Counter-Strike 2

Here's an overview of the map, including helpful call-outs.

The train has departed and this week we arrive in Morocco for our next map: Mirage. This is another map that revolves around mid control. There are numerous ways to achieve this, but it's not as straightforward as it used to be. Due to how easy it is to either throw a molotov or to smoke off the window room, it's rarely a good idea to go for the early peek unless you have a plan for what to do if you find yourself surrounded by a gray cloud.

Let's start with the set up. Generally I like to play one player on the B-site, whose job it is to spot enemies and call for backup. I would advise against peeking from the van unless you have an AWP and are ready to fall back after the initial shot. It's still a risk due to how easy it is for terrorists to rush down a solo AWPer on B. I would suggest that you try to go for jump peeks from time to time. Even if they're ready for it you're difficult to hit and you'll get loads of information!

QuaintBoldKinkajou  (gfyCat video)

The next player is the player on cat. Their role is crucial for your team, but it can be quite challenging. They will listen for footsteps towards underpass or in B apartments. Other than that they'll make sure no one can enter connector without your team knowing. The challenging part is to know when to let go of connector and assist your buddy over at B. Just don't forget to let your team know that connector is open when you do.

Next in line is the other mid player. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't like to peek from window room unless it's a quick peek and you spawned close. Aside from the smokes and molotovs, you risk getting killed early on. If that happens the terrorists can push whichever site they want, knowing that the defenders from the other site will be late to the party. Instead I like to have the mid guy in window room peeking catwalk. If he gets smoked off he can wait for a few seconds and then put down a molotov on cat and then decide if it's best to rotate towards connector, market or to simply stay put. Should the terrorists on the other hand choose to go aggressive towards connector, he can use this pop flash to peek and hopefully secure a kill.

FixedEarlyBustard  (gfyCat video)

The last two players are obviously the ones on A. It's rare to see an A-push without smokes towards CT spawn, jungle and stairs these days. That makes it a walk in the park for terrorists to isolate defenders on A-site, which is why I'd recommend peeks from far back. CT stairs, danger box and the area around stairs are excellent spots. Once you see the smokes come in you should call for backup and then assess the situation. If they don't seem to push you can tell your teammates to go back to their previous positions. If they however do push you can try to use the smokes to your advantage. Call for a flashbang onto site from either connector or jungle and then jump up on ticket.

ThreadbareSillyArabianoryx  (gfyCat video)

Another great option is to spray through the smoke as soon as you hear the bomb plant. If you manage to drop the bomb you have gained valuable seconds for your team to get in position for the retake.

On the next page: how to handle eco rounds, plus a few neat tricks.

Eco rounds

'Eco round' is short for 'economic round'. That's a round where you buy little to no items. The purpose is to save money so that you can afford the big toys later.

Eco rounds

Sometimes you'll find yourselves a little short on money, in which case it's time for an eco round. I'd suggest that you push up mid from connector and use a flashbang to try to catch any peeking terrorists off guard to secure a weapon or two. Just don't do this every eco round as it will get pretty obvious after a while. If you have a little more money you can go for a grenade stack on A and wait for smokes to come flying over T ramp and then welcome the push with your explosives.

A few neat tricks

If you feel confident and want an early advantage you can show off your acrobatic skills and push palace. Smoke T ramp and jump up on the balcony. Once you're in position your friend can flash you in from stairs.

TepidDependableInsect (gfyCat video)

If you get a kill you've made their A-attack a lot weaker. If you on the other hand don't find a terrorist at all you can start to slowly advance. Think Metal Gear Solid. Just remember that you only have one player defending A, so it's important that he re-smokes T ramp to buy you a few extra seconds. Once you make it all the way to T spawn you will have a good idea as to where the final push will happen.

The retake from market to B can be quite tricky as you have two really tight choke points to choose from. To make that endeavor a little easier you can use this smoke from CT spawn:

AggravatingMajorBovine (gfyCat video)

Just remember that this is a double-edged sword, as it will give the terrorists more options in addition to taking options away.

This next trick will take some practice, but can be really useful. Let's say you're going for a retake on B and get spotted early on inside market. Then it's really unexpected for you to show up on catwalk just seconds later.

MeaslyLivelyBorderterrier (gfyCat video)

Find all of our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map guides here:

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Dota 2

It's all kicking off this weekend, with a Dota Major underway and a CS:GO Major undergoing its final qualifiers. There s also Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and Smite to watch and another week of international League of Legends to take in. If the year s been a little quiet so far, that s certainly coming to an abrupt end. If your Dota 2 casters seem a little quiet, however, that s an entirely separate technical problem.

Dota 2: The Shanghai Major group stage

The Major has been off to a strange start, with solid games—and one amazing underdog story—fighting against production problems and the abrupt loss of a panel host. Even so, this is the event in the Dota circuit right now, and the weekend will see the remaining games in the group stage. Tune in on Saturday to see if Frankfurt champs OG can repeat their success in Shanghai. Sunday will see one of the most hotly-contested groups as coL, EG, VP and Liquid duke it out. The stream begins at 09:00 BJT (01:00 GMT/17:00 PST the previous day) and runs for ages. The schedule has been flexible, to say the least, but you can find hypothetical start times here.

Heroes of the Storm: NA Spring Regional

The region's best teams fight for a share of $100,000 and a spot at the Spring Championship in Korea. This is one of the highest-profile events of the HotS calendar so far this year, so makes for a good opportunity to take the scene's temperature—much as Hearthstone's own Americas championship was last week. Games start at 10:00 PST/18:00 GMT each day and you can find the stream here.

Hearthstone: PGL Spring Tavern Tales 2016

$25,000 on the line for some of Europe's best Hearthstone players as 32 of them descend on Bucharest. It'll start with a Swiss group stage followed by single-elimination playoffs for the top 16. The games started today, and will continue throughout the weekend. Play begins at 09:30 GMT/01:30 PST and continues through the evening. Find the stream here.

League of Legends: NA LCS and LPL

Another weekend, another chance to keep tabs on the dominant teams in the US and China ahead of the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational. You can read James Chen's assessment of how each scene is doing here, and find details on schedules—as well as the livestream—on the official LoLesports site.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: MLG Columbus 2016 Main Qualifier

While the top eight for MLG Columbus 2016 is drawn from the world's best-regarded teams, a further eight have a chance to shore up their qualification hopes this weekend. This is the first CS:GO Major to offer the new prize pool of $1,000,000—a massive increase for a scene that was previously capping out at around $250,000. Play starts at around 12:00 EST (17:00 GMT/09:00 PST) each day, and you can find the stream here.

Smite: Spring Split Relegations

Smite is currently going through a multi-phase relegation process to determine which teams advanced to play in the Pro League proper later in the year. This weekend will see phase two play out in Europe and North America, as the winners of the open bracket—players like you or I, but better—face existing Challenger Cup teams for a coveted spot in the big leagues. Games start at 13:00 EST (18:00 GMT/10:00 PST) each day on the official Smite Twitch stream.

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Counter-Strike 2

Valve just announced that all future CS:GO majors will have a prize pool of $1 million. The previous purse for a major was $250,000, a figure that many major or unofficial CS:GO events have equaled but never exceeded. The first $1 million tournament will be MLG Columbus 2016, which takes place March 29 through April 3. Although it's the only major on the calendar so far for 2016, there were three each in 2015 and 2014.

According to an MLG official, tournament winnings will be structured thus:

  • Winner $500,000 
  • Finalist $150,000 
  • Semi-Finalist $70,000 
  • Quarter Finalist $35,000 
  • Group Stage $8,750

With this announcement, posted unceremoniously on the Counter-Strike blog, Valve's financial commitment should further stimulate the scene and encourage existing teams to dedicate themselves to CS:GO even more in the face of upcoming, esports-friendly FPSes like Overwatch. "The professional CS:GO community has been growing at an incredible rate," Valve says in the announcement. CS:GO was the second-most watched game on Twitch during 2015, after League of Legends, and it remains the second-most played game on Steam (in terms of concurrent players) after Dota 2.

Counter-Strike 2

Call outs

Here's an overview of the map including call-outs that are helpful to know.

We're back! This time we'll go over how to attack on Train. At first this might seem a little tricky but as long as you use smokes before you attack you should be able to pick up a few rounds. There are a few reasons why smokes are so important on Train. The first being the long distances and how easy it is for an AWPer to kill you as you initiate the push. The second is that it helps you get the bomb planted. Unless the CTs climb trains or go through a smoke, they can't really know how many terrorists are there.

One thing to keep in mind is how separate the bomb sites are, and that you need to control ladder room if you want to be able to rotate effectively. Most of the time these rotations will be quite obvious and the counter-terrorists will be able to get to their next stop much earlier than you re comfortable with. Chances are that you will find more success if you execute a pre-planned strategy towards one site after you've gathered information and maybe even picked up a kill.

Smokes on A

Let's dive into the fine art of smoking bombsite A. There are some really useful smokes on the outer trainyard. Because I'm a good guy and I care about your browser's well-being I'll include two smokes per gif (with a hard g).

The first smoke is going to cover the area between connector and bomb train to make it easier for a terrorist to attack from ladder room without getting killed. The second one will smoke between the brown train and the bomb train to make the last part of your journey with the bomb a little more convenient.

SatisfiedMasculineEkaltadeta (gfyCat video)

You will also want to smoke on either side of the blue train. Here's how to do just that:

WelldocumentedLateHammerheadshark (gfyCat video)

If you use all of these smokes you are almost guaranteed to get the bomb down, but there are problems. The defenders will be able to attempt a retake with five players still alive and you won't have any smokes left for the choke points after the plant. Of all these smokes, the one to the left of the blue train is the least important in the sense that it doesn't help you transport the bomb to site. The smoke does however make it less attractive for the CTs to attempt a backstab. If you don't want to use that smoke you can peek that lane with an AWP instead. Or you can leave a gap somewhere else, as long as you have a plan and are ready to challenge your opponents.

After you have planted the bomb it's very important to communicate. Make sure you have ladder room covered. I don't know how many times my team has been sprayed down from there just because we failed to communicate. Especially if the guy who's supposed to take care of ladder died during the push. Make sure you take post plant positions that will make it easy for you to peek towards the bomb.

On the next page: attacking bombsite B.

Attacking bombsite B

Just like on A, smokes are a crucial part of a successful B-take. The first smoke is very straightforward. Simply smoke off lower to deny any snipers far back their much needed target practice. It's also a good idea to pop a flash before you push in case a counter-terrorist is waiting for you on top of low train.

JoyfulPoliticalHalibut (gfyCat video)

The next smoke will make it easier for you to reach the plant spot. Line up the smoke and time the throw with whoever smokes lower before you attack.

CompassionateUntidyBlueshark (gfyCat video)

The third smoke is for upper. Just like the one on lower the main purpose is to avoid getting killed by a player far back. Once you have the smoke screen up you can assist by making sure no one tries to sneak up on your teammate while he plants the bomb.

KindheartedHighlevelCrane (gfyCat video)

Remember that you don't need to take the site with five terrorists. It doesn't make sense to go ham with the entire team and then have to try to get back through lower for a post-plant position. I recommend that one player stays behind to make sure that you are aware of any counter-terrorists coming in from behind.

Take your time

Because of the nature of Train you will have lots of time to decide what site to attack. Before the final push, you are quite separate from the defending team. This gives you the opportunity to split up and try to secure kills. Pay attention to how your enemies play. Will they rotate a guy from B if you get a kill on ivy? Are they passive and slow to rotate? Use information of this kind to your advantage.

'Eco round'

A round where a team buys little to no equipment in order to save money for future rounds.

Try to keep track of what they bought in the previous round and how many losses, wins and surviving players they've had to get a sense of whether or not they will be able to buy proper weapons. This may seem a bit confusing, especially if you're new, but it's important. If they are on an eco round they are more prone to go for the risky play, which means you will need to be careful. For instance, if you're up against an eco and you don't gather information before you attack you might run into a five man stack on one site. Because of your smokes you won't be aware of the fact until it's too late.

Bonus trick!

This molotov is really strong in one versus one situations to keep the counter-terrorist off the bomb for a few extra seconds. Fire is your friend!

FocusedMediumEland (gfyCat video)

Find our other Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map guides here:

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Counter-Strike 2

Call outs

Here's an overview of the map including call-outs that are helpful to know.

We're back! This time we'll go over how to attack on Train. At first this might seem a little tricky but as long as you use smokes before you attack you should be able to pick up a few rounds. There are a few reasons why smokes are so important on Train. The first being the long distances and how easy it is for an AWPer to kill you as you initiate the push. The second is that it helps you get the bomb planted. Unless the CTs climb trains or go through a smoke, they can't really know how many terrorists are there.

One thing to keep in mind is how separate the bomb sites are, and that you need to control ladder room if you want to be able to rotate effectively. Most of the time these rotations will be quite obvious and the counter-terrorists will be able to get to their next stop much earlier than you re comfortable with. Chances are that you will find more success if you execute a pre-planned strategy towards one site after you've gathered information and maybe even picked up a kill.

Smokes on A

Let's dive into the fine art of smoking bombsite A. There are some really useful smokes on the outer trainyard. Because I'm a good guy and I care about your browser's well-being I'll include two smokes per gif (with a hard g).

The first smoke is going to cover the area between connector and bomb train to make it easier for a terrorist to attack from ladder room without getting killed. The second one will smoke between the brown train and the bomb train to make the last part of your journey with the bomb a little more convenient.

SatisfiedMasculineEkaltadeta (gfyCat video)

You will also want to smoke on either side of the blue train. Here's how to do just that:

WelldocumentedLateHammerheadshark (gfyCat video)

If you use all of these smokes you are almost guaranteed to get the bomb down, but there are problems. The defenders will be able to attempt a retake with five players still alive and you won't have any smokes left for the choke points after the plant. Of all these smokes, the one to the left of the blue train is the least important in the sense that it doesn't help you transport the bomb to site. The smoke does however make it less attractive for the CTs to attempt a backstab. If you don't want to use that smoke you can peek that lane with an AWP instead. Or you can leave a gap somewhere else, as long as you have a plan and are ready to challenge your opponents.

After you have planted the bomb it's very important to communicate. Make sure you have ladder room covered. I don't know how many times my team has been sprayed down from there just because we failed to communicate. Especially if the guy who's supposed to take care of ladder died during the push. Make sure you take post plant positions that will make it easy for you to peek towards the bomb.

On the next page: attacking bombsite B.

Attacking bombsite B

Just like on A, smokes are a crucial part of a successful B-take. The first smoke is very straightforward. Simply smoke off lower to deny any snipers far back their much needed target practice. It's also a good idea to pop a flash before you push in case a counter-terrorist is waiting for you on top of low train.

JoyfulPoliticalHalibut (gfyCat video)

The next smoke will make it easier for you to reach the plant spot. Line up the smoke and time the throw with whoever smokes lower before you attack.

CompassionateUntidyBlueshark (gfyCat video)

The third smoke is for upper. Just like the one on lower the main purpose is to avoid getting killed by a player far back. Once you have the smoke screen up you can assist by making sure no one tries to sneak up on your teammate while he plants the bomb.

KindheartedHighlevelCrane (gfyCat video)

Remember that you don't need to take the site with five terrorists. It doesn't make sense to go ham with the entire team and then have to try to get back through lower for a post-plant position. I recommend that one player stays behind to make sure that you are aware of any counter-terrorists coming in from behind.

Take your time

Because of the nature of Train you will have lots of time to decide what site to attack. Before the final push, you are quite separate from the defending team. This gives you the opportunity to split up and try to secure kills. Pay attention to how your enemies play. Will they rotate a guy from B if you get a kill on ivy? Are they passive and slow to rotate? Use information of this kind to your advantage.

'Eco round'

A round where a team buys little to no equipment in order to save money for future rounds.

Try to keep track of what they bought in the previous round and how many losses, wins and surviving players they've had to get a sense of whether or not they will be able to buy proper weapons. This may seem a bit confusing, especially if you're new, but it's important. If they are on an eco round they are more prone to go for the risky play, which means you will need to be careful. For instance, if you're up against an eco and you don't gather information before you attack you might run into a five man stack on one site. Because of your smokes you won't be aware of the fact until it's too late.

Bonus trick!

This molotov is really strong in one versus one situations to keep the counter-terrorist off the bomb for a few extra seconds. Fire is your friend!

FocusedMediumEland (gfyCat video)

Find our other Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map guides here:

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Dota 2

Things heat up in the dead of winter as the professional CS:GO circuit heads to beautiful Barcelona and the entire American continent competes for a scant few slots at the Winter Championship in March. There's also Dota 2 league play and the ongoing drama of the League of Legends season if you prefer your esports isometric and wizard-centric.

Hearthstone: Americas Winter Preliminary

Hundreds of the best Hearthstone players in the Americas duke it out across more than dozen locations. The top eight players will advance to the Americas Winter Championship next month, where there's $100,000 and a place at the Hearthstone World Championship on the line. You can find more info here and find the stream on Twitch.

Dota 2: WePlay League Season 3

This is a bit of a quiet weekend for Dota 2, but there are games to be played in the WePlay Dota 2 league nonetheless. On Saturday you can catch games in EU East between Power Rangers and Hellraisers followed by Empire vs. Na'Vi. Those begin at 16:00 GMT/08:00 PST. On Sunday the action shifts to Southeast Asia as First Departure take on first MVP.Phoenix and then Mineski starting at 13:00 GMT/05:00 PST. Find the stream over at JoinDotaRED.

League of Legends: NA LCS Spring/LoL Pro League Spring

Another busy weekend for League, as both the NA LCS and China's LPL see top-level play all weekend. You can find schedules for both, along with the streams, on the official LoLesports site.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: ESL Barcelona Invitational presented by MWC

Some of the best CS:GO teams of the world play for 75,000. Tune in to see Fnatic, EnvyUS, and Astralis take on qualifying teams from Europe and—specifically—Spain. Games are running throughout the weekend from 07:30 GMT/23:30 PST. Catch it all on ESL's CSGO Twitch stream.

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Counter-Strike 2


This excellent resource for map call-outs has already been updated with the new Nuke.

Valve just released Operation Wildfire, and with it comes a brand new version of the map Nuke. Once immensely popular, Nuke got removed from the competitive map pool due to balance issues. A remake of the map has been requested by the community ever since and now we ve got one. Welcome to the Cedar Creek Nuclear Power Plant!

My first impression of the map is that it looks gorgeous. It's very bright and colorful with amazing textures. The visibility is vastly improved compared to previous iterations. But what did they change? Pretty much everything. The biggest alteration is probably the ladder leading up to silo from T-spawn and the rafters connecting silo with catwalk.

InnocentAcademicAmericanquarterhorse (gfyCat video)

I've played a couple of games on matchmaking and so far I've enjoyed it. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was for the terrorists to take control over yard. There are so many angles for the counter-terrorists to cover even just a few seconds into the round. It's still too early to dive into any sort of strategic analysis, but we found that the good ol Nuke mindset just isn't going to cut it. We had more success when we took a more passive approach and stayed close to the bombsites with one guy trying to spot enemies on yard from far back.

Another big change is the vents. Now there's only one opening both upstairs and downstairs. They have, however, added a new door with a decontamination room to give the defenders more angles to worry about. I think the door will be a key point on the map that both the Ts and the CTs will want to control.

YawningAcademicAllensbigearedbat (gfyCat video)

They have also added another door downstairs, just below the ramp. That door allows for some really cool crossfires and gives the counter-terrorists more incentives to play close to the site. It's hard to say how the metagame is going to develop, but overall l I think the changes to the B-site are interesting.

Changes upstairs

The upper bombsite has also seen some major changes. The biggest being the addition of skyboxes to prevent defenders from reaching dogwalk. This means that pushes through squeaky will be a lot more effective as there are fewer angles to check.

ConventionalEthicalFantail (gfyCat video)

Valve also moved the upper canisters further back to give terrorists more cover as they attack through hut, as well as adding a ladder leading up to the rafters. These changes are bound to have a huge impact on the balance of the site. It will both be easier to take the site and to defend it once you have planted the bomb.

TastyScholarlyAngelfish (gfyCat video)

On the CT side, they've added a box in front of the window as well as made changes to the small roof outside catwalk. These changes will allow for really dynamic plays with lots of movement and positioning options.

RapidSnarlingHarlequinbug (gfyCat video)

Final thoughts

The map is most definitely more T-sided than it's been in the past, maybe even a bit too T-sided. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Nuke. As I see it, it's not impossible that it'll be added to the competitive map pool. The question then is, what map will it replace? Or will they increase the number of maps? Personally I could see Inferno getting replaced at some point because of the often very slow rounds due to effective smokes. Balanced as Inferno might be, I'd still like to see faster gameplay from a spectators point of view.

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Counter-Strike 2

After the disgruntled reaction to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's winter update, you'd have thought Valve might be taking a more cautious approach to patching. Nonsense. The latest update is a big 'un, demanding two micro-sites of its own and incorporating tweaks, Operation Wildfire and an upgrade for de_nuke.

The Operation Wildfire event, which runs through to June 17, gives everyone access to seven new community maps, including Tulip, Cruise, Coast and Empire, in addition to the spruced-up Nuke. However, if you're willing to pay the $6 entry fee, the Operation Wildfire Access Pass comes will a host of new features.

Two new campaigns are available: the Wildfire Campaign, made up of Casual, Deathmatch and Arms Race missions, and the co-op Gemini Campaign which packs three all-new Co-op Strike missions and 23 Guardian missions. Both campaigns reward mission XP with each success, and by completing Challenge Missions you can upgrade your flashy Wildfire Coin, shown off alongside your avatar.

Blitz Missions are like time-limited achievements open to players worldwide. For a couple of hours, you'll earn bonus XP for completing goals like scoring wins in competitive Empire matches.

The usual array of pretty stuff is thrown in too: the Wildfire Case contains 16 community weapon skins and a Bowie knife.

de_nuke, which has existed in a series of incarnations since 1999, has received an extensive face-lift, proving that Source can still get the job done when it has to. To convey the magnitude of the changes, Valve has a series of before-and-after sliders on the dedicated Nuke site, along with a breakdown to supplement our exhaustive analysis appearing later today.

Finally, polish has been applied where needed. The leader s glow in Arms Race no longer shows through walls, which is a little more sporting, detail sprites like grass has been improved so Valve can pack more on the screen, and Cache and Mirage have received special attention. The full patch notes are here for you to contemplate, but as a good early indication, not many of the Steam comments are openly furious. There's a first time for everything.

Counter-Strike 2


Here's an overview of the map, including call-outs that are helpful to learn.

Last time we went over the terrorist side on Cobblestone. Now we're back on track (choo-choo!) with a counter-terrorist guide for Train.

Train is another map that, like Cobblestone, has seen a lot of iterations throughout the years due to balance issues. The map itself consists of two train yards, an alley and a hallway. Your objective is to prevent the terrorists from blowing up one of two nuclear payloads.

Defending inside

Let's start with the inner bombsite. What usually happens is that the terrorists smoke off lower before they push down the ramp. This means it's a risk to stand far back and peek lower. After the smoke you won't know if they actually pushed site or not unless you have a teammate closer to the bomb train. You can however take an auto-sniper and shoot blindly into the smoke and do some serious damage. In addition, the long distances make the auto-sniper a really powerful weapon for retakes.

My favorite spot is the bomb train. If done properly you can dance around the train all day while you wait for backup. Especially if your team has a sniper nearby that keeps the enemies from pushing you. Peek over the train like this:

GreedyRectangularGraysquirrel (gfyCat video)

If you're lucky (or a sick aimer) you might pick up the first headshot. Then you can use a molotov to delay the push, fall back and call for backup. Most of the time your opponents will use flashes and smokes before they attack from upper, in which case you will know and have time to back off. Another option is to have another player holding upper.


A round where your opponents haven't bought weapons and you try to secure the round with as few casualties as possible.

Sometimes you want to let out your inner ninja and go for the unexpected heroic play. One really cool spot is behind the spools between lower and upper. Normally I'd advise against staying close to your enemies on anti-eco rounds because of the risk of providing them with a weapon and a chance to get back into the game. But on round two, if you managed to win the pistol round, you can pick up a submachine gun and go for it. The SMG kill reward of $600 can mean a great deal later on. I've lost track of how many triple kills I've made from this position on the second round.

MedicalDownrightArgusfish (gfyCat video)

Other times you want to show off your great communication skills. Tell your teammate to stay close on upper and get ready to peek, then you throw a flashbang just as you get next to the fuse box on the wall. The flash will pop right in the face of any terrorists standing at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as your friend hears the pop, he can go for a quick peek and hopefully score a kill.

FineJovialArizonaalligatorlizard (gfyCat video)

On the next page: defending outside.

Defending outside

For the most part you can just hold angles, communicate and take the aim duels as the site has three really tight choke points: namely t-connector, ivy and ladder room. Every now and then you will however want to mix it up and consult that great playbook of yours.

If you have a good spawn towards ivy you can go aggressive. All you need is a flashbang and the heart of a lion. Bounce the flash off the floor and keep running. Now the terrorists have two options. Either they die because they turned around, or they die because they didn't.

SmallWigglyEquine (gfyCat video)

It's not that simple, but you get the point. You can gain a lot from pushing ivy every now and then. For instance, if you know their team has an AWP and your team doesn't, going aggressive can result in you acquiring one. At the very least you will gather much-needed information. If you know your opponents have a tendency to take their time you can try to sneak up on them. Otherwise it's probably wisest to back off and help your teammates around the bomb train.

As Train is a pretty straight forward map to defend I will give you some advice for those games when you're on the receiving end. Here s the scenario: you re down by a couple of rounds and your economy is low. Just before all hope is gone, you decide to do something about the situation. You buy a MAG-7 shotgun and flash your way into the ladder room. This is a risky play because if you have to move out in the open and try to retake a bombsite you are most likely screwed. On the other hand it can win you the round if you manage to surprise a terrorist coming down the ladder and pick up his AK-47.

AngryColorlessAiredale (gfyCat video)

Be careful!

It may seem easy to win the CT half on Train but you should keep two things in mind: It's just as easy for your opponents and it's really difficult to win eco rounds because of the long distances. What this means is that you should try to hold onto your precious weapons. You want as few eco rounds as possible. This mindset will win you games on Train. Don't chase down that last terrorist unless you think you can do some serious damage to their economy.

Find our other Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map guides here:

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Counter-Strike 2


Here's an overview of the map, including call-outs that are helpful to learn.

Last time we went over the terrorist side on Cobblestone. Now we're back on track (choo-choo!) with a counter-terrorist guide for Train.

Train is another map that, like Cobblestone, has seen a lot of iterations throughout the years due to balance issues. The map itself consists of two train yards, an alley and a hallway. Your objective is to prevent the terrorists from blowing up one of two nuclear payloads.

Defending inside

Let's start with the inner bombsite. What usually happens is that the terrorists smoke off lower before they push down the ramp. This means it's a risk to stand far back and peek lower. After the smoke you won't know if they actually pushed site or not unless you have a teammate closer to the bomb train. You can however take an auto-sniper and shoot blindly into the smoke and do some serious damage. In addition, the long distances make the auto-sniper a really powerful weapon for retakes.

My favorite spot is the bomb train. If done properly you can dance around the train all day while you wait for backup. Especially if your team has a sniper nearby that keeps the enemies from pushing you. Peek over the train like this:

GreedyRectangularGraysquirrel (gfyCat video)

If you're lucky (or a sick aimer) you might pick up the first headshot. Then you can use a molotov to delay the push, fall back and call for backup. Most of the time your opponents will use flashes and smokes before they attack from upper, in which case you will know and have time to back off. Another option is to have another player holding upper.


A round where your opponents haven't bought weapons and you try to secure the round with as few casualties as possible.

Sometimes you want to let out your inner ninja and go for the unexpected heroic play. One really cool spot is behind the spools between lower and upper. Normally I'd advise against staying close to your enemies on anti-eco rounds because of the risk of providing them with a weapon and a chance to get back into the game. But on round two, if you managed to win the pistol round, you can pick up a submachine gun and go for it. The SMG kill reward of $600 can mean a great deal later on. I've lost track of how many triple kills I've made from this position on the second round.

MedicalDownrightArgusfish (gfyCat video)

Other times you want to show off your great communication skills. Tell your teammate to stay close on upper and get ready to peek, then you throw a flashbang just as you get next to the fuse box on the wall. The flash will pop right in the face of any terrorists standing at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as your friend hears the pop, he can go for a quick peek and hopefully score a kill.

FineJovialArizonaalligatorlizard (gfyCat video)

On the next page: defending outside.

Defending outside

For the most part you can just hold angles, communicate and take the aim duels as the site has three really tight choke points: namely t-connector, ivy and ladder room. Every now and then you will however want to mix it up and consult that great playbook of yours.

If you have a good spawn towards ivy you can go aggressive. All you need is a flashbang and the heart of a lion. Bounce the flash off the floor and keep running. Now the terrorists have two options. Either they die because they turned around, or they die because they didn't.

SmallWigglyEquine (gfyCat video)

It's not that simple, but you get the point. You can gain a lot from pushing ivy every now and then. For instance, if you know their team has an AWP and your team doesn't, going aggressive can result in you acquiring one. At the very least you will gather much-needed information. If you know your opponents have a tendency to take their time you can try to sneak up on them. Otherwise it's probably wisest to back off and help your teammates around the bomb train.

As Train is a pretty straight forward map to defend I will give you some advice for those games when you're on the receiving end. Here s the scenario: you re down by a couple of rounds and your economy is low. Just before all hope is gone, you decide to do something about the situation. You buy a MAG-7 shotgun and flash your way into the ladder room. This is a risky play because if you have to move out in the open and try to retake a bombsite you are most likely screwed. On the other hand it can win you the round if you manage to surprise a terrorist coming down the ladder and pick up his AK-47.

AngryColorlessAiredale (gfyCat video)

Be careful!

It may seem easy to win the CT half on Train but you should keep two things in mind: It's just as easy for your opponents and it's really difficult to win eco rounds because of the long distances. What this means is that you should try to hold onto your precious weapons. You want as few eco rounds as possible. This mindset will win you games on Train. Don't chase down that last terrorist unless you think you can do some serious damage to their economy.

Find our other Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map guides here:

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!
