Ankora the Love Demon only has a month to prove she can live on her own, but the CUTE SINGLE LADIES IN HER AREA might turn out to be a distraction! Can she settle down and find love?!
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Love In a Bottle Demo İndir

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Bu Oyun Hakkında

GxG, Dating Sim/Point and Click, Fantasy

Ankora the Love Demon is tired of living underground in the shadows of her successful siblings, so she's decided to move up in the world and get an apartment in the Coral Sea Vivariums, an underwater series of domes populated by creatures of all kinds. She has a limited amount of time to prove she's able to make it on her own, but more importantly, there are HOT SINGLE WOMEN all over town and she wants to make her presence (and availability) known to them. Can she adjust to a new place and find love before time is up?!

  • Four different girls to pursue!
  • Over 30 CGs to collect!
  • A lively town to explore with something different happening everyday!
  • A beautiful original soundtrack by jaxcheese with guest tracks from hazel!
  • New outfits and hairstyles to unlock for Ankora!
  • Glossary with explanations of terms, locations, and characters!
  • Texting system that allows you to check in on other characters each day and have unique conversations!

Yetişkin İçerik Açıklaması

Geliştiriciler içeriği şu şekilde tarif ediyorlar:

Contains swearing and some cartoon violence, as well as innuendo/suggestive content

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi *: Windows XP and later
    • İşlemci: 2 GHz
    • Bellek: 2048 MB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: OpenGL 2.0+ or DirectX 9.0c compatible GPU
    • Depolama: 1 GB kullanılabilir alan
* Steam istemcisi, 1 Ocak 2024'ten itibaren yalnızca Windows 10 ve üstünü destekleyecektir.
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