ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???????

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what this creature is?

Mod Community Announcements!

The ARK Modding Contest submission period ends in 5 days. Make sure to get your entries in before the end of the day on October 5th! After that, we'll begin the voting phase which will last for two weeks, so get your communities ready to vote on their favorite mods.

Enter the contest here!

I also have a new tutorial prepared for you today. We need to cover bitmasks before we start dealing with custom structures. After this we'll be moving on to a new project that builds on some of the concepts from our Dino Shrine mod, so look forward to the Virtual Sentry Mod that will be the focus of coming tutorials.
ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 5th of October at 1 PM EST until Monday the 8th of October at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen

What is Conquest?

Conquest is a new PvP player experience for PC players which focuses on large-scale PvP while avoiding the problem of mega tribes. Increased rates will allow tribes to set up and establish themselves quickly and enable them to rebuild after potential losses instead of being wiped completely.

Conquest Breakdown:

- Experience gain, taming, gathering, breeding, hatching, and raising rates have been doubled compared to our standard Official Servers (2x).
- Tribes are set to 25 players max.
- Tribe alliances are disabled, though informal alliances are allowed.
- Servers have a maximum player count of 100.
- There will be 36 servers in total on the Conquest cluster.
- Server transfers are enabled.
- Conquest servers are unaffected by Evolution Events.


Our Enforcement team will be expanding to patrol this new cluster actively. We are testing this type of active enforcement and while we know this presents a challenge, we hope to be able to maintain this program while working alongside players. We desire to actively patrol and get to know the players of each server. The leader of each large tribe on Conquest will be able to submit a request to join a Discord server (to be announced at a future date) with access to the Enforcement team. We hope that this style of active enforcement and cooperation from the Conquest players will ensure that the servers are fair, fun, and competitive.

The Enforcement team consists of both English and Chinese support, with expansions coming to Russian and Portuguese in the near future. Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct will result in consequences, including but not limited to a tribe, item, structure, and dino wipe by the Enforcement Team. Players should be aware that all reports submitted to Enforcement are taken seriously.

Tribe Spotlight Program:

It is our goal that your tribe in Conquest will become your identity on this cluster, a team name that you’ll carry with you into battle like a badge of honor. We will be offering clean/validated tribes (via the Discord) opportunities to brand themselves within the community. Tribes will have the opportunity to be spotlighted in articles on SurviveTheARK and will also receive opportunities to be promoted on our social media (such as retweets for content creators). This program is still in development and will be further fleshed out in the weeks to come.

The Conquest servers will be spun up and available for PC players on September 28 at 10am PST. We'll be monitoring the success of the cluster and then evaluate bringing them to console at a later date. We encourage PvP players to check these new servers out for a fresh experience!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Extinction Chronicles IV!

Extinction Chronicles IV is now live!

Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins! 

There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month.

* In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex.
* In Extinction Chronicles II we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and the Tek Stego.
* In Extinction Chronicles III we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Pants and the Tek Raptor.

And now, we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Shirt and a new Tek creature, the Tek Parasaur!

In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting black and green for the next month beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct!

Patch Notes!

Here are the full fixes and notes in Extinction Chronicles IV update.

- Extinction Chronicles IV
            - Added Tek Parasaur
                * New breeding line
                * 5% chance to spawns
                * 20% higher base level
            - Added new color set (green and black)
            - Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Chest)
            - Increased maximum player level by 1
- Hole fixes on The Island, Ragnarok, Scorched Earth, The Center, Aberration
- Windmills are no longer affected by electric storms
- Decreased Cliff Platform build radius by half

New Extinction Previews!

In celebration of the patch today we're sharing what we have been working on: some more brand new previews of our upcoming expansion pack ARK: Extinction. Check out the images below for a sneak peak at what you can expect to see on planet Earth!

In Extinction, Earth has become an Element-infested planet filled with fantastical creatures both organic and technological. Element has ravaged the planet and corrupted both the landscape and some of its inhabitants, causing mutations in the creatures and plants that can be found there.

We look forward to sharing more in the months ahead as we work towards our Extinction release!

Be sure to check out yesterdays Community Crunch post on our website for the full Crunch announcement post.
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Extinction Chronicles IV Next Week

On September 18th Extinction Chronicles IV will be released on all platforms. As usual survivors can expect a new tek dino, new Explorer Notes, a new cosmetic, increased level cap, and special colored dinos on all ARKs!

Developer Diaries!

This weeks diary entry is brought to you by Lead Programmer, Chris Willoughby, as he talks about the process for designing gameplay mechanics for Extinction.

Hello Survivors! Today, I'd like to talk today about what goes into designing and building new gameplay mechanics. For brevity, I'll focus on the Scout, a creature that we've revealed as part of our upcoming Extinction expansion.

When we approach designing gameplay mechanics we start by brainstorming interesting ideas that would make a compelling addition to our sandbox. The Scout started as a desire for the ability to fly around the battlefield with a drone. We have several members of the team who enjoy flying drones, so collectively we fell in love with the idea of remote piloting early. We also had another gameplay mechanic that we were interested in that finds its origins in another franchise - the ability to tag enemies to reveal them to your allies. This idea was also high on our list, and through further brainstorming, we found it was a natural fit for the Scout, so they came together in the brainstorming phase.

From there we seek to match those abilities up with concepts that fit well into the world we're building. This one was pretty easy. We knew that we were building a futuristic city for Extinction, and immediately we latched onto the idea of some kind of automated security force that patrols it. It took several more sessions to land on the idea of the interplay between Scouts and Enforcers, and the way that the Scout is deployed, but we're happy with where it landed.

Next, we'll build the mechanic and iterate numerous times, using multiple weekly gameplay review sessions to nail the fine details. The Scout was deployable from a grenade and had remote viewing baked in pretty early on. Originally it's tagging mechanism was a projectile that it fired. This was very difficult to use, so we switched to more of a raygun. The tags originally lasted a very short time, so they weren't very useful. We've since upped the time that they last - making the Scout a key target for the other team to take out. In addition, we didn't originally allow the tagging of allies, but this slotted in naturally as a way to give a more complete view of the battlefield.

Finally, we turn our experienced set of player testers loose to hammer on the mechanics until they fit well. This process is underway for the Scout and for Extinction as a whole as I write this. We've got nearly all of the mechanics playable and we're iterating on the roles that they play individually and collectively within Extinction and within the larger game. As such, the abilities described above represent a snapshot of where they are as I'm writing this. These can and likely will change before launch! This is part of the reason that often times when we talk about something early on it doesn't match up with what the final product becomes. However this iteration process is necessary to deliver the best playing experience that we can.

Thanks for reading, survivors!

Upcoming Server Maintenance!

This Wednesday, September 12th at 12pm EST we will be merging the PC ARKpocalypse servers into one cluster. It is important for players on those servers to note that during this process any items or creatures uploaded into the Obelisk will be lost. Therefore it is strongly encouraged that you download anything in your cloud to ensure nothing is lost before Wednesday.

You can follow us on Twitter to keep up-to-date with this server process.

Mod Community Updates!

The ARK Modding contest is now in full swing, and we've been getting some good entries, but I still want to encourage anyone that has ever considered making mods for ARK to dive in and participate. The submission period will be open until Saturday, October 6th so polish up those mods and let's have some fun. After that, we'll move into the voting phase where we'll post all the mods in the contest publicly and let everyone try them out and vote on their favorites.

We've also received a couple tutorial bounty claims for chat commands and map optimizations and I have added a bunch of new bounties to the board ready to be claimed. You can find all of them here:

We're going to need some new tutorial requests too, and please check the list in the form to see if the request already exists, as I choose new bounties based on demand which can only be counted if everyone submits the form using one of the items from the drop-down.

Next week I'll have a new tutorial ready. I've been getting a ton of requests for a tutorial on version control, so I'm going to show everyone how to use Git with the devkit.

Happy modding!

Community Livestream #8 This Thursday!

This Thursday September 13th the community team will be doing another biweekly livestream!

During these livestreams Zen Rowe, Chris, and Jen bring you ARK news, celebrate modding, and the community as a whole every other week. We mix it up between playing ARK, showing off mods, and showing off your community creations for all to see. Survivors are invited to join us in the chat (and sometimes even in-game) to play and talk with the community team.
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!

You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address:

Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream!

We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, September the 13th at 1pm EST! We hope to see you there :)

Fanart of the Week!
We would like to give a special shout out this week to creature paint artist Sharkcat for their Jurassic World raptor paints!

ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 14th of September at 1 PM EST until Monday the 17th of September at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???????

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what this creature is?

Mod Community Announcements!

We have two important announcements for the modding community!

The first is that we are making some changes to the sponsored mod program. Previously it was more challenging to get eyes on the potential candidate projects as we would have to scour the workshop, discords, and forums; we could only see projects in their current public state, and what information the mod author chose to include. We will instead be moving to a more structured system.

Starting on September 1st, you can fill out this application to apply for sponsorship. This will help ensure that only the projects that are interested and ready for sponsorship are being brought to our attention and allow those mod authors to provide some additional information about where they are planning to take their project.

The program will also be moving to a more regular pattern, the application will be open for a period of five weeks starting in the months of January, March, May, July, and September at which point there will be slots opening in the program. Sponsorship periods will be capped at a year, but it is possible to re-apply for sponsorship after that period.

These changes will lead to a more predictable schedule of the program and give a more clear route to sponsorship for all interested mod authors.

Now for something a bit more exciting...

The ARK Modding Contest is back!!!

That's right; your eyes are not deceiving you, the ARK Modding Contest will return on September 1st! We have $28,000! in cash prizes for mod authors to compete for, and the Grand Prize is a whopping $15,000!!! So saddle up those Dev Kits, ready the mod cannons, and prepare for battle!

This will be our third modding contest, and the modding community as a whole has come a long way in terms of skill and creativity since we held the last one.

There will be a five-week entry phase followed by a two-week voting phase where players can show support for their favorite mods. Head over to for more information on the contest and to start preparing. This will take you to the main contest page where you can find out current information about the contest as it progresses, including hourly updates on rankings once we enter the voting phase.

Community Livestream #7 This Thursday!

This Thursday August 30th the community team will be doing another biweekly livestream!

During these livestreams Zen Rowe, Chris, and Jen bring you ARK news, celebrate modding, and the community as a whole every other week. We mix it up between playing ARK, showing off mods, and showing off your community creations for all to see. Survivors are invited to join us in the chat (and sometimes even in-game) to play and talk with the community team.
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!

You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address:

Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream!

We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, August the 30th at 1pm EST! We hope to see you there :)

ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 31st of August at 1 PM EST until Monday the 3rd of September at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
ARK Digest 53!

Thank you for all of your questions, Survivors! We're excited to be bringing back the ARK Digest as it's been quite awhile since we had one. We plan to do these approximately once a month going forward so Digest 54 will take place near the end of September.

Here is our question and answer session with Lead Programmer Chris Willoughby!

Survivor Tiny Hippo asks, “I'm getting the feeling that Extinction will be a no-flyer map like Aberration was. The new cryo-chamber system, the climbing Enforcer, the drone, floating boxes, and the Gasbags seem like things that would replace flying, so I just get the idea that there may not be fliers on Extinction. Would you please clarify if there will or won't be?”

Fliers are allowed on Extinction! There will be a number of existing fliers that spawn in Extinction, and we’re working on a few more to add to your collection. That said, there will be new challenges for fliers on this map that we’re excited for you to discover and contend with.

Survivor Max K asks, “Any news on the kibble tree rework?”

While imperfect, a lot of thought and work went into building the kibble tree as it stands now. A number of us internally would like to make major changes to this, potentially rebuilding it from the ground up. The reality is that this represents a significant undertaking, and would be very disruptive to the game. If we decide to tackle this, it will be post Extinction.

Survivor B Anthony asks, “Will there be artifacts in Extinction? And will the Obelisks still be used to go to the boss's room in Extinction?”

We’re still hammering out the exact summoning mechanics, but the Titan battles in Extinction will take place on the live map. There will not be separate boss fight arenas for them.

Survivor Caleb H asks, “Is there a scheduled frame of time that the S+ mod mechanics will be implemented? If so, when could we expect to see them? I'm sure the community would love to see the progress you have made.”

S+ is a shining example of the benefits of releasing mod tools to the community. It contains a number of improvements to the building system that we’d like to integrate. That said, it also contains a number of features and mechanics that circumvent systems in the game. Given this, we aren’t planning to integrate the mod wholesale. We are, however, examining and tracking individual improvements that would make sense to integrate. Any improvements in this area would come after Extinction launches.

Survivor Kim R asks, “Have you definitely decided for or against whether some mechanics from the expansion packs might carry over to other maps? I'm thinking of the cliff platforms that would be cool to build on the Island or other maps.”

When we set out to build an expansion, we seek to add gameplay that adds to the core experience. Our goal, then, is to allow those mechanics to be used in all the places that make sense. Cliff Platforms work on all maps, for example. A number of the features we’re adding in Extinction are meant to be used across all of the other maps. They’re meant to change things up on multiple levels.

Survivor Kim R asks, “Is it, or will it be, possible to run multiple events as a server owner? For example, both the Easter Event and the ARKaeology Event?”

Unfortunately, no. When we set out earlier this year to rebuild the event system in a way that they would persist, we decided not to ensure compatibility between them. Largely they modify many of the same bits, so making them fully compatible would take a significant amount of work and lower the likelihood that we could implement cool things like the bone pile spawning in the ARKaeology event.

Survivor Austin K asks, “With Extinction being the biggest DLC you've done yet, can we expect most if not all dinos in the game to be featured on the map?”

A number of our previous creatures will inhabit the Extinction map. As with our other expansions, we’ll bring across the ones that make the most sense and incorporate them. In addition, we’re adding the highly aggressive corrupted versions of a number of creatures to provide new challenges.

Survivor BrokenRealm asks, “Will there be another Ark: Fear Evolved?”

We like creating new and interesting events for our players. Unfortunately, most of our effort at that time will be focused on ensuring a smooth and enjoyable launch for Extinction. Doing a Halloween event and wrapping the expansion at the same time would have a negative impact on both, so we’ll be skipping Halloween this year.

Survivor Dave M asks, “Will there be any new mods coming out for console players?

We’re aware that our console players would like to see more in this space. We don’t have anything specific to announce at the moment, but stay tuned.

Survivor Joaquin S asks, “If you had to describe Extinction in one to three words, what would they be?”

Prodigious, challenging, fresh. The Titans bring a number of new elements to the core experience through public boss fights and taming of even larger creatures. The new in-world event system we’re building will bring new gameplay to both PVE and PVP servers. Finally, the introduction of the city brings a whole new dynamic to exploration and building. I’m really excited about these new elements.

If you have a question you want answered by the ARK dev team please submit your questions with the Subject "ARK Q&A" to our email address:

Community Livestream #6 Roundup!

On August 16th we had our sixth Community Livestream. Thank you to all of those who attended and participated! The community team had a lot of fun and we hope you did as well. If you weren't able to catch the stream you can watch the video-on-demand on our Twitch page or by clicking on the video below.

This stream we were joined by the creator of the mod Auction House, Ghazlawl. Auction House allows you to create, bid on, and purchase auctions for items, weapons, blueprints, skins, dinos, etc, from players on your server or players on other servers who are also using the mod. On top of that, modded items and dinos are supported! The mod has its own intuiative UI to allow for easy trading.
Chris, Zen and Jen then went on a taming adventure to find a Tek Raptor, which was newly introduced last week in our Extinction Chronicles III update. It was an eventful journey around the island full of action, and by action we mean being pounced on by every raptor except a Tek one.

After a suggestion from chat our adventurers made their way towards the volcano and it was on the way that they finally spotted a female Tek Raptor and tamed her, later dubbed "Raptotron" by chat. Success!
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!

You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address:

Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream!

We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, August the 30th at 1PM EST! We hope to see you there :)

Mod Community Updates!

Hello everyone! Zen here. It's that time again for some mod news and reminders.

I have been getting some suggestions about changes to make for the tutorial bounty board. I will be thinking about those and consider the proper way to achieve the things people want to get from those suggestions. There are some claims that have been declared this month as well so I will be reviewing them shortly... or at least I should be, but I am actually in the middle of moving into a new apartment, so the bounty claims might be a bit delayed as I will be quite busy from now until the end of the month. I will get to them though, don't worry. The next workshop video will likely be delayed as well since my recording setup may not be ready in time.

I also have another Wildcard Workshop modding tutorial ready for you. I got some asks recently to cover event dispatchers, so here we go. These things are pretty useful so I would give it a watch.
Fanart of the Week!

We would like to give a special shoutout this week to artist Frillface for their amazing ARKwork created in MSPaint!
ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 24th of August at 1 PM EST until Monday the 27th of August at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Happy Patch Day, Survivors! It's Tuesday and ARK's latest update is going live just as this announcement is being posted.

In celebration of the patch today we're sharing what we have been working on: some brand new previews of our upcoming expansion pack ARK: Extinction. Check out the images below for a sneak peak at what you can expect to see on planet Earth!

In Extinction, Earth has become an Element-infested planet filled with fantastical creatures both organic and technological. Element has ravaged the planet and corrupted both the landscape and some of its inhabitants, causing mutations in the creatures and plants that can be found there.

We look forward to sharing more in the months ahead as we work towards our Extinction release!

Our Extinction Chronicles III event is going on right now, including new Corrupted skin, Explorer Notes, and Tek dinos. You can read all about it in yesterdays Community Crunch announcement:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Extinction Chronicles II!

Tomorrow there will be a client and server side update that will bring Extinction Chronicles III to survivors on PC, Xbox, and PS4! 

Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins! 

There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month. In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex. In Extinction Chronicles II we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and the Tek Stego.

And now, tomorrow we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Pants and a new Tek creature, the Tek Raptor!

In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting red, black, white, and grey for the next month beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct!

Patch Notes!

Here are the full fixes and notes coming in tomorrows Extinction Chronicles III update.

Extinction Chronicles III:
- Added Tek Raptor
* New breeding line
* 5% chance to spawns
* 20% higher base level
            - Added new color set (red, black, white, grey)
            - Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Pants)
            - Increased maximum player level by 1
            - Added time out to clients who aren't responding
Aberration Balance:
            - Increased Plant-Z range by 300%
            - Enabled Tek Teleporter on Aberration
Scorched Balance:
            - Crop plots can now be grown where you'd expect (no more sunlight issues)

ARK Digest Making A Return!

Just a quick reminder that the ARK Digest will be making a come back! Our goal is to bring the Digest back about once a month with the first being on August 20th.

If you have a question you want answered by the ARK dev team please submit your questions with the Subject "ARK Q&A" to our email address:

Community Livestream #6 This Thursday!

This Thursday August 16th the community team will be doing another biweekly livestream!

During these livestreams Zen Rowe, Chris, and Jen bring you ARK news, celebrate modding, and the community as a whole every other week. We mix it up between playing ARK, showing off mods, and showing off your community creations for all to see. Survivors are invited to join us in the chat (and sometimes even in-game) to play and talk with the community team.
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!

You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address:

Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream!

We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, August the 16th! We hope to see you there :)

Mod Community Updates!

Good day everybody! Zen here with some reminders.

I know the devkit update hasn't hit the epic launcher yet, however the devkit update that includes TLC 2 content is available for manual install.
So in case that information never crossed your path, you can get it from here:

The tutorial bounty board is starting to look pretty popular, I've already received a few submissions for things like map optimizations and chat commands, so you can look forward to a couple tutorials on that subject at the beginning of next month. If you are interested in helping make tutorials, please check out the board each month to see what bounties are available, they do have cash awards attached to them. If you are looking for some tutorials on topics for yourself but there aren't any bounties for it, you will find a form on the same page to submit a bounty request.

This system is designed to be driven by community needs but I do need your help to know what those needs are, whether it be adding new request topics or voting on existing requests to be made into bounties.

ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 17th of August at 1 PM EST until Monday the 20th of August at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???????

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what this creature is?

Code of Conduct Changes!

The Enforcement Team are back again with another important notice regarding the Code of Conduct. We'd like to make Official Players aware of the following 2 revisions:


Hacking and Exploiting

- Using cliff platforms to prevent tribes from building in their own bases
- Floating structures or structures that extend past normal building limits on platform saddles or rafts for PVP purposes

Be aware of and respect the rules of the Official Server Code of Conduct, which you can read in it's full form here:

Community Livestream #5 This Thursday!

This Thursday August 2nd the community team will be doing another biweekly livestream!

During these livestreams Zen Rowe, Chris, and Jen bring you ARK news, celebrate modding, and the community as a whole every other week. We mix it up between playing ARK, showing off mods, and showing off your community creations for all to see. Survivors are invited to join us in the chat (and sometimes even in-game) to play and talk with the community team.
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!

You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address:

Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream!

We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, August the 2nd! We hope to see you there :)

ARK: Evolution Event!

Survivors will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 3rd of August at 1 PM EST until Monday the 6th of August at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Community Hub:
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Extinction Chronicles II!

Tomorrow there will be a client and server side update that will bring Extinction Chronicles II to survivors on PC, Xbox, and PS4.

Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins!

There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month. In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex. Tomorrow we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and a new Tek creature, the Tek Stego!

In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting purple, black, grey, and dark blue for the next week beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct!

Patch Notes!

Here are the full fixes and notes coming in tomorrows Extinction Chronicles update.

Extinction Chronicles
- Increased Player and Dino Level Cap by 1
- Added 3 new Explorer Notes
- Added Corrupted Boots unlockable
- Fixed Corrupted Helmet colorization
- Tek Stego (with new breeding line, 5% chance to spawns, 20% higher base level)
- Be on the lookout for Purple, Blue, Black, and Grey dinos for the next week!

Addressed map exploit

The Center bosses now yield more Element (30, 83, and 184 for Easy, Medium and Hard respectively)

Scorched Earth
- Electric Storm only affects tek weapons, tek turrets, tek saddles, and tek shield generators
- Electric Storm duration bumped to 8 minutes

- Riot shield can now be crafted from the fabricator
- Crop plots now correctly grow when out range

Added admin commands
- RainDinos
- RainDanger
- RefillStats
- GiveArmorSet
- GiveWeaponSet
- GiveItemSet
- ClearMyBuffs

ARKaeology Event Ends Tomorrow!

There is currently an event going on in the world of ARK: ARKaeology! The event will end on Official Servers on July 17th. Collect bones from fossil mounds and craft them into 4 new skins and returning skeleton costumes.

During this event all wild dinos have a chance to spawn with additional mutation colors: White, Yellow, Grey, and Black. There is also the mighty Tek Rex which you can find and tame, if you can handle it!

Be sure to take advantage of the last day of this event before it's over!

ARK: Evolution Event - Fourth of July!

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 20th of July at 1 PM EST until Monday the 23rd of July at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

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