Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Postpwn

Fortification Map Contest winning maps added to the game!
Belmez, Castle Assault, Cove, Drunken Bazaar, and King's Garden are now part of the game!

  • AOCTO-Belmez-CM_p
  • AOCTO-CastleAssault-CM_P
  • AOCTO-Cove-CM_p
  • AOCTO-DrunkenBazaar-CM_p
  • AOCTO-KingsGarden-CM_p

NEW Map - details
  • Strings localizable
  • Sound pass
  • Hud and Scoreboard indication pass
  • Collision pass
Drunken Bazaar

  • HUD tweaks. Removed some side objectives.(Build a bridge by standing here for 5 seconds.)
  • Lighting/atmosphere pass on giving drunken bazaar its own character
  • Moved assets from drunken bazaar map files to art package.
  • Created custom mesh for the rivers/waterfalls. Modified the particles around the waterfalls.
  • Added grates to the pool you poison so the water is now coming from and going to somewhere.
  • Reworked the Library Area. Arranged Book Shelves on two floors, in two clusters per floor, allowing for easier defense.
  • Removed a few unnecessary side items
  • Improved HUD indication with progress bars
  • Various Collision fixes
  • Raised path nodes to prevent peasants from spawning under landscape
  • HUD overhaul with localization setup
  • Removed Drunk shader on Objective complete. It now only impacts players in the water
  • Kismet clean up
  • Added in merchants in the stalls.
  • Put light sources and brighter lights in stalls.
  • A lot of lighting stuff and adding light sources to the palace.
  • Reworked foliage in gardens in palace and the grass material therein.
  • Put some floors in some houses.
  • Fixed normals on desert oasis houses
  • Killing peasants in Drunken Bazaar won't be counted as a TK
Castle Assault

  • Added torches past the burnable wagons.
  • Setup rear spawn area further from the king.
  • Replaced King spawn walls with new one.
  • Castle Assault art split off to art sublevel.
  • Setting filtering on decals.
  • Decal filtering, lightmap settings, tweaked fog, added dark landscape layer for under the river so it looks like it's actually under water, set palm trees to dynamic lighting
  • Made the river unlit
  • Put in a skylight
  • Added lights in Castle Assault bridge area
King's Garden

  • Split path before King OBJ
  • Removed full scene dynamic lighting, adjusted some lightmap resolutions.
  • Relit floors one and two of the palace, added in light sources too.
  • Sped up ram animation a bit.
  • Covered a minor hole in the landscape (cliff mesh floating a bit).
  • Added in bounce lights
  • Added in some artwork on the wall in the palace.
  • A couple meshes slightly moved/swapped.
  • Fixed collision entering palace and off of mason first spawn
  • Blocked off second floor windows to prevent archers shooting down on the ram when it's at the gate, the backside is still open.
  • Added mid ground large scale blockers to first area.

  • HUD/Localization setup. Barricades added after ram. Spawn exit improvements. Minor props added for cover/variance at end of push.
  • Cove art moved to cove_art.
  • Changed sky and water. Slight lighting change.
  • Modified grass, had to recreate it moving the level to internal repository
  • Tweaked cathedral lighting. Modified cathedral arched door meshes. Some material swapping in the cathedral so all ceilings now don’t use wall materials. Arted the cannons and gave them a cannon particle.
  • Removed toggleable point lights, were causing a slight build crash.
  • Added sound to door destruction on battering ram into church
  • Made cove ram wheel's spin faster so they slide less.
  • Toggle off the fire and dynamic lights after 16 seconds when you burn the libraries.
  • Set phys mats on all materials in civ-cove.
  • Fixed instances of players falling through the map
  • Fixed cove door collision
  • Deleted duplicate ballistae, lifts rope, and ammo boxes
  • Added and tweaked Objective Points
  • Added a marker to the optional door in the Cathedral.
  • Set Torches to distance based HUD to reduce marker clutter.
  • Fixed broken indication on the alter.
  • Removed a campy archer spot by the Cathedral door.
  • Removed exploit locations.
  • Reduced torches needed to burn down archer towers.
  • It is now required to complete all of the Cathedral objectives for victory.

  • Added forward spawn option to skip boat segment.
  • Cleaned up the swamp paths, added visual blockers and path dividers.
  • Added Cover to the swamp area.
  • Replaced Left swamp path with a bridge to vary the area a bit.
  • Added a Hut for Cover on the right Path.
  • Added Ramp collision to the spawn boats.
  • Added a structure + trees to the end of the pushable path to provide cover, and add a flanking option.
  • HUD/Scoreboard integration and Localization strings.
  • Belmez Switched non gameplay matinee to client side.
  • Replaced a few static interp actors with static meshes, swapped all the decalmovableactors for decalactors, changed interpactor sky to static mesh.
  • Had to recreate the landscape, original painting intact but foliage layers lost, he water line is now mud instead of there being grass underwater.
  • Optimization tweaks, lighting settings, phys assets, changing dynamic actor types that aren't dynamic to static actor classes.
  • Added indication when one puts out a fire
  • hefty lighting revamp in the whole of the keep, a lot of the first wall.
  • Redid the wall material with vertex paint and object radius scaling so the texels should all be the same size.
  • Raised some swamp paths that were a little too sunken.
  • Added fill lights in forest around the corpse tree.
  • Added destruction particle effects on cart+gate.
  • Added footstep sounds

Balance Changes

  • Increased Greatsword slash windup from 0.5 to 0.55
  • Increased Greatsword overhead windup from 0.5 to 0.575
  • Increased Brandistock slash windup from 0.5 to 0.6
  • Increase chase mechanic boost to speed by 10%
  • Messer OH windup slowed 0.55 to 0.6
  • Messer OH damage increased from 90 to 95
  • Messer OH damage type changed to cut from chop
  • Broadsword stab windup increased from 0.45 to 0.5
  • Broadsword OH windup increased from 0.4 to 0.45
  • Light crossbow damage decreased to 80 from 98
  • Warbow dmg from 105 to 90
  • Warhammer OH dmg from 80 to 82
  • Warhammer stab dmg from 35 to 40

  • New Listen Servers
  • Added Message of the Day functionality for dedicated servers
  • New and Sales items notifications

    Read more Here
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - DaGGyzo

Fortification Map Contest winning maps added to the game!
Belmez, Castle Assault, Cove, Drunken Bazaar, and King's Garden are now part of the game!

  • AOCTO-Belmez-CM_p
  • AOCTO-CastleAssault-CM_P
  • AOCTO-Cove-CM_p
  • AOCTO-DrunkenBazaar-CM_p
  • AOCTO-KingsGarden-CM_p

NEW Map - details
  • Strings localizable
  • Sound pass
  • Hud and Scoreboard indication pass
  • Collision pass
Drunken Bazaar

  • HUD tweaks. Removed some side objectives.(Build a bridge by standing here for 5 seconds.)
  • Lighting/atmosphere pass on giving drunken bazaar its own character
  • Moved assets from drunken bazaar map files to art package.
  • Created custom mesh for the rivers/waterfalls. Modified the particles around the waterfalls.
  • Added grates to the pool you poison so the water is now coming from and going to somewhere.
  • Reworked the Library Area. Arranged Book Shelves on two floors, in two clusters per floor, allowing for easier defense.
  • Removed a few unnecessary side items
  • Improved HUD indication with progress bars
  • Various Collision fixes
  • Raised path nodes to prevent peasants from spawning under landscape
  • HUD overhaul with localization setup
  • Removed Drunk shader on Objective complete. It now only impacts players in the water
  • Kismet clean up
  • Added in merchants in the stalls.
  • Put light sources and brighter lights in stalls.
  • A lot of lighting stuff and adding light sources to the palace.
  • Reworked foliage in gardens in palace and the grass material therein.
  • Put some floors in some houses.
  • Fixed normals on desert oasis houses
  • Killing peasants in Drunken Bazaar won't be counted as a TK
Castle Assault

  • Added torches past the burnable wagons.
  • Setup rear spawn area further from the king.
  • Replaced King spawn walls with new one.
  • Castle Assault art split off to art sublevel.
  • Setting filtering on decals.
  • Decal filtering, lightmap settings, tweaked fog, added dark landscape layer for under the river so it looks like it's actually under water, set palm trees to dynamic lighting
  • Made the river unlit
  • Put in a skylight
  • Added lights in Castle Assault bridge area
King's Garden

  • Split path before King OBJ
  • Removed full scene dynamic lighting, adjusted some lightmap resolutions.
  • Relit floors one and two of the palace, added in light sources too.
  • Sped up ram animation a bit.
  • Covered a minor hole in the landscape (cliff mesh floating a bit).
  • Added in bounce lights
  • Added in some artwork on the wall in the palace.
  • A couple meshes slightly moved/swapped.
  • Fixed collision entering palace and off of mason first spawn
  • Blocked off second floor windows to prevent archers shooting down on the ram when it's at the gate, the backside is still open.
  • Added mid ground large scale blockers to first area.

  • HUD/Localization setup. Barricades added after ram. Spawn exit improvements. Minor props added for cover/variance at end of push.
  • Cove art moved to cove_art.
  • Changed sky and water. Slight lighting change.
  • Modified grass, had to recreate it moving the level to internal repository
  • Tweaked cathedral lighting. Modified cathedral arched door meshes. Some material swapping in the cathedral so all ceilings now don’t use wall materials. Arted the cannons and gave them a cannon particle.
  • Removed toggleable point lights, were causing a slight build crash.
  • Added sound to door destruction on battering ram into church
  • Made cove ram wheel's spin faster so they slide less.
  • Toggle off the fire and dynamic lights after 16 seconds when you burn the libraries.
  • Set phys mats on all materials in civ-cove.
  • Fixed instances of players falling through the map
  • Fixed cove door collision
  • Deleted duplicate ballistae, lifts rope, and ammo boxes
  • Added and tweaked Objective Points
  • Added a marker to the optional door in the Cathedral.
  • Set Torches to distance based HUD to reduce marker clutter.
  • Fixed broken indication on the alter.
  • Removed a campy archer spot by the Cathedral door.
  • Removed exploit locations.
  • Reduced torches needed to burn down archer towers.
  • It is now required to complete all of the Cathedral objectives for victory.

  • Added forward spawn option to skip boat segment.
  • Cleaned up the swamp paths, added visual blockers and path dividers.
  • Added Cover to the swamp area.
  • Replaced Left swamp path with a bridge to vary the area a bit.
  • Added a Hut for Cover on the right Path.
  • Added Ramp collision to the spawn boats.
  • Added a structure + trees to the end of the pushable path to provide cover, and add a flanking option.
  • HUD/Scoreboard integration and Localization strings.
  • Belmez Switched non gameplay matinee to client side.
  • Replaced a few static interp actors with static meshes, swapped all the decalmovableactors for decalactors, changed interpactor sky to static mesh.
  • Had to recreate the landscape, original painting intact but foliage layers lost, he water line is now mud instead of there being grass underwater.
  • Optimization tweaks, lighting settings, phys assets, changing dynamic actor types that aren't dynamic to static actor classes.
  • Added indication when one puts out a fire
  • hefty lighting revamp in the whole of the keep, a lot of the first wall.
  • Redid the wall material with vertex paint and object radius scaling so the texels should all be the same size.
  • Raised some swamp paths that were a little too sunken.
  • Added fill lights in forest around the corpse tree.
  • Added destruction particle effects on cart+gate.
  • Added footstep sounds

Balance Changes

  • Increased Greatsword slash windup from 0.5 to 0.55
  • Increased Greatsword overhead windup from 0.5 to 0.575
  • Increased Brandistock slash windup from 0.5 to 0.6
  • Increase chase mechanic boost to speed by 10%
  • Messer OH windup slowed 0.55 to 0.6
  • Messer OH damage increased from 90 to 95
  • Messer OH damage type changed to cut from chop
  • Broadsword stab windup increased from 0.45 to 0.5
  • Broadsword OH windup increased from 0.4 to 0.45
  • Light crossbow damage decreased to 80 from 98
  • Warbow dmg from 105 to 90
  • Warhammer OH dmg from 80 to 82
  • Warhammer stab dmg from 35 to 40

  • New Listen Servers
  • Added Message of the Day functionality for dedicated servers
  • New and Sales items notifications

    Read more Here
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Darbeenbo

The Polycount Arms & Armor contest for Chivalry has come to a close! Over the past 6 weeks 3d artists from all over the world have been competing to create weapons and helmets for your favorite Chivalry characters. Check out all these phenomenal submissions, and be sure to vote for your favorites on the steam workshop to help us decide which ones we should put in the game!
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Darbeenbo

The Polycount Arms & Armor contest for Chivalry has come to a close! Over the past 6 weeks 3d artists from all over the world have been competing to create weapons and helmets for your favorite Chivalry characters. Check out all these phenomenal submissions, and be sure to vote for your favorites on the steam workshop to help us decide which ones we should put in the game!
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Postpwn

Welcome one and all to the Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Contest. Torn Banner and Polycount have drawn up some battle plans and we’d like to invite you all to the fight.

To do battle in this contest, you won’t be crossing swords or banging heads on the field of battle. At least not right away. We will be needing your blacksmith skills to provide the swords and maces for the battles to come. Helmets are needed as well to keep some of the axes from finding a home in a skull or two. Strong irons and stout woods will be used to craft the items that can survive the killing fields and the judging.

For full details, visit the contest page at:
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - DaGGyzo

Welcome one and all to the Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Contest. Torn Banner and Polycount have drawn up some battle plans and we’d like to invite you all to the fight.

To do battle in this contest, you won’t be crossing swords or banging heads on the field of battle. At least not right away. We will be needing your blacksmith skills to provide the swords and maces for the battles to come. Helmets are needed as well to keep some of the axes from finding a home in a skull or two. Strong irons and stout woods will be used to craft the items that can survive the killing fields and the judging.

For full details, visit the contest page at:
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Postpwn

The New Vanguard skins are to be sold for $4.99 not $7.99 We are aware that some of you have already purchased it at the $7.99 price point. We will be Gifting these users additional skins! We apologize for the mix up!

- Torn Banner Studios
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Postpwn

Battle for Balance

This is a balance patch to increase enjoyment in both the Competitive level of play and the Casual level of play. We decided to make a patch that doesn't drastically change every aspect of combat and see what the effects are with a chance for iteration.
  • General Balances (Affects all Classes)
  • Flinch time increased from 0.8 to 0.9 for all 2-handed weapons
  • All minimum windup speed increased to 0.4

    Archer Balances- The Archer class has been slightly reworked **
  • Archers no longer have an added backstab damage bonus when attacking from behind
  • Bolts, Arrows and Stones no longer flinch players. Instead they will remove the sprint state from players hit

  • Introducing the New Mason Marauder and Agatha Arbiter Vanguard Skins
  • Each skin come with a new helmet
  • Tournament mode added
    • Set bTournamentMode=true in _Game.ini under AOC.AOCGame
    • or, start the server with ?tournament on the URL
    • or, "admintournamentmode" console command to restart current map in or out of tournament mode
    • Follow the in-game instructions

  • Tournament mode does:
    • Enable ready-up
    • Disable team damage spawn penalty
    • Disable ping kick
    • Disable auto-balance

  • Auto balance now selects from a threshold of the 1/5th most recently joined players on death

  • Removed first person fire particles
  • Fixed sprinting players being flinched in release stage
  • Fixed ripostes after a kicking only dealing kick damage
  • Returned Catapult projectile cam
  • Knights can now wield all shield types with the flail
  • Firepots no longer flinch targets hit
  • Loadout can no longer be changed on the fly in specified location in the Arena FFA map
  • Friendly fire penalty is now a server side option. (Default On)
  • Fixed "Fire Nemesis", "Fire Starter", "Sands of Time" achievement (Removed "Just a Flesh wound")
  • Fixed Javelin always appearing in archer's back
  • Fixed Score failing to update when players join matches in progress
  • Fixed floating weapons in Arena
  • Ammo box Icons now appear on Mason team
  • Becoming king no longer counts as a death
  • Selecting random in class select now randomizes your weapon loadout as well
  • Coldfront Optimizations (Visual blockers and reduced npc time in each area)
  • Only admins have access to Remote Events
  • Added Platform to Catapult to prevent sinking into the Landscape on exit on Coldfront.
  • Coldfront Balance (Increased Health on Drawbridge in Coldfront from 20000 to 30000)
  • Update to the uploader - Added the Curated Workshops for users to upload Weapon, Helmet skins and more...)

Deadliest Warrior

This is an SDK patch to bring Deadliest Warrior to a more user friendly sat in order to encourage User Generated Content such as custom maps and mods

  • SDK updated to be on par with C:MW (maps and mods are easier
  • Loading up the game no longer takes a long time due to Workshop subscription


  • Correct player count now shows in server browser
  • Frigid Kill volumes added to water touch
  • Frigid tree meshes now using proper materials
  • Block volumes added to pieces of ice
  • Acropolis grass clipping and collision fixed on wall
  • Moor has an updated blocking volumes
  • Pirates and Ninja elite helms no longer float in the air
  • Precached scaling set on all helmet static meshes
  • Updated Korean translation
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - DaGGyzo

Battle for Balance

This is a balance patch to increase enjoyment in both the Competitive level of play and the Casual level of play. We decided to make a patch that doesn't drastically change every aspect of combat and see what the effects are with a chance for iteration.
  • General Balances (Affects all Classes)
  • Flinch time increased from 0.8 to 0.9 for all 2-handed weapons
  • All minimum windup speed increased to 0.4

    Archer Balances- The Archer class has been slightly reworked **
  • Archers no longer have an added backstab damage bonus when attacking from behind
  • Bolts, Arrows and Stones no longer flinch players. Instead they will remove the sprint state from players hit

  • Introducing the New Mason Marauder and Agatha Arbiter Vanguard Skins
  • Each skin come with a new helmet
  • Tournament mode added
    • Set bTournamentMode=true in _Game.ini under AOC.AOCGame
    • or, start the server with ?tournament on the URL
    • or, "admintournamentmode" console command to restart current map in or out of tournament mode
    • Follow the in-game instructions

  • Tournament mode does:
    • Enable ready-up
    • Disable team damage spawn penalty
    • Disable ping kick
    • Disable auto-balance

  • Auto balance now selects from a threshold of the 1/5th most recently joined players on death

  • Removed first person fire particles
  • Fixed sprinting players being flinched in release stage
  • Fixed ripostes after a kicking only dealing kick damage
  • Returned Catapult projectile cam
  • Knights can now wield all shield types with the flail
  • Firepots no longer flinch targets hit
  • Loadout can no longer be changed on the fly in specified location in the Arena FFA map
  • Friendly fire penalty is now a server side option. (Default On)
  • Fixed "Fire Nemesis", "Fire Starter", "Sands of Time" achievement (Removed "Just a Flesh wound")
  • Fixed Javelin always appearing in archer's back
  • Fixed Score failing to update when players join matches in progress
  • Fixed floating weapons in Arena
  • Ammo box Icons now appear on Mason team
  • Becoming king no longer counts as a death
  • Selecting random in class select now randomizes your weapon loadout as well
  • Coldfront Optimizations (Visual blockers and reduced npc time in each area)
  • Only admins have access to Remote Events
  • Added Platform to Catapult to prevent sinking into the Landscape on exit on Coldfront.
  • Coldfront Balance (Increased Health on Drawbridge in Coldfront from 20000 to 30000)
  • Update to the uploader - Added the Curated Workshops for users to upload Weapon, Helmet skins and more...)

Deadliest Warrior

This is an SDK patch to bring Deadliest Warrior to a more user friendly sat in order to encourage User Generated Content such as custom maps and mods

  • SDK updated to be on par with C:MW (maps and mods are easier
  • Loading up the game no longer takes a long time due to Workshop subscription


  • Correct player count now shows in server browser
  • Frigid Kill volumes added to water touch
  • Frigid tree meshes now using proper materials
  • Block volumes added to pieces of ice
  • Acropolis grass clipping and collision fixed on wall
  • Moor has an updated blocking volumes
  • Pirates and Ninja elite helms no longer float in the air
  • Precached scaling set on all helmet static meshes
  • Updated Korean translation
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Postpwn
On March 3rd, 2014, Torn Banner Studios announced the Fortification Map Contest— a competition awarding over $25,000 in prize money and a chance to have your map added to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare as official game content. The enthusiastic response from the modding community was inspiring. Over 45 maps were submitted over the course of the contest's three months, with many submissions exceeding expectations of creativity and polish. As a result, Torn Banner Studios has decided to award five winners a cash prize and an official spot in the game rather than the originally planned three.

And the winners are....on the contest page! Go check it out!

Website Link

All of us at Torn Banner were very impressed with the amount of quality maps that have been created. Although the contest may now be over, we’ve decided to leave it open ended for an indefinite period of time, so as not to let all that hard work, passion, and determination go to waste. From here on out, any Team Objective map that Torn Banner deems worthy of acceptance into the official release of Chivalry will be awarded with $1000. We will be posting the feedback from our judging playtests to help nudge map creators towards a bit more polish and balance in their levels. We will be looking to the community for help in providing feedback for map creators. We will keep the custom map servers to help aid in this effort. We may also consider adding maps that support other game modes in the future.