cameras, locked doors and computers – perfect for finding the nearest security console without blundering into every room. Then you can turn off cameras, bots and turrets, or take them over.

3. Stay mobile

Two augs are specially designed to get you into secret areas: Jump Enhancement and Lift Heavy Objects. Jump on top of big things, or move them out of your way. The difference is that Lift Heavy Objects only costs one Praxis point, and it also lets you throw stuff to knock people down. That makes it the better early choice. Get the Jump aug later if you like exploring: a few jumps can’t be made without it, and it’s good for getting out of danger.

4. Stab in stereo

Best aug in the game? Reflex Booster. It makes Jensen good enough in close combat that he can KO or kill two foes at once. It happens automatically, so he’ll sometimes kill a civilian as well as the guard you’re attacking, amusingly enough. It still only consumes one pip of energy, and the takedown animations are hilarious. It’s also a huge strategic asset: you can headshot one guard and melee another two in the same instant.

5. Charge up

There are two ways to upgrade the energy bar augs consume: more cells, or faster recharge. Faster recharge is much, much more useful. The default recharge time is agonisingly long, and having more cells doesn’t help much: the extra ones never regenerate automatically, so it’s only an advantage when you consume a giant jar of cyberboost. Those are rare and bulky. Just eat cyber-boost bars whenever you need more than one cell.

6. Skip boss fights

A few fights suck. Don’t suffer through them. Spend the three points it takes to get the Typhoon Explosive System aug and max out its damage. Don’t bother buying ammo at a LIMB clinic – you get one charge free, and you’ll find more lying around. Now you can run up to any boss in the game and release a swirl of explosives that will obliterate it. Some bosses take two hits, but those giant Box Guard droids only take one. And it looks badass.

7. Knock down walls

A one-point upgrade to your arm aug will let you smash down any weak points you find in walls around the levels. There are actually lots of these, if you look for them, and they’re incredibly satisfying to punch down. But be aware that the arm aug isn’t the only way to do it. Any frag explosive will knock them down too. Since wall-punching leaves you standing in the hole, it’s sometimes safer to blow them up from a distance.

8. Gain intelligence

There are many, many ways to upgrade the amount of information you get about where your enemies are and what they can see. One point will upgrade your map aug, doubling the radius your minimap detects enemies, and show even those you haven’t seen in real life yet. The Stealth Helper aug lets you see the radius of suspicious sounds you make. But more usefully, a one point upgrade shows enemy vision fields on your minimap. A huge help when sneaking.

9. Grant Immunity

A cheap upgrade most people will overlook is for your eyes: immunity to concussion grenades. Enemies don’t throw that many at you, but you find loads throughout the game, and they can send whole groups of enemies flying. Normally, your own concussion grenades will blind you even if you’re round a corner. With this upgrade, you can knock down a whole crowd of enemies right in front of you, and skewer or headshot them all before they can get up.

10. Hack more

There are four hacking augs, but forget about Hacking Analyse: you don’t need to know what’s in the nodes you capture. It’s worth upgrading Hacking Capture to level three as soon as you can: that’ll get you into most computers and locked doors in the first 15 hours of the game. You may find hacking gets hard on level three terminals – if you have two points to spare, Hacking Stealth will solve that. If you can only spare one, upgrade Hacking Fortify.

11. Hack smarter

Hacking is all about being ready for the moment you’re detected. When you click on a node, hover over the Capture option to see the chance you’ll be detected. If it’s more than 40%, assume it’ll happen. The trace program captures everything it can on its way to you, and adds points onto those nodes, making them slower for you to take. So when capturing risky nodes, capture everything else you can at the same time to get it before the enemy.

12. Hack harder

You can Fortify the nodes you’ve already taken, increasing the time limit you’ll have once you’re detected. The drawback is that Fortifying risks detection so don’t do it while you’re safe. The time to Fortify is when you’re capturing a risky node – again, anything over 40%. While that node captures, Fortify your starting node, and every other one between you and the enemy. You can do them all at once, and since you’re going to get caught anyway, why not?
PC Gamer
Deus Ex Human Revolution secret image
VG247 say that a the mysterious Deus Ex: Human Revolution code is leading to the announcement of new DLC for the critically acclaimed game. Their unnamed source also revealed that the DLC takes place over two days spent on a ship, with no communication or support for the player through the commlink. Players will also choose a new aug configuration, rather than importing a save file, which they speculate might mean you play as another character, maybe even original Deus Ex protagonist JC Denton. How this fits in with the previous hints regarding Ayers Rock in Australia is uncertain.

Haven't played the original game yet? Check out our Deus Ex: Human Revolution review to see just how amazing it is.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex wallpuncher
MCV are reporting that Deus Ex: Human Revolution was the second best selling game in the UK for August, second only to perennial chart topper Zumba Fitness. This would be impressive enough by itself, but the real twist is that Deus Ex was only on sale for two days during the tracking period. It still managed to outsell almost all the games that were on sale for the entire month.

Deus Ex is currently number one in the UK charts, having finally toppled the long dominant Zumba, if you want to know why, read our review.