Apr 20, 2022
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Quake Update 3 includes new Accessibility features, three new Horde Mode maps from MachineGames, as well as QOL improvements, and bug fixes


We are happy to add new accessibility features to Quake so that the gameplay experience can be enjoyed by even more players

Accessibility Options Notification
  • After installing Update 3, you will be presented with an Accessibility Options notification. Read through the available options to make sure they are set to your preference. Once in-game, these options can be accessed from the Options/Accessibility sub-menu via the Main and Pause Menus
(Note: All Accessibility options default to ON during first launch after install - but can be easily toggled OFF/ON via Disable/Enable All Settings)

Accessibility Options

Read Chat Out Loud '*'
  • Converts incoming multiplayer text chat into a synthesized voice
Transcribe Voice Chat
  • Converts incoming voice chat to text in the multiplayer chat window
Speak For Me in Voice Chat '*'
  • Converts outgoing multiplayer text chat into a synthesized voice audible to other players
'*' Voice profiles can be selected from the Accessibility menu when connected to an online multiplayer session
'*' Text-to-Speech menu narration is not supported

Note: There are several Voice Profiles now available in Quake. The number available per language may vary

High Contrast
  • Changes the default text field backgrounds to improve User Interface legibility

High Contrast OFF

High Contrast ON

Alternate Typeface
  • Changes the original in-game font to a more modern one for improved legibility
Screen Flash Amount
  • Decreases opacity of onscreen effects to reduce flash intensity
Center Message Time
  • Changes the display duration of center print HUD messages
Corner Message Time
  • Changes the display duration of corner print HUD messages
Maximum Lines
  • Changes the maximum number of onscreen corner print HUD messages
Chat Message Time
  • Changes the display duration of multiplayer text chat messages

Three New Levels

Enjoy three new Horde Mode levels courtesy of our friends at MachineGames!


The Trial

The Tower

General Gameplay
  • Added option to disable automatic weapon switching on pickup (Note: This may not work with certain Add-ons)
  • Improved spawn logic to avoid spawning enemies when the player is on a spawn point
Horde Mode

Skill selection balance adjustments:
We’ve received community feedback that Horde Mode is too hard on Easy and too easy on the more difficult skill selections. To accommodate this feedback, we’ve made Horde Mode less difficult on Easy and more difficult on the Hard and Nightmare skill levels. We hope these balance changes are to your liking and look forward look forward to hearing from you on them!
  • Fewer enemies are spawned in each squad on Easy skill selection
  • Boss enemies will start showing up in earlier waves on Hard and Nightmare skill selections
  • Hard skill selection now starts with as many enemies as wave 3 had previously
  • Nightmare skill selection now starts with as many enemies as wave 6 had previously
  • Additional balance adjustments:
  • Ammo now respawns every 20 seconds instead of once per round
  • Enemies are now more tenacious – they will now route around the map and obstacles to find you. No more hiding and safely picking off harmless monsters from a distance!
  • Four player games will now spawn in double the enemies in each wave
  • Removed ability to enable cheats in public multiplayer matches (Note: Cheats can still be enabled from a PC host in private matches)
  • Changed color of enemy text chat from red to green for increased contrast and improved legibility
  • Online multiplayer text chat messages can now be sent via the Pause Menu (Note: Only PC versions support text entry from physical keyboards)
  • Added option to toggle the scoreboard on/off with a button press instead of a button hold (in Gameplay Options)
Multiplayer Bots
  • Added Deathmatch bot support for all single player levels in the original campaign, courtesy of Jorge Martins (Check out their super useful guides made for community modders here)
  • Bots now roam around if the current map doesn't have items, finding their own roam goals
  • Bots now better handle maps with lots of air blasts that push them around
  • Improved bot navigation on MGDM1, and E1M2
  • Bots now roam around if map doesn't have items, finding their own roam goals
  • Bots now better handle maps with lots of air blasts that push them around
  • Improved bot navigation on MGDM1, and E1M2

General Gameplay
  • Fixed an issue in which music was not playing correctly on certain Add-ons
  • Reduced audio latency throughout the game
  • Fixed a bug in which the House of Doom achievement was not unlocking when finding the secret level in Dimension of the Past
  • Resolved an issue in which the Corner message would print the incorrect one for a single frame
  • Fixed an issue in which menus would not scroll all the way to the top of the screen
  • Resolved the issue where the text chat window was too small while playing at 4K resolution on supported platforms
Horde Mode
  • Fixed a bug in which suicide in Horde Mode would not deduct points and immediately respawn you
  • Resolved an issue in which killing a teammate would incorrectly grant a frag and not end kill streaks
  • Removed the random offset from dropped powerups to prevent them from falling out of the level
Multiplayer Bots
  • Fixed an issue in which bots would sometimes miss shootable triggers
  • Fix bots incorrectly using Mjolnir when they don’t have ammo
  • Addresses the issue where bots wouldn’t chatter when killing an enemy, or if teamkilled

The following changes apply to users who may be developing Add-ons that work on the PC version of Quake

General Modding Improvements
  • Our QuakeC source code is now available! This includes the QuakeC source for the base game, Scourge of Armagon, Dissolution of Eternity, and the new Dimension of the Machine, which includes Horde Mode. This code is released under the GPL license and can be obtained from the id Software GitHub here
  • QuakeC built-ins that are unique to the rerelease are now looked up by name, rather than hardcoded builtin numbers which could interfere with other engines
  • Fixed issue with long centerprints disconnecting clients when sent, which could occur when using long custom intermission end texts in Copper
  • Added "walkpathtogoal" QuakeC built-in. This can be used as a drop-in replacement for the existing AI movement to allow any entity to take advantage of bot pathfinding without needing them to be a bot client. Create a friendly dog that does your bidding, or haunted items that run away from the player to avoid being picked up. The world is your oyster!
  • New entities are available for ranged, flying, and boss spawn points. The horde spawning logic will use these points if available
  • Monster spawners can be controlled by using trigger_multitouch entities to enable or disable them as the player moves throughout the map
Multiplayer Bots
  • Added "bot_movetopoint" - new QuakeC built-in to give bots a high level command to move to a point
  • Added "bot_followentity" - new QuakeC built-in to give bots a high level command to follow any entity that they are aware of
  • Added Bot_PreThink - new QuakeC function that gets called before bots run their update logic in the engine
  • Added Bot_PostThink - new QuakeC function that's called after bots run their update logic in the engine
  • Added "objective" flag to items.txt processing. This allows you to tag any item as an objective. Bots track these as a special case, but rely on you to tell them what to do about it
  • Warn at startup if weapons are not correctly setup with a power of two number in QuakeC
  • Add cvar "bot_entityRespawnFunc" to tell the bots which function in a QuakeC mod handles respawning items. Bots use this knowledge to understand when items like the MegaHealth will actually respawn
  • Bots can receive and will react to two stuffcmds: “color” and “kill”
  • Update monster teams regularly - allows mods to add/remove monsters from teams during the game, and have bots understand the change
  • Support idea that monsters can "belong" to a player in DM
Bot Navigation Editor
  • Add cvar "navEdit_removeNoclipOnExit" to disable turning off noclip when exiting nav editor
  • Expose bot pathfinding heuristic value to users in the nav editor, and save the heuristic into the nav file
  • Rename cvar navEdit_waterLookPointDist to navEdit_inWaterLookPointDist for clarity
  • When underwater, place nav node centered on crosshair
  • Fix nav node placement in shallow water
  • Add ability to clear start/goal nodes when testing paths in the editor by pressing F8
  • Add ability to toggle seeing traversals when testing paths in the editor by pressing F5
  • Add "NoMonsters" flag to nav nodes. Allows you to mark nodes that AI shouldn't use (eg. if the node is too close to a wall or obstacle that might get an AI stuck, but are not issues for bots)
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Enjoy battling through new maps in Underdark Overbright as well as experience the original game with community-driven gameplay adjustments with a bonus to this Add-on, Copper.

Underdark Overbright is an eight-level episode set in a mix of medieval architecture and overgrown environments, serving as a prime example of the modern Quake modding community. The new episode brings you through some unique moments such as an underwater gauntlet, a fight to survive on sinking lava platforms and single-player revisitations of Deathmatch classics. As a bonus, the original Quake episodes are available from the Underdark Overbright hub map as well as a whole new end level, so definitely check it out!


Speaking of the original Quake, also included in this Add-on is Copper - a modification that slightly alters Quake’s gameplay! With adjusted behaviors for items, monsters and weaponry, Copper’s quality-of-life changes offer a new take on your next trip through the Slipgate.


Encounter waterlogged crypts and underground temples as you face the darkness, combating a deadly plague blighting the land. With expert use of fog effects and silhouettes, traversing through Honey’s maps are just as good at ambiance as they are obscuring the deadly threats you’ll face in this fan-favorite Add-on!

Download Honey, Underdark Overbright & Copper for free via the Add-on menu in Quake today! Learn more how Underdark Overbright & Copper were developed with our exclusive interview with the original creators, Lunaran and Scampie! And of course our exclusive interview with Honey creator and MachineGames alum, Christian Grawert!
Dec 2, 2021
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Update 2 contains a brand-new Horde Mode made by MachineGames with 1-4 player co-op (including optional bots), new Add-on "Honey", some quality-of-life improvements, and bug fixes.
It also marks the Quake release on the Epic Games Store (for PC). With Horde Mode you can play solo, with bots, or friends, and face off against waves of enemies of increasing difficulty. Earn Silver Keys to unlock access to better weapons. Survive long enough and earn a Gold Key, which will allow you to escape, or stay behind and fight against the armies of Quake until you fall


  • All new multiplayer PvE experience designed by MachineGames
  • Supports 1 - 4 players or bots in local multiplayer and online modes (Custom matches only)
  • Playable on all difficulty levels
  • Includes 4 new maps specifically designed for Horde Mode
  • Score points by killing enemies
  • Kill multiple enemies in quick succession for bonus points
  • Your progression is reset after the last player dies
  • Every 3rd wave has boss monsters but once you clear it, you get a Silver key to unlock more weapons and items
  • After the 9th wave, you get a gold key to unlock the exit, or you can keep fighting as long as you are able
  • Monsters have a chance of dropping quad damage and the pentagram of protection (powerups last for 5 seconds once picked up and despawn if not picked up after 10 seconds)


  • Expand your Quake experience with the free Honey Add-on and delve deep into the darkness to conquer a deadly plague infecting the land
  • For a unique look behind the curtain, check out our Nods to Mods interview with the author of "Honey", MachineGames' own Senior Level Designer - Christian Grawer here
  • Read more about how to access Honey here


  • Improved auto aim to reduce amount of snapping and view locking onto enemies
  • Crosshair color and type can now be changed from the Gameplay options menu
  • Add-ons menu can now be used to play previously downloaded add-ons while offline
  • Text chat and push to talk voice chat are now available in pre-game lobbies
  • Added ability to invite friends across PC platforms using players on your Bethesda.net friends list (optional)


  • Owners of our Quake re-release can log in with their Bethesda.net credentials in-game to earn the Ranger Slayer Skin for DOOM Eternal and the Quake Guy Ranger Skin with the Gladus Axe in Quake Champions! (NOTE: In addition to owning Quake, players must also own DOOM Eternal or Quake Champions to use their respective skins)
  • For more info, click here
  • Note: Nintendo Switch users can unlock the Ranger Slayer Skin in DOOM Eternal alongside Update 6.66 sometime in early 2022. Stay tuned to the Slayers Club for updates!


  • Fixed Death Knight incorrectly referred to as Hell Knight in the main Quake campaign
  • Bots now chat less
  • Fixed cases where texture borders were visible around certain HUD elements
  • Fixed weapon firing immediately after respawning in multiplayer
  • Turning off Enable Microphone before connecting to online services now properly mutes the microphone


The following changes apply to users who may be developing add-ons that work on the PC version of Quake
  • Added new cvar navEdit_onlyTraceAgainstWorld to validate look position only against the world (skipping all other entities). This cvar is exposed as a user option in the nav editor
  • Added new cvar navEdit_skipLookPointValidation which completely skips look point validation, allowing user to place nodes anywhere • Bots now understand Zombies are killed easier with explosives and will switch weapons if possible
  • Further improved bot control of powerups on the map in DM
  • Bot characters are now reloaded when loading a new mod/Add-on
  • Make sure FL_ISBOT flag is set on the bot client when the bot calls "ClientConnect" and "PutClientInServer" inside QuakeC. This allows mods to run bot specific logic when a bot spawns in
  • Fixed bots trying to pick up weaker armors, when wearing a stronger set
  • Added nav editor cvars that are handy when switching back and forth between editor and game for testing, navEdit_removeGodModeOnExit, and navEdit_removeNotargetOnExit
  • Added g_removeAllAI to remove all AI that are on the map. Will check regularly for spawned AI to remove them as well
  • Added nav editor cvar navEdit_showLinkType. Useful for debugging pathing issues. Cycles between showing all links/nodes, only nodes with one way links, and only nodes with non-walk links
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition - JessBethesda
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition has been updated and no longer installs Games for Windows Live dependencies. If Fallout 3 was previously installed on Steam, we suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the title.

The title no longer requires Games for Windows Live and will now launch.

Update Version:

  • Games for Windows Live dependency was removed.
  • Improvements to stability and performance.
Oct 7, 2021
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Update 1 includes improvements to user controls, the addition of bot support to multiple Deathmatch maps, improvements to bot functionality and several notable bug fixes


  • Improved analog stick input on controllers – now more responsive by default
  • Added deadzone, aim acceleration, exponent and aim smoothing options to tweak gamepad input in the Input Options menu
Map Improvements: Dimension of the Machine
  • Hell or Dark Water (MGE3M2): added checkpoint spawns in co-op after traps section
  • Grave Machine (MGE4M1): added checkpoint spawns in co-op and fixed pain triggers around pentagram
  • A Grave Mistake (MGE4M2): added checkpoint spawns in co-op and pain triggers to prevent falling through and skipping them
General Improvements
  • Save game process is faster on large levels
  • Hosts are now identified by an icon instead of a color to make it easier to distinguish for color blind players
  • Weapon wheel HUD element is no longer cut off on local multiplayer vertical split-screen
Online Multiplayer
  • Removed visible game limit in match browser
  • Improved Scourge of Armagon client-side prediction
Added bot support for the following levels:
  • The Slipgate Complex (E1M1)
  • Castle of the Damned (E1M2)
  • The House of Chthon (E1M7)
  • The Elder God Shrine (E4M3)
  • Shub-Niggurath's Pit (END)
  • The Edge of Oblivion (HIPDM1)
  • The Pumping Station (HIP1M1)
  • Improved bot melee attack, swimming and weapon selection behaviors
  • Added text dialogues for when bots make kills or get killed
  • Improved bot handling of elevators
  • Improved bot navigation on The Abandoned Base (DM3)
Misc. Improvements
  • Added monitor select option
Control Updates:
  • Added quick save and quick load key binds
  • Added default keyboard binds for the Laser Cannon, and Mjolnir in Scourge of Armagon
Note: Users with existing save data may need to bind these manually from the Input Options menu


  • Fixed backward movement speed accidentally being set to walk
  • Game speed now correctly resets after using the Weapon Wheel
  • Resolved a bug that could result in the player getting stuck when jumping out of the water
  • Turning off friendly fire no longer prevents self-damage
  • Fixed rare audio crash in Scourge of Armagon
  • Resolved issue that caused excessive clipping when multiple sounds play simultaneously
  • Resolved an issue in which the wrong audio track was playing during the Scourge of Armagon demo
  • Fixed an issue in which Track 11 was playing instead of Track 10 on Gloom Keep (E1M5), The Wizard’s Manse (E2M5), The wind Tunnels (E3M5) and Hell’s Atrium (E4M5)
  • The Silver Key no longer shows up in Hell’s Atrium (E4M5) on Deathmatch
  • Fixed an issue in which some decals were oriented incorrectly in Scourge of Armagon
  • Fixed a lighting bug in The Door to Chthon (E1M6) that caused the darkened path to be lit prematurely
  • Darkened lighting on the roof to restore the original visual effect on Shub-Niggurath's Pit (END)
  • Usernames with quotation marks now appear correctly in game
  • Spanish episode end slate text is no longer cut off
  • Texture smoothing setting restores correctly after deactivating the Quake 64 add-on
  • Fixed bug in which enhanced Ogre model would sink into ground plane after death
Online Multiplayer
  • Resolved issue when sounds would drop and entities disappear or flicker during online play
  • Resolved issue where bots would not grab needed pickups
  • Bots should now see all triggers and doors as shootable
  • Bots no longer linger in slime or lava for too long
  • Removed Bot support on maps that lack waypoints
  • Fixed issue in which bots tried to re-use single-use buttons and triggers
  • Fixed an issue in which the Max FPS option did not correctly display custom settings in drop down menu
  • Disabled GPU culling to improve performance in Dimension of the Machine


The following changes apply to users who may be developing add-ons that work on the PC version of Quake
  • Added the pr_checkextension cvar and checkextension ("QUAKE_EX") function in QuakeC to detect if the mod is running under the updated Quake client
  • Added the cl_nocsqc cvar (it is permanently set to 1 to indicate to modders that CSQC is not supported)
  • Removed the -heapsize command line parameter. It is no longer used in favor of a dynamically sized heap
  • Added FL_NO_BOTS edict flag (Instructs bots to ignore specified object(s) in QuakeC)
  • Added a QuakeC built-in for playing a sound on a client: void localsound( entity client, string sample ) = #80;
Added the following QuakeC built-in functions for drawing debug shapes on clients (these are intended to help mod authors visually debug logic in 3D space):
  • void draw_point( vector point, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #81;
  • void draw_line( vector start, vector end, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #82;
  • void draw_arrow( vector start, vector end, float colormap, float size, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #83;
  • void draw_ray( vector start, vector direction, float length, float colormap, float size, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #84;
  • void draw_circle( vector origin, float radius, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #85;
  • void draw_bounds( vector min, vector max, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #86;
  • void draw_worldtext( string s, vector origin, float size, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #87;
  • void draw_sphere( vector origin, float radius, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #88;
  • void draw_cylinder( vector origin, float halfHeight, float radius, float colormap, float lifetime, float depthtest ) = #89;
  • Added logic that resets AI state to neutral when activating the bot navigation editor
  • Added bot nav editor fullbright toggle key bind to F2
  • Added "CheckForFloor" flag to nav nodes (this can be used for drawbridges, floor traps, etc.)
  • Added "CheckForSolid" flag to nav nodes (this can be used for crushers, traps, movable walls, etc.)
  • Added ability to place nav nodes in shallow lava
Added the following cvars to change nav editor window positions:
  • nav_properties_xpos
  • nav_properties_ypos
  • nav_legend_xpos
  • nav_legend_ypos
Added navEdit_defaultNodeRadius to set preferred default nav node radius
Added ability to lock node height in place when moving nodes around
Added navEdit_defaultNodeRadius to set preferred default nav node radius
Added navEdit_waterLookPointDist to control how far away nodes will be placed in front of player when in water


  • Fixed an issue in which the save command was appending an "s" to the beginning of filenames, resolving auto-save in mods like “Copper”
  • Fixed Alpha not being applied to brush models
  • Restored original behavior of centerprint, sprint, and bprint built-ins to fix issues with mods expecting arguments to concatenate instead of a string format
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Multiplayer Update for All Platforms
  • This minor update fixes an issue that caused multiplayer lobby instability for some users
Aug 19, 2021
Quake - tokyopunchout | Bethesda
Quake – the legendary dark fantasy FPS that revolutionized the genre is now enhanced! This new offering features cross-play, dedicated servers for online deathmatch matchmaking, free optional Add-ons, split-screen support for local deathmatch and co-op, AI opponents in deathmatch and more!

Note: Steam users who already own Quake will automatically receive the new enhanced version with a free download!

Read the FAQ below for details on how to access the enhanced version.

  • Enhanced Graphics
    Better lighting, new models, updated maps, and a dynamic shadow system headline the graphical features available in Quake. Individual features of the enhanced graphics can be turned on and off to your preference

  • Includes Original Expansion Packs
    The two retail expansion packs, Scourge of Armagon, and Dissolution of Eternity are both now bundled with Quake, and are integrated into the main game. The downloadable expansion pack, Dimension of the Past, has also been upgraded and included

  • Includes Soundtrack
    The iconic original soundtrack by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails is now included on all versions for the first time. The soundtracks for Scourge of Armagon, and Dissolution of Eternity are also included when playing those expansion packs

  • Brand New "Dimension of the Machine" Episode
    Created for Quake's 25th anniversary, Dimension of the Machine is a brand new experience created by the MachineGames team. Continue your fight through brand new dimensions, figure out the secret to restarting the machine, and come face to face with an old foe

  • Free Optional Add-ons
    Similar to our re-releases of DOOM (1993) and DOOM II, we will also be periodically releasing free optional Add-ons available to download in the in-game "Adds-on" menu. Our first Add-on is Quake 64, which includes the original alternate soundtrack by acclaimed composer Aubrey Hodges

  • Split-Screen Multiplayer
    Quake includes 4 player split-screen multiplayer on all platforms, in both deathmatch and co-op modes. Fight against your friends, or with your friends in all five campaigns. AI bots are also available to play against in deathmatch mode

  • Online Multiplayer
    Play custom matches on player-hosted servers, or hop into matchmaking and play on dedicated servers. Quake also now includes the extra levels Acrophobia, and The Edge available in deathmatch mode. Dimension of the Machine also contains all new deathmatch levels

  • Cross-Play Multiplayer
    Play with friends no matter which platform they prefer. Cross-play is available on all platforms, so you can play Quake with everyone

  • Supported Languages
    English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian
Minimum Spec (1080p/60 HZ)
  • Windows 10
  • Intel Core i5-3570 @ 3.4 GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 1300x @ 3.5 GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 TI (2GB) or AMD HD 7750 (1GB)
  • 8GB System RAM
  • Minimum 2GB free space on hard drive (additional space required for optional Add-ons)
  • High speed broadband connection required for online play
Recommended Spec (*4K/120 HZ)
  • Windows 10
  • Intel Core i5-6600k @ 3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.2 GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB) or AMD RX Vega 56 (8GB)
  • 8GB System RAM
  • Minimum 2GB free space on hard drive (additional space required for optional Add-ons)
  • High speed broadband connection required for online play
*Compatible display required

I bought Quake already, how do I get access to the new release?
Previous owners of Quake on Steam will automatically receive the new version with a free download. It may already be updated by the time you read this! Additionally, if you didn't own Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity on Steam, you will also be granted access to the original versions of those in-game

How do I access the original versions of the game on Steam?
Steam: Launch options are available to launch the original versions of the games, and the original files are still on disk in the same place

How do I play with friends on other platforms via cross-play?
The easiest way to join a cross-play match with friends is using the room code system. The room code is a 4 letter code that can be seen inside the pre-game lobby. Send this to your friends over text message, Discord, or yelling very loudly, and they'll be able to join through the multiplayer menu without having to search through the match browser or enter passwords. Note that on some platforms, cross-play can be disabled at the system level. If you have problems joining cross-play matches, ensure that this is enabled

If I already own Quake on Steam, will my saves carry over?
Existing save games do not carry over from the original to the enhanced versions of Quake and Steam and Bethesda Launcher. You can continue to use original Quake save games by launching the original version of the game on both platforms

Will I need a Bethesda.net account to play the game?
A Bethesda.net account is required for online multiplayer, and Add-ons. Everything else in the game is playable without linking your account

What are the resolutions and framerates for PC?
PC: Maximum supported by video card/display

What input devices are supported on PC?
On the PC, mouse and keyboard and most controllers should work. Split-screen is available with mixed mouse/keyboard and controller

Do I need an always online connection to play the game?
Quake can be played offline. Currently, official Add-ons require an internet connection to play even if previously downloaded, however we hope to address this in a future update

Are existing mods supported on PC?
The PC enhanced version will load any mod that the original version supported (when existing mods have been placed in the game install directory). However it will not support some mods that require a new/different source port from the original game

Note: We did raise some engine limits from the original version in our new enhanced version but cannot confirm compatibility with all modern Quake mods

Could Not Join Lobby' error on when trying to join Multiplayer?
This error occurs on all platforms when you're system clock is out of sync. Please consult you system manual for how to re-sync your system clock.

  • In local multiplayer, the weapon wheel will be partially cut off in vertical split screen. This does not occur in horizontal split screen
  • If the player uses the Attack input to respawn in multiplayer, they will fire a shot as they respawn
  • Users are unable to access downloaded Add-ons without being connected to the internet. This is not intended functionality and will be fixed in a future update
  • While in local multiplayer, if you wish to remove players from the lobby, you need to back out of the local multiplayer menu and re-enter it
  • Some player movement issues may occur in online co-op matches in Scourge of Armagon
  • The Guardian death sounds in may repeat indefinitely in Scourge of Armagon. If this occurs, either save and load your progress or exit the level
  • Players switching away from Quake by using ALT+TAB, may notice that they lose control over the cursor. If this occurs, simply return to Quake, and interact with the game to restore control
RAGE - Jitsu202

Ready up for RAGE 2's launch on May 14 with the official launch trailer!

RAGE - jasonBethesda

Hey all,

RAGE 2's May 14 launch is fast approaching and we're excited to share with you the unlock times for the game:

Preload Information
If you want to get a head start on downloading the game, you’ll be able to preload RAGE 2 ahead of launch. Preload will begin May 10 at 1pm ET.

Launch Timing
Here is when you’ll be able to play the game depending on your platform and location. The game will unlock at different times depending on your territory:
  • AU, NZ, Asia: RAGE 2 will unlock at 11:01am ET on May 13
  • Rest of World: RAGE 2 will unlock at 8:00pm ET on May 13
  • North America: RAGE 2 will unlock at 12:01am ET on May 14

As a reminder, here are the system spec requirements and special PC enhancements for the game:

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 8GB or AMD Vega 56 8GB
  • Storage: 50 GB available space

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
  • Storage: 50 GB available space

  • FOV Slider (50 to 120 degrees)
  • Show HUD (on/off)
  • Reticle Style (default/simple/none)
  • Motion Blur (on/off)
  • Depth of Field (on/off)
  • Ultra-wide (21:9) and Super Ultra-wide (32:9) display support (PC)
Apr 30, 2019
RAGE - jasonBethesda

So... what is RAGE 2? Well, it's a lot of things. It's a game. It's a sequel to RAGE. And it's fun as hell. But a lot has happened between the first game and this new post-post-apocalyptic shooter.

Learn all about the open-world insanity of RAGE 2 and its many weapons, abilities, vehicles, and enemies in our NEW TRAILER.

RAGE 2 launches on Steam on May 14, 2019!