Dec 12, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Hello everyone! - Update 1.5 - preview

- Added locomotive "Eureka and Palisade no.4" with realistic paintjob, animations and sounds.

- Added rail builder. You can now lay your own rail tracks. (as requested by the forum)

- Added First person view with interactive controls. (as requested by the forum)

- Improved graphics.

As always thank you for your input and support.

Best regards,
Oct 25, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume

The next update is getting closer!

- models and textures are FINALLY finished. The implementation starts now.

Also: Upon release there will be a decent discount for everyone who might be interested, so be sure not to miss this train ;)

EDIT: i hope the screenshot quality is alright now

Best regards
Jul 18, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Dear community - Update 1.4 is out now!

This is a rather big one.
The following changes have been done:

-Added animated sawmill Pine Valley Lumber Co. with log pond
It is now possible to transport timber logs to the sawmill which then can be dumped into a log pond. The logs are then automatically processed and your company will recieve a payment

-Added logging camp Silver Creek. It is now possible to order logs at the logging camp in Silver Creek. The logs have to be loaded onto the cars and transported to the sawmill

-Added realistic lighting. The entire lighting of the map has recieved an overhaul. Shadows and fog along with new textures give the map a more realistic feeling

-Added new rail textures

-Added day/night cycle: The game has now a constant day and night cycle.

-Added new watertower. The watertower has been retextured. The pipe recieved two animated steel wires

-Added company-screen. By pressing "F2" the company screen appears giving you information about your spendings and earnings

-Added interactive freight car iron bars: The iron bars of the freight cars can now be toggled by pressing F4/F6

-Added new log models and textures

-Added river segment

-Added new sound effects

-Adjusted crane controls: logs which are hooked onto the crane can now be turned by tapping "Q" or "E"

-Adjusted depth of field

-Adjusted help screen

-Adjusted switch controls: switches can now only be changed by directly looking over the switch lever and pressing "left mouse button"

-Fixed derailing issues by adjusting physX contact parameters. Derailments are still possible e.g when going too fast over a rail joint

-Improved loading: The loading time has been reduced

-Changed track layout of the stations

Starting a new game is recommended!

I hope you enjoy! And as always thanks for your support!

Best regards,
Jun 23, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Dear community!

update 1.3 is out now!

The following changes have been done:

- The entire game is now colorized
- Added option to toggle sepia and grayscale filter
- Added station Lake Summit
- Added station Silver Creek
- Adjusted depth of field
- Changed watermark to 1.3

Best regards,
Jun 10, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Dear community,

update 1.2 has just been released!

The following changes have been done:
-added fully steerable steam crane
-fixed bell rope of locomotive
-added blur filter while loading
-updated the info-box

I recommend to start a new game!

Thank you for your support and helpful comments!
Best regards,
Jun 3, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Dear community,

after over one month it is time for another update. Update 1.2 will feature a fully steerable steam crane, which will allow you to load your trains with various goods. I have attached some screenshots to this post.

I plan to release this update by the end of next week. Also it will fix the bugs pointed out in the comment sections.

Thank you for your patience and your support so far!

Best regards,

Apr 27, 2018
American Railroads - Summit River & Pine Valley - keume
Dear community!

Update 1.1 has just been released!

The following changes have been done:
- fixed contol keys: keys changed the volume instead of the locomotive levers or vice versa
- fixed coupling keys, requires your Numpad to be turned on!
- water tower nozzle now correctly moves back to its upward position
- info box description has been updated
- blur filter has been reduced
- set version to 1.1 in the main menu

- added whistle animation

Thank you for your constructive comments and discussions so far!
Let me know what you think!

Best regards,