Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

This update took a lot of time. We had problems with the graphics of the Bird Boss, but it is now done. The Bird Boss is ready and is the smallest boss in the game. However, it feels dangerous with all the new animations. Now, it appears from the sky. The whole boss fight is divided into 10 phases, which are separated by a funny animation where it is covered in an Ice Block. After a certain point, the Bird Boss gets a Psi-Shield. Finally, it transforms into a Robot Bird and starts firing its icy cannon rapidly. We have added cool animations for these actions. Overall, the Bird Boss has become a tiny but very cool boss.

We have also fixed some bugs related to the Bird Boss, which you can find in the Bug Fixes section.

We have added 3 new missions in Mode #3. Mission 5 has a lot of preplaced towers, and new towers cannot be built. Additionally, the cooldown of all spells has been significantly reduced. Mission 6 features 3 endless Rage Totems that boost nearby towers. Furthermore, the mission starts with the Bug Boss, which is stronger and summons enemies from all five worlds. Finally, Mission 7 introduces another feature where monsters teleport to another road when they reach the end of the first path. These additions make the new levels fresh and interesting. We hope you like them.

In the next update we are going to add all final movies into the game. They are all ready.

General gameplay changes
We have made several changes in different aspects of the game. Please find the list below:
  • Spells no longer recharge before starting the first wave.
  • Stun from Barricade last skill is now reduced from status resistance.
  • Changes to the Rank skill: Amount of kills required has been dramatically decreased. Now, it provides +6%/13%/22%/34%/50% bonus instead of +6%/12%/18%/24%/30%. The price of the skill has been increased by 1.
  • An immune list has been added to all mini-bosses in the game: Hex, FrostBlock, Devouer, and Eat.
  • Number of required clicks for firing a bonfire in Mission 13 has been reduced from 7 to 4.
  • Damage of Voodoo Towers has been slightly reduced.
  • Ability price of Axes was increased from 150 to 200.
  • Price of Frost Block was increased by 25 and duration was reduced by 33%.
  • Price of Voodoo Hex was increased from 175 to 225. But cooldown was reduced.
  • Duration of slow and damage was increased by 20% for Anti Air ability. Cost was increased from 100 to 125.
  • Target ability price was increased from 125 to 175. Bonus range was increased by 50%.
  • Fire Spear damage was increased from 3000 to 3500. They no longer stack

Bug Fixes
We have gathered all bug reports and fixed all the critical ones, as well as a lot of smaller ones. The game is in a much better state now. However, please continue to report any bugs you may find in the future.
  • Fixed a critical bug with the Rank skill that awarded towers with bonus damage too quickly. It also gave the wrong bonus damage, sometimes providing +50% or even +100% instead of the intended +30%.
  • Fixed the bug where casting Hex on Bird Eggs caused a game crash. They are now immune to this effect.
  • Hexed enemies can no longer be targeted with the Voodoo Hex ability. Graphical bugs have been resolved.
  • Fixed the bug where Mission 14 didn't finish if the player didn't wake up Ambylocetus.
  • Fixed the issue of excessive starting meat in Mission 4 of Mode #2.
  • Fixed the bug where the Boss Phase didn't start in Mission 15.
  • Fixed the bug where Ape Tower Level 4 couldn't attack air units. []The Target ability of Sniper no longer stacks.
  • Target ability of Sniper no longer stacks.
  • Fixed the bug where Price discount skills didn't work for Towers Level 1.
  • Voodoo Hex and Frost Block abilities no longer work on EvolutionMob, Jumping Mobs, and MagicDinoBig.
  • Jerboa mob and its ability now work properly.
  • Fixed the bug where spell cooldowns were reduced when a player started the first wave.
  • Fixed a bug with TallBird and TallMutants mobs that refused to step into whirlwinds.
  • Fixed the bug where death animations for all monsters weren't shown.
  • The area of damage of Ambylocetus (a feature of Mission #14) has been fixed in all modes.
  • The area of effect of the Yellow Plant is now dropped properly in Mission #14.
  • Some monsters and scenario features have been added to the mini-boss immune list to prevent critical bugs. For example, the Altar of Dino Boss (Mission #9) can't be eaten or hexed.
  • Hexed monsters from the Voodoo Shaman now grant proper rewards.
  • Fixed a bug with the wrong display of starting spells' charges.
  • Fixed the bug where teleported enemies had lower health in Mission 12.
  • Fixed the bug where a tower could be built with no limit if it was chosen with hotkeys.
  • Added the missing ability for Tall Bird #2 and Tall Mutant to pass over units.
  • Fixed the bug where the meat cost of the Woman tower was displayed as 000.
  • Some visual fixes have been made with tower hotkeys.
  • Bird boss now looks in the right direction.
  • Cargo Red Birds of the Bird Boss could drop monsters at impassable areas, but this has been fixed.
  • Dropped monsters of Cargo Red Birds no longer activate Spike Traps.
  • Cargo Red Birds and their monsters now have the proper height.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

Development is currently in progress. We initially intended to upload it earlier, but we encountered unexpected issues with the new graphics of Boss #4. Nevertheless, it will be ready for release soon.

We have recorded gameplay of one of the upcoming levels in Madness mode. Just like other Madness missions, players will encounter enemies from all five worlds there. Additionally, this mission boasts interesting features similar to other Madness missions. The enemies move along a conveyor-like path, reaching the end only to appear on another one.

This particular level stands out as one of the most captivating missions in the game, not to mention its visually stunning appearance.

All in-game movies have been completed, with final graphics, recorded voices, and meticulously designed sound effects. We will include them in the update following the next one. Moreover, we are actively working on the music and sound elements. We have already finished 10 new tracks for the game, which will be added once the entire 50-minute set is complete.

Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We have awesome news. We significantly improved our game engine! This has led to a huge increase in graphic performance. Now the game has high FPS even with 200 monsters on the screen.
Please share with us if you notice recent changes.

Other improvements:
1) We have unlocked final spell in the game, Fear spell. Player can cast it on the group of enemies,
so they start running back. Now players can learn it in the skill tree.

2) We made some changes in the spell mechanics. The player gets maximum charges for each spell
at the start of the mission. In addition, spells do not recharge until the player starts the first

3) We have prepared Missions 2, 3 and 4 in the Mode #3. They are ready to play. Enjoy!
Other missions in the Mode #3 are almost completed. Now we are balancing them and finalizing

4) We have improved forced level completion mechanics. So now, a player could complete each level if
any monster is hidden.

5) We optimized Mission 2 and 3 for faster loading and whirlpool mechanics in some levels.

Bug Fixes
We are keeping polishing the game as well as working on music, sounds and movies. They should come in the next updates. Please report any bug you find and post printscreen of devs message on the forum if it arises. It gives us extra help.
  • Fixed critical bug with Magic Dino 2 (with hp aura). Some monsters could stuck and be invulnerable.
  • Fixed critical bug with Green Dino Big. Its stone resistance aura could produce game errors.
  • Fixed different bugs with Fear spell.
  • Barricades skills visuals work properly now.
  • Devs message for starting incomplete missions can be closed now.
  • Mini Green Fish mob has proper game animation now.
  • Fixed the bug when player could build towers without limits.
  • Fixed the bug with Bone Track mob (World #5) which mistakenly was an air unit.
  • Fixed several bugs with Tentacle Boss (World #1)
  • Fixed spawn time of Reptiloids of Boss Altar (Boss #3).
  • Fixed bugs with different spikes abilities.
  • Fixed the bug when boss aura not working (Mission #9).
  • Fixed the bug with Boss of the World #3 when he got stuck in Meteor or Giant (gold ability) Barricade.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

This update took a lot of time for us. But we brought a lot of cool stuff.

Our artist drawn all spell graphics and its animations. Barricades and Spikes have got animation of appearing and several animated phases of destruction. We added different visuals for all of them. Spikes can be wooden, poison and icy. Barricades can be wooden, bone, stone and stone with oil. Also, we added graphics for preplaced big bone barricade and big stone barricade and preplaced bone spikes of Mission 12.

Battle Totem and Fear spells have got completely new visuals.

Finally, we reworked Meteor system. Now it has a new graphics and a new flight path with a small delay before impact. All of this made casting a meteor a small pleasure.

Secondly, we introduce new system of tower building.

We added hotkeys to all towers and their abilities. Secondly, all buttons have a direct disposition and forms for a simple navigation. Now they uses same feature as spell buttons. They fill themselves depending on current meat counter. If they full enough, player can use them.

We drawn and put all unique icons. Also, UI shows to the player if tower has a purchased ability.

We drawn and put all final game menus into the game. Map of adventure has got some decorative details. Main menu have got links to social networks which make unavailable later because of the old mage. Also, there is a special button appears when the last story mission completed. This button start a very fun in-game movie with all members of our team. Check it.

Also, we added a special decoration for a situation when the old mage disappears during the story.
We added different outfits for the old mage to show what Mode #2 and #3 are about.
Also, learning spells in the Skill tree play a cool animation now.

Finally, we added new version of Mission 7 with swapped starting areas and Added Mission 15 in Mode #2.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug in Mission 12 when dropped monster of Cargo Bird appeared off the edge of the screen, so Mission couldn't be finished.
  • Fixed a bug when Cargo Bird didn't visually die in Mission 12.
  • Fixed an inflated new wave timer of 1 wave in Mission 7 of Mode #2.
  • Barricades can't placed into another one now.
  • Fixed a bug when battle cursor remains in the game menu.
  • (Patch #2). Fixed the bug when missions of Mode #2 and Mode #3 didn't rewards with SP.
  • (Patch #3). Fixed the bug when the progress could not be saved sometimes.
  • (Patch #4). Fixed the bug when Mission 3 couldn't be finished after appearing of the boss head.
  • (Patch #4). Fied the bug with Rank skill and killing the boss head in Mission 3.
Play with us,

Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We uploaded this update 3 weeks ago but we were extremely busy. So, only now we have time to make an announcement. Despite this fact, development goes and we will release new version soon.

This update brings final version of the skill tree. All icons have final versions. Paths between them have got several forms. Everything is double checked and works perfectly. Also, we optimized this menu so it works very smoothly now.

Also. as we said previously, skill tree has a great feature. It is partly visible before Mission 9 is completed.
So, new player sees only a half of skills and think, wow there is so much of them. Later, the rest of skill becomes visible and he gets surprised.

Our artist try to keep an idea of cave drawings. We think he definitely fulfilled this idea.
In overall, we have a very cool in-game menu. In our opinion, it is even fun to learn skills and see how the menu is changing.

P.s. Only 2 skills do not ready to learn. First one is the last skill of Battle totem sub-path. Second one is Fear spell. These spells occur a lot of bugs, so we need to fix them before adding to the game.

P.s.s. New update comes very soon with more final graphics and bug fixes which player found. Thanks for bug reports.

Bug Fixes
  • Tower info is shown properly now. It showed wrong info after some skills were learnt.
  • Cursor with placing spike/barricade were remain if battle finishes. It was fixed.
  • Frostblock Ice Shaman's ability added to boss ability list ignore. It could occurs bugs.
  • Skill tree button is locked in the main menu now.
  • Damage aura of Dino Tower no longer affect other Woman towers.
  • All temporary sounds from other games were removed.
Play with us,

Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

New skill tree was our main priority for last months. Finally, we have almost finished it. We added last skills in Woman, Spike and Barricade branches in this update. A few last skills are ready, but we need to test them little more time before adding to the game.

We are keeping adding new missions in Mode #2. We added last missions of World #4 in Mode #2.

Finally, we added completed animations of all enemies of World #4 and #5. Some ability animations are not ready, but the game is almost completed visually.

New missions of Mode #2
We added Missions 11 & 12 in Mode #2. Second mission of World #4 uses an idea with portals as a main feature. Monsters appear through portals and move from center of the map to its sides. It is a kinda unique mission for a whole game. Also, player will fight monsters exclusively from World #3 and #4 in except of air units.

Mission 12 in mode #2 lost preplaced big bone barricades. Idea of portal stones remained unchanged. To make this level diverse we gave 12000 base meat. So player can build a huge defense. This level introduces last new mob. It is Tall Bird Farm. It acts as usual Tall Bard which protects allies by its body, but also produces eggs every 10 seconds.

New skills and other changes
Skill tree is almost finished. In this update we added last unavailable skills and abilities to Woman, Barricade and Spike branches.
  • Ultimate skill for Fish Tower. It creates a puddle of oil which slows all enemies by 66%.
  • Fish Tower got another ability. It periodically creates caviar which run toward enemies and stun them.
  • Spike can be upgraded with Poison Spike skill. It adds a periodic damage and slow effect to each spike.
  • Barricade spell got ultimate skill. It stuns surrounding enemies for 3 seconds after being destroyed.
  • Dino Tower got a passive ability. it has 25% chance to instantly digest eaten enemy and devourt another one.
  • Added 2 mini-skills in Woman branch.
  • Added Ultimate passive skill in Woman branch which reduces cooldown of all abilities of all towers in Woman branch.
Also we changed 2 enemy abilities. We change Rage ability of Horse enemies (World #4). They became invulnerable for a short period of time at 0 HP. Player could do nothing to interfere them. So we changed it. Now they resurrects with full HP after death with negative health regeneration. Kinda of zombie mode. Their HP were reduced from 210/850 to 175/700. Also, we slightly changed Air Mutant (World #5). It runs towards tower when HP is less than 30%. It doesn't get invulnerability, so player can kill it to prevent it from making a cocoon.

Bug Fixes
  • Both abilities of Bird Tower works properly now.
  • Fixed the bug when stags got permanent speed bonus if they gone up under Sloth Speed aura effect.
  • Fixed the bug when paratrooper yetis never landed if were flying near barricade.
  • Fish casts Oil spell only if an enemy is nearby. It casts it at a location of enemy using parabolic formula.
  • Added a log file with errors info.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We are keeping adding new stuff and final graphics to the game. We added last final version of the mission in this update. It is Mission 6. Final line with a lot of cool animations make this mission look awesome. Yeah, finally all 15 missions have final graphics. There will small changes and fixes, but this part of the development is finished.

Also, we have put final graphics of all monsters of World #3 to the game. All abilities have special animations. So, it is easy to understand what enemies do now. For example, Air Dino got a special state with a Green Fish inside. Finally, all dinosaurs got a special visuals with Reptiloid Riders above them which appear in Boss Phase in Mission 9.

P.s. We added Red Fish (story character) into 4,5,6 missions with animations.

New missions of Mode #2
We added Missions 9 & 10 in Mode #2. Mission 9 uses original game features but they start from the beginning. Temple heals allies, puts riders on Dinosaurs and cover reptiloids into armor. It looks really cool with new enemies graphics. We blocked the most effective tower spots with Woman Tower to make this level more diverse So player must seek for another game strategy. Last wave brings several Tyrannosaurs. Also, new enemy appears in this level. It is another Big Magic Dino. It lost Stasis ability, but got HP aura. In overall, it is extremely tough mission.

Mission 10 has another small new feature. Player gets huge amount of starting meat. He needs to distribute it between 3 paths. Enemies go on top line during 1-6 waves, on middle line during 5-8 waves, on bottom line during 9-11 waves. Meat income is low, so starting towers location is a key to a victory. Also, this mission introduces new enemy, Horse Riders. It act like Big Horse mob but summon 2 Armored Reptiloids upon death.

New skills and other changes
We added last unavailable skills and abilities to Woman branch.
  • Bird Tower got fixed Beak Strike ability and fixed Speed Buff ability. They worked wrong previously.
  • Added Angry Bird ability to Bird Tower. It launches kamikaze bird to air enemies. It deals damage and stuns enemies with area effect.
  • Bird Tower Level 2 got Ultimate Ultrasound ability. It periodically screams and damages all enemies in wide area for 50 damage.
  • Added passive ability to Woman Fish Tower. Now it immobilize 2 enemies with 1 shot each third attack.
  • Bird tower got a passive ability. It has 18% chance to perform Super Beak Strike which stuns for 3 times longer.
  • Added 3 skills for discounts to Fish Tower, Dino Tower, Bird Tower.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a critical bug when casting of Meteor and attack of Mages on Bosses #1 and #2 occur game crash.
  • Snowdrift near barricade could crush the game in Mission 15. Fixed
  • Fixed the bug with tower placement in Mission 4.
  • Fixed the bug when 2 barricades can be placed at the same point.
  • Wave counter works properly now.
  • Added Start Wave Icon in the last wave of Mission 6.
  • Sloth Aura do not work on other Sloth now.
  • Visual fixes of air path in Mission 9.
  • Yeti Paratrooper lands only at land paths now.
  • Game crashed if player restarted Mission 14 with awaken Ambulocetus. Fixed.
  • Fixed the bug when Devour ability of BigMutant didn't work.
  • Added proper size of Movie #2.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We are keeping adding last planned game features. In this update we added 2 more game missions, a lot of new skills and abilities and made some bug fixes.

  • Fixed the bug when Phase 2 didn't start at Mission 15. Wave 30 never ends.
  • Fixed the bug when Mission 15 sometimes couldn't be finished after killing Boss in Phase 3.
  • Fixed the bug when upgrading Dino Tower to Level 3 didn't increased aura damage.
  • Added a way to manually add unavailable and broken basic skills.
  • Button Changer of Old/New balance is now disabled.
Also we added final visuals of Mission 5. It got slightly changed paths and a lot of polishing. Also it got an extra animation with red fish (story character). Overall, it looks awesome now. 14 of 15 missions are having final graphics now.

New missions of Mode #2
We added 2 new missions of Mode #2. Mission 7 introduces funny new little mechanics. There are 2 paths with no BBB. A lot of monsters come through top lane and player can't kill them all. Player should kill as much enemies as possible to get meat. Leaked enemies do not spend lives.

Bottom lane have smaller waves of enemies, but each leaked enemy take player's lives. Also, monsters from bottom line do not give meat. So, player should find perfect balance of construction new towers on both lanes.

Paths of Mission 8 were slightly changed. Now all paths lead to bottom exit. Damage of lava was slightly increased. Finally, the level have 17 preplaced towers which can be upgraded only. Player can't construct new towers. So, player should develop defenses on all sides of the mission because the last road has only a few towers.

New missions introduces 2 new enemies. BirdRider heals nearby allies when it jumps. Fat Reptiloid is tough version of usual reptiloid with a lot HP ad regeneration.

New skills and other changes
We added last unavailable skills and abilities to Stone branch and Woman-Dino branch.
  • Ape towers got passive ability. They do 3 shots with increased attack speed.
  • Ape towers got ultimate ability. Poisoned enemies summon a mini-tower upon death.
  • Added 4 mini skills in Ape and Giant branches.
  • Giant towers got passive ability. Now they have a chance to stun enemies on each attack.
  • Giant towers got basic abilities. It adds 125 pure full splash damage on each attack.
  • Giant towers got ultimate ability. This ability deals damage and stuns all nearby enemies.
  • Added overall mini-skill for Stone branch.
  • Added ultimate passive ability into Stone branch. Each 9th shot have 100% bonus area range.
  • Dino tower got an ability. Woman goes into dancing madness which gives an extra 50% aura damage.
  • Added a skill for unlocking Dino Tower Level 3.
  • Dino tower got an ultimate ability. Dino roars and drive all nearby enemies into fear for 10 seconds.
  • Added 2 mini-skills to Dino branch which increases devour damage and aura range.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

A lot of players asked to add texts to the game. So, we decided to add an option to toggle text on/off in the game. In future there will be a launcher with several options. One of them allows to change text option. We made it is default for now because some mechanics are hard to understand without texts. We added texts to all skills, abilities, spells and menu buttons. We hope it helps new players to understand the game. We repeat, idea of "no words" feature is still priority for us. We will try to make it work in future.

There will be the highest 50% discount soon. It is the last discount before price increase.

Updated version of Mission 4
Current World #2 is the last world from Beta version. All of other maps were redesigned and improved. Our artist prepared updated versions of World # 2 missions. So, we added updated Mission 4 in this update. It looks really cool in our opinion. Also, the story of World #1 wasn't connected with World #2. Only a few players could get that red microbes evolved into the red boss. So we added a small cutscenes in all world #2 missions to keep this idea through the world. Finally, our artist made a really cool Easter Egg which is connected with Dota 2. In our humble opinion it is the coolest Easter Egg in the game.

New missions and Mode #3
We added first mission of Mode #3. It is unlocked after completion of main game story. Mode #3 is a madness mode. Each mission contains monsters from whole game. Enemies attack without pauses.
You can see how it works in Mission 1. Tons of microbes come with Shell mini-bosses. Fast enemies from whole game appear between microbe waves. It is about 7 minutes of pure survival without rest. Feels good. Also, all enemies in Mode #3 have double health.

Also, we added missions 5 & 6 of Mode #2. Mission 5 uses idea of special pools from the start. Enemies appear in 4 spots, so player should defend whole map at once.
Mission 6 have 8 preplaced Big Bone Barricades. Enemies attack from both roads from the start of the mission. New missions introduce 2 new monsters. First one is Magic Bug. It is a fast creature with high regeneration and high resistances. When it is hit by magic projectile it becomes temporarily invulnerable to magic damage. Second mob is Mouth Fish. It is a fast well protected mob with an ability to gnaw units in the front of it to regenerate their health. Also they do high damage to barricades.

New effects system
We were working on new effect system. Previously the game used only a few special effects. We used heart icon for most effects. Our artist made preholders for 20 special effects. We put them into the game. We are also working on priority system, which allows to make a better performance. Also, we made all effects in different sizes. So big monsters uses big effects, small monsters use small effects. This system is in the progress, so it can look not okay for now. It will be OK in a a couple of updates.

New skills and other changes
  • Fixed a bug when Spear Tower had 0-0 damage.
  • Added 9 skills for basic towers. They are available after 36 SP Spent.
  • Added 2 abilities to Ape Tower. Poison Cloud and Death Explosion.
  • Added 2 new skills for Battle Totem.
  • Damage of poison of Ape Towers was increased from 20/45 to 25/55. Area of hit was slightly increased.
Play with us,
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

This update came faster than other 10 previous updates. Awesome. It happens because mission mechanics and enemy abilities took the main part of development time. When all 15 missions are in the game, update will come more frequently.

New missions
We added Mission 3 and 4 of mode #2. It brings three new enemies in the game. Trilobite appears as a tough fast unit. Purple big microbe has a interesting ability. It transform all red microbes into purple versions when it is killed. Finally, Mission 4 introduce a magic bug. It has high resistances and regeneration and can become immune to magic at all for a short period of time.

Mission 3 has 15 preplaced towers of Level 1 and player can't build new ones. So player should focus on upgrading tower and usage of spells. Also, wave buttons are not visible at this map and enemies spawn sometimes directly in the middle of a path.

Mission 4 also has preplaced 12 Shaman towers of Level 1. Reduced spell cooldowns is another cool feature of this level. Recharging time is set to 15% of normal value. So point of this mission to cast spells every second. For now it is the most extraordinary mission in the game.

Final graphics of in-game movies
We have another great news. We finally finished drawing of all 10 in-game movies. We used a help of freelancer artist for that. We added them all to the game. Only 5 of 10 movies have sound design. But graphics is complete and players could fully understand the game story.

Duration of 10 movies is about 8 minutes. We used comics in Warstone. Fully animated animations is a great step for us. It took a lot of time from to us to generate the story, made sketches and draw it. We really like the result we achieved. What do you think?

P.S. We made fixes in the movie menu. Now it works for all 10 movies and can be replayed at any time.

New skills in the skill tree
  • We added a basic ability for Sniper Tower. It is Anti-Air specialization. Sniper deals extra 100 damage and briefly slows enemies with each shot.
  • Sniper tower got a passive skill. He performs a double shot if he didn't attack for 7 seconds.
  • Axe tower got a passive ability as well. Now they a 11% chance to throw 2 axes at once. It stacks perfectly with their basic ability.
  • Ultimate ability of Sniper Tower is Fire Spear. Sniper periodically uses Fire Spears which damages the target for 3000 damage during 6 seconds. Great against tough enemies and bosses.
  • Stunning Axes is an ultimate ability of Barbarian Tower. It stuns enemy for 0.3 seconds with each strike. You can keep one target in endless stun if used properly.
  • Also added 5 mini-skills into Spear branch.
  • SuperUber ability of whole Spear branch is Critical Strike. Simple but effective.
  • Ice Shamans finally got a basic abilities. Now they decreases enemy resistances by 20% if it purchased. Very effective supportive ability.
  • Voodoo Shamans got a basic ability as well. Now they curse a group of enemies. Cursed enemies receive double damage from all sources for a short period of time.
  • Meat Golem is an ultimate ability of Voodoo Shaman. He summons a powerful unit on the road which attacks enemies with heavy strikes in melee combat.
  • Ice Shaman has got Ice Spikes ultimate ability. It creates a small field of ice spikes every 30 seconds. It damages enemies and decreases their resistance.
  • All mages got a Uber passive skill. Now they have 9% chance to make their projectile bounce 3 times between other enemies. It apples all usual buffs as well. So Shaman can slow 4 target with 1 shot only.
  • Added a another Uber skill which affects all towers. Towers get a rank upon kill certain amounts of enemies. Each rank give 6% bonus damage. There are 5 ranks in total.

Other Changes
  • Fixed a bug when abilities can't be bought for tower Level 4.
  • Fixed a bug when purchased gold abilities for tower Level 3 didn't work after upgrading to Level 4.
  • Damage of Voodoo tower was slightly decreased.
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