In this SRPG, play as Prince Nikolai and gather an army of colorful, diverse heroes as he needs to save his kindgom from the threat of his archrival, the arrogant and ambitious vampire Zarius.
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Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: 25.4.2025

Pelin avautumiseen on aikaa noin 2 kuukautta

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Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

This game features maledom, femdom and nudity.

Tietoa pelistä


Prince Nikolai and the Vampires is a SRPG in the classic style of Shining Force, Fire Emblem, Bahamut Lagoon, Feda the Emblem of Justice and from the same developer team:

Play as Prince Nikolai and gather an army of colorful, diverse heroes as he needs to save his kindgom from the threat of his archrival, the arrogant and ambitious vampire Zarius.
Meet friends and foes along the way, manage your units and their inventories, purchase goods and weapons in this enthralling old-school SRPG.

This game features a regular (safe for work) "traditional" version as well as another NSFW version involving maledom, femdom and nudity.


  • 23 exciting battles of increasing complexity and difficulty
  • 11 playable characters with different profiles, strengths and weaknesses
  • A New Game+ offering the ultimate challenge for tactics experts: all characters from the start (that you were able to find in Normal Game), no item shops, and more damaging enemies. You also get more experience boost for completing a battle fast.
  • A Book of Records to keep track of your best local and global performances, as well as the overall length of your campaign (global records only apply in Normal Game and as long as you haven't lost a battle)
  • Skills that evolve to Level 2 and 3 depending on use: choose which skills to favor in battle, resulting in unlimited combinations, strategies and ways of playing
  • Pure tactics and strategy: the troops, both allies and enemies alike, never do a critical and their damage are estimated before an action is decided, plus only a few selected enemies can evade, resulting in no miss most of the times -> pure strategy!
  • Adjustable Battle Animations Speed: 4 different levels for maximum enjoyment!
  • Great Replay Value! While the main quest lasts about 20 hours, you may want to replay this game over and over to refine your strategy and/or discover new ways of playing, not to mention New Game+.



To move characters and the cursor, use the directional buttons on the game pad or the arrow keys on the keyboard.

  • ENTER/SPACE: Confirm, OK, Enter
  • ESC: Cancel, Menu
  • PAGE UP: Previous page
  • PAGE DOWN: Next page

If you're playing with the mouse:

  • LEFT-CLICK: Move characters, Confirm, OK, Enter
  • RIGHT-CLICK: Cancel, Menu

  • ALT+ENTER: Switches between window mode and full-screen mode.
  • ALT+F4: Forcibly exits the game.
  • F12: Forcibly returns to the title screen.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows XP/7/8/10
    • Suoritin: 1.8 GHz
    • Muisti: 128 MB RAM
    • Grafiikka: DirectX 9.0
    • DirectX: Versio 9.0
    • Tallennus: 500 MB kiintolevytilaa
    • Äänikortti: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
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