
In order to protect Riovox (our "Games"), we need these end user license terms to set out some rules for downloading and using our Games. This license is a legal agreement between you and us (Riovox) and describes the terms and conditions for using the Games. If you break these rules we may stop you from using our Games. If we think it is necessary, we might even have to ask our lawyers to help out.

If you buy, download, use or play our Games, you are agreeing to stick to the rules of these end user license agreement ("EULA") terms. If you don't want to or can't agree to these rules, then you must not buy, download, use or play our Games. This EULA incorporates the Terms of Use, and our Privacy Policy. By agreeing to this EULA you also agree to all of the terms of the foregoing documents, so please read through them carefully.


The one major rule is that you must not distribute anything we've made unless we specifically agree to it. By "distribute anything we've made" what we mean is:

•give copies of our Games to anyone else;
•make commercial use of anything we've made;
•try to make money from anything we've made; or
•let other people get access to anything we've made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;

unless we specifically agree to it. And so that we are crystal clear, "the Games" or "what we have made" includes, but is not limited to, the client or the server software for our Games and includes our Games on all platforms. It also includes updates, patches, downloadable content, add-ons, or modified versions of a Game, part of those things, or anything else we've made.


If we want we can terminate this EULA if you breach any of the terms. You can terminate it too, at any time; all you have to do is uninstall the Games from your device and the EULA will be terminated. If the EULA is terminated, you will no longer have any of the rights to the Games given in this license. The Arbitration Agreement (if you live in the United States) and the paragraphs about "Ownership of Our Games", "Our Liability" and "General Stuff" will continue to apply even after the EULA is terminated.