Pixel MilSword - UNIXSKY0511
Version 1.00:
Fixed project saving bug
Aug 1, 2023
Svarog's Dream Playtest - lynxbird
-Items sold by mistake can now be bought back for the same price from traders.
-Added a map and minimap for Iriy and dungeons.
Barony - mistersneak
Just a quick, but important announcement!

Steam's review team has VERIFIED Barony through their compatibility review of the Quality of Death build.

Prior to the Quality of Death update, Barony was considered "Playable" on the Deck. Now since the Update has been launched, full controller support has been unleashed. Compatibility troubles have been resolved. All of your wildest dreams have come true.

If you're a Steam Deck player, you'll find Barony has passed through all the red tape and will appear in your "Great On Deck" list. And we're not bragging that's just literally what it says. Somebody who works at Valve decided that, so maybe it's a pretty big deal IDK.

Some Tips
  • Playing Barony on the Deck in handheld-mode is awesome. I recommend taking advantage of the Gamma feature in Barony's video settings if you're in a well-lit environment.
  • If you have a Dock or other USB-C connector to put your Steam deck on your TV, that's a great place for Barony too. The UI is large enough at the default scale that many players find it comfortable to read, and you'll benefit from your big sound system and vibrating controller.
  • Now that Barony has Split-Screen, we wholeheartedly recommend giving couch-co-op a try using the Steam Deck on your TV. With the Deck connected to 2-4 controllers, it's a great experience in Barony.
  • The Deck is rad because Steam has the Steam Workshop. Explore Barony's workshop, subscribe to a few items, and activate / deactivate whatever you like from in-game. The Workshop can be a great experience from the couch thanks to the Steam Deck, and we managed to get that feature into the game with this update!

In the future we may be adding additional Deck-specific support, but it's already a great experience.
That's it for now. We hope you love playing Barony on your Steam Deck!
Aug 1, 2023
Solitaire Expeditions - _Q_
Variant #177: Papa's Canfield

Papa's Canfield is simply Variegated Canfield with unlimited cycling through the deck.

Other changes
  • Fixed incorrect statistics displayed by game summary dialog
Aug 1, 2023
Realm of Cubes - Realm of Cubes Official
Alrighty guys welcome back to another update. Here's what's inside!

-Made the crafting easier and better since you can now craft the same item multiple times with only one click of a button, instead of having to click craft every single time

-Mining now gives you mining levels more frequently

-Mining trainer was still displaying, and letting you purchase, already purchased mining training when you turned the game off then back on. This is fixed

-Moved random ghoul that was chilling in the middle of no where to the appropriate place

-You could purchase quest items at the Auction house, this should be fixed

-Renamed the paladin trainer in the city

-Added 3 New Cooking Recipe Scrolls. There are quest from three chefs in the Arcane Isles that reward you them once you complete their respective quest

-Added additional quest in the Arcane Isles as well

-Added Drowning

-Changed location of the Eternity Stone and also change the quest line text to reflect that

-Some items should NOT be able to be obtained through the chest. This has been fixed (Until I find more items that slipped past my grasp)
Aug 1, 2023
Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls - Allogonist
Working on some big things behind the scenes. Hopefully announcement soon. In the meantime here is a bugfix patch that includes a lot of small changes accumulated over a long period.

  • your crew will no longer follow you on the in-station fast transport network if they are set to hold position
  • fixed a bug where logistics rooms would not rotate their animation to match the module animation
  • you can no longer collide with asteroids while in travel drive. Realism be damned, I've never seen a new player pick up the game without immediately killing themselves in travel drive somehow.
  • you can now use the scroll wheel to change mini-map scale in ship exterior view
  • added tooltip description for tractor field modules
  • tooltip base elements made to scale properly with UI scale
  • tooltip resource mode made to scale properly with UI scale
  • tooltip small stats made to scale properly with UI scale
  • tooltip resource element made to scale properly with UI scale
  • tooltip screen placement made to scale properly with UI scale so that tooltips do not render off of the screen
  • AI crew will only search for tiles to repair if they have a repair gun
  • AI crew will only search for fires to extinguish if they have a fire extinguisher
  • all projectile turret magazine sizes increased by 300%
  • all turret attack speeds reduced
  • buffed the max energy use rate of shield emitters which means they can produce shields faster
  • buffed the efficiency of shield emitter energy use so that they produce more shields for the energy that they consume
  • doubled the lifespan of shards produced by flak shells
  • significantly buffed the damage dealt by mining charges of all sizes
  • fixed a bugged ore type that had a negative yield
  • reduced the bullet velocity of all mining charges to make sure they still suck for damaging ships
  • added a tier 1 shield emitter
  • fixed a bug with mouse pointer location calculation on the universe map
  • universe map biome tooltip no longer overlaps mouse coordinate output
  • fixed a bug with a quest that could crash while loading the game
  • fixed: quests were crashing the game because quest debugging was left on because last time I uploaded a patch I didn't give a fuck
  • fixed a crash with conduit pathing on the ship design caused (most likely) by a ship with insufficient padding around the outside of the design
  • the ships that kill you in the first tutorial now spawn faster
  • changed how mouse scrolling and selection works in the station overview UI
  • renamed the header for the station overview UI so people know they can teleport from it
Wind Peaks - Paralelepípedo

It's been an incredible 3 years since the release of Wind Peaks, and we couldn't be more grateful for the everyone in our community! Today, we are happy to present this big Anniversary Update, packed with numerous fixes, revisited content, and improvements, all thanks to your valuable feedback!

What changed:

Levels Revisited
Better hidden objects locations
Houses interiors
New Soundtrack
Ported many systems from Wind Peaks 2
New rendering system for better performance and compatibility between Intel integrated video and AMD video cards
Use joystick bindings by default when plugged for a better Steam Deck experience
Rework of the hidden object randomizer, hopeful fixing the banana glitch
Fix walking trees
Ukrainian localizations by darwinwasright & pani_kit
Rue - Afloofdev
  • Added new functionaltiy to render fonts with Unicode characters through UTF-8.
  • First pass of Greek localisations added. It will either pick Steam's default language, or you can select a custom language through the game's properties before launching it.
  • New icons are added in the text effect of all cards. They show which special icon is needed to activate the effect of a card.
  • Copy in the game was revisited and improved, both on how it looks and how clear it is.
Monster Train - put downs

It's here! This adorable little plush replica of everyone's favorite diminutive orange demon is available now until August 22nd, but ONLY until then!

Fledgling Imp Plushie does EVERYTHING that Fledgling Imp does, only snugglier! Also, it doesn't do anything that Fledgling Imp does, I made that up! But it sure is adorable, and it makes a GREAT gift.

Aero Tales Online: The World - Anime MMORPG - Anisage Games

100% EXP Event started for 24 hours! Afterward, the 20% EXP Event will continue for 1 Month.

02.08.2023 - Server time event calendar is listed below.

13.00 - Three times of hide and seek: Reward 10.000 AC
14.00 - Pet racing event: Prize 10.000 AC
15.00 - Boss event (Hulma, Azure Dragon, Celestial)
16.00 - 1 Gold market event
17.00 - Race event (3 People who come first to a random map) Reward: 10.000 AC
18.00 - Boss Event (Hulma, Azure Dragon, Celestial)
19.00 - Player seeking event! Reward: 10.000 AC
20.00 - 2v2 Power equalized tournament PvP event. Reward: 5.000 AC per Match Won