Creativerse - DrEvil
Here's a quick follow up to fix a few things in yesterday's big update. Thanks to everyone who sent us feedback and reported issues!

  • World description now respects line breaks
  • Fixed direct connection not picking up some domain resolutions correctly
  • Fixed an edge case where world backup would hang if it shuts down in the middle of a backup
  • Increased QBit drop rate from treasure
  • Added rocket packs to treasure on lava and corruption layers
  • Disabled duplicate rocket pack items (t1 and t2)
  • Added coins as uncommon mob drops for night, cave, and corrupted enemies
  • Enabled iron and obsidian chests
  • Corrected some loot table references on encounter-specific mob variants
  • Removed arctek gauntlet dependency from Arc Vault craft unlock
  • Balanced / reduced craft costs for TNT and excavators. Grinding is no fun.
  • Moved Obsidian and Iron Chest crafts to Storage section from Furniture section
  • Removed log requirement from wood focus recipe (making it easier to craft)
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

At long last, The Definitive Edition of Creativerse is here!

This update is the culmination of 8 years of development and everything our players love about the game, all in a new pay-once-play-forever package. As we explained earlier this fall, we decided to pivot away from free-to-play in this new version that removes the Playful-hosted elements and puts the entire game into your hands.

This change allowed us to make things vastly more customizable for players. Want a world with infinite stamina, a 1 second timer on all processor materials, one-hit kills on all mobs, and holiday events turned on year-round? Done. Want under-the-hood options for managing a server, its players, and backups? You got it. In fact, if this pivot proves successful, we could add support for even wilder stuff like mods. And while multiplayer will now be up to players to host, there will still be a list of public worlds to join.

On top of this, we've added a ton of new content and improvements, overhauled the core progression loop, and added a new mailbox tool for sending messages to players in other worlds. There's also a bunch of new tools for managing your world and its players, including a separate web admin interface with a lot of neat extras.

Here are 2 important details you should know:

1. If you purchased either DLC or bought coins, this is a free update!

2. For the next 90 days, you'll be able to migrate all of your worlds from our servers. You can also migrate any worlds other players have whitelisted for download. Please download your worlds asap and back them up, as we won't be able to recover them once the deadline has passed!

Finally, for more details, check out our FAQ. And for an extensive dive into the ins and outs of this new version, check out the full guide.


The game is all-in-one - Creativerse now runs entirely on your computer!
  • Worlds are created and stored on your PC
    • Playful hosted worlds can be migrated to your PC
    • World templates are now hosted on and will be automatically downloaded as needed
    • The game automatically performs world backups at regular intervals
    • Local world data location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PlayfulCorp\CreativerseServer\worlddata\worlds
  • New main menu options
    • PLAY – opens the server browser, world creation form, and template viewer
    • MIGRATE – new tool for transferring Playful hosted worlds to your local machine
      • After you have migrated a world you need to switch back to the PLAY menu, go to the Local Servers tab and launch the world you have migrated
      • You will be able to migrate any worlds you own
      • You can also make your Playful hosted worlds available for others to migrate by editing the description to include “#migrationallowed”
  • New customization options when creating worlds
    • More than 2 dozen new world templates have been added
    • Choose your world template from a new template gallery viewer
    • Options to fine tune damage, gravity, stamina, ability cooldowns, spawn rates, claim costs, and more
    • Option to turn on holiday events
    • Additional options (e.g. timer and mining speeds) tweakable via config file in local world folder (config_world.json)
  • Multiplayer is now player hosted
    • Host your own custom worlds
    • Join worlds hosted by your Steam friends
    • Find public worlds to join via Steam’s server list
    • Note: hosting locally behind a LAN router requires port forwarding
    • More instructions can be found in our full guide
In-game store removed
  • Premium recipes are now unlocked via the crafting tree
  • Premium consumables (QBits, Rocket Fuel) are now earned via quest rewards, spawned treasure, and mob drops
  • Costumes can now be purchased with QBits in the character customization tool
  • Costumes and player customization are now world-bound instead of account-bound
  • All Creativerse Pro perks are enabled by default
Design improvements - Overall pass on player progression to streamline everything that’s been added over the years
  • New progression tiers
    • Wood, with new gauntlet
    • Stone, with new armor set
  • Streamlined crafting, recipes, and unlocks for most items
  • Quests have been simplified to reinforce but not compete with core progression
    • Existing badges and perks have been reassigned to the new streamlined quest line.
  • Combat stat rebalancing
    • Weapon, armor, mob HP, attack, damage, and explosive values have been fine-tuned
  • Loot rebalancing
    • Updated loot for all treasure chests, mob drops and ranching rewards
      • Includes newly-added unique loot tables for all variant mobs (e.g. Night Leafi, Corrupted Miru, etc.)
    • Mob loot includes a few new unique drops for updated recipes
    • Treasure and ranching loot have been updated
    • Premium consumables (Qbits, Rocket Fuel) are now obtained via loot tables
  • Updated mob spawn conditions to push biome identity, uniqueness, and utility
  • New mob variants to add life to under-served biomes and serve rebalanced recipes
    • Twiggy (daytime variant)
    • Truffl (Red, Brown, and Glowing)
    • Night and Corrupted Baby Leafi
    • Frosty Leafi
    • Snowfury (Dustevil's cold cousin)
    • Swamp Trog
    • Night Pebble
  • New weapons (found in treasure chests)
    • Fire sword
    • Ice sword
Mailbox - ability to send messages to other players who’ve joined a world
  • New mailbox item now available for sending messages to other players in a world
  • Craft and place on the ground to interact with messaging
  • Get the mailbox from the crafting list under Machines or search for it in the Creator menu
  • Privacy note: messages are not secure and are viewable by world owners via the web admin
Web admin interface - allows additional management for world owners
  • Allows player management in your world
  • Includes a map view with ability to view claims and pets by player
  • Ability to rollback world to an older backup
  • Options to customize the Qbit cost of costumes
  • To view admin tool, open this link in a browser while your world is running (world must be running on the same PC):
New blocks and items
  • Nearly 300 new blocks and items have added
  • Some are brand new, e.g. a new canvas set that is affected by both paint colors (search for "paint mix" by text)
  • Others fill in the gap of missing variants of existing blocks, e.g. slabs, slopes, stairs, columns, eighths, corners
  • All roofs now have a corresponding “full cube” version
  • New variants are created using the Processor via the following workflow:
    • Full blocks >
      • Slabs > Slices
      • Slopes, roofs, and stairs > Inner/outer corners
      • Columns > Quarter Rounds
Visual improvements
  • Re-rendering of all template map images—they are now 100% prettier!
  • Mask improvements for many blocks, e.g. snowflake glasses, plants
  • Some blocks have reduced visibility in the dark, e.g. holiday garland, industrial gear, industrial LED, some gingerbread blocks
  • All blocks now use both primary and secondary colors, e.g. death statue, goo cauldrons, gold blocks
  • Some blocks that were too dark or that caused nearby blocks to become darker (regardless of painting) have been tweaked not to “cast darkness” anymore, e.g. the hotel jabot, the wooden and clay planters, many doors
  • Some blocks that weren’t affected by artificial lights now either get affected properly, e.g the arc vault
  • Overall paint strength slightly lowered to be closer to the tone of the natural blocks (you can still go full neon with glowing paint)
  • Paint intensity has been further tweaked for more consistency when using the same paint, e.g. peakstone, dirt, grass sets
  • Glass block mask now allows painting in full
  • Option to remove blur filter for pixelated look [chat command? settings?)
    • Command: /pref texturefiltermode 0
    • Toggle off: /pref texturefiltermode 1
  • Additional tweaks to further improve block and item visuals
Additional improvements
  • Max view radius distance increased from 16 to 24 (note: may cause performance issues on older PCs)
  • Improved in-game player management tools
  • Improved world editing tools
  • Replaced world password with whitelisting system
  • Template picker and gallery showing the actual preview of the template/map
  • Multiplayer:
    • Ability to create direct connections to worlds that aren't announced in the lists
    • Ability to use domain names instead of IP addresses when creating direct connections
  • Web admin alpha features (aka very WIP):
    • Quest editing for creating custom quests
    • Reference tool with detailed info about all blocks and items
    • Procedurally generate very simple custom world templates
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

Update: we are delaying the new version a couple weeks for a bit more polish and bug fixes. We want your first impression of this new version to be as good as possible. ETA early December!

Big changes are coming to Creativerse!
The short version: next month, we're moving away from the free-to-play, Playful-hosted model to a pay-once, player-hosted version of Creativerse. This will allow us to give y'all a more customizable game that you have much more control over, and it will free up hosting costs that we can put toward future development. And if you've spent any money on the game, you will get this new version for free!

The long version: In the spring of 1862, a traveling theater troupe arrived on the outskirts of Cincinnati and...wait, that's maybe too long.

The less long version: More than 8 years ago, we debuted Creativerse as an early access game on Steam. Within a few months it had organically become a hit with YouTubers, getting featured by InTheLittleWood, Biffa, Slipg8r, Gronkh, and many others. It was the beginning of an amazing journey. Ever since, Creativerse has been a relatively successful game, maintaining a player base and a consistent monthly revenue most studios could only dream of.

Despite this, outside of one exception Creativerse has never been profitable. Its year over year costs always exceeded what it brought in. We spent years trying to solve this issue, and occasionally we'd see some promising spikes, but they never lasted.

That one exception? It was during the first 15 months of early access, when the game was not yet free to play. Going F2P was our plan from the get go—we were open about this and charged $20 upfront as a way to help fund the game during its first year or so. As it turned out, Creativerse's business model just worked better as a pay-once game.

Getting to the bottom of why F2P isn't a good fit for Creativerse is too complex for a "less long" version of the story. There are a lot of reasons. To keep it simple I'll focus on one: costs. They fall under 2 categories, development and live-ops. Development is the stuff you see in our patch notes—new features and content, bug fixes, improvements, fun stuff like that.

Live-ops is all the behind-the-scenes stuff we do to enable the game's built-in multiplayer. Our players have created hundreds of thousands of worlds over the years, and Playful hosts all of it. We pay to store that data, as well as run an API and server agents that spin up worlds when players join them, and a host of other services that do everything from logging errors to optimizing our server architecture. We also have to fix servers when they go down and keep up with changes to the way third-party services run things (something they're frequently doing). Also, because Creativerse is a free-to-play game, there’s even live-ops costs hidden in our development budget in the form of us spending time making content and features that keep monetization going, which eats into time we can spend on features that are equally cool but might have a less direct impact on paying the bills.

In other words, a big chunk of the game's budget goes toward live-ops. What if instead, we used that budget solely for development costs?

I want to take a moment to acknowledge that we haven't always been able to support Creativerse as much as we would have liked over the past few years. There have been times where y’all would be waiting for months or longer for an update. Our last update was over a year ago. I wish this weren't the case but riding out the pandemic and some big changes at the studio kept us from being able to focus on Creativerse the way we would have preferred.

This is why, starting last year, we began work on a new version of the game. And now, in 4 weeks, we will "re-release" Creativerse as a pay-once-play-forever game. It will run as a complete executable on your local PC, with the client, server, and data all in one package, and all the free-to-play elements removed (store, coins, etc). We will call it...

“Creativerse: The Definitive Edition”

Giving up the built-in multiplayer is a big sacrifice, but not having the costs and hassle of running it as a game-as-a-service will give us—and you—way more flexibility. Like, when the entire game runs on your machine and we don't have to worry about F2P? We can make nearly everything customizable. Want a world with infinite stamina, a 1 second timer on all processor materials, one-hit kills on all mobs, and holiday events turned on year-round? Done. Want under-the-hood options for managing a server, its players, and backups? You got it. In fact, if this pivot proves successful, we could add support for even wilder stuff like mods. Also, there will still be multiplayer and a list of public worlds to join in the game—it’ll just be up to players to set up and host.

The Definitive Edition launches on Nov 15, 2022. Here's what you need to know....

— It will retail for $24.99. HOWEVER, anyone who has spent any money on the game—whether DLC or coins or early access—will get it for free!

— If you haven't spent money on the game as of today, you have until the re-launch to purchase a now discounted Pro DLC that includes it (i.e. this is $10 cheaper than it will be after Nov 15).

— You will be able to download—or “migrate”—your own worlds from our servers for 90 days following the re-release. You can also whitelist any world you own so other players can migrate it.

— The new version will include:
  • A TON of new customization options
  • Tools for hosting your own multiplayer worlds
  • New and improved player progression path, with streamlined unlocks, recipes, quests, and premium consumables like Qbits and Costumes added to core gameplay rewards
  • More than 300 new blocks and items, new mob variants, a “mailbox” item for sending messages to other players in your world, improved admin tools for managing worlds, visual improvements, and more
We’ll be sharing more details over the next few weeks. In the meantime, please share your feedback with us here or on Discord!


UPDATE: here's the FAQ. If you have a question we missed, ask it in the forum post!

UPDATE #2: We won't be able to support Mac at launch. We're currently investigating the possibility of adding it back in a future update. Stay tuned!
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

UPDATE 1/7/22: We're extending the winter event until the end of January and turning back on Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign just to keep things interesting!

Seasons Greetings Creators!

Tis the season to spread cheer, and that’s exactly what celebrated toymaker Elfi had planned to do. But once again, Troggington the Abominable Snow Trog has stolen all of Elfi’s toys!

Creators, we need your help to retrieve those presents and save Elfi’s Wonderland. Utilize Trog Traps, which are found in snowy biomes, as well as daily login treasure chests, to capture Troggington and his minions. Win back those presents, then return them to Elfi in exchange for a reward of your choice. Elfi has an entire catalog of festive items and recipes to collect!

During the event, we will be celebrating holiday screenshots from this year and years past as in-game loading screens. Submit your photo: upload it to Artwork and don't forget to use the creative cam, which you can bring up in-game with the tilde key (~), aka the backtick key (`). See Shiva's guide for more help.

Happy Holidays!
<3 Playful
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

UPDATE: Due to popular request we're extending Pumpkiru's campaign by 2 weeks. Let there be candy!

Things are about to get spooky...because Pumpkiru’s Candy Campaign is back! Once again, the time has come for you to help the Great Pumpkiru fight off the ghastly hordes, recover their stolen candy, and trade them in for Halloween-themed recipes and costumes.

To participate, be sure to collect daily login rewards on the main menu to earn candy and idols. Place the idols to trigger pulse-pounding combat events that you can tackle solo or with friends. Complete them to earn higher-level idols and more candy. Then find the Great Pumpkiru in your world and trade candy for frighteningly cool costumes, creepy consumables, and a trove of haunted recipes.

During the event, we will be celebrating spooky screenshots from this year and years past as in-game loading screens. To have your shot considered, upload it to Artwork (not Screenshots oddly) and don't forget to use the creative cam, which you can bring up in-game with the tilde key (~), aka the backtick key (`). See Shiva's guide for more help.

Trick or treat, Creators!
Aug 18, 2021
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
The people have spoken!

Team Night overwhelmingly won with nearly twice as many unique entries as Team Morning. Last month, we promised this event would determine the people’s definitive choice for the superior position of the sun. Now that the results are in, what do they mean? What are the implications of #TeamNight’s victory? Who invented liquid soap and why??

All good questions...that will remain unanswered. We’re leaving it open to your own interpretation!

In the meantime, everyone who participated in the contest is automatically a winner! Y’all should have a bundle for 5 Qbits and 5 Villagers in your inventory.

We promised TEN of you would win a bonus prize for submitting our favorite screenshots. In a twist that will surprise no one, we decided to expand our bonus prizes to FIFTEEN recipients. There were just too many good ones to resist!

Without further ado, congrats to the winners…

Team Night

TwiztedMonkey - Guarding the gates

Team Morning

$3M - Castle


Congratulations to the winners, who now have the rare and elusive Trophy Gauntlets (including Gold, Silver, and Bronze) and—before the end of the day—will have 300 extra coins. Look to see their shots in a loading screen near you. And thanks to everyone who participated! As usual this was a lot of fun!

(If you have any issues or didn't see the prizes show up, email and Entuland will look into it).

--PlayfulDavid ːgolemyayː

Full disclosure: I participated and voted for #TeamNight. Even if you remove my entry, Team Night still wins by a mile.

Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

Hello Creators!!

Work is still underway on one of our biggest updates yet. I can’t wait to share more details with you next month!

In the meantime, we have a question for you…

Are you a morning person or a night person?

I’m gonna be honest. I never knew how to answer that question. Are you talking about when I’m most likely to be awake? Productive? Susceptible to bad decisions?

While the morning / night person question may not be a good prompt for chit chat, it’s a great one for a Creativerse build-off! And we’re gonna make it interesting: we will be declaring a winner in the battle of Morning People vs. Night People based on the number of entries received. Only one team can win. Will you be #TeamMorning or #TeamNight? I wanna see a real battle for the soul of our earth’s rotation around its vertical axis.

Here’s how it’ll work...

Like our last contest, this one asks you to answer a question about yourself with a screenshot from Creativerse: are you a morning person or a night person?

The way you chose to answer that question is up to you. There are no wrong answers. You don’t even have to explain yourself. Just include #TeamMorning or #TeamNight in the description field (or title) of your submission on our Steam Artwork hub. We’ll let Entuland’s script that sniffs out hashtags, and with it the cold, unimpeachable voice of your collective raw data, take it from there. We will determine once and for all the people’s choice for the superior position of the sun!

Who will win? Night people? Morning people? Frankly the stakes have never been higher.

Regardless of which team wins, everyone who participates will be rewarded with 5 Qbits and 5 Villagers. And ten of you who post our favorite screenshots (criteria defined below) will receive a bonus prize: 300 coins and the rare, elusive Trophy Gauntlet set. That’s 3 custom gauntlet skins—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—not available in the store.

Good luck, humanity!

–PlayfulDavid ːgolemyayː


Duration: now through August 16, 2021 at noon Central US time.

  • Post your screenshot in Artwork on our Steam hub
  • Include either #TeamMorning or #TeamNight in the description or title
  • (Optional) Add a Workshop link to any blueprints shown, if applicable

How to screenshot:
  • The tilde key (~) -- aka the BackTick key (`) -- will bring up the Creative Cam
  • (Optional) Use the onscreen tools to customize the look
  • Press F to save a screenshot to your desktop
  • For more help, see Shiva’s guide

  • All participants: pack of 5 Qbits and 5 Programmable Villagers
  • Ten prize winners (5 for #TeamMorning and 5 for #TeamNight): 300 coins, and the Trophy Gauntlet set, including Gold, Silver, and Bronze

Prize winner criteria:
  • Scale and epicness of build or “found” shot
  • Uniqueness and variety of blocks/items in shot
  • Creative Camera tool mastery (e.g. just the right amount of fog and bloom)

  • The screenshot must feature original work created by you
  • UNLESS: it’s a shot of something found in your default world template
  • This includes any blueprints used in the shot
  • You can enter multiple times...but only win once
  • Mods and Playful employees are welcome to participate but ineligible to be one of the 10 bonus prize winners.

Winners will be announced (and prizes awarded) on or before August 20, 2021.

Final thoughts:
Seriously y’all, thanks in advance for participating! These are a ton of fun. And this time we’ll obtain the people’s definitive, legally-binding, epoch-defining answer to an extremely important question!!

P.S. Our lawyer asked us to clarify that the previous sentence was a joke. To which we laughed maniacally for eleven uninterrupted minutes. But seriously, we’re joking. Including the part about talking to a lawyer.

Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

Hello Creators!

If you’re in the northern hemisphere, happy summer! If you’re in the southern hemisphere, happy winter!

Regardless of where you are, we have a small but fun pirate-themed update for you! There's a new costume: the Captain No Beard pirate outfit, available in the store. There’s also a couple of new ship wood blocks available in the crafting and creator menus (type"ship" in the search bar to find them).

As a reward to all of you wonderful Creators, we have a promo code to receive 25 Qbits for free! Enter the code YARRR in the store to claim it. We hope you can put them to good use and build something nice. Perhaps one of the many majestic ships found in our workshop to go with your new pirate outfit?

This is a smaller update, and I want to acknowledge that it’s been a while since Creativerse had a substantial update. But I have good news: work is underway on our biggest series of updates yet. I can’t say just yet what they’ll be, but the team is really excited and we can’t wait to share more with you soon!

--PlayfulDavid ːgolemyayː

New Costumes
  • Captain No-Beard
New Craftable Blocks and Items
  • Ship Wood
  • Decorative Ship Wood
  • Ship Wood Slope
  • Ship Wood Outer Corner
  • Ship Wood Inner Corner
  • Sail Slab Plain
  • Sail Slab Corner
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

These entries were so good.

Last month, we asked you to tell us whether you were an indoor or outdoor person, and you rose to the occasion by submitting some of our favorite Creativerse screenshots ever. It’s always hard to pick the winners, but this one was especially challenging.

As it turns out, a lot of you are outside people. In fact, there were so many outside entries that we quickly realized we couldn’t do justice to the build-off without adding a third category: Found Shots. These are outdoor shots that were cool but mostly untouched from the original world template.

That makes a total of 15 winners: 5 outdoor shots, 5 indoor shots, and 5 found outdoors shots. Here they are...


Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Seriously, I had to do a double take with this one. "Is that actually Creativerse?" It is. It's also a masterclass in building, shot composition, and use of color.

Mordred came in 2nd for most entries submitted (congrats A1WEND1L for 1st), but that's cool -- we enjoyed every one of them. Especially this glorious shot from their series paying homage to Quentin Tarantino.

I have no idea what otherworldly wizardry Sir Marvin and his friends get up to, but whatever it is, I would like to know more dot gif. RSoM LuckySheep can play the creative cam like Miles Davis played the trumpet.

I've seen a lot of castle builds over the years, so it takes a lot to raise my eyebrow at another one, but I love the framing here, as well as the seamless blending with a mountain. The design is cool, and all that reinforced iron makes me feel like I'd have a fighting chance against a horde of invading Things.

The mix of intimate detail and grand scale in this one is magical: the way the horizon draws the eye inward, from the detailed outer edges to the vast horizon that shrinks to a teeny dot in a rule of thirds sweet spot...chef's kiss


omarajbere31766 - Inside the Cave of Wonders

This one is deceptively simple, but I love the use of color. I also love omarajbere's intriguing description: "Take a cave or cavern. Place all different styles of lights about it and put a lot of ice or snow on the ceiling and alternately throw fire bombs and freeze bombs at it and see what happens." What happens!? I must know!

єäяєɴd3ℓ - Salon Fantaisie

єäяєɴd3ℓ submitted a whole bunch of amazing shots, but I love the in-game items to arc sign pixel art ratio in this. I also want to go to there. You can build it yourself with this awesome blueprint.

AlexStudio - Дося in home

This is like a really well done selfie but in Creativerse. I feel like I know a lot about this character that AlexStudio's created. Actually scratch that, all I know is they have good taste and an enigmatic energy that intrigues me.

I've always been skeptical of the border effect in the creative cam (which sometimes looks like what I call "ugly borderlands") but this has convinced me it can be great. The lighting, block choices, and filters all come together for a really cozy but unique interior. Build it yourself with this blueprint.

Hororogoro - In the Library

The FOV slider in the creative cam can get pretty crazy, but this is the perfect use of sliding it up to 11. There's so much detail packed in, and the edges are far enough away that they don't look super warped. This looks like a nice place to feel guilty about not reading a book while I browse my phone.

Outside (Found)

If you've ever tried to capture an action shot of other players doing cool stuff (or in my case, footage for the game's trailer captured from 3 computers using both hands and my foot), you know how hard it can be. Epic shot!

I like this one a lot. I almost didn't pick it because...well, it's a visual glitch. But Entuland convinced me: "Clever play of the 'inside' part of the theme, this is a shot taken from inside the terrain, exploiting the see-through when you are looking at textures from the 'wrong end.'" Also it looks cool.

I can totally see Leafi in there. From the description: "There are two rivers coming out of his eye's like tears so I called them Leafi Tear River." Packaging a fun idea along with a striking shot makes this landscape pic a winner.

It's a great shot of a great spot in a great game. I love it!

The technical limitations of the game's draw distance sometimes distracts from an otherwise great shot (speaking of which, we're looking at adding fog to obscure the jagged edges of unloaded chunks). This shot, however, uses that limitation to its benefit, making the world look like it's a tiny planet you could circumnavigate on a day hike.


Congratulations to the winners, who now have the rare and elusive Trophy Gauntlets (including Gold, Silver, and Bronze). Look to see their shots in a loading screen near you.

Thanks to everyone who participated! This was a lot of fun, and don’t forget: if you submitted something, you'll find a handful of Qbits waiting for you in your inventory! Go buy yourself a nice blueprint kit.

--PlayfulDavid ːgolemyayː
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid

There are 2 kinds of people in the world...

Indoor people and outdoor people!

Are you more of an indoor person? Do you like organizing your spaces with just the right combination of decor and color and making everything super cozy and chill...then spending the afternoon by the fire? Or do you prefer to be outdoors, exploring, adventuring far out into the horizon, slaying ferocious beasts, and/or building something epic?

Maybe you’re a little bit of both.

But deep down, everyone leans one way or the other.

So look deep inside yourself, find out which way you lean, and show us who you are!

Specifically, post a screenshot of something you’ve made that is either an interior shot or an exterior shot. Or, if you found a particularly interesting, untouched spot in your world, fire up the Creative Camera (instructions below) and make the shot yours.

Post your screenshot on our Steam’s Artwork hub with the hashtag #insideoutside before the deadline, and we’ll reward you with a pack of 5 Qbits just for participating!

And ten participants will be chosen as winners, receiving as bonus prizes: 1) 300 coins, and 2) the rare, elusive Trophy Gauntlet set, featuring Gold, Silver, and Bronze variants (these are not available in the store).

P.S. we’ll be adding your entries to the in-game loading screens throughout the event!


Duration: now through June 6, 2021 at 11:59pm CT

  • Post your screenshot in Artwork on our Steam hub
  • Include “#insideoutside” in the description
  • Tells us in the description whether it’s an indoor or outdoor shot
  • (Optional) Add a Workshop link to the build’s blueprint if applicable
How to screenshot:
  • The tilde key (~) -- aka the BackTick key (`) -- will bring up the Creative Cam
  • (Optional) Use the onscreen tools to customize the look
  • Press F to save a screenshot to your desktop
  • For more help, see Shiva’s guide
  • All participants: pack of 5 Qbits
  • Ten prize winners: Trophy Gauntlet set (including Gold, Silver, and Bronze), and 300 coins
    • Indoor shots: 5 winners
    • Outdoor shots: 5 winners
Prize winner criteria:
  • Scale and epicness of build or “found” shot
  • Uniqueness and variety of blocks/items in shot
  • Creative Camera tool mastery (e.g. just the right amount of fog and bloom)
  • The screenshot must feature original work created by you
    • UNLESS: it’s a shot of something found in your default world template
    • This includes any blueprints used in the shot
  • You can enter multiple times...but only win once
  • Mods and Playful employees are welcome to participate!...but ineligible to be one of the 10 Trophy Gauntlet winners
Winners will be announced (and Qbits rewarded) on June 7, 2021

Good luck!
