Craft The World - Bytebreaker
Craft The World - Bytebreaker

Attention! To view all changes and improvements you may need to restart the game world.

  • New items and structures have been added: a drawbridge - will help to quickly block the passage in case of danger, a club with nails - an improved version of a regular club, a food stall - automatically replenished with dishes and products from the warehouse to ensure uninterrupted food supply; several decorative elements and lamps to decorate the shelter and increase comfort; small figurines that dwarves can carry with them for small buffs; elixir of knowledge for pumping up a random skill; improved ladder and wooden trap.
  • A new tree and bush with berries have been added to the forest world.
  • Added 6 new Pandora's Chest events related to changing the time of the wave of monsters, temporary buffs of dwarves and various traps.
  • Some errors from previous events have been corrected: the appearance of Pandora's chest on top of the pyramids is prohibited; sometimes a block of infinite ore did not appear when the corresponding event occurred; in the underworld flying octopuses could build nests on the island of a chest; after the discovery of the technology its items were not available for crafting.
  • The AI of dwarves has been improved in cases of block replacement tasks, fixed dwarves getting stuck in some situations.
  • Added the ability to play biomes alone by disabling the PvP and Co-op checkboxes.
  • Reaching the next level has been slightly slowed down for the early stages of the game.
  • Improved pathfinding for imps.
  • Fixed: portals created by a spell could close spontaneously.
  • Fixed the display of context menu action items when clicking on a block for harvesting underground.
  • Improvement of some interface elements including the technology tree for low resolutions and button logic.
  • Added loot drops when monsters die from a flamethrower turret.
  • Fixed some cases of game crashes.
  • Many other small fixes and improvements.

DLC Heroes
  • Changed the skill of the hero Demeter from a swimmer to a hunter.
  • The death of heroes under water is excluded.
  • Fixed the inability to attack with Ulvards when controlled directly.
  • Chance to drop the head of a hero statue from the wyvern has been removed.

DLC Bosses and Monsters
  • Added additional animations for the Sphinx.
  • Mining machines now activate goblin colonies.
  • Added 2 additional books for technology research.

DLC Grottoes
  • Fixed: the elf was destroying the dwarves' buildings on the way.
Dec 18, 2023
Craft The World - Bytebreaker

The Invasion DLC adds a battle for the planet with a hostile alien race to the game.

The player can call for a giant spaceship to appear in orbit, which will send well-armed troops to the surface over and over again.

DLC details:
  • Underground alien bases with new mobs and resources.
  • New weaponry and construction technologies based on alien structures and mechanisms.
  • A conflict between ecosystems of two worlds hostile to each other and contamination of the earth and its resources.
Craft The World - Bytebreaker
May the force be with you, friends!

Very happy to present to you some gameplay moments from the new DLC Invasion.

Nov 22, 2023
Craft The World - Annieway
Craft The World - Annieway
Which of these monsters do you most want to kill?

Nov 16, 2023
Craft The World - Annieway
The sale does not end!
Now the DLC "Sisters in Arms" can be purchased with a 60% discount!
Nov 9, 2023
Craft The World - Annieway
75% discount on the game!
Hurry up to purchase Craft The World at a very competitive price!
Oct 17, 2023
Craft The World - Annieway
New armor and weapon!
What else would a dwarf want for complete happiness?
Unless... mug of beer?

The development of a new DLC is in full swing!

Craft The World - Annieway
Another hint about what will be in the new DLC!

Is this mechanism dangerous, neutral or kind? What do you think?
