By using this software you agree to (and should know) the following:

- VZX Player will upon start make requests to our servers to resolve pricing information. In this process your IP will connect directly to our servers. Our servers then connect to Valve to gather this information. Your steam user id is sent and used to resolve the right pricing information. We do not log your Steam ID or your IP. We log what currency and amount we returned back to keep track of the service to see that it's working but we don't log data to connect that with a specific user.

- When a crash occurs, the crash information and a full copy of the log file is sent to our crash reporting partner "Raygun". Log files can under some rare circumstances contain some minor personal information such as account name although it is extremely rare - this could be if the install path is somewhere other than "Program Files" which is the most common path. Your IP address is connecting to the crash reporting service but we have made an active choice to not save it in their records. We only use this data to improve the software and fix bugs. As soon as a bug is resolved we remove the crash report from the system.