Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - SallyTheButcher
Build: 2180

  • Improvements have been made to client and server synchronisation.
  • Some stability changes have been made to stop some crashes.

  • Diamond Mine messaging changed to avoid repeatedly displaying the same message.
  • Rocketeer has been given the pickaxe as an option on the Choose Class screen.
  • CTF now has a score limit is now 5 rather than 50
  • CTF captures are worth 1 point now instead of 10
  • The mysterious sound of placing a block no longer happens when you don't have any blocks to place
  • The achievement “Dead Drop” now unlocks correctly
  • Reticule no longer turns red when hitting a friendly character.
  • Reticule no longer turns red when firing at the area of a dead character.
  • Rocket Turret now explodes when it has fired 10 rockets rather than when it has run out of time.


  • Winter Valley skybox has been better aligned with sea level.
  • Class icons added to in game scoreboard.
  • Names and icons turn red on the in game scoreboard if the player has been killed.
  • Multiple ammo boxes will no longer spawn on the same point at the same time.
  • Flare blocks correctly displayed when placed on water.
  • Improvements to indicator showing whether a block can be placed or not.
  • Tilde key function has been removed
  • Lighting is correctly removed when a Flare Block is destroyed

User Interface
  • The clickable area to sort by Ping on the Choose Match Menu has been expanded to cover the whole of the word
  • All buttons in the menus increase in brightness when the mouse hovers over.

Language Specific

  • Spelling mistake in French version, “Soyez le dernier joueur à poser une bombe avec succès, puis remportez la manche.” is now fixed

Classic Mode
  • Player is now able to sprint at the right speed after capturing the intel - not while you are holding it.
  • The CP is now double-sided. If a player camps inside the player will not be able to see out. Sneaky spawn campers!
  • CTF now has a score limit is now 5 rather than 50
  • CTF captures are worth 1 point now instead of 10
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - SallyTheButcher
Build: 2180

  • Improvements have been made to client and server synchronisation.
  • Some stability changes have been made to stop some crashes.

  • Diamond Mine messaging changed to avoid repeatedly displaying the same message.
  • Rocketeer has been given the pickaxe as an option on the Choose Class screen.
  • CTF now has a score limit is now 5 rather than 50
  • CTF captures are worth 1 point now instead of 10
  • The mysterious sound of placing a block no longer happens when you don't have any blocks to place
  • The achievement “Dead Drop” now unlocks correctly
  • Reticule no longer turns red when hitting a friendly character.
  • Reticule no longer turns red when firing at the area of a dead character.
  • Rocket Turret now explodes when it has fired 10 rockets rather than when it has run out of time.


  • Winter Valley skybox has been better aligned with sea level.
  • Class icons added to in game scoreboard.
  • Names and icons turn red on the in game scoreboard if the player has been killed.
  • Multiple ammo boxes will no longer spawn on the same point at the same time.
  • Flare blocks correctly displayed when placed on water.
  • Improvements to indicator showing whether a block can be placed or not.
  • Tilde key function has been removed
  • Lighting is correctly removed when a Flare Block is destroyed

User Interface
  • The clickable area to sort by Ping on the Choose Match Menu has been expanded to cover the whole of the word
  • All buttons in the menus increase in brightness when the mouse hovers over.

Language Specific

  • Spelling mistake in French version, “Soyez le dernier joueur à poser une bombe avec succès, puis remportez la manche.” is now fixed

Classic Mode
  • Player is now able to sprint at the right speed after capturing the intel - not while you are holding it.
  • The CP is now double-sided. If a player camps inside the player will not be able to see out. Sneaky spawn campers!
  • CTF now has a score limit is now 5 rather than 50
  • CTF captures are worth 1 point now instead of 10
Feb 4, 2013
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
One of the biggest issues for our community right now is the ability to customise your own experience of Ace of Spades. Our goal has always been to give you more freedom of choice – This process has been started already with addition of customisable weapons and Classic mode. Following on from that, we’re now looking to open up the ability for you to control your own matches in the form of custom server space, giving you the option to make private matches, choose maps, game types, load-outs and even more besides.

We want to be able to give you the ability to customise your own matches and control the types of games you want to play, while still maintaining the security and quality of service that you expect. To make sure we deliver the best experience possible we are looking to you, the Ace of Spades community, to help us deliver on our goal.

In the next couple of weeks we will be looking for volunteers to help test out our new customised match system, and regularly feedback to us on the experience. This period will be a beta test, and the system will improve as we apply updates and react to your feedback. In particular, we will be looking for clan leaders, leaders of large communities and experienced beta testers to get involved.

We are still finalising the method of distribution, but it is likely that we will provide local server space with a set number of game ‘slots’ for a modest, reasonable fee. This opportunity will be available to our community leaders and will be much like them having their own server, except that the game will be running securely within our own environment on Steam’s platform. It’s worth highlighting at this point that player-rented servers have not been ruled out as an option for Ace, but there are some hurdles we need to overcome before we are able to offer that solution, so we hope that this will serve as a good start along that path.

This is a really exciting project for us to work on, and one which has been initiated by you, the community. With your help we can make Ace of Spades an awesome, ever-improving experience for a long time to come.

To join in with the discussion, go here.

<b>The Ace of Spades Team</b>
Feb 4, 2013
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
One of the biggest issues for our community right now is the ability to customise your own experience of Ace of Spades. Our goal has always been to give you more freedom of choice – This process has been started already with addition of customisable weapons and Classic mode. Following on from that, we’re now looking to open up the ability for you to control your own matches in the form of custom server space, giving you the option to make private matches, choose maps, game types, load-outs and even more besides.

We want to be able to give you the ability to customise your own matches and control the types of games you want to play, while still maintaining the security and quality of service that you expect. To make sure we deliver the best experience possible we are looking to you, the Ace of Spades community, to help us deliver on our goal.

In the next couple of weeks we will be looking for volunteers to help test out our new customised match system, and regularly feedback to us on the experience. This period will be a beta test, and the system will improve as we apply updates and react to your feedback. In particular, we will be looking for clan leaders, leaders of large communities and experienced beta testers to get involved.

We are still finalising the method of distribution, but it is likely that we will provide local server space with a set number of game ‘slots’ for a modest, reasonable fee. This opportunity will be available to our community leaders and will be much like them having their own server, except that the game will be running securely within our own environment on Steam’s platform. It’s worth highlighting at this point that player-rented servers have not been ruled out as an option for Ace, but there are some hurdles we need to overcome before we are able to offer that solution, so we hope that this will serve as a good start along that path.

This is a really exciting project for us to work on, and one which has been initiated by you, the community. With your help we can make Ace of Spades an awesome, ever-improving experience for a long time to come.

To join in with the discussion, go here.

The Ace of Spades Team
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped

Last week we invited TheGrandmaster to see us and help us understand what Classic Mode really should be. tGM is a long time veteran player and it was great to get his input.

To see what had to say about his visit, have a look at his blog here.
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped

Last week we invited TheGrandmaster to see us and help us understand what Classic Mode really should be. tGM is a long time veteran player and it was great to get his input.

To see what had to say about his visit, have a look at his blog here.
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
<B><SIZE=4>Build: 2157</SIZE></B>

Below are the patch notes for today's game update.

Classic Mode
  • Weapon inventory is always horizontally centered on screen
  • Intel is now waterproof and floats on water
  • Player is unable to use spade whilst sprinting
  • Reticule is no longer displayed in aimed mode

Standard Gameplay
  • Picking up an ammo crate always correctly updates player’s ammo count
  • Change Class icon does not show any more when players try to change their team
  • Score is now locked when scoreboard appears
  • Multi Hill: 4 figure team scores are displayed correctly
  • Prefab placement method optimised
  • Flare block tool can always be selected on choose class menu

  • Bran Castle: Removed from Multi Hill rotation
  • WW1: White floating block removed from map
  • To the Bridge: One spawn point has been moved to avoid spawning on top of a building.

  • All weapons: reticule no longer changes color if no damage has been done

  • Ambient Occlusion displays correctly on low and medium graphics settings
  • Correct Skydome now displays in Winter Valley
  • OpenGL 1.5 shader setting added to Graphics Tab of the Settings Menu
  • Tweaks to optimization for some some low end systems

  • Digging sound effects are now correctly played
  • Further fixes to client/server desync issues
  • Fixes for some crashes on game loading screen
  • Fixes to players falling out of the map
  • Fixes to clients loading into the incorrect map
  • Fixes for matches not ending when winning score is reached
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
<SIZE=4>Build: 2157</SIZE>

Below are the patch notes for today's game update.

Classic Mode
  • Weapon inventory is always horizontally centered on screen
  • Intel is now waterproof and floats on water
  • Player is unable to use spade whilst sprinting
  • Reticule is no longer displayed in aimed mode

Standard Gameplay
  • Picking up an ammo crate always correctly updates player’s ammo count
  • Change Class icon does not show any more when players try to change their team
  • Score is now locked when scoreboard appears
  • Multi Hill: 4 figure team scores are displayed correctly
  • Prefab placement method optimised
  • Flare block tool can always be selected on choose class menu

  • Bran Castle: Removed from Multi Hill rotation
  • WW1: White floating block removed from map
  • To the Bridge: One spawn point has been moved to avoid spawning on top of a building.

  • All weapons: reticule no longer changes color if no damage has been done

  • Ambient Occlusion displays correctly on low and medium graphics settings
  • Correct Skydome now displays in Winter Valley
  • OpenGL 1.5 shader setting added to Graphics Tab of the Settings Menu
  • Tweaks to optimization for some some low end systems

  • Digging sound effects are now correctly played
  • Further fixes to client/server desync issues
  • Fixes for some crashes on game loading screen
  • Fixes to players falling out of the map
  • Fixes to clients loading into the incorrect map
  • Fixes for matches not ending when winning score is reached
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
Today’s the day that Classic Mode is launched, so log in, update and give it a go. This strategic mode is more reminiscent of the alpha versions of Ace of Spades that many of you have been asking for. We want the community to lead the developmental direction of this game mode so please do give us as much detailed feedback as possible. It is really exciting for us to be a part of this innovative project and we can’t wait to see what you have to say.

We want to cater for player preferences in terms of the way equipment items/weapons are used within the game, and since launch you have probably noticed a lot of balancing changes to weapons. This for example has seen weapons like the RPG go from Slow but strong to a much faster weapon with less impact. So what we will be doing is essentially seeing how splitting a selection of equipment items/weapons into two variations goes:

  • Commando - split the RPG:
    • Powerful, slow, single shot
    • Rocket jump RPG

  • Marksman – Split the Sniper Rifle:
    • Single Shot, super powerful
    • Weaker, larger magazine (more shots)

  • Rocketeer – Split the Jetpack:
    • Low hover Jetpack allows you to travel far quickly (long recharge)
    • Short burst Jetpack allowing ‘super jumps’ (quicker recharge)

  • Miner – Split the Shotgun:
    • Double barrelled, crazy power but short ranged
    • Pump action, less power but greater range

Post launch we will be really keen to hear what you think of the addition of multiple versions of weapons/equipment, which ones you prefer, if you’d like to see more of this, and ideas for future development.
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder - Sniped
Today’s the day that Classic Mode is launched, so log in, update and give it a go. This strategic mode is more reminiscent of the alpha versions of Ace of Spades that many of you have been asking for. We want the community to lead the developmental direction of this game mode so please do give us as much detailed feedback as possible. It is really exciting for us to be a part of this innovative project and we can’t wait to see what you have to say.

We want to cater for player preferences in terms of the way equipment items/weapons are used within the game, and since launch you have probably noticed a lot of balancing changes to weapons. This for example has seen weapons like the RPG go from Slow but strong to a much faster weapon with less impact. So what we will be doing is essentially seeing how splitting a selection of equipment items/weapons into two variations goes:

  • Commando - split the RPG:
    • Powerful, slow, single shot
    • Rocket jump RPG

  • Marksman – Split the Sniper Rifle:
    • Single Shot, super powerful
    • Weaker, larger magazine (more shots)

  • Rocketeer – Split the Jetpack:
    • Low hover Jetpack allows you to travel far quickly (long recharge)
    • Short burst Jetpack allowing ‘super jumps’ (quicker recharge)

  • Miner – Split the Shotgun:
    • Double barrelled, crazy power but short ranged
    • Pump action, less power but greater range

Post launch we will be really keen to hear what you think of the addition of multiple versions of weapons/equipment, which ones you prefer, if you’d like to see more of this, and ideas for future development.