Bloodline Champions - sls_Prog
Time for another patch! And this time it's a balance patch!
This is the first in a series of balance patches that will be applied that focuses on the balance on a few bloodlines at a time.
Discuss your thoughts about the current balance in the Steam Forum.

Twin Death (M2)
  • No longer inflicts Gradual slow on hit.
  • Now inflicts 25% Slow for 1.2s on hit.

Harvest Blood (Q)
  • No longer inflicts a minor knockback on hit.

Ferocious Strike (E)
  • Cooldown is now applied when using the second time.
  • Fixed a bug where Headhunter would not get affected by direct hit incaps triggered by Ferocious Strike (E). (When hitting Vanguard Reflect for instance)

Blitz (Space)
  • Now inflicts "Blitz Awareness" on target upon hit.
  • Blitz Awareness
    • Target is immune to Blitz knockback for 3s.

Lightning Arrow (EX M2)
  • Can no longer affect the same target twice.

Shadow Strike (M2)
  • Dark Chase
    • Quick Strike (M1) Damage increase has been reduced to 15% from 20%

Deviate (Space)
  • Shadow Blades
    • Damage increase has been reduced to 15% from 20%
    • Duration lowered to 4s from 5s

Earth Crush (F)
  • Will now get interrupted if hit by a controllable spell between jumps (Blood Grip, Intervene etc)

Nature's Companion (R)
  • Healing per second reduced to 200 from 230.
  • Damage per second reduced to 200 from 230.

Nature's Wonder (Q)
  • Damage dealt to targets in area when hit by Song of Despair (M1) reduced to 120 from 240.
  • No longer absorbs the main targets Song of Despair (M1) damage when Amplify is triggered.

Talisman of Teleportation
  • Energy cost reduced to 60 from 70.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing Bloodlines moving direction to lock in the aiming direction when interrupting a melee ability while moving.
  • Fixed a bug where medallions with cast time would always get interrupted on move, even if the 'Interrupt on move' option was disabled.

Bloodline Champions - Stunlock_Prog
Time for another patch! And this time it's a balance patch!
This is the first in a series of balance patches that will be applied that focuses on the balance on a few bloodlines at a time.
Discuss your thoughts about the current balance in the Steam Forum.

Twin Death (M2)
  • No longer inflicts Gradual slow on hit.
  • Now inflicts 25% Slow for 1.2s on hit.

Harvest Blood (Q)
  • No longer inflicts a minor knockback on hit.

Ferocious Strike (E)
  • Cooldown is now applied when using the second time.
  • Fixed a bug where Headhunter would not get affected by direct hit incaps triggered by Ferocious Strike (E). (When hitting Vanguard Reflect for instance)

Blitz (Space)
  • Now inflicts "Blitz Awareness" on target upon hit.
  • Blitz Awareness
    • Target is immune to Blitz knockback for 3s.

Lightning Arrow (EX M2)
  • Can no longer affect the same target twice.

Shadow Strike (M2)
  • Dark Chase
    • Quick Strike (M1) Damage increase has been reduced to 15% from 20%

Deviate (Space)
  • Shadow Blades
    • Damage increase has been reduced to 15% from 20%
    • Duration lowered to 4s from 5s

Earth Crush (F)
  • Will now get interrupted if hit by a controllable spell between jumps (Blood Grip, Intervene etc)

Nature's Companion (R)
  • Healing per second reduced to 200 from 230.
  • Damage per second reduced to 200 from 230.

Nature's Wonder (Q)
  • Damage dealt to targets in area when hit by Song of Despair (M1) reduced to 120 from 240.
  • No longer absorbs the main targets Song of Despair (M1) damage when Amplify is triggered.

Talisman of Teleportation
  • Energy cost reduced to 60 from 70.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing Bloodlines moving direction to lock in the aiming direction when interrupting a melee ability while moving.
  • Fixed a bug where medallions with cast time would always get interrupted on move, even if the 'Interrupt on move' option was disabled.

Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
Make sure to log into the game to receive your lucky gift!

The gift contain a St. Patricks avatar, a xp- and bloodcoin boost for 8 games each and we managed to squeeze some gold out of the leprechauns to hand out aswell!

The gift can be collected all week!
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
Make sure to log into the game to receive your lucky gift!

The gift contain a St. Patricks avatar, a xp- and bloodcoin boost for 8 games each and we managed to squeeze some gold out of the leprechauns to hand out aswell!

The gift can be collected all week!
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
A bit late, but here's the patchnotes for yesterdays patch:

  • Fixed a bug where Starter Quest would still be displayed on launch even if it was completed.
  • Region will now default to primary matchmaking region when hosting a Private Game.
  • Character Selection Time in Draft and S-Draft increased to 45s from 30s
  • Estimated Grade re-introduced to Standard Matchmaking.
  • Added St. Patricks Avatar
    Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
    A bit late, but here's the patchnotes for yesterdays patch:

    • Fixed a bug where Starter Quest would still be displayed on launch even if it was completed.
    • Region will now default to primary matchmaking region when hosting a Private Game.
    • Character Selection Time in Draft and S-Draft increased to 45s from 30s
    • Estimated Grade re-introduced to Standard Matchmaking.
    • Added St. Patricks Avatar
      Bloodline Champions - khct
      Make sure to log in to receive your love-gift from us at Stunlock!

      What better way to spend Valentine´s Day than playing BLC? None!
      So we’re happy to run a Valentine´s Day tournament for you to enjoy!

      On top of all this love we’ll also host random key give aways on twitter!
      At 18:00 UTC - 19:00 UTC random keys will be tweeted, there might be some surprise tweets during the day as well, so keep an eye out!
      Make sure to follow us on twitter, and try and grab them as fast as you can!

      We’ve launched a new support site. So if you’re having any problems this is where you should go. We take care of all issues as soon as we can, doing multiple issues for the same problem only slow things down!

      What’s going on?
      There is a lot of questions going around and here is some answers to some of them.

      Will you put up more servers to cover other regions?
      At the moment there’s no plan for servers in other regions than what we have today. To split the community we have active EU east/west or US east/west would just make the queues horrible. Other parts of the world, we just don’t think have enough players to cover the cost of the servers or for the queue to work out.

      Whats next for Bloodline Champions?
      At the moment or goal is to get the servers working properly, our aim with taking over the servers was to keep the game up and running so you guys can keep enjoying it. What comes next is still unknown.

      Will Team Ladders return?
      The reason why we removed Team Ladders was because we didn’t want to split up the community. Opening up 3v3 and 2v2 Teams will split up the community into multiple queues again. We don’t think that this is a good idea considering where our current playerbase is at.

      See you in the arena!
      Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
      Make sure to log in to receive your love-gift from us at Stunlock!

      What better way to spend Valentine´s Day than playing BLC? None!
      So we’re happy to run a Valentine´s Day tournament for you to enjoy!

      On top of all this love we’ll also host random key give aways on twitter!
      At 18:00 UTC - 19:00 UTC random keys will be tweeted, there might be some surprise tweets during the day as well, so keep an eye out!
      Make sure to follow us on twitter, and try and grab them as fast as you can!

      We’ve launched a new support site. So if you’re having any problems this is where you should go. We take care of all issues as soon as we can, doing multiple issues for the same problem only slow things down!

      What’s going on?
      There is a lot of questions going around and here is some answers to some of them.

      Will you put up more servers to cover other regions?
      At the moment there’s no plan for servers in other regions than what we have today. To split the community we have active EU east/west or US east/west would just make the queues horrible. Other parts of the world, we just don’t think have enough players to cover the cost of the servers or for the queue to work out.

      Whats next for Bloodline Champions?
      At the moment or goal is to get the servers working properly, our aim with taking over the servers was to keep the game up and running so you guys can keep enjoying it. What comes next is still unknown.

      Will Team Ladders return?
      The reason why we removed Team Ladders was because we didn’t want to split up the community. Opening up 3v3 and 2v2 Teams will split up the community into multiple queues again. We don’t think that this is a good idea considering where our current playerbase is at.

      See you in the arena!
      Feb 12, 2015
      Bloodline Champions - khct
      Added items
      Valentine's avatars and title added to the game

      Slightly modified rating algoritm values in matchmaking
      Sligthly modified balance for Parties in matchmaking

      Maximum channels joined at any time set to 4
      Default channels are now always displayed as "Global"

      Launch parameter '-disableru' added to disable Russian fonts.

      Hotfix 2015-02-13

      Bug fixes
      Fixed the bug where you could not select the Bloodline you just unlocked via a Reward.
      Feb 12, 2015
      Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
      Added items
      Valentine's avatars and title added to the game

      Slightly modified rating algoritm values in matchmaking
      Sligthly modified balance for Parties in matchmaking

      Maximum channels joined at any time set to 4
      Default channels are now always displayed as "Global"

      Launch parameter '-disableru' added to disable Russian fonts.

      Hotfix 2015-02-13

      Bug fixes
      Fixed the bug where you could not select the Bloodline you just unlocked via a Reward.