Dec 18, 2018
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

In Update 0.27, we’ve prepared two real-life camouflages inspired by for you to enjoy – the Berlin Brigade camouflage and the Uralvagonzavod camouflage pattern, both available for all environments.

The British Berlin Brigade urban camouflage consisted of white, blue and grey rectangles. It was used by the C Squadron of the 14th/20th King’s Hussars regiment that operated eighteen Chieftain tanks. This unit, along with some three thousand British soldiers, was deployed in West Berlin for most of the Cold War, from 1953 to 1994, when it was officially disbanded following the unification of Germany. Its camouflage is one of the most widely recognized post-war camouflage patterns.

The Uralvagonzavod camouflage is, on the other hand, a modern pattern, used on promotion vehicles designed for export. It’s not really an actual military camouflage, more like something the mercs might have gotten their hands on from a looted UVZ plant in Russia. It consists of ochre, brown and black sharp rectangular shapes, laid out in a flashy pattern, designed to impress any potential customers rather than to conceal the vehicle.

Both these camouflages belong to a category called silhouette breakers. Most people are familiar with the concept of blending in with environment. Such camouflages work best in a forest or other such visually diverse areas and typically have organic (rounded) shapes, reminiscent of leaves and branches. Silhouette breakers work, however, a bit differently. One of the amazing traits of human mind is the ability to recognize patterns and shapes at a glance. Human silhouette, human face... all these familiar things have a shape that we instinctively notice at first glance.

So it is, to a degree, with large military objects such as tanks and ships. It was discovered long ago that breaking the silhouette by painting lines or other shapes on a tank makes it harder to spot it immediately. In a battle, every split second can mean the difference between life and death.

As for the ways of obtaining these camouflages, we will unveil them in the near future.

We hope that you will enjoy them and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The BM Oplot is the best Main Battle Tank the Ukrainian military industry can currently offer. It is a relatively modern vehicle, but, as it almost always is in the former parts of the Soviet Union, it’s (albeit loosely) based on an old Soviet platform. The BM Oplot is essentially an upgraded version of the T-84 tank, which is itself an upgraded version of a tank called T-80UD Beryoza, which is basically a Soviet T-80U with a Ukrainian 6TD series diesel engine. In other words, the roots of the Oplot go back all the way to the mid-1980s.

Hard to keep track of its lineage? Don’t worry; we’ll start at the beginning.

As we mentioned above, the whole story started with the T-80U. The whole T-80 series has its place in Armored Warfare – specifically on Tiers 5, 6 and 7, and if you are interested in its history and background, please visit our articles dedicated to the specific vehicles:
As we’ve seen on the example of the T-72, one of the things typical for the Soviet tank design was the rivalry of important and influential personalities and, by proxy, different factories, each competing for their slice of the military budget pie that was only getting smaller every year. After all, that is how the Soviet Union ended up with three different Main Battle Tanks of the same generation. It wasn’t really all that different for specific tank components – in our case, the gas turbine engine of the T-80 series had a strong supporter in Field Marshal Dmitry Ustinov, the Soviet Minister of Defense until his death in 1984.

Not everyone was, however, as excited with the prospect of building a large number of turbine-powered tanks as Ustinov was. A turbine engine had quite a few advantages, but also significant drawbacks, one of which was the bane of the military industry of the late Soviet era. As you might have guessed, it was very, very expensive. In the prices of the late 1980s, a V-46 engine (of the type used in a T-72 tank) did cost some 9600 rubles while a GTD-1000 turbine’s price was 104.000 rubles – more than ten times as much. It was also fuel-hungrier, expensive to repair and more maintenance-heavy. In short, it wasn’t what the Soviet military as a whole really wanted.

That was why, even quite early on, experiments were made with fitting a T-80 tank with a diesel engine, especially in the Kharkov plant that was already using the compact and successful diesels in its T-64 series production. A new version of the said diesel, designated 6TD-1 and producing 1000hp, was developed in Kharkov. Originally, this engine was to serve as a component of a considerably improved T-64 prototype along with a new turret (called Object 476) but, when the program failed, it would find its place in a T-80 hull as a part of another experimental program called Object 478.

To be fair, both programs overlapped in more than one way. The early Object 478 prototype was basically a T-80 hull mated with an Object 476 turret (carrying a 125mm 2A46M-1 smoothbore gun) and the abovementioned 1000hp engine. An improved version called Object 478M was also envisioned – here, the designers went really crazy with all sorts of fancy and expensive components added to the basic formula, including a new Sistema FCS, a Shatyor hard-kill APS (that never really went anywhere) and a new 1500hp diesel designated 12ChN. But, as it often happened, when attempting to push their ideas, they ran into two major problems – money and Ustinov, who was determined to have Kharkov produce the T-80U in an effort to get as many turbine tanks as possible rolling. And so the Object 478 program was cancelled – at least for a while. Needless to say, overhauling an entire plant to an unfamiliar design took quite some time and resulted ultimately in only approximately four dozen T-80U built and a lot of annoyed Ukrainians.

But, in the end, they got lucky. Ustinov passed away in 1984 and was followed shortly after by another great supporter of the turbine engines, Leningrad’s communist party chief, Romanov. At roughly the same time, an official Soviet study appeared, the conclusion of which was simple – in the next five years, the Soviets would be able to either build 2500 diesel tanks, or 1500 turbine tanks. This kind of math really played into the hands of Kharkov. As a result, the Object 478 program was revived in the form of a T-80U tank that Kharkov was now building, but powered with the 1000hp 6TD engine variant. This tank prototype was referred to as the Object 478B “Beryoza” (Birch). Five early prototypes were built in 1985, they were successfully trialed, shown to M. Gorbachev and, in 1986, it was approved for production under the name of T-80UD.

It’s worth noting that the name itself was a serious source of contention within the Russian military circles. Kharkov originally wanted to have the tank called T-84, following the tradition of other excellent Soviet designs – the T-34, T-44, T-54 and T-64. The opponents of this proposal argued that this was not such a good idea because it would point out the fact that the Soviets were in fact having four different “standard” MBTs in service at the same time (not even talking about the legacy types). In the end, the conflict escalated into the ranks of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, where it was finally decided to drop the T-80 name and keep the T-80UD designation.

The T-80UD was, at least in combat value, generally similar to the T-80 and was produced from 1986 or 1987 (sources vary) to 1991. Approximately 500 tanks were built until the fall of the Soviet Union, most of which (sources vary between 300 and 350) were located in or near Kharkov when it dissolved. The T-80UD model wasn’t all that famous – it appeared first in public during the 1990 Victory Day military parade and was only noted when a T-80UD in the service of the 4th Kantemirovskaya Guards Brigade shelled the White House in Moscow during the 1993 constitutional crisis. As a service vehicle, it was phased out in Russia in 1995.

Let us, however, return to Kharkov, since the factory faced its own problems. With the 1991 Soviet dissolution, the military demand and funding collapsed and the Malyshev plant was left to fend for itself. The biggest problem was the sudden shortage of components that were produced outside of Ukraine – for the T-80UD tank, specifically, 70 percent of all its components were produced in Russia and had to be purchased for cold, hard cash – cash which the factory, and Ukraine itself, did not have. With no major Ukrainian military purchases in sight, Kharkov was left with one option only – to build for export. To that end, they started upgrading the T-80UD to make it more attractive.

But first, they had to replace the components that were no longer available. The turret was a particularly important issue as the original company Azovstal from Mariupol, that had been producing them, had gone bankrupt. To replace it, the Kharkov plant designed a new, welded turret. The protection levels of this turret are not generally known, but some experts estimate them to be roughly on par with the standard cast T-80U turret. The primary purpose of its design was not specifically to improve the protection level (although this would be quite desirable), but to replace the missing supply of the older turrets.

Thus upgraded, the T-80UD (Object 478B) became the Object 478BK (K stands for katannaya – welded). This tank, along with several other Kharkov prototypes (a large number of which appeared in the 1990s, all meant for export) were tested in Pakistan successfully, resulting in a veritable infusion of lifeblood into the veins of the Malyshev Plant – a massive order of 320 T-80UDs for the Pakistani army ordered in 1996 and delivered between 1997 and 1999 (some sources claim the tanks arrived as late as 2002).

Of these 320 tanks, 145 had standard cast turrets (52 of which were built during the Soviet era) – this export variant was referred to as Object 478BE. The rest had the new BK turret (this variant was referred to as Object 478BE-1). What is worth noting is the fact that some of these machines apparently came directly from the Ukrainian military stocks – the amount of service T-80UD’s was reduced from 350 to 271 and some of these “phased out” tanks were definitely ended up in Pakistan.

In the meanwhile, the T-80UD evolution continued. The experimental series of Object 478D tanks tested a whole new series of components, including:
  • Ukrainian copy of the 2A46M-1 125mm smoothbore gun called KBA-3
  • Aynet FCS allowing the tank to fire HE shells with pre-programmed detonation point
  • TPN-4 Buran-E night sights
  • 1500hp version of the 6TD engine called 6TD-3 (this was rejected due to extra development costs)
  • Ukrainian copy of the Shtora soft-kill APS
  • Alternative suspensions (Object 478DU1 used a T-80 style suspension while DU2 used a suspension based on the T-64 one)
The best of these components (built on the chassis with a T-80U suspension) were introduced at the IDEX expo in Abu Dhabi in 1995 under a new name – T-84. It’s worth noting that some sources incorrectly claim that it was this tank that was exported to Pakistan – that is not the case, the Pakistani T-80UD’s were using some of the same components (like the new welded turret), but lacked other ones.

Unlike the upgraded T-80UD Kharkov came up with, the T-84 tank itself did not gain any traction, which included the Ukrainian military. That did not deter Kharkov from working on it even further, resulting in a long line of one-off prototypes with various extra components. The most notable of them is the Object 478DU9, also called T-84U Oplot (“Fortress”), from 1999.

This tank was, as its name suggests, a modernization of the original T-84, which included an improved ERA kit called Nozh (“Knife”), consisting of several layers of explosives that were (allegedly) effective in disrupting and breaking up even kinetic projectiles. Other improvements included:
  • New 1200hp 6TD-2 engine with a sturdier mechanical transmission
  • Catherine-based thermal imager
  • New digital FCS
  • Upgraded electronics with GPS
The tank weighed 48 tons, had a crew of 3 men and excellent mobility with the maximum speed of up to 65-75 km/h. It was armed with a 125mm KBA-3 smoothbore gun (copy of the 2A46M-1) with 40 rounds in an improved automatic loading mechanism, located in the turret bustle and separated from the crew compartment by an armored plate, finally correcting one of the most obvious flaws of the T-80 tank.

For its time, the T-84U Oplot was rather solid and it had the potential of becoming the next Ukrainian standard MBT, but, unfortunately for Ukraine, these plans evaporated along with the next wave of post-Soviet military funding cuts. Ukraine ordered 10 of them (delivered between 2002 and 2003), but only was able to pay for six. The tab for the other four was picked up by the Americans, who bought them for their OPFOR units. These six T-84U tanks were in service until 2016 or so, when they were sent to Kharkov for a major repair overhaul. They only returned to service in 2018.

An interesting off-shoot of the T-84U Oplot was the T-84-120 Yatagan, which was essentially the same tank, but with a NATO-standard 120mm KBM2 gun. This tank was offered to Turkey, but didn’t really go anywhere.

Meanwhile, in Kharkov, the Oplot modernization process continued (albeit at a slower rate, caused by a serious lack of funding due to the inability to find customers), resulting in the ultimate version of the machine, the Oplot-M, also known as BM Oplot.

Compared to the T-84U, the BM Oplot has a number of improvements, including:
  • Better FCS
  • Combined day-night panoramic sights for the commander and a thermal imager
  • New welded turret with improved protection levels
  • Additional side-protection provided by armored side plates
  • Improved ERA kit called Duplet, very effective against tandem warheads
  • Varta soft-kill APS, developed from the older Shtora system
  • Improved 6TD-2E 1200hp engine with reduced exhaust trail and an automatic transmission
  • New communication equipment
The tank weighs three tons more than the original T-84U (51 tons) and can go as fast as 70 km/h. It is still armed with the KBA3 125mm smoothbore, although the abovementioned FCS improvements increase its combat value considerably. The gun can elevate to +15 degrees and depress to -4 degrees. It is, naturally, fully stabilized (2E42M stabilizer) and can fire Kombat semi-active beam rider ATGMs, capable of penetrating roughly 750mm of RHAe after defeating an ERA kit. The optics set consists of:
  • 1G46M “Promin” gunner optics with a laser rangefinder
  • PTT-2 gunner thermal optics
  • PNK-6 commander panoramic sights
The FCS also has a dedicated system that calculates and takes the gun barrel curvature into account.

As for the armor of the tank, according to the producer, the Duplet ERA should protect it against:
  • Large guided missiles such as TOW-2 and MILAN
  • 125mm HEAT shells
  • 120mm and 125mm sub-caliber kinetic shells
Whether that is true or how much of that is realistic has never been proven. The tank is, however, also protected from NBC threats and is equipped with the Varta soft-kill APS and the Zaslon hard-kill APS.

The first Oplot-M took three months to build and was shown for the first time publically in 2009. Ukraine originally ordered ten of these tanks, but this time, the deal was cancelled altogether. The tank was then shown to potential foreign buyers in 2011 at the IDEX expo in Abu Dhabi with a 4.9 million USD price tag per vehicle and this is where the Thai episode began.

In September 2011, Thailand ordered 49 Oplot tanks to replace its aging M41 Walker Bulldogs in service. These tanks were referred to as Oplot-T and had only small differences compared to the original – they received tropics-grade air conditioning and some smaller internal system modifications.

In January 2013, a Thai general by the name of Prayuth Chan-ocha announced that the first tanks would be delivered until May of the same year with the contract scheduled to be completed until the end of 2015. The first tank for the Thai batch was, however, only built in June and four more until November, when they were officially transferred to Thailand (in Kharkov).

Unfortunately for Thailand, UkrBronProm (the producer) ran into serious delays and no more tanks were built between 2013 and 2015. At the end of 2015, Ukraine asked for a shift in the delivery late until 2016, when the tanks started to trickle in with a few tanks every few months. The contract finally ended in March, 2018 with all 49 tanks delivered. A lot of speculations arose connected to the fact how happy or unhappy Thailand was about the state of the contract. The answer to that question can be gleaned from the fact that Thailand adopted the Chinese VT-4 MBT in 2017 with 28 tanks delivered and 150 more being considered.

This would be the first and, so far, the last BM Oplot export deal. With the Ukrainian military short on cash and the disastrous reputation the company gained from the Thailand deal, the future of BM Oplot looks bleak indeed.

In Armored Warfare, the BM Oplot will be a Tier 9 Premium Main Battle Tank. Performance-wise, it will be comparable to the T-90MS with roughly the same style of play as the T-80U. Compared to the T-90MS, it will feature a bit better armor and mobility, balanced by inferior shells and gun performance with the exception of the damage per minute value and accuracy, which will be slightly better.

While its basic protection is not the best in the game, what will make it unique is its highly resistant Duplet multi-layer ERA that can withstand more than one hit before breaking. Defeating it will require multiple shots fired at the same position. Areas covered by the Duplet ERA will therefore be extremely resistant to damage until the ERA itself is defeated.

We hope that you will enjoy it and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The time has come – the Warlords of the Wasteland campaign is here and now it’s your turn to prove that you are the ultimate warlord out there by mastering all the main modes of Armored Warfare.

Between December 14, 2018, and March 14, 2019, you will have the opportunity to participate in the greatest Armored Warfare campaign to date and win exclusive prizes, including the coveted Altay Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank and Commander Alisa Korhonen with her unique Mysterious Stranger ability!

You can find more information about the Battle Path campaign in our dedicated article or by visiting the Battle Path tab that is now available in your Garage.

In order to join the Battle Path campaign, please enter the game and click on the Warlords of the Wasteland icon on the upper bar.

From there, you can simply purchase the Battle Path access (either for currency or for Gold).

Important: starting early pays off – today and today only, the Battle Path access will be available with 10% discount!

The following options are available:

Wayfarer Pack, containing:
  • Battle Path access
  • Player title: “Explorer”
  • Decal: “Power”
Additionally, for the players who want to start with an extra boost, we have the following bundle available:

Warrior Pack, containing:
  • Battle Path access
  • Player title: “Explorer”
  • Decal: “Power”
  • Battle Coins: 10.472 (enough to boost your progress to Level 15)
Please note that there might be a delay of up to 10 minutes between the purchase and the access to the event.

Two mission descriptions are incorrect:
  • The mission that states you are required to destroy 8000 targets with a missile in reality only requires you to deal 8000 damage
  • The mission that states you are required to hit 15 UAVs in reality requires you to destroy them

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it all work?

Simply put, you earn Battle Coins by completing missions and then spend them to raise your Battle Path level while earning Wasteland Loot Crates, camouflages, player avatar, decals and other goodies, including an exclusive reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Altay. You can also get other Premium vehicles as well as two Altay skins.

What do I have to do?

The Battle Path campaign is divided into four paths (mission chains), each with its set of many missions. By completing the missions, you will receive Battle Coins, which are used to increase your level. Other rewards for completing the missions include Gold, various Loot Crates and Credits.

How many levels are there and why should I care?

There are 100 levels in total. For reaching Level 50, you will an exclusive reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Altay along with a “Bronze” skin for it. For reaching Level 100, you will receive another, “Gold” skin for the Altay. Along with these prizes, various other rewards await you for every level you reach. Their list can be found on the Battle Path progress bar in the game.

How can I start a mission chain (path)?

In order to start a mission chain, you need a Token. You will receive a free Token on Level 1, 7 and 13 – you decide which chain you wish to unlock and when. In order to unlock the access to the fourth chain (the “Dire Wolf” missions), you need to complete all the three previous chains first.

What are the Battle Coins?

The Battle Coins are a unique currency, required to advance through Battle Path levels. You can also spend Battle Coins on completing difficult missions without having to actually complete their requirements in the game. On the Battle Path screen, you can see your Battle Coin balance in the upper right corner.

How can I obtain Battle Coins?

There are several ways of obtaining them:
  • By completing missions – each completed mission will award you with a certain amount of Battle Coins
  • By purchasing them or winning them in an official Armored Warfare event
  • By just playing
Regarding the last point, for each minute you spend alive in battle (with the exclusion of downtime such as waiting for a respawn), you will receive 1 to 3 Battle Coins. Furthermore, winning increases this income by 25 percent in PvE (including Special Operations) and by 50 percent in PvP and GLOPS.

Additionally, the best players of the team by Experience obtained will receive an additional bonus – extra 4 Battle Coins for being first in PvE or Spec Ops, extra 5 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in PvP and, last but not least, extra 10 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in GLOPS match.

How long will the campaign be available?

The Battle Path missions will be available between December 14, 2018, and March 14, 2019. The remaining time can be seen in the Battle Path window in the game.

What unique prizes can I look forward to for completing the Battle Path missions?

Apart from the Altay, the unique prizes include:
  • T-55 Enigma
  • Scorpion Kastet
  • M1A1 Storm
  • Commander Alisa Korhonen
We have, of course, many other prizes for you as well.

How do I unlock a mission chain (Path)?

You can unlock it by using a Token. A Token can be obtained by reaching Level 1, 7 and 13 respectively.

Can I complete the missions within a chain in any order?

No. You need to complete them in the order specified by each chain, one after another. It is, however, possible to complete a mission by spending extra Battle Coins (the cost is 2.100 Battle Coins per one mission for the first three chains and 4.150 Battle Coins per one “Dire Wolf” mission).

You can see which mission is currently active by visiting the Mission tab of the Battle Path window. The completed missions are marked with a green ticker and the missions that are yet to be unlocked are marked with a lock icon.

Can I see the progress of my missions in the game?

Yes, in the Battle Path window.

Can I complete more missions at the same time, or the next one only starts after the previous one is finished?

The next one only starts after the previous one is finished. You need to pick up your mission reward manually in the Battle Path window in order to activate the next mission. However, if you earn more than one Token and unlock multiple chains at the same time, it is theoretically possible to have two or even three missions active simultaneously and to complete them all in one battle (if their requirements do not prohibit you from doing so).

How do I know what vehicles to use and what modes to enter when completing a mission?

Mission requirements are stated in each mission’s description. They can be restricted by:
  • Mode (for example, “Random Battles” - missions marked as PvP (any) can be completed in both GLOPS and Random Battles)
  • Vehicle class (for example, “LT”)
  • Vehicle tier
The fourth chain “Dire Wolf” missions can only be completed in a Tier 9 or Tier 10 vehicle.

Do I also need a Token for the Dire Wolf mission chain?

No, it is unlocked automatically once you complete all three previous Paths (mission chains).

When do I receive a prize that I win, for example by advancing by a level?

You will receive it automatically, within 30 minutes of you receiving it.

If I didn’t receive the reward I won fair and square, what do I do?

Please contact our support service.

Can you tell me more about the Wasteland Loot Crates?

The Wasteland Loot Crates are obtainable for completing missions, gaining levels and for purchasing. They are stored in the Inventory tab of your Garage, where you can open them. For more information about the Wasteland Loot Crates, please visit our dedicated article.

I can see that some missions require acquiring a certain number of Commendations of various kinds. What are Commendations?

Commendations are badges awarded directly in battle for accomplishing any of the following actions:
  • Killing an Enemy (Slayer)
  • Assisting a Kill (Wingman - awarded to the top 3 damage dealers and the active spotter)
  • Damaging an Enemy (Bruiser)
  • Assisting Damage (Facilitator)
  • Designated Damage (Tactician - you designate a target with the AFV or LT ability and the damage to it will count towards this commendation)
  • Spotting an Enemy (Scout)
  • Spotting Damage (Instigator)
  • Allies Hidden By Smoke Shells/Grenades (Blinder)
  • Destroying Enemy Modules (Saboteur - it's worth mentioning that this only is awarded twice per battle)
  • Killing Enemy Crew (Widowmaker)
  • Base Capture (Infiltrator - awarded every 15% of base capture progress)
  • Base Defense (Defender - awarded on removing any amount of base capture progress from an enemy)
  • Completing an Objective (Operative - this is for standard PvE mostly, awarded on completing primary or secondary objectives)
The goal of these commendations is to provide real-time visual feedback to players in order to notify them whenever they've earn some rewards. Commendations themselves do not provide additional rewards.

Please note that the commendations may be disabled in the UI. In order to make sure they are enabled, please follow these steps:
  • Open the Settings window by pressing the Escape key in the Garage and clicking the Settings button
  • Click on the UI tab and in it on the Commendations button
  • Make sure the “Hidden” button is not ticked
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 13th of December 2018, starting from 8:00 CET (12th of December, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 4 hours due to the application of Update 0.27.5085.

List of Update 0.27.5085 Changes

Important Changes
  • Fixed several issues that led to a considerable amount of crashes (especially for 32bit clients)
  • Fixed an issue with loading the Reactor map
  • Fixed the issue that led to vehicles being stuck in battles
  • Fixed the issue where some sounds (including Special Operations voiceover) would disappear after being drowned by autocannon sounds
  • Fixed the issue that made the simplified garage appear black only
  • Fixed the bonus values for the automatic loading mechanism modules and reload speed Retrofits to work correctly
  • Added an option to limit your camera movement in the sniper mode to the area allowed by your gun depression and elevation, available in the Settings – Gameplay tab
Missile Vehicle Overhaul

After the recent APS overhaul, we’ve taken a look at how some missile-dependent vehicles perform. In order to make them more viable, we’ve made the following changes to them:
  • Kornet-EM – reduced the time between launches from 1.5s to 1s, reduced the full clip (8 missiles) loading time from 45s to 38s
  • T-15 – reduced the time between launches from 1.5s to 1s, reduced the full clip loading time from 24s to 20s
  • AFT-10 – reduced the time between launches from 2s to 1.2s, reduced the full clip loading time from 36s to 32s
Other Changes
  • Fixed the Sophie Wölfli and Marat Shishkin vehicle pool appearance
  • Fixed the issue where the Shooter medal could only be obtained by one player per battle
  • Fixed the issue where some low-Tier AI vehicles in PvE had more hitpoints than intended
  • T-62 Veteran now has Premium status (the cost of the obtained Battle-Hardened status will be compensated)
  • M1 AGDS – fixed the issue that prevented it from launching ATGMs once the autocannon ammo was depleted
  • Kornet-EM – fixed the issue that caused the aim reticle to be tied to the left launcher only
  • Kornet-EM – the full clip reload time was changed to 38 seconds
  • Object 640 Black Eagle – added the correct income bonus
  • OA-82 Jarmila II – hitpoints changed from 1100 to 1200
  • M113 ACAV – hitpoints changed from 1350 to 1250
  • M1A1 AIM – fixed the UI characteristics to correspond to their real values
  • T-62M – hitpoints changed from 1800 to 1850
  • FV101 Scorpion – hitpoints changed from 1500 to 1400
  • Thunderbolt II Hades – the M829A3 shell now has a 25 percent bonus to the chance to cause a fire
  • Fixed the issue that prevented players from seeing their friend list members when attempting to invite them to a platoon or a Custom Match
  • Fixed the error message that appeared when attempting to install a new Retrofit on a vehicle that already has them full
  • Fixed the Sharpshooter active ability description
  • Fixed an issue where the vehicle could swing its hull for a long time when stopping on an uneven surface
  • Fixed the Assault Squad achievement
  • Fixed an issue where the shells would not appear in the battle UI at all
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

As a part of the Festival of Events, leading to the launch of the Warlords of the Wasteland Battle Path campaign, we’d like to invite you to another Bounty Hunt!

On December 13, log in to Armored Warfare and play Tier 8 PvP. We, the staff-members and moderators, will be joining the battles and if you manage to destroy one of us, you will be awarded with a temporary 3-day version of the ultimate prize of the Battle Path, the Altay Tier 10 Premium MBT.

The event will take place during the following times:
  • Session 1: 16:00 – 18:00 CET (for the EU and RU players)
  • Session 2: 3 PM – 5 PM PST (for the NA players)
Sounds easy enough? Well, as always, there’s a catch. Once again, we will be driving pretty powerful vehicles – the Terminator Mod.2018 Tier 8 Premium TD, also available during the event. We will do our utmost not to get killed. We will evade pursuit, stay back, plus, there’s that one jackass who just loves to drown himself whenever he’s cornered... in other words, getting that prize won’t be easy and you will have to work for it!

Otherwise, the rules of the contest are very simple:
  • Team-Killing will not win you a prize, unless you count a ban and contest disqualification
  • You don’t need to make a note of who you destroyed (although it doesn’t hurt); we’ll keep track
  • You can win as many times as you want, they are no limits per player
  • Rewards will be distributed after the end of the event
We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week’s discounted MyLoot vehicle is the French AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer.

The AMX 10 RCR is the updated variant of the French AMX 10 RC fire support vehicle by GIAT, originally developed in the early 1980s. This light and nimble wheeled 6x6 AFV was armed with a 105mm gun, allowing it to knock out even armored targets at considerable distances. Over 200 of these aging vehicles were upgraded by Nexter in 2010 with improved armor and electronics, enabling them to fulfill modern battlefield tasks until their eventual replacement by the Jaguar. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!

In Armored Warfare, the AMX 10 RCR is a Tier 8 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s incredibly agile with its wheeled chassis allowing it to outrun pretty much any enemy on the battlefield save for the fastest AFVs. Its gun accuracy is also top notch, making this vehicle perfect for sniper-style gameplay as its thin armor can’t protect it against enemy shells at close distances.

Apart from the permanent standalone offers that are available with 15% discount for the duration of this offer, the following special bundles are also available between December 11 and December 13, 2018:

Improved Bundle with 37% discount, containing:
  • AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 25 Gold Loot Crates
  • 15 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 50 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 2.500 Gold
Prime Bundle with 52% discount, containing:
  • AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 25 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 25 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 50 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 5.000 Gold

Please note:
  • This offer starts on December 11, 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
  • This offer ends on December 13, 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
  • If you already owned a bundle vehicle, you will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold instead
We hope that you will enjoy this offer and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We are happy to announce that the Warlords of the Wasteland Battle Path campaign is launching soon.

As we’ve already disclosed in a separate article, in order to get your hands on the amazing prizes it offers, a Battle Path access has to be obtained first.

It will be available for purchasing, but we would also like to give you the opportunity to get one for free in one of the Festival of Events contests we’ve prepared for you for this week!

Here’s what you can look forward to between December 10 and December 15, 2018 on our portal, Social Media and in the game itself:
  • December 10: Assassination contest (achieve the highest number of kills)
  • December 11: Reconnaissance contest (achieve the highest number of spotted targets)
  • December 12: Destruction Derby contest (deal as much damage as possible)
  • December 13: Bounty Hunt (the event you all know and love – destroy a Community Manager in battle to win a prize)
  • December 14: Action Shot (make and submit the best action screenshot)
  • December 15: Random Raffle (play a battle during the day to enter the contest – randomly selected players will be rewarded)
All these contests (with the exception of the Bounty Hunt) take place on our Social Media:
Follow these channels to learn more about each of them – the prizes will be worth it! The Social Media contests and Random Raffle winners will receive the coveted Battle Path access as well as bonus BattleCoins that can be used to accelerate the Battle Path progress.

Additionally, the victory in some of the events is rewarded with a temporary version of the main Battle Path prize, the Tier 10 Altay MBT. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the first to drive this amazing machine in battle.

We’ll see you on the battlefield!
Dec 7, 2018
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

As a part of the newly introduced Skin system, we’ve added two very distinctive skins to Armored Warfare, each for several vehicles – the Nomad skins and the Titan skins.

The Nomad skin is inspired both by the wild marauders of the Middle East part of the world of Armored Warfare and some contraptions seen in the real life conflicts in the same area of the world. Wicked blades, rotating saws, hooks and oversized chrome exhaust pipes are now available on the following vehicles:
  • VBL Tier 5 Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • LAV-600 Tier 6 Tank Destroyer
  • M1A2 Tier 8 Main Battle Tank
  • Leopard 2A6 Tier 9 Main Battle Tank
The Titan skin is inspired by the slick, high-tech digital world of Armored Warfare corporations. Featuring distinctive camouflage as well as the neon lights, vehicles equipped with this skin signal to their enemies that they are not afraid to be seen because they have the might of a corporation behind them. This skin is available for the following vehicles:
  • Merkava Mk.3D Barak Zoher Tier 8 Main Battle Tank
  • Sprut-SD Tier 8 Tank Destroyer
  • Armata Tier 10 Main Battle Tank
  • Kornet-EM Tier 10 Armored Fighting Vehicle
You can read more about the Skin system in our dedicated article.

These skins are available inside Armored Warfare for Gold. We are, however, also offering the opportunity to purchase them directly on MyLoot with a major discount:
  • Standalone bundles (10% off)
  • A bundle with either all the Titan skins, or all the Nomad skins (30% off)
  • A bundle with all the Titan and Nomad skins (45% off)
This offer is available permanently.

We hope that you will enjoy the new skin system and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

One of our esteemed community contributor initiatives, the Gamestone Blog, is offering you to win great prizes and to have a lot of fun while doing it – all you have to do is participate in the Gamestone Quest event!

Between December 7 and December 31, 2018, play PvE (Hardcore difficulty) using a Tier 5 progression vehicle and take screenshots of your performance in one of the following categories:
  • Most damage dealt
  • Most spotting damage dealt
  • Most destroyed vehicles
Submit the screenshot to the Gamestone e-mail: with the subject containing the following information:

Contest of the month (December) – Category – Platform (PC, XBox or PS4)

At the end of the event, the best player of each category will be rewarded with the following:
  • Object 279 Tier 5 Premium Main Battle Tank or its price in Gold
  • 650 myCoins
  • Gamestone decal
Please note:
  • This event starts on December 7, 2018, 00:01 CET
  • This event ends on December 31, 2018, 23:59 CET
  • This event is limited to players with and Steam accounts ( accounts cannot participate)
  • All tabs of the result screen must be captured and submitted, they must be unaltered and contain the results from battles played during the event period
  • Players can participate in all three categories, but can win in only one
  • This event is limited to standard PvE (Hardcore difficulty) and Tier 5 progression vehicles (Premium vehicles are not allowed)
  • Platoons are not allowed
  • In case of a result tie, the earlier submission wins
  • This event is organized by the Gamestone blog owners, who reserve the right to settle any disputes arising during this contest
We hope that you will enjoy it and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The Arabian Nights season is here and to celebrate, we’ve prepared amazing bonuses for you to enjoy!

Between December 6 and December 13, 2018, the following bonuses will be available:
  • 400% Experience income bonus (x5) for the first victory of the day for all modes
  • 25% Credit income bonus for all modes
  • 50% Commander Experience income bonus for all modes
Have you picked up your daily gifts yet? Don’t forget about the Winter Calendar!

Please note:
  • This event starts on December 6, 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
  • This event ends on December 13, 16:00 CET (7 AM PST)
We hope that you will enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield!