Borderlands 2 - Valve
Borderlands 2 Update 1.1.1
-Modified profile behavior to prevent possible data loss.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Valve
• Various visibility/hiding optimizations
• Multiplayer text chat support (J to activate)
• Mouse 4/5 will switch soldiers in the Barracks
• ESC hides the movement grid if you do not want to commit to a move while it is activated
• Squad Sight ability optimization
• Fixed issue when equipping two grenades with Deep Pockets.
• Fixed Rapid Fire sometimes consuming too much ammo.
• SHIVs that are damaged will no longer become unusable.
• Fixed some hangs/soft crashes in tactical combat.
• Replaced software cursor with the operating system cursor to reduce lag and framerate dependence.
• Fixed rendering bug which causes some soldier’s hair to appear as if it is rendering on top of environment fog.
• 1080p movies are now used at all times on the PC.

Borderlands 2 - Valve
-Fixed an issue regarding the ‘Ignore’ feature in the mission log.

Borderlands 2 - Valve
Borderlands 2 Update 1.0.2
-Fixed issue with trading negative credit values.
-Fixed issue regarding pre-order incentives.
-Fixed issue regarding connectivity problems involving routers with restricted Firewall UDP settings.

Borderlands 2 - Valve
-Minor bug fixes

Sid Meier's Civilization® V - Valve

- Added support for new Retina display.
- Addressed issue where ‘Trading Post’ 3D graphic was displaying old graphic.
- Also includes issues addressed within the PC hotfix.

Sid Meier's Civilization® V - Valve

- Older saves with DLC leaders (including Genghis) will no longer "shift" when loaded into the patched game.


- If a user does not have a religion, and receives a religion from another Civ, setting the "automated faith purchase" option could previously cause a crash when the purchase tries to fire for either the player, or the AI. This has been corrected.

- Fixed an issue where a user could click on a city banner during the AI turn, and the game could crash depending what AI process is happening at the time of the "click."

- Into the Renaissance - If an AI player has open borders and a friendly relationship with another Civ, they would sometimes send a Great Admiral to park in their city. If the city tries to purchase a civilian unit while the Great Admiral is parked there, the game could crash. This is corrected.

- Scenario hang - There was a chance that when you won a scenario, the game could hang. This has been corrected.

- Fixed an issue where any user with special characters in their Windows name will be unable to load saves.

- If a player has Steam in "offline mode", and clicks on Mods, into the modding area and then backs out, the game could crash. This is now corrected.

- Game Hang on turn 0 - After patching, many have reported being unable to interact with units or end the first turn. This is now corrected.

- Game could previously hang on "Unit Needs Orders" after the player clicks next turn. This has been corrected, and the camera snap has been fixed.

- A crash that could occur in Hot Seat if the game core threading had been disabled is fixed.


- Fall of Rome Scenario - Golden Ages were switched to providing bonus culture earlier in project. We've removed the culture bonus from Golden Ages for the scenario.

- Open Borders that do not exist - If the AI is trying to renew an open borders agreement, but has something more important to talk about in the queue, the system would still record the Open Borders agreement as being active (even though it is not actually in place). This has been corrected.

- Military Caste (+2 culture from garrison) was not working correctly. Whenever a civilian unit embarks, bulbs, or is deleted, it subtracted 2 culture, and kept adding up each time this happened, leaving the city at permanent negative culture. This has been corrected.

- The "Peace Loving" belief was not functioning. This has been corrected.

- When cities bombard attacking units, death animations would now play correctly.

Sid Meier's Civilization® V - Valve

- Steam Workshop enabled.
- DLL swapping is now possible in-game.
- Updated mod browser to utilize Steam Workshop.
- Font Icons are now moddable.
- Unit art is now fully moddable.
- Mods are now activated the moment you click "Next" on the mods browser rather than when you click "Single Player."


- Improved the queuing and prioritization of advisor pop-ups.
- Unique advisor portraits per era now show up for the advisor counsel screens and advisor info screens.
- Adjusted advisor levels down a bit so that experienced users won't see so many tutorials.
- Fixed several issues with the Tutorials.
- When selecting "Learn as you play," all tutorial messages are now enabled despite having your options set to "No Advisors."


- When switching players in hotseat, have the new players existing notifications rebroadcast to them. This allows the player to see non-expired notifications such as deal proposals.
- Fix Diplomacy Deals in Hotseat.
- Add a few multiplayer error messages to let the player know what went wrong (disconnects, gets booted, etc.).
- Add invite button to in-game view. (This brings up the Steam Invite list, which is different from the Shift-TAB overlay).


- Main Menu now contains an option to activate/deactivate specific DLCs.
- Quick combat and Quick Movement options are now part of the Options menu and can be changed during gameplay.
- Options menu now contains "Skip intro video."
- New Loading screens have been implemented.
- Diplomacy: Disabled modifiers for trying to win the same way.
- Diplomacy: Layout changes to diplo modifiers for better readability and more information.
- Mods and DLC used in a game are now stored in the Hall of Fame database (Only games which match currently active DLC are displayed in the Hall of Fame).
- The "Time Spent" message now displays in the saved replays.
- Load Replay Menu now defaults to "Sort by Last Modified."
- Added a "Retire" button to the game menu.


- In some cases, previous saves may not work correctly after updating.
- Several text bugs fixed (in all languages).
- Prevent escape from being used when a leader requests a luxury resource from you.
- Social policies may not be unlocked unless the player has founded at least 1 city.

The Darkness II - Valve
Updates to The Darkness 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Widescreen FOV (Field of View) support
- Various fixes for extra-wide resolutions
- Title now retains a very wide screen resolution when changing any video option from the graphics options menu
- Added an "aspect ratio" toggle
- Can choose between 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 and Auto
- nVidia 3D fixes for shadows + now we have 3D reticule & objective markers
- Additional Bug fixes
Sid Meier's Civilization® V - Valve Patch Notes
• Fixed unit icons and borders turning black while in strategic mode for nVidia graphic cards.
• Civilizations’ having the incorrect architecture has been resolved.
• Implemented change to improve stability on the HD 3000 GPU.
• Significant improvements to general multiplayer stability.
• Significant improvements to Hot-Join stability.
• Multiplayer now using the same AI move caching as single player, improving turn-times significantly.
• Lobby improvements: We now display game details in the lobby list (players in each game, map size, map type, DLC required, etc.)
• Host can now kick players from the staging room when loading a save (if a player cannot return to a game, the game can now be continued by the rest of the players.)
• Found and corrected additional causes of Out-of-Sync.
• Exploit: Corrected an exploit that allowed players on the same team to trade cities back and forth to auto-heal it.
• Exploit: Corrected an exploit that allowed players on the same team to trade cities back and forth to generate endless City Strikes.
• Exploit: Corrected an exploit that allowed a player to “lag” the UI to gain multiple free techs.
• Change “Load Game” save sorting to be “Last Modified” by default.
• When scrapping a unit, make sure any “cargo” units are scrapped as well.
• When a unit is destroyed that is carrying another unit, make sure to kill both (missiles sometimes lingered).
• Corrected a bug that was causing eliminated Civ’s to not generate notifications correctly.
• Changed notification language for when a Research or Trade deal is cancelled due to the AI running out of funds to pay for it (per-turn deal), or are eliminated. It was currently displaying a “because of war” notification when is incorrect.
• Corrected an issue that could cause unhappiness from city count and number of specialists to become incorrect over the course of a long game.
• Changed Frigate obsolete tech to Combustion.
• Fixed Korean science building exploit.
• Fixed a problem with City Strike that game the user the impression that they could not end their turn, when in reality city strike was still active.
• Crash: Fixed a crash that could occur in hot-seat when exiting to the main menu.
• Crash: Fixed a crash that could occur when a unit was eliminated by standing too close to a Citadel.
