Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 11/15/2013

- Reduced fade to black time to 0.3s to better hide enemy movement when playing with "mp_forcecamera 2".
- Buy Time now lasts the entire Warmup period.
- Fixed the Defuse Kit making a pickup sound that everyone could hear when walking over it.
- In official competitive mode players now accumulate end of round money even if they are disconnected at the moment when end of round money is awarded to their teammates.
- In official competitive mode players who disconnect from the game server while alive are treated as having committed suicide and don't receive end of round money for that round.


- Mirage improvements based on pro feedback
-- Raised skybox ceiling around T spawn
-- Rebuilt red building in T spawn to give more room for grenade throws
-- Fixed a bug where Ts could see into Bombsite A without exposing themselves
-- Added collision on tall box near CT stairs to prevent players getting onto it
-- Fixed a bug where a player could get onto boxes near ladder room alone
-- Added wider cover in mid, T side
-- Made CT sniper window in mid taller
-- Removed gaps where players could see through scaffolding in Bombsite A
-- Fixed various spots where you could see through crates in Bombsite A
-- Made it possible to shoot through a crate in Bombsite A
-- Smoothed out movement inside Palace
-- Added wider windows in Bombsite B apartment
-- Fixed a bug where a player could stand on the wall outside B apartment
-- Removed dark door underneath Bombsite B apartment
-- Added pretty flowers

- Nuke
-- Fixed invisible I-beam collision in hut/lobby

- Inferno
-- Made railings on balcony near Bombsite A and CT spawn easier to see through

- Fixed the overhead Freeze Time icons not updating frequently enough to catch certain equipment changes.
- Fixed the Freeze/Invuln Time color correction being wrong if the Invuln Time was shorter than the Freeze Time length.
- Fixed Achievement icons not appearing when it displayed Achievements earned in the previous round.
- Fixed map selection button becoming inactive when Workshop maps are being updated.
- Added Inventory error message when Steam cannot access your items.
- Added item image to Delete Item confirmation.
- Contracts
-- Fixed not auto-scrolling away from a blank item list.
-- Fixed being able to submit without signing.
-- Fixed signatures being offset from the mouse cursor.

- Reduced duration of red player damage effect.
- In GOTV the kill camera now orients so both the killer and victim are visible.
- Fixed spectator navtext no longer wrapping.

- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Menus, Overview Map, Graphs, etc. now work when the demo is paused.
-- Improved seeking with less particle effect, sound, and HUD spew.
-- Demo Timescale slider now goes up to 10x.
-- Added buttons to directly set demo timescale to 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 4x speeds.
-- Fixed Stats Graph round columns not resetting correctly when rewinding a demo.
-- Removed demoui2.
- Fixed color of weapon names not matching the actual rarity of the weapon.

- Added server convar sv_matchend_drops_enabled for suppressing item drops at the end of tournament matches, play time is still accumulated by players and items will be awarded at the next opportunity.
- Using the game_round_end to force a specific winner now consistently increments the round number (you must still use the game_score entity to set the appropriate team score).
- Fixed a case where CT coaches would get locked into 3rd person.

- Cached inventory icons are regenerated if Texture/Shader Detail is increased using the Options menu.

- Updated the version of for Linux dedicated servers to require Glibc 2.11.
- Linux dedicated servers now upload core dumps out-of-process and more reliably.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 11/6/2013

- Changed C4 planting sounds based on pro feedback. When planting the bomb, it plays an initialization sound that everyone can hear, but ONLY the player planting will hear the code typing sounds. This makes fake planting possible (similar to fake diffusing as a CT).
- All items now follow the same pick up sound rules (grenades, C4, weapons, defuse kits, etc):
-- If a player picks up an item while running, it plays a pickup sound that everyone can hear.
-- If a player picks up an item while moving silently, it plays a subtle pickup sound to ONLY the player picking it up.
- Weapons, grenades, and remaining money are now displayed as icons above player heads during freezetime. (Thanks R-arcHoniC)
- Fixed overhead teammate arrows not showing up in some cases.
- Fixed automatic observer target selection failing to find a controllable bot when a player was killed.

- Cache:
-- Fixed lighting on prop in CT spawn.
-- Fixed buggy wallbangs at A main and B halls.
-- Fixed issue with dropping bomb behind spools in mid warehouse.
- Mirage:
-- Increased size of Bombsite A plant area.
-- Opened up skybox in T spawn.
-- Improvements to visibility throughout the map. (Thanks andzie!)
-- General optimizations.
-- Smoothed out movement in Bombsite B.

- Added ability to link your Steam account to account.
- Added Link to button in Watch tab.
- Added more stats to the Spectator Graphs: Average Damage per Round, Headshot Percentage, Total Cash Earned.
- Fixed uncased knives with no finish displaying incorrectly in the GOTV and Demo UI.
- Fixed spectator weapon panel staying visible when switching to Roam camera.
- Fixed player panel appearing behind graphs.

- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Seeking backward no longer reloads the map.
-- Can now seek to next/previous round start or player death.

- Fixed x-ray rules for coaches.
- Players can now become coaches during freezetime in addition to warmup.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 10/30/2013

- Spectating and dead players can now view a series of graphs displaying player/team statistics over time. Graphs are bound to lastinv (q, by default).
- Fixed Avatars being overly bright for the selected player.
- When a player is damaged, their outline is filled with a flashing red 'damage amount' indicator.

- Adjusted the de_nuke B site particles a bit to make it sort correctly with smoke grenade smoke.

- Added experimental support for coaches, which are effectively permanently dead teammates. To enable, set sv_coaching_enabled 1. To coach a team, type either 'coach t' or 'coach ct'.
- Added concommands mp_pause_match and mp_unpause_match which will flag the match to pause indefinitely during freeze time and cancel the pause, respectively.

- Added detection of the case when a client downloads the latest version of a game update and becomes unable to reconnect to their ongoing competitive match on an older game server version. Minimal competitive matchmaking cooldowns will be assigned in this case, and will not increment client's competitive offense level.
- Added server convar sv_force_transmit_players to allow networking player entities to all clients.
- Money of dead players will now more reliably network to teammates at round end instead of waiting until round restart.
- Fixed item icon cache retaining cached icons for items that you no longer own. Should reduce disk usage significantly for frequent traders.
- Fixed the death notice text sometimes getting truncated (and skipping the victim names).
- Fixed two hardcoded UI elements - they now properly use localized tokens.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 10/23/2013

- Added eye shielding animation to players blinded by flashbangs.
- Fixed respawning in Deathmatch sometimes choosing a spawn point visible to players when more ideal positions were available.
- Fixed a bug in Deathmatch that could create weapons on the ground if a player spammed his "buy" key immediately upon respawn.

- Added changeable, preset camera positions for all shipped maps that are activated by selecting a player with SHIFT + 0-9 while spectating. (see for more info)
- Target players now glow white when viewing from a spectator camera in ROAMING mode.
- When spectating in ROAMING mode, we now draw a subtle Aiming Vector Line that shows each player’s aiming direction.
- Dropped C4 now glows for spectators (yellow = dropped, flashing red = planted, green = defused).
- Added more UI during freeze time to display player money, spent money that round, and kills/assists/deaths.
- Improved armor icons in spectator panels.
- Fixed recoil not being applied in GOTV and replays.
- Fixed UI weapon image sometimes being blank in GOTV.
- StatTrak now displays correct number of kills in GOTV and replays.
- Reenabled the spec_goto command and fixed it not working properly if called from a key bind.
- Moved the autodirector toggle key from “+speed” to “radio3” (from SHIFT key to the C key by default).
- Streams tab now includes 6 live streams.

- Scope lines now blur out completely to better match the weapon's current inaccuracy.
- Improved Fiveseven viewmodel animation
- Improved Tec-9 viewmodel animation
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 10/17/2013

- de_nuke: Decreased fog

- Added Streams tab to Watch menu.
- Friends rich presence now also includes the map if they are reviewing a match from their Match History.
- Fixed being able to invite and message yourself in the Watch menu scoreboard.
- Fixed hitches that would happen when updating match data in Watch menu.
- Reduced memory footprint of Inventory menu.
- Added warning that will show when you have have a corrupt download from Your Games tab.

- Players in a match can now see the number of GOTV spectators in the scoreboard.
- Added spectator count display to top live Competitive matches.
- Added support for GOTV relays to allow a much large number of spectators for top live Competitive matches.
- Added convar tv_maxclients_relayreserved which allows reserving a certain number of slots from tv_maxclients for GOTV relays.
- Added convar tv_dispatchweight which allows better control of load balancing in relay chains, defaults to 1.25 which for every 4 local spectators will send 5 spectators to each connected relay.
- Fixed empty GOTV spectator chat messages.

- Fixed a crash on startup
- Fixed not being able to equip the default weapon into a loadout slot that previously contained a decorated weapon.
- Improved decorated weapon material compositing to prevent dark patches on some weapons with clean exterior.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 10/10/2013

- Improved grenade physics interaction with player models. Grenades bounce off player hitboxes instead of the overall player bounding volume.
- Improved bomb-planting player animation to prevent unintentionally standing when the plant completes. (Thanks Friberg!).
- Re-added support for alternate firing accuracy. This effectively buffs burst fire on the glock and the famas.

- Fixed minor bugs in cs_siege and de_ruins.

- Added the WATCH menu
-- Watch live, in-progress matches played by highly-ranked CS:GO players
-- Access your match history and review the scoreboard for your previous matches
-- Download and watch any of your recent matches.
-- Select 'GOTV Theater' to watch a continuous stream of live matches.
- Pausing/disabling of the GOTV autodirector has been reverted to the old behavior.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to see the other team's weapons in a competitive game via the spectator menu if you were the last person to die on your team.
- Fixed a case where spectator weapon panel would be missing the weapon in GOTV and demos.
- Fixed a case where the code version of the weapon name would show up in the freeze panel.
- Fixed the Team Value numbers not switching properly after halftime in GOTV or demo playback.
- The bomb icon is now colored in the spectator view so it's more visible.

- Fixed "Bad sequence in GetSequenceName" viewmodel console warnings.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 10/4/2013

-Updated with bugfixes.

-Updated the spectator UI
--Spectator UI shows all weapons that a player has equipped instead of just the grenades and currently equipped.
--Moved the armor icons off of the player avatar and updated icon placements.
--Added Team Round Value display when spectating that shows the current equipment value of the alive members of a team versus the other team.
-Updated map selector UI to show more maps on a single page.
-Fixed usp-s and m4a1-s icons not showing up in the spectator hud.
-If the max rounds is set to > 999, it will display in the spectator UI as "--".
-Fixed weapon icons being scaled improperly in the team scoreboard in Arms Race Mode.

-Grenades no longer bounce off chickens.
-Fixed a money exploit in official competitive matchmaking.
-Fixed potential issue where round backups could incorrectly restore some players as dead.
-Fixed round backups not correctly restoring StatTrak knives for players.
-Fixed a bug downloading workshop maps with Steam set to a non-English language.
-Fixed additional memory leaks.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 9/25/13

-Added Competitive Scorecard to the Official Competitive match end scoreboard if the user owns an Operation Bravo Coin. (Previously only visible in the Operation Bravo Coin tooltip).

-Suiciding now results in 0 cash awarded for the round.
-Player acceleration is now determined by the player's active weapon max speed.

-Fixed bugs in Gwalior, Cache, Ali, Seaside and Agency.

-Fixed stock items not displaying possessive information in the freeze panel.
-Fixed some water material fallbacks to not reflect the 2d skybox which caused bad reflections with low shader settings.
-Fixed squished weapon kill icons on Mac.
-Fixed the highest quality items in a Collection failing to be filtered out of the Trade Up Contract interface.
-Fixed a memory leak in client code that also caused performance drops during long gameplay sessions.
-New decorated weapon added to the Assault Collection.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 9/19/2013

- Added Operation Bravo Pass for access to Workshop maps in Deathmatch, Casual and Competitive. Visit for details!

- Fixed the buy menu not allowing players to buy a helmet+vest when they had a vest but not enough to buy the helmet+vest.

- Inferno
-- Removed flowerpots on balcony near Mid.
-- Blocked visibility through haycart at Banana.
-- Blocked visibility through sandbags in Banana.
-- Blocked one way visibility through yellow car in Banana.

- Mirage
-- Tweaked cover in Bombsite A.
-- Removed trashcan near connector into Bombsite A.
-- Added cover at top of CT stairs into Bombsite A.
-- Widened box near T tunnel into Bombsite A.
-- Blocked visibility under the van at Bombsite B.
-- Removed the red pushcart near Bombsite B.
-- Removed bed in apartments near Bombsite B.
-- Removed center divider in CT sniper window.
-- Added cover inside Palace.
-- Removed scaffolding in alley near Apartments, tweaked skybox volume.
-- Removed chairs in Underpass.

- Fixed vest and helmet+vest armor costs in the buy menu.
- Fixed flashbang grenade overlap bug in the UI.
- The "flashed" icon no longer shows up when the cl_draw_only_deathnotices is set.
- Fixed missing localization text for status of players playing the Weapons Course.
- Increased resolution of death message weapons icons.

- Replaced "Arms Deal Collection Contract" with "Trade Up Contract" that can be used with weapons from any Collection.
- Holstered weapons now correctly show their silenced/unsilenced state.
- Fixed expired Operation Payback Passes not being redeemable for Operation Payback Coin.

- Fixed a community server crash in certain Deathmatch mode settings.
- Fixed a community server file transfer exploit.
- Custom map scenario text files can now contain "RULESHERE" as the very first thing in the text which will get replaced by the game mode rules that are currently being loaded. The rest of the scenario text file will be added to the end of the rules text.
Counter-Strike: Source - Valve
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:

  • Fixed clients not being able to load custom player/weapon models using the custom folder
  • Updated with other Orange Box client/engine crash fixes