A Lonesome Tale - Sam Thul
Welp, we're making steady progress!

Today's patch brings us one step closer to release day (either for the demo, the EA or both!)
Mostly, it's a lot of small fixes and patches, as well as another pass at reducing the amount of code and unused assets!

v0.15.27a (Cave Cricket) --> v.0.15.44a (Cave Cricket)

  • Change: Added an attribute_mods value to each hero's attribute in order to differentiate between the base roll and the gained modifiers.
  • Change: Combined the update_hero_hp_bar and update_bonus_rolls functions to one update_hero function.
  • Change: Added hidden luck attribute back in and applied to battle collisions
  • Change: Added is_broken variable to projectiles and a new animation if they hit a wall vs. destroying the object altogether
  • Change: Added door destruction animation
  • Change: Changed the way mouse-over text is displayed for attributes
  • Change: Improved on the Traits system by adding the traits to an array for tracking already picked traits for each hero
  • Change: Game now allows multiple 'level-ups' to be stored and used when a player wants to use them.
  • Fix: Fixed mouseover text for afflictions - was showing the same description for all afflictions
  • Fix: Bug fixed where you could keep adding attribute points on level up, even if the 'add' buttons were invisible.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that had Level UP Icons present at all times, even when Character sheet was invisible
  • Fix: Fixed bug where armor values were added twice upon game start for starting gear
  • Fix: Added initial x and y values to door's previous x and y so it doesn't fling off into another dimension when it's hit by hero.
  • Fix: Added variable to differentiate between newly dead enemies and past dead enemies to prevent death animation from replaying for all enemies every time one died.
  • Fix: Reworked collision systems entirely, as well as damage systems, to fit the new UI changes and Traits mechanics
  • Fix: Changed the formula for the HP Bar fill to match the new width of the HP bar on the Character Screen.
  • Fix: If a ranged weapon is not equipped, show "N/A" for the damage on character screen
Lunars Playtest - Onizuka
- cursor hiding update
- steamdeck input update
Tenebris: Terra Incognita - TenebrisGame
  • Added: Sancto's “Optical Camouflage” skill now removes ALL harmful effects before entering cloaked state.
  • Fix: Sancto's “Inevitable Punishment” skill permanently reduced the character’s accuracy each shot.
  • Fix: Support skills (“Combat Firmware” by Technicus and others) could miss the heroes if they applied on “whole line”.
  • Fix: The “Weakness” effect did not restore the hero's speed to the previous values after depleting or being removed.
  • Fix: Crash to the desktop in the first turn of a battle caused by the hero not properly removing stimulants from the last raid.
  • Fix: Passive Skills: “Act of Mercy” - Medicus, “Electric Arc Welding” - Technicus, reset progress after their condition was filled.
  • Fix: Passive Skill: Vidua's “Experimental Munitions” did not accumulate condition progression.
  • Fix: Passive Skill: Vidua’s “Preparation for Olympics” was always open, now should count the progression properly.

  • Fix: Initiative is properly displayed in the hint window during turn transfer.
  • Fix: Ignifer’s passives “Burning Smell” and “Injector” skills now connect to correct skill.

  • Fix: Sonicus and Vermutoidus could run away without animations.
  • Fix: Aurora’s level backdrops were cropped.

  • Adjusted the damage of Defencor, Ignifer and Legionnaire classes.
  • Slightly cut the number of effects for the second bug type.

  • Various text errors fixed.
Thumb Tanks - thumbcramp
Howdy folks,

this months update comes without any real new features but with a lot of minor tweaks to existing mechanics, optimizations, and bugfixes to sum up for almost thirty changes. I'd like to point out to changes here:

1. The "how to play" section, which can be called from the pause menu, has been updated to reflect the changes introduced since it was written almost a year ago.

2. Exclusive for supporters there has been added a new special weapon, which can be bought during rounds, the "Inferno" shots. Hitting you opponents with one of them, will light them on fire and force them to put the fire out in the nearest river or sea. Like all special weapons, this beauty can be combined with all other special weapons. So we are talking igniting, system failure causing, contaminating cluster-shots if you like them.

Next stop: December update. Don't expect any fancy changes but more fine tuning and optimizations, since the plan is to put the game out this year or January 2025 at latest.
Ronny's Climb - Zephyrix
Heya, Zephyrix here! I want to give a big thank you to the whole community around Ronny's Climb. The days leading up to and the week following the release of the demo have been an absolute blast! From streamers covering the game to people doing speedruns and uploading them to YouTube, it was incredibly fun to watch you play my game and you were all very kind and helpful with feedback. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who streamed, reviewed, wishlisted, or simply played Ronny's Climb.

Here are a few changes and fixes I just pushed for update 0.5.1:

  • Improved long jump behaviour after stomping enemies
  • Added atmospheric sounds to Treetop Trails
  • Added some new and missing credits entries
  • Fixed cause of accidentially triggering the ground pound when using the analog stick
  • Fixed window size resetting after returning to main menu
  • Fixed sounds sometimes playing incorrectly after leaving or restarting a stage
  • Fixed a bug causing invincibility after finishing the initial demo playthrough
Dragons: the helmet of the Forkai - forgedcellentertainment
This game has been reworked from it's core! We must admit that during development we have shifted a lot from the original idea! But now everything is going how we imagined it!

This game is now what it was intended to be: a Random Generated Racing Game.

We have added:
- random level generation (every level is different)
- sounds
- better flying controls
- better joystick controls
- save system (now you can save your XP)

Good luck in your races and enjoy the flight!

Popmoji - SirShelfu

  • Keepie Uppie gamemode no longer shows “Merge Emojis” text
  • Shuffle gamemode actually activates the abilities again
吞食天地2:誕生Reborn - 吞食天地2:誕生Reborn
  繼與「辛卡米克」合作的首波「阿草、阿尼、阿馬」專屬屁貓座騎推出後,中華網龍今(4)日再開放《吞食天地 2:誕生 Reborn》新一波合作內容,這回屁貓「阿草」、阿尼」、「阿馬」將化身為遊戲武將,搭配每隻屁貓不同性格所延伸出的種種特技能力,協助玩家在吞二的冒險世界衝破各種挑戰。


辛卡米克屁貓第二型態 超萌武將融化你的心!
  《吞食天地 2:誕生 Reborn》在 9 月份正式推出與超人氣圖文作家「辛卡米克」合作的聯動計畫,首波推出了「阿草、阿尼、阿馬」專屬屁貓座騎,而即日起官方也緊接著釋出武將「阿草、阿尼、阿馬」,也就是屁貓們的第二型態,讓玩家們多了可愛又強大的即戰力,冒險時更加如虎添翼,以下就為各位介紹化身武將後的屁貓們的強大實力!


【阿草】天生神力 老大風範



【阿尼】頭好壯壯 破防退敵



【阿馬】輔助高手 哄睡大師



統一集團 foodomo App 聯名合作 豐富活動讓你滿載而歸!
  除了推出的「阿草」、阿尼」、「阿馬」三隻屁貓武將外,同樣也在即日起展開合作的,還有與統一集團旗下外送平台-「foodomo 生活好幫手」App,活動期間同步啟動多重好康活動,回饋長久以來支持的玩家,包括只要 foodomo 消費滿額 199 即可贈送吞二獨家虛寶【foodomo 專屬活動福袋】、於 7-ELEVEN 購買 MyCard1000 點並儲進吞二遊戲,可獲得有機會開出超強武將、可愛坐騎以及黃金戰魂的【遨遊吞食寶物隨機福袋】;此外活動更提供了 foodomo 新客優惠碼、foodomo 超值折價券等豐富優惠!林林總總的超優好康,就等著玩家們親自到活動公告一探究竟!

      各種豐富好康,盡在『吞食 X foodomo』聯名活動,玩家千萬不可錯過!

  《吞食天地 2:誕生 Reborn》即日起推出超人氣圖文作家「辛卡米克」的全新合作內容,這回正式讓屁貓「阿草」、「阿尼」、「阿馬」成為各擅勝場的威風武將,請玩家們即日起別忘了到遊戲中【免費】獲取可愛的武將「阿馬」;另外,統一集團旗下外送平台-「foodomo 生活好幫手」App 也與吞二展開聯名合作,以豐富的活動內容提供玩家更多超優惠福利。想要各種好康不漏接,還請大家密切注意官方釋出的各種最新資訊唷!

Path of the Abyss - suzukin




  1. メインシナリオクリア後に遊べるダンジョン「残響する悪夢」が追加されました
  2. メインダンジョンクリア後、街に出入りしているとイベントが進みます
  3. 残響する悪夢は、他ダンジョンと以下の点でルールが異なります





  1. レベル30以降、1レベル上昇につき上級冒険者ポイントが付与されます
  2. 上級冒険者ポイントを利用して、任意の各種能力値を上昇させることができます
  3. 上昇量は微量ですが上限は存在しないため、高レベルになるほど恩恵が大きくなります




  1. 新規ゲーム開始時は祝福装備の入手機会はなく、特定のボスを討伐後に入手機会が得られるようになりました
  2. 祝福装備は特定のボスを討伐したときに装備可能箇所が1か所づつ増えていき、メインダンジョンクリア時で最大3か所に装備可能となります
  3. 「残響する悪夢」にて、祝福装備の装備可能数をさらに上昇することができ、最大8か所に装備可能になります
  4. 祝福装備はランダムイベント「奈落の穴」のほかに、通常戦闘でも低確率でドロップするようになりました
  5. 以下の祝福効果を持つ装備がドロップします











  6. 以下の祝福装備の効果は削除されます

  7. 「マチンの研究所」にて祝福効果を3つ消費して新たな祝福効果を生成できるようになりました

  1. 炎・雷・氷の連撃時に若干のモラルを消費するようになりました
  2. ダメージを与える戦闘スキルの攻撃力は100%を基本となるように調整し、消費コストを上昇しました
  3. 呪術スキルの多くにキャストタイムを追加しました
  4. エンハンススキルやスキルシナジーの効果を上昇しました
  5. 「再ロール(ブロック)」は廃止され、代わりに「HP吸収強化」を追加しました

  1. 多くのモンスターが持っていた魔法抵抗を一部を除き撤廃しました
  2. モンスターがスキルを使用するまでの待機時間を短縮しました
  3. HP吸収効果の仕様を変更しました

  1. ランダムイベント「老魔術師」を廃止しました
  2. インベントリ上限を400に増加しました
  3. ウォルスケン商店にアイテムフィルタリング機能を追加しました
  4. 各種装備の効果を上昇しました
  5. 一部装備のパッシブ効果を変更しました
  6. 既存ダンジョンに少量ですがユニークアイテムを追加しました
Espresso Tycoon - joanna_dreamwaygames
Dear Coffee Lovers,

We just want to remind you that we have a contest for you (related to our newest update)!

Show us your Rome Cafe!

We have 3 Espresso Tycoon keys up for you!
You can gift them to your loved ones ːsteamhappyː

The rules are simple:

  1. Enter the game and decorate a cafe in Rome.
  2. Take a screenshot while being in the game (on Steam, it's effortless – just press F12. You can find it later in your Steam account library) – make sure it will be displayed in the 'Screenshots' section on Steam.

  3. Add #RomeCafe to the caption.
  4. By adding this hashtag, you confirm that this is your work and permit us to use this screenshot in our announcements and social media.
  5. We await your screenshots until 09.10.2024, 19:00 CET.
  6. We have 3 Espresso Tycoon keys for the winners (one person can get one key).
  7. Our jury will then gather and select the winners. On 10.10.2024, we will announce the winners in a special announcement on Steam – we'll showcase 3 selected screenshots. Under each screenshot, we'll also provide a comment with information on how to contact us for the key.
  8. If someone doesn't claim the key within 24 hours, we'll select another winner 😊

We look forward to your Rome cafes!


P.S. Don't forget to join our Discord channel ːsteamhappyː
