Travel through the ruins of the forgotten city Lemuria. Quell your curiosity as an Adventurer uncovering the misgivings of Lemuria's greatest treasure Rube. A gem so craved by man it brought out the isolation of a people and their suffocation.
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Zanedlouho vychází

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Zanedlouho vychází

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Informace o hře

Travel through the ruins of the forgotten city Lemuria. Quell your curiosity as an Adventurer uncovering the misgivings of Lemuria's greatest treasure Rube. A gem so craved by man it brought out the isolation of a people and their suffocation. Shine your lantern upon the truth about what really happened in this place many moons ago.

  • Explore a forgotten city
  • Solve puzzles to uncover the past
  • Satisfy last wishes
  • Run
  • Hide
  • Survive

Explore Lemuria in this single-player survival horror game. Lemuria, a city powered by the gem Rube, falls into depravity and ruin. Remnants of the once thriving city still exist and function. To understand its history, you must investigate functioning pieces and disassemble the past. You must do so while evading the depravity that caused this city's ruin. It's patient, it's quiet, and it's lonely. Solve the past before it resolves you.

Systémové požadavky

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • DirectX: Verze 10
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • OS: Windows 10
* Od 1. ledna 2024 bude klient služby Steam podporovat pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.
* Od 15. února 2024 přestane klient služby Steam podporovat 32bitové hry na systému macOS verze 10.14 nebo nižší.
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