Crazy Machines 2 - ImALittleBear
Hi everyone!

We're aware of an issue where our new Anniversary Edition DLC for Crazy Machines 2 is not showing up in the store page. You can use the following link below in the mean time to purchase the DLC. We have reached out to Steam regarding this issue and I will update everyone when it gets resolved.
Crazy Machines 2 - sailorbear510
Hi everyone!

We're aware of an issue where our new Anniversary Edition DLC for Crazy Machines 2 is not showing up in the store page. You can use the following link below in the mean time to purchase the DLC. We have reached out to Steam regarding this issue and I will update everyone when it gets resolved.
Crazy Machines 2 - ImALittleBear
Dear Fans,

We are happy to annouce that Trading Cards, as requested by you, the fans has been made a reality. You can view these cards in the badges section. In addition, we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Crazy Machines with a special "Anniversary Edition" DLC that is also on sale for a limited time.

Finally, all of the Crazy Machines series have a nice discount on them as part of the Steam week-long sale promotion. We hope you enjoy these games as well.

Thank you fans for making Crazy Machines a popular, well known title in the "Contraption" genre of games!

Jason Carver
Community Moderator at Encore Software / Viva Media
Crazy Machines 2 - sailorbear510
Dear Fans,

We are happy to annouce that Trading Cards, as requested by you, the fans has been made a reality. You can view these cards in the badges section. In addition, we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Crazy Machines with a special "Anniversary Edition" DLC that is also on sale for a limited time.

Finally, all of the Crazy Machines series have a nice discount on them as part of the Steam week-long sale promotion. We hope you enjoy these games as well.

Thank you fans for making Crazy Machines a popular, well known title in the "Contraption" genre of games!

Jason Carver
Community Moderator at Encore Software / Viva Media
Crazy Machines: Golden Gears - ImALittleBear
Hi everyone,

The previous issues with the ability to download and share levels have been fixed. If you are continuing to have issues please post on the forums or email me at and I'd be more then willing to pass on this issue to our QA Team.

Happy Gaming! :)

-Jason C
Crazy Machines: Golden Gears - sailorbear510
Hi everyone,

The previous issues with the ability to download and share levels have been fixed. If you are continuing to have issues please post on the forums or email me at and I'd be more then willing to pass on this issue to our QA Team.

Happy Gaming! :)

-Jason C
Crazy Machines: Golden Gears - ImALittleBear
Hey everyone,

Looks like we're having issues with the server that's allowing users to share and download levels on Golden Gears. The issue has been verified with the developer and our QA Team and we are working to correct the issue. Once this is fixed I will let you all know. Sorry about this incident and thank you for your patience.

-Jason C
Crazy Machines: Golden Gears - sailorbear510
Hey everyone,

Looks like we're having issues with the server that's allowing users to share and download levels on Golden Gears. The issue has been verified with the developer and our QA Team and we are working to correct the issue. Once this is fixed I will let you all know. Sorry about this incident and thank you for your patience.

-Jason C
Crazy Machines 2 - ImALittleBear
We are looking for seasoned beta testers to test an upcoming release in Crazy Machines 2. I can't tell you what it is just yet but we need some testers.

In order to test you must have a significant amount of playtime on the Crazy Machines 2 game and beta testing experience is suggested.

If you feel like you may be a fit candidate for the beta test please send the following details to

1. A screenshot of your total playing time on Crazy Machines 2

2. Your Steam profile name (also provide your login name but please don't put in your password)

3. An explanation why you love the Crazy Machines 2 game

4. How you think you can shape the future of this game.

Please note, all submissions to my email address is not a guarantee for acceptance in the beta test. I screen applicants carefully and will choose accordingly.
Crazy Machines 2 - ImALittleBear
Dear Gamers,

If you have a moment, please visit the Crazy Machines 2 forums and check out the feature request and bug fix request thread and let us know what you think should be improved in future versions of the program and or updates. You can post as many suggestions as you like , so thank you in advance for your thoughts.
