A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
Tired of getting caught by enemies? Check out our latest tutorial to learn the fastest tips to run away from your enemies in fast modes! Don't fall behind!

Watch the tutorial here:

And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, there are other episodes coming soon!

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
The sweetest giveaway is now over!

After a week of participating from many players, the time has come, the giveaway is closed and we'll be announcing our winner very soon! Head over to our twitter @EPGames to see who won as soon as we post it, and don't miss out on all the other news we have going on over there!

Huge congratulations to our winner! We hope many, many gummies get beaten with such a sweet prize!

EP Games Team


We’re giving away the coolest Xbox controller!

If you live in Europe or America we have the giveaway for you! Head to our studio’s Twitter @EPGames to enter. It's really easy to participate, and if you win, you’ll get a unique, A Gummy’s Life customized controller! The sweetest controller out there!

With a controller like that, no challenger will beat you! Don’t miss out!

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
This new episode shows in detail how to grab and throw others in A Gummy's Life, so you can become a master of it and improve your online matches once and for all!

Check it here:

And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, there are other episodes coming soon!

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
Looking to renew your wardrobe this spring?

We're bringing you the best new looks of the season with a cosmetic update! With a whole new set of hats and glasses to start unlocking as soon as you log into the game, you will be the most fashionable on your way to victory! 

As for the hats and glasses that you already had from the first batch of items, worry not! They will remain in your inventory, but there’s a catch! The first season is over, which means that all the cosmetics that you have not gotten already can’t be unlocked anymore. Sorry. (or can they?) 

That being said: the time to show off has come! Parade your old collection now that it is no longer available and start collecting as many pieces as you can from the new one: be sure not to miss out while you still can! 

Now, the way to get the new hats and glasses available remains unchanged from old ways, but a small reminder for anyone who might feel lost!:
  • Join a game in online matchmaking, where you'll be paired with random players available at the moment
  • Enjoy your game until the end (we recommend you try to win)
  • As soon as you finish your game, you’ll receive a mystery present
  • Upon opening it, you'll find a random cosmetic, assigned to a random gummy!
So, if you want to get every single new look for every gummy, you'd better get playing.
What are you waiting for? Get winning and start showing off in fashion! Good luck!

For more info about the game, join us on Discord or follow us on social media: Twitter, or Instagram, and don’t miss out on news about the game and the team behind it!

Also, remember that your reviews are very important to us and help us a lot! ❤
EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
After a lot of feedback from you guys, we've realized that many players find themselves not knowing how to do some of the coolest stuff from the game, and since we don't want anybody to miss out, we've decided to start a tutorial series over on our YouTube channel!

This time we bring you a tutorial on how to drive in the game, since it's one of the most asked questions, and we don't want anyone getting left behind. Let's share the knowledge so we can all run each other over!

Check it here:

And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, there are other episodes coming soon!

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
Time to celebrate Irish culture! ☘ St. Patrick’s day is the perfect day to go all out on your favorite Irish traditions, and for a limited time in A Gummy’s Life you’ll be able to unlock the coolest cosmetic to prove your love for the holiday: A green leprechaun hat!

To get it, play and win online matches as your favorite character. After you win it, you’ll get to put it on a character, but, beware! if you want to rock the hat in all the characters you’ll have to win a lot of online matches, so, good luck!

To celebrate to the fullest, we recommend pairing it with your favorite character’s orange skin, that way you’ll get the perfect St. Patrick’s day look! 
So, what are you waiting for? Go win some matches and celebrate St. Patrick’s in fashion!

Join us on Discord or follow us on social media: Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for updates and to talk about the game!

Also remember that your reviews are very important to us and help us a lot! ❤

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
We hope you’ve been enjoying the new online customization options! And after all the fun of the last update we have been working hard to make the game even sweeter, and so, we bring you the latest patch! 

🍭New map: Altar!
You can now test your abilities in a new way in this yummy new map, where you’ll be able to get a bit of a power up… If you can beat your friends to it! Enjoy it in every gameplay mode available and become the sweetest gummy to win!

🍭 Getting lost?
If you frequently find yourself getting lost in the midst of all the gummies, this patch is for you! You can now ping yourself on the screen by pressing tab on the keyboard or L3 on your controller, and locate your character in the carnage.

🍭 Other small fixes:
- Fixed a bug that appeared when grabbing a door in Robox in the online mode
- Fixed desynchronization of Hot Potato mode in online matches
- Fixed bad synchronization of KO’d players in online mode

We hope you keep enjoying the game, and keep an eye out for future events, there might be some new exclusive coming soon. 👀

If you find any issues, remember you can always reach us on our social media ( Twitter , Instagram or Facebook ) or go to the discussion forums . You can also join us on Discord to talk about the game or to take part in our Weekly challenges!

Also remember that your reviews are very important to us and help us a lot! ❤

EP Games Team
A Gummy's Life - JohnHacker
A Gummy's Life is taking part in this year's remote play together once again!

A Gummy's life is a brawler-type game where you'll be fighting other gummies for the win. The game offers a great variety of maps, each of them with their own special characteristics, and many hazards on your way to victory, so be careful! You can also choose and customize your character to your liking, and take it to battle in any of the 4 different game modes available.

If you're in the mood of playing by yourself, you can try online matchmaking or play locally against AI's with different levels of difficulty, but if you want to play with friends, you can choose to play local multiplayer or try private online matches, whatever best suits your needs, especially now that our most recent update offers the possibility to customize private online matches with almost as much freedom as local multiplayer.

When playing online, the game also supports crossplay, so you can share the game with anyone, no matter where they play. It also supports up to eight players per game, so nobody gets left out!

Lastly if you play on pc, no matter if you’d rather play with your keyboard or your controller, the game supports both mediums, so choose your weapon wisely. Create the perfect strategy to win, or smash buttons on your way to victory and prove once and for all that you are the strongest player!

Check out our social media for more information and updates about the game!

Feb 14, 2022
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
Can you feel it? Love is in the air, and in A Gummy’s Life you can now get a new pair of heart shaped glasses to share the loveliest of holidays with your friends!

Get them before they’re gone and spread the love in your perfect match, be it online, local, with friends, with AIs… Whatever suits you best!

You have until Feb 20th to unlock them, don’t miss out!

Remember you can join the community on Discord.
We're hosting some weekly challenges there.
Come by, we're waiting for you :)
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
Did you wish for online matches to be customizable?
Now you can do so in Private Online Matches!

Patch notes:
  • Private online matches can now be set up like local matches:
    • 3 game modes available - Free for all, Hot Potato and King of the Hill;
    • all maps to choose from;
    • matches up to 10 random maps
  • Added Korean language
  • Now, when you leave a local match after the first round, a game played will be added to your statistics and also a game won to the winner's profile
  • Now the game will get muted when it's not focused
  • If a gummy gets stuck between the numbers in Clockwork when the floor goes down, it will explode after some seconds.
Customizable online matches were a common community request and we could finally make it real!

If you find any issues, remember you can always reach us on Discord, Twitter, Instagram or the discussion forums :D
Also remember that your reviews are very important to us and help us a lot!

EP Games Team
