Sep 15, 2019
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Hey Tankers,
The latest update with RNAS Armored Car is finally here! More details below.

Be sure to restart Steam so that the patch downloads.

Build v0.2.4b Change Log:
New Vehicle
  • RNAS Armored Car is unlocked by default. You can add it to the garage by using the “Create New” button or the “+” on the tank carousel.
  • RNAS Armored Car will have tow line abilities (front and rear) to pull the vehicle out of trouble. You can access them via the steering module.
  • RNAS Armored Car will have 3 turrets to choose from. Access them from the Arsenal panel in the garage.

New Features
  • You can now use shortcut “J” to order your crew to repair the manned module. Shortcut key can be modified in the Options menu.
  • The speed of the Slow Mo mode can now be tweaked in the Options under the gameplay tab. Default value is 0.3.

New Campaign Mission
  • Added a new Campaign Mission IV (Chipilly Spur) to Battle of Amiens

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue with the Train derailing in Mission Panzerzug
  • Fixed issue with Mark V Star Wide track incorrect terrain resistance value

Other Changes
  • To address the issue of Tank slot setting getting reset, we have created a new folder, named “TanksData”, to store the tank slot setting and it is marked for Steam cloud save. But the changes will only be applied after the patch is installed. Which mean that is still a chance Steam will reset the tank slots when the patch is installed. Just in case, you can backup the old “Tanks” folder in the game installation folder.

Do let us know your feedback through:
Steam Forums

Armored Battle Crew Team
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Dear Tankers,
Today we will take more peek at our new speed demon!

Unlike tracks, wheeled vehicles can get stuck easily in trenches. To get around this, you can use the Towline abilities via the steering module to pull the vehicle out of trouble.

Double Front Wheels
The front wheels can be swapped for double tires for increased off-road mobility. But the extra traction will make it harder to steer so choose wisely!

Do join us on Discord to chat about the game and tanks!
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Armored Battle Crew Team
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Dear Tankers,
Today we will take a quick look at the upcoming speed demon!

The first British armored car squadron was created by the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) in 1914. Rolls Royce Silver Ghost car chassis was modified with an armored body and a fully rotating turret to form the RNAS armored car.

Although the armored cars were not suited to the muddy and trench filled battlefields in the Western Front, they were put to good use in North Africa and were famously used by the Lawrence of Arabia against the Turkish.

Swappable Turrets
A new feature that will come with the armored car is the ability to change the turret in the garage! RNAS armored car will come with 3 turrets.

Turret 1
A fully enclosed turret to provide maximum armor protection to the crew. The main drawback is the slow rotation speed of the turret.

Turret 2
To adapt to the hot desert in North Africa, the roof of the turret is removed to improve air ventilation. This also increased the rotation speed of the turret.

Turret 3
In this version, the turret is replaced with a gun mount in an attempt to equip the armored car with a cannon. You can mount twin machine guns, cannons, and large flamethrowers. But beware as the turret has a limited arc of fire to the front.

That's all for now.

Do join us on Discord to chat about the game and tanks!
Leave a comment or like if you love what you are seeing!

Armored Battle Crew Team
Jul 21, 2019
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Dear Tankers,

We are pleased to announce that
Speed Demon #1 RNAS armored car (aka Rolls Royce)
has come out first in the race!

Here is the final tally from Discord and Steam:
RNAS armored car - 117 votes
Austin armored car - 62 votes
Lanchester armored car - 64 votes

A quick recap of the stats (subject to changes):
Crew: 3
Weapon: 1 x MG in Turret
Possible additional weapon: 1 x MG in Co-Driver position
Engine: 65 hp
Top Speed: 96 km/h
Default Armor: up to 8mm
Weight: 3.8 tons

Work will begin immediately. Do look forward to the next sneak peek!

Armored Battle Crew Team
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Hey Tankers,
We are working on our next British vehicle and to satisfy those speed demons out there, we have decided to add armored car!

The 3 possible candidates are listed below and we will be doing a poll to find out which demon will be the winner!

You can vote via:
  • Join our dedicated poll at Discord (Look for poll-armored-car)
  • Leave your vote in the comments below

Speed demon #1 (RNAS Armored Car aka Rolls Royce)

Fastest of all 3 but limited to only 3 crew.

Crew: 3
Weapon: 1 x MG in Turret
Possible additional weapon: 1 x MG in Co-Driver position
Engine: 65 hp
Top Speed: 96 km/h
Default Armor: up to 8mm
Weight: 3.8 tons

Find out more:

Speed demon #2 (Austin Model 1918 Armored Car)

Slowest of all but comes with 2 turrets and up to 5 crew.

Crew: 4 or 5
Weapon: 2 x Turrets (1 x MG each)
Possible additional weapon: 1 x MG in rear position
Engine: 50 hp
Top Speed: 60 km/h
Default Armor: up to 8mm
Weight: 5.3 tons

Find out more:

Speed demon #3 (Lanchester Armored Car)

Similar to RNAS armored car but comes with 4 crew. Front armor is well sloped.

Crew: 4
Weapon: 1 x MG in Turret
Possible additional weapon: 1 x MG in Co-Driver position
Engine: 60 hp
Top Speed: 80 km/h
Default Armor: up to 8mm
Weight: 4.5 tons

Find out more:

Vote now!

PS: All specifications will be subject to changes!

Armored Battle Crew Team
Jun 29, 2019
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - Gattai Games
Hey Tankers,
The latest update with Mark V* is finally here! More details below.

Be sure to restart Steam so that the patch downloads.

Build v0.2.3 Change Log:
New Vehicle
  • Mark V* will now be unlocked when Mark V Male progression is 100%

New Trooper Seat Module
  • Trooper Seat is added to Storage Module. Each seat will provide 1 additional crew to the vehicle. The trooper behaves similar to the existing crew but with no ability/trait. Troopers can be deployed outside the tank as normal rifleman
  • Trooper seat will be available to all vehicles except Whippet

New Campaign Mission
  • Added a new Campaign Mission III (A Bridge Too Far) to Battle of Amiens

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issues with assigning crew in garage

Known Issues:
We are aware that Tank slots 1 to 4 might get reset back to default. We will be looking into implementing a solution to by pass the problem.
In the meantime, you can back up the "Tanks" folder in
...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Armored Battle Crew WW1\Tanks

Do let us know your feedback through:
Steam Forums

Armored Battle Crew Team
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - skullwolf
Hey Tankers!
Today, we want to take you on a tour of a new variant of Mark V.

To counter the movement of British tank, the German started to widen their trenches. And the British solution to the problem is to lengthen the tank by cutting the tank in half and fit it with a almost 2m extension in the middle. The result will be Mark V*, in which the * indicates modification to the existing design (* is pronounced as Star).

Ironically, the Mark V* was not converted from Mark V. They were rolled out as new vehicles from factories and much more Mark V* was constructed than the Mark V during world war one.

More of everything
The main drawback is additional weight from the extension, which weighs about 4 tons. This resulted in much poorer maneuverability.

The upside of Mark V* is the extra space available for:
  • 2 additional storages are added to the rear.
  • 4 more gun ports are mounted (1 on each side and 2 on the rear top cab, facing forward and backward respectively).
  • Crew size grew from 6 to 8. This allows more guns to be manned!

Mark V* behaves like a slow moving bunker. With 8 crew, you can deliver massive amount of firepower on all direction of the tank. Very useful when enemy troops are swarming the tank from all directions. The extra 2 storages also allow you to hold more ammo and/or fuel. This reduces the need to frequent the resupply point.

You also have to be more selective of where to mount additional armor as any extra weight will result in sharp drop in mobility on a already slow vehicle.

New Module - Trooper Seat
You can now swap the storage for a trooper seat! The trooper will serves as an additional crew in the tank and can be deployed via the sponson doors when the vehicle is in any of the Victory Point. Once deployed, you will lose control of the trooper so do weigh the options carefully.

Tentatively, Mark V* will be coming by the end of the month!

Do join us on Discord to chat about the game and tanks!
Leave a comment or like if you love what you are seeing!

Armored Battle Crew Team
Jun 15, 2019
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - Gattai Games
Hey Tankers,
We have pushed out the latest patch. More details below!

Be sure to restart Steam so that the patch downloads.

Build v0.2.2 Change Log:
Main Changes
  • 1.59 Inch Vickers is now unlocked right at the start to give Mark V Female and Whippet access to Anti-Tank weapon
  • Whippet is now unlocked right at the start to offer players more variety of vehicles to choose from

To ease the learning curve, we have adjusted Mission 1, 2 and 3
  • Enemy Tanks will not be spawned on Easy difficulty for Mission 1 and 2
  • Enemy artillery strikes are less often on Easy difficulty for Mission 1 and 2
  • Enemy Tank at the start of Mission 3 is replaced with an AT gun on Easy difficulty

Quality of Life Improvement
  • Killing the crew of AT gun and machine gun will now be counted as a kill on the objective counter in Mission 3 and 4. (But do destroy the gun completely if you wish to earn some additional XP)
  • All flamethrowers default target type is set to both Infantry and Soft (Used to be just Infantry). Hint: Flamethrower can arc over the AT gun and kill the crew
  • Mark V ability to crush obstacles have been greatly improved. Weight of vehicle will now be factored into the rate of destruction of obstacles
  • Prompt to enter Garage in Main Menu is removed
  • To aid in finding the downed plane in mission 5, the plane debris are scattered in a larger radius around the crashed site. "Capture Pilot" has also been renamed to "Rescue Pilot"
  • Shortcut keys for Ability 1 ('Q'), Ability 2 ('E'), Cycle Ammo ('F') are now remappable under Option
  • Crew will now auto take up position in the vehicle at the start of battle
  • In Mission 6, on completion of all objectives except “Destroy Artillery”, enemy artillery will spawn instantly instead of needing to wait

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed mission 6 minimap showing accessible part of the map as inaccessible
  • Fix Light armor not working on Female Sponson on Mark V Female and Composite

Useful Tips:
  • Do use Smoke or Star shell from the signal module as they are cheap and recharge fast. Smoke provides cover from enemy fire and Star shell temporarily blind enemy infantry.
  • Ramming enemy Anti-Tank gun can be the quickest way to kill it. Pop smoke before closing it.

Do let us know your feedback through:
Steam Forums

Armored Battle Crew Team
Jun 7, 2019
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - Gattai Games
Hey Tankers,
We are addressing some of the balancing issues the community has voiced out since launch.

Be sure to restart Steam so that the patch downloads.

Build v0.2.1 Change Log:
  • Resupply point will now give 50 fuel every 10s instead of 30 fuel every 10s
  • Small supply drop will now give 75 fuel instead of 50 fuel
  • 6 Pounder and 3 Pounder accuracy improved by 10%
  • Accuracy drop caused by moving and turning the tank greatly improved
  • Damage taken has been reduced in medium and hard difficulty (up to 15%)
  • AT Mine damage is reduced by 30%
  • AT Mine blast radius is reduced by 25%
  • Enemy Anti-Tank gun reload speed increased from 3s to 6s
  • Mark V tanks off road mobility improved by 20%
  • XP multiplier on Defeat is buffed from x1 to x1.25
  • Difficulty XP multiplier buffed up to +60%

Quick Reminder:
  • Use 'R' to order your crew to auto pick up ammo and return back to the weapon
  • Use 'H' to order your crew to auto heal once and return back to previous module

Do let us know your feedback through:
Steam Forums

Armored Battle Crew Team
Armored Battle Crew [World War 1] - Tank Warfare and Crew Management Simulator - Gattai Games

Armored Battle Crew is now available! Get your hands on the game and roll onto the battlefield with your tanks!

Please leave a review for us so Steam knows that you like the game!

Supporter Pack
Like the game and would like to give us more support? We've got just the thing for you! The supporter pack is filled with Unique Decals, Skins and the Armored Battle Crew soundtrack! It's not mandatory, but highly appreciated!

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Early Access Launch Trailer:

See you on the battlefield!

- Armored Battle Crew Team