Important Notes:
Firstly, before users use Jiujaoqu software and related services, please read carefully the terms of this Jiujaoqu End User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement). In particular, the company reminds users to read all the provisions of this Agreement carefully, especially the provisions exempting or restricting the liability of the company (which usually contain terms such as "no liability", "no obligation") and other provisions restricting the rights of users (which usually contain terms such as "no"), which should be in China. The law applies to the greatest extent possible.
Second, if the user does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, please do not install or use this software or related services. Once a user clicks on "Accept" and installs the software, or registers, starts to use and/or continues to use the software or related services, it is deemed that the user has accepted all the terms of this Agreement.
Thirdly, users have the right to supervise whether the staff of the company and the company provide services to users according to the standards published by the company during the use of this software and related services. They can also provide opinions and suggestions to the company at any time.

1.Definition and description:
In this Agreement, if there is no contrary explanation, the following words have the following meanings:
1.1 AWgame Company: refers to Shenzhen AWGame Technology Co., Ltd.
1.2 "Nine Trials": refers to the online game "Nine Trials:The Cursed Land" developed/operated by the company.
1.3 This software refers to the computer software of Nine Trials, including client content and programs, and may include relevant network servers, websites (including but not limited to the official game website, electronic media, printed materials and "online" or electronic documents, etc.
1.4 Users: Also known as " End User License Agreement", refers to individuals who install and use the Nine Trials software products and services through the legal way provided by the company to obtain the license to use the Nine Trials software.

2.Statement of Intellectual Property Rights
2.1 The company enjoys all legal rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights) of Nine Trials according to law. All copyright and all other intellectual property rights of this software, as well as all information related to this software, including but not limited to: text representation and its combination, icons, graphics, charts, color combinations, interface design, layout framework, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents are protected by relevant laws and regulations of intellectual property rights of China and relevant international treaties.
2.2 The products and service labels of "AWGame Company", "Nine Trials", "Nine Trials", "Nine Trials" logo (graphics) and/or AWGame Company embodied in "Nine Trials" software belong to the trademark or registered trademark of AWGame Company in China and/or other countries/regions. Users are not allowed to use them without legal authorization. 2.3 Amusement Company has patent right, patent application right, trademark right, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the software and related services of Nine Trials. The company does not grant users any intellectual property rights related to the Nine Trials software because of this Agreement or because it provides users with the Nine Trials software and related services. The rights not explicitly granted to users in this Agreement are reserved by Amusement Company.

3.Privacy policy:
Respect for users'privacy is a basic policy of AI-YOU company. Therefore, AI-YOU company will not disclose, modify or disclose users' registration information and private content stored in AI-YOU company's services unless AI-YOU company considers it necessary to disclose such information on the basis of good faith, including but not limited to the following situations:
3.1 Comply with relevant laws and regulations, including providing users with information content, time of publication, Internet address or domain name published on the webpage of the company when inquiring by the relevant state organs.
3.2 Maintain the intellectual property rights and other important rights of the company.
3.3 Make every effort to safeguard the privacy and security of users and the public in emergencies.

4.Limitation of liability
4.1 The user undertakes to bear any risks arising from the use of the software and related services on his own. Playful companies do not provide any other type of guarantee (explicit or implicit) except for specific purposes and clear and appropriate guarantees that do not violate the provisions. Playful companies do not guarantee:
4.1.1 The software and related services provided by the company meet the requirements of users.
4.1.2 The software and related services provided by the company are not affected by force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, Telecommunications Department reasons and any other external or human factors such as network, technology, communication lines, etc.
4.1.3 There is no conflict with any other software in installing, copying, visiting the website, recharging, running the software or using the software in other ways and/or accepting the related services provided by the company.
4.1.4 The third party's business reputation and the authenticity, validity and legitimacy of the services provided by the third party through the links and labels on the company's website, official game website and other related networks.

5.Change and termination of software, services and protocols
5.1 In order to protect the company's business development, the company has the right to change the software (including but not limited to upgrade, update, increase, decrease, deduction, etc.) and related services, as well as the content of this Agreement, and the right to terminate this software/related services/this Agreement. If necessary, the company will publish the Nine Trials website (http://www) in the form of a bulletin. on the important page. The company requests users to check regularly for information about changes and terminations.
5.2 Users have the right to unilaterally decide at any time to terminate the use of the software and related services and uninstall the software. If the company makes any changes to this software, related services or the contents of this Agreement, and the user does not agree with the contents of the changes, the user has the right to unilaterally immediately stop using the Nine Trials software and related services and uninstall this software. If the user continues to use Jiujaoqu software and related services after the change of relevant content, it will be deemed that the user agrees to accept the change content.

6.Rights and obligations:
6.1 On the premise that the user agrees to accept all the contents of this Agreement, the company agrees to grant the user revocable, variable, non-proprietary, non-transferable and non-authorized licensing rights. Users can install the software on personal networked computers within the time when the license takes effect, and run a copy of the Nine Trials software in a specified way, and enjoy the services provided by the company. The license granted to users by AIYOU based on this Agreement is for personal use. If the user needs to use the software and services outside the scope of personal use or use the software and services for any commercial purposes, the user should contact the company and obtain the company's separate authorization. Any installation, use, access, display and operation without the permission of Amusement Company shall be deemed to be in violation of this Agreement.
6.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, users shall not perform the following actions (whether for profit or not) without the written consent of the AWGame Company:
6.2.1 Copy, duplicate, disseminate and display all or part of the program, manual and other audio-visual materials of this software.
6.2.2 To publicly display and broadcast all or part of this product.
6.2.3 Rent, sell or use the software for profit.
6.2.4 To modify or cover up the product name, company logo, copyright information and other contents of the software program, image, animation, packaging and manual.
6.2.5 Other violations of copyright law, computer software protection regulations and related laws and regulations.
6.3 Users shall use this software and related services through legal channels, and shall not infringe upon the interests of playful companies or third parties, disrupt the order of the game, violate the fairness of the game, violate this Agreement or other rules issued by playful companies or the relevant laws and regulations of the state, including but not limited to:
6.3.1 Modify, translate, annotate, organize, compile and deduce the software;
6.3.2 Reverse engineering, reverse compilation or disassembly of the software, or other technical means to analyze, modify, attack and derive the software;
6.3.3 The use of any plug-in program or game modification program (hereinafter referred to as "plug-in program" in this Agreement) refers to all programs independent of game software that can affect the operation of the game while running, including but not limited to the simulation of keyboard and mouse operation, changing the operating environment, modifying data and so on. If there is any conflict between the definition of plug-in stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the regulations or normative documents of the competent government departments and this Agreement, the restoration engineering, compilation, decoding or modification of the online game software shall be carried out, whichever is stipulated by the laws, regulations, departmental rules or normative documents, including but not limited to any proprietary communication agreement used in this software. Modify or lock data in Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM);
6.3.4 Malicious actions such as using abnormal methods to log in to games, using external software such as network accelerator or or robotic programs to destroy service facilities and disrupt normal service order;
6.3.5 Use this software by abnormal or illegal means (including but not limited to using this software to log in to game private service), maliciously break the software, disrupt normal service order or implement other improper acts;
6.3.6 Making, disseminating or using plug-in, encapsulation, accelerating software and other cheating procedures, or organizing or abetting others to use such software programs, or selling such software programs for the economic benefit of individuals or organizations;
6.3.7 Attempts to attack relevant servers, routers, switches and other devices providing game services in any way or method in order to obtain or modify unauthorized data illegally, affect normal game services, and any other harmful purposes;
6.3.8 Make use of the technical defects or loopholes that may exist in this software or online game system to profit for oneself and others in various forms (including but not limited to duplicating virtual objects in the game) or engage in other improper acts.
6.3.9 In violation of the relevant laws and regulations of the state, the software is used to produce, copy, distribute and disseminate information.
6.3.10 In violation of the relevant laws and regulations of the state, the software is used to produce, copy, distribute and disseminate information. Once the AWGame Company finds out that the user may be engaged in the above-mentioned behavior through internal monitoring procedures or reports from other users, the AWGame Company has the right to make independent judgments and take corresponding measures. These measures include, but are not limited to, restricting the login of the user's account, restricting the user's activities in the game, terminating the authorization of this software, and deleting items related to copying (packages). It includes duplicated virtual goods and duplicated virtual goods, deleting the user's account and requiring the user to compensate for the loss caused by the company.
6.4 The company provides users with the software and services through the Internet through its own network system. At the same time, users should provide the following equipment and information on their own:
6.4.1 Self-equipped with the necessary equipment for Internet access, including personal computers, modems or other necessary Internet access devices.
6.4.2 The telephone and network expenses related to this service paid by the individual on-line shall be borne by himself.
6.4.3 Based on the importance of service provided by Amusement Company, users agree: (1) Provide detailed and accurate personal data.
(2)Continuous updating of registration data to meet timely, detailed and accurate requirements.
(3)Keep in mind the registration information and historical information that users fill in. The premise of providing relevant customer service for users is that users can show that they are the owner of the account, which may require users to provide relevant information (including but not limited to registration information, historical passwords, etc.). Users understand that if users can not provide accurate and complete registration information and related historical information, do not update the relevant registration information or relevant evidence in time, it may lead to the company can not judge the identity of users, thus unable to provide password retrieval and other related services, and the company does not bear any responsibility for this. If the information submitted by users is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete and unlawful, which results in the wrong judgment of the company, the company has the right to terminate the service provided to the users and to investigate the legal liability of the users.
6.5 The company reserves the right to place commercial advertisements on users through this software and related services.

7.Liability for breach of contract
7.1 The user agrees to safeguard and safeguard the interests of the company and other users. If any damage is caused to the company by the user's violation of relevant laws, regulations or any clause under this Agreement, the user agrees to bear the liability for damages resulting therefrom, which includes but is not limited to any direct or indirect loss to the company.
7.2 If the user violates this Agreement, other rules issued by the company or national laws and regulations, the company has the right to make an independent judgment, revoke the relevant license immediately, terminate the service provided to the user and investigate the legal liability of the user through various legal channels.

8.Application of Law and Dispute Resolution
8.1 The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the conclusion, implementation, interpretation and settlement of disputes of this Agreement and exclude the application of all other conflict laws.
8.2 If any disputes arise between the two parties over the content of this Agreement or its implementation, the two parties shall try to settle them through friendly consultation. If the negotiations fail, either party shall bring a lawsuit to the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

9.Other Provisions
9.1 This Agreement constitutes a complete agreement between the two parties on the agreed matters of this Agreement and other related matters. Except as stipulated in this Agreement, no other rights are granted to the parties to this Agreement.
9.2 If any provision of this Agreement is judged to be totally or partially invalid or ineffective for any reason, the invalid or ineffective provision shall be replaced by an effective and enforceable provision closest to the intent of the original provision, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
9.3 The failure of a AWGame Company to exercise, timely exercise or fully exercise the rights enjoyed in this Agreement or in accordance with the provisions of law shall not be regarded as a waiver of this right, nor shall it affect the future exercise of this right by a AWGame Company.
9.4 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the company reserves the right of final interpretation of this Agreement.