Here's a dose of mad Brink parkour skills, via Splash Damage writer and designer Ed Stern's Twitter feed. The freerunner defies gravity to complete the assault course in just 18 seconds. Impressive, no? The runner admits it's not quite perfect, but says that "17s will be unbeatable," which is a challenge if ever I heard one.
Brink fail
Brink was due to get a UK release on Steam today, but its product page has mysteriously disappeared from the store.

Users who try and access the game's official Steam page are informed that "This item is currently unavailable in your region." Search for "Brink" and you get by the past few trailers but no download page.

According to posts on the Steam forums, most players who activated their copies soon after the 1am release this morning have been able to play. Lots of UK users, including those who pre-loaded or bought a retail copy, can't boot it up either.

We've contacted Splash Damage and Bethesda for comment and will update as soon as we get some information. Lucky US gamers have been shooting each other up since Tuesday.


Brink is out very soon in the US, and on Friday in Europe. Splash Damage have unleashed the Brink launch trailer, full of fancy wall running, man blasting and a cardboard model of the Ark. If you're not planning on picking up the game today, or you live outside of the US, you can get a good look at Brink on the official Brink website, and at Brink TV's launch events.
brink thumb
Brink's set to launch in less than a day in the US, and Brink TV are running a couple of live online launch events to celebrate. The events will invite some of the best Quake and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars players to deliver feedback on Brink's multiplayer mode, and shoutcasters will be commentating on a series of King of the Hill matches that will be open to anyone who wants to join. The whole thing will be broadcast live on the web.

You'll find all the details on the day one and day two Brink events over on the Brink TV site. As well as a live podcast from Brink TV and leading Brink community members, there will be contributions from leading members of the Quake and Enemy Territory pro circuits, who will be delivering feedback on Brink's potential to become a competitive esport.

Brink TV will also be giving away copies of the game over the course of the two events, and the broadcast King of the Hill matches should give us a good look at how the game really works in a live multiplayer environment. You'll find plenty more footage of the game in action on the official Brink site.